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The last polls winner was Signs and it will be ready for Patreon this Saturday! Until then, here is this week's poll with some of the movies suggested by you guys!
Remember, you can vote for multiple films!
Reminder: movies that don't win does not mean they will never be watched, it just means they will be watched later. Please be respectful to each others opinions, we're all just here to have fun and watch movies :)


Chase Schleich

You'd think I'd stop being shocked by these polls by now, but nope. Every week, another curve ball is in the lead. Nothing wrong with True Grit, I just never would have guessed it would be in the lead.

Michael Buhl

Recommendations for the future: Network (1976) The Saddest Music in the World (strange Canadian movie, 2003) Brazil (1985) Repo Man (1984) Sunset Boulevard (1950) Miller's Crossing (1990) The In-Laws (1979) Duck Soup (1933) The Elephant Man (1980) Scanners (1981) The Ruling Class (1972)


Idk, seems like the most obvious choice to me. It's a very 'reactable,' popular movie.


If I may, my movie suggestions are... Green Room, Bad Times at the El Royale, A Scanner Darkly, Blades of Glory, Coraline, I Am Legend, and the Fargo tv show.

Orphan Crippler

Now that you have seen Ted Lasso You should try Green Street Hooligans with Elijah Woods

Dazzler & Em

A selection of Clint Eastwood films would be a worthy choice. The dirty Harry films, unforgiven and Gran Torino. All classics.

Dazzler & Em

also, having watched some of your older reactions, just a quick comment. I don't think it gets said enough, that we really appreciate your genuine reactions. Whether it is asking questions, laughing or getting emotional. It all stems from a reaction to what you are watching. Really appreciate it!!


Suggestion: Almost Famous (2000) Big Fish (2003)


The novel Big Fish is great. The film adaptation is nowhere near as good, but I'd still recommend it as a big commercial for the book.


Barbie came out to rent on streaming today, I highly recommend watching it if you can. If only because it is already one of the biggest movies of the year


Just going to name a few random films, I’ve probably mentioned before. Memento, and all I films from Nolan. The Mission Impossible films keep getting better, I see the MI:2 reaction is out. Unforgiven and Prey which are both phenomenal. I would like to see you finish movie series just to see how you feel about the remaining films. E.g. I was obsessed by the matrix, and actually like the sequels, or the Terminator movies. But seeing as they were universally panned, they might not be the best way to get views.


I’m up for The Wizard of Oz. I haven’t seen it since grade school which was….some many years ago!

Brendan Rafferty

In True Grit, Hailee Steinfeld (13 at the time) absolutely steals every scene she is in You may want to check out her coming of age comedy Edge of Seventeen


Everyone who didn't vote for The Menu, didn't see The Menu. 100%.

Tiago Borges

I am deeply offended by you guys never watching a Brazilian movie :(


They will get to City of God eventually. Everyone does.


The Gentlemen pleeease :)

Dirge Girl

Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (1993)


I voted for The Menu, but as it's clear now that True Grit is going to win i want to throw in another 'western' that i haven't seen mentioned yet for possible future polls. 'The Proposition' - set in the 1880's, but in Australia, not America. Amazing film, cast (Guy Pierce, Ray Winstone, Emily Watson, John Hurt, Danny Huston), screenplay by Nick Cave, music by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis. Roger Ebert gave it 4 out of 4 and said the director made "a movie you cannot turn away from; it is so pitiless and uncompromising, so filled with pathos and disregarded innocence, that it is a record of those things we pray to be delivered from. " Edit- there's no way this would even grace the top 3 in a western themed poll, but at least this will get it on peoples radar :)


Second this completely. I tried this movie out after I completed Deadwood and needed another western fix. I was blown away. It’d be cool to see it pop up on a list someday even if it seems unlikely to win. What can I say; I’m a fan of the longshot.


You’ve already seen Kong Skull Island. But I’d love to see your reactions to Lord of the Rings Director, Peter Jackson’s take in his version of King Kong (2005). I feel like there will be a variety of emotions.

Dazzler & Em

A worthy film for any poll would be the 2012 film chronicle. A film about teenagers gaining superpowers sounds pretty average but this film shows how it becomes a nightmare situation. Very good film!