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Rumble in the Bronx - Patreon Version


Odd Thomas

Ignore the Trumpanzees George. There's always one guy who gives my videos a thumbs down for no reason. People are the worrrrst


Lets just agree to let the whiners about the subtitles whine so we can watch the movie without cringy dubs in the future and enjoy it more.


Just want to say the reason I enjoy your channel is because we get to watch two long time friends experience these movies and shows together.

Kevin B

I admit that I often find myself saying "Shut Up, George!" lol but that being said, I love watching these reactions and value George's input

Michael Green

Dump the white girl! (Poe's Law disclaimer: this is a joke. You are both great.)

Gary Fixler

Oh, handing the kid that game through the bus window - flashbacks to the dumbest moment of my childhood, when my way-too-nice friend lent me his new Sega Game Gear for the night, and I accidentally left it on the bus the next morning, and the bus company "couldn't find it," and my mom had to buy him a new one :( :( :(


Jacke Chan has done some crazy stunts, but the one that gives me the heebie jeebies is the construction site fight in Mr Nice Guy. My Jackie Chan reaction wish is The Legend of Drunken Master.

Gary Fixler

The hovercraft appears to be a Saunders Roe SRN-6, which the internet tells me holds 1,000 liters of fuel, and has an endurance of 3.5hrs, which means it burns 285 liters, or 75 gallons of fuel per hour.

Haye Zeus

Drunken Master 2 and the Police Story movies are a must. Actually most Jackie Chan is a must


When George says “it’s like a dance” he’s so on the money. that scene is actually cut and choreographed to a 4 count like a song.


Hovercrafts create a giant cushion of air that allows it to move over water or very smooth flat surfaces. The giant black skirt keeps the air in and the air below it keeps it up Think of air hockey. That’s a puck that is moving over a cushion of air on a smooth surface. Now what if the puck could create it’s own cushion of air? That’s essentially what’s going on. The Hovercraft is definitely on wheels in some shots like on the golf course. But a good chunk of that is on smooth land and is probably real. You can make your own hovercraft using an electric leaf blower, some plywood and foam rubber. Did it in boy scouts.


For some pretty bonkers stunts in Hollywood, check out the silent era star Buster Keaton -- some of the short films, if nothing else.

Ashley Minor

A lot of HK action movie wouldn't record audio at all and everyone would be dubbed, regardless of what language they were speaking. If I had to suggest another Jackie Chan movie I would really love to see you cover Project A


The Police Story films, Mr. Nice Guy, First Strike, and Who Am I are other classics from Jackie.


I became a patroen for the Jackie movies please more!


I think Police Story First Strike is probably the best Jackie movie to watch first.


Super-happy you two reacted to this. Bring on the Police Story movies, I say! Also, the rock song over the credits/blooper reel at the end is "Kung Fu" by the Irish band Ash. Their songs also showed up in Shaun Of The Dead and Danny Boyle's Trainspotting follow-up A Life Less Ordinary(a really terrible movie, but the title track by Ash is one of the best songs of all-time).

Steve kephart

George; I think you are a great balance to the channel. I absolutely love Simone's bubbly personality. And she is very easy on the eyes. But you are a lot like all my nerdy friends. It is a great place to come and hang out with you guys which is why I decided to become a patreon of this channel over all the others. Without you, this channel would be less. Still enjoyable, but less so. Your the peanut butter to her jam. The Yin to her Wang. Or something like that. Anyway, we all enjoy you on here. Ignore that dude that says otherwise.