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The Wire: Season 4 - Episode 5 & 6 - Patreon Exclusive



By the way, how familiar are you with Community and HarmonQuest? Definitely find even ambitious players don't know all that often about it and I think it's such a great accessible format for a live show. The Community episodes might somewhat stand alone (and whet someone's appetite if you haven't seen the show yet), although it's such a banger of a series I'd definitely recommend excess consumption - there's an idea for a novelty reaction. That or watching one day of 24 in one day. Either way, Dan Harmon and all the insane people with him ended up casually making some of the greatest DnD adaptations in their own right. Fully worth the trip. As for Hugh Grant: I take it Cloud Atlas is not a movie either of you have seen? All I ask people to refer to is the late Roger Ebert's review - someone I loved to disagree with as a curmudgeon, old, cranky man referring to choreography masterpieces like The Raid(s) as "video gamey" (which, to be fair, is something games these days aspire to, despite it being so very difficult to pull off). He nailed everything that makes this movie for me, it's the Wachowskis and Tywker at their best, it's actors giving everything, it's a production marvel on top of that, as if those people weren't already among the most competent filmmakers in the world. Sense8 was almost as big a treat for me as far as I am concerned, Speed Racer keeps being a blast, V for Vendetta is still ranking highly in terms of amazing visual adaptation efforts.... here's a poll idea for the future. I didn't particularly dislike the Matrix reboot, but it definitely didn't compare to most of their previous work. Either way, the Sense8 theme alone has drilled itself into my skull like nothing else, the first thing I usually play when sitting down on a piano, lol. It really, really felt great.

Gary Fixler

The previous mayor of Los Angeles was Eric Garcetti, its youngest mayor in more than 100 years. I wonder how many people were subconsciously influenced to vote for him by memories of mayor Tommy Carcetti. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Garcetti

John Richards

A Wire meets reality moment: The sermon that opens episode 4.6 is delivered by the then Reverend Frank Reid, and was filmed in his church. Reverend Reid was elected as a Bishop in the AME Church in 2016. And a footnote for George: Yes, there have been elections decided by a single vote, and in those cases if the losing candidate did not vote for them self, they must have felt like a fool. There was even on race for a state representative seat that ended up as a tie - they ended up flipping a coin to decide the race.