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(Commentary & Rewatch) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - Patreon Version


simon brouillard

For more Viggo I would go with Eastern promises and A history of violence

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

This is my favorite of the trilogy, because of the Gandalf reveal, and seeing him smite the balrog; also, Rohan is cool and the simultaneous Battle for Helm's Deep and the Last March of the Ents was awesome. Miranda Otto btw is in War of the Worlds, not a very big part though. Brad Dourif, Grima Wormtongue, is one of my favorite character actors ever, he's so good. He was in a scene once where his character tells a story about soldiers being tortured with rats in Vietnam and he did that tear drop thing, it was so effective, so was the rest of his performance. He was in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest too, but he was so young a lot of people don't recognize him, same with Christopher Lloyd and Danny De Vito.


Simone I also recently geared a Barb in Diablo3! George for RoTK just do your hair like Arwen! lol. Thanks for the fun rewatch.

Angela D. Mitchell

Wonderful re-reaction and discussion! Simone, I also love the addition of Theodred's funeral -- everything about it. For me it's where PJ's trilogy truly creates new magic in the films. And my favorite thing about PJ's adaptation (as with Eowyn & Theoden at the funeral) is that he takes the time to include moments of real grief, and this adds to the weight and cost of everything we see. The Fellowship collapsing after the loss of Gandalf. And then Theoden's incredibly moving, sad moment of weeping. Smeagol slightly recovering is so tragic, and I always feel so sad that (as in the books) Sam has zero empathy for him. Meanwhile, PJ's treatment of Faramir will always enrage me. PJ didn't like that in the book Faramir was never tempted so instead he reversed the entire Faramir/Boromir situation. Faramir was the stronger brother yet he doesn't hold out against the Ring for even hours. Boromir, the "weaker" brother, meanwhile, in PJ's version held out for MONTHS. So it makes no sense, and it trashes poor Faramir's character. The only good to come of it is that Frodo and Sam end up at Osgiliath, which is amazing. Miranda Otto has done a lot of other wonderful work -- most of it in television, very steadily across the past two decades. She was absolutely terrific in "Homeland," among many others. George, Elrond has the foresight of his people, and his vision of Arwen's future is 100% accurate. A lot of the Arwen/Aragorn stuff comes straight out of Tolkien's "The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen" from the Appendices. Everything he foresees for her -- right down to Aragorn's tomb and Arwen wandering to die among the trees alone -- is accurate and incredibly sad. The only thing he withheld from her there was that she and Aragorn would have children. As far as Elrond's POV on Aragorn and Arwen -- it isn't just that he doesn't want Arwen to die. It is the fact that it will be a permanent parting -- Elves and mortals go to a separate afterlife. So Arwen even after she dies will never see her father again, although she will be reunited with Aragorn. This is why it always touches me in RotK when Elrond shows up with Arwen in bridal dress, but although he smiles, he is also visibly weeping (Hugo Weaving is so wonderful). And I totally understand why Eowyn falls for Aragorn (who wouldn't?!!). The movies do such a good job of showing how lonely she is, and how trapped she feels. It's why the Grima scene is so damn good -- Brad Dourif does make him weirdly charismatic, and for me she pauses there for a moment because she is visibly paralyzed at being seen and understood. Yes, by an evil man -- but he perfectly describes her inner terrors as if she's made of glass. It's an amazing moment. I always love when she breaks free of him and tells him he's poison. Also, I laughed out loud at George's "The Ents just need a few Sequoia..." Wonderful reactions and discussions -- thank you to both of you!

Tomas Gaspar

I believe that Aragorm has also a vit of a cleric/healer on him...at least on a basic level.