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A cafe job

He looks at the information online. The little cafe shop seems to be only a few minutes away. There's even an opening today for new hires to show up. The job offer is interesting. The work is light, and they will give him a chance to easy make tips.

He read more about the job. It seemed simple enough, and the pay wasn't too bad either. It was also pretty close to his house, so it wouldn't take long to get there. It didn't require a lot of training only busing tables and making coffee for people.

He calls the number, and they arrange an interview for him later today. He gets dressed in his nicest clothes and goes to the interview.

When he arrives, he's greeted by a nice lady, who's in charge of hiring. She introduces herself as Mrs. Paul. She explains the position and the expectations that she has of him. He tries his best to be confident in front such a babe. The expensive clothes in the woman making her stand out in this cafe shop. If {mc} had to take a guess. She's a rich man wife and is simply running a vanity project. To satisfy her ego and earn praises about her work.

"Why do you want to work here?" She asks, "What do you think you can bring to this position and my lovely cafe?"

He tries to answer as best as he can. "I'm a hard worker and I will do whatever is needed. I will make sure that everything runs smoothly."

Mrs. Paul seems impressed with his answers. "OK, great. Thank you. Do you think you can start today? My best worker is here, and she can train you up to par."

Does {mc} take the job and does he know who his trainer is going to be?


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