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Watch her body struggling with you

Your pale girlfriend's body is trembling as you continue to fuck her with the dildo. Her body quivers. She cries out, "Please, baby, more. Please!" Her voice cracks.

You can't stop, your hands won't let the toy rest inside her. Her body is shaking, as you keep fucking her. She moans and cries out, "Fuck! Mr. Johnson is tearing my cunt apart!"

Your girlfriend's body trembles, and her back arches, and her toes curl. She screams, and her pussy gushes with cum. Her juices spray everywhere. She lays there, spent and panting, and she stares up at you. The toy slowly unplugged her pink pussy.

"You're a very good fuck, Mr. Johnson." She said, her face red and covered with sweat. The words almost taunting you in the manner that they fell from her adorable lips.

You can't help but laugh. Laugh at your misery, laugh at your girlfriend's betrayal. Laugh at the fact that you let a sex toy get the best of her. "You're a dirty fucking slut. You love a big fat black cock inside you. Don't you." You said with lace of hatred in your voice. {gf} body looking amazing during her post-orgasm.

"Yes, I'm a dirty slut. I'm a dirty white whore for a big black cock. That's get you hard don't it." She said panting.

Does it?


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