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The last polls winner was Con-Air and it will be ready for Patreon this Saturday! Until then, here is this week's poll with some of the movies suggested by you guys!

Remember, you can vote for multiple films!
Reminder: movies that don't win does not mean they will never be watched, it just means they will be watched later. Please be respectful to each others opinions, we're all just here to have fun and watch movies :)



Whiplash is the better choice. Prestige is meh.

Armchair Wizard

Chef is so underrated. Whiplash gets a lot of attention already. Though it is very good and deserves praise. I'm hoping Chef wins because its not reacted to often.


While it won't win in this poll, Chef is an absolute must watch. Just make sure you have a nice lunch or dinner lined up afterwards.

Joe Mallard

A Knights Tale and for the love of God, please watch War for the Planet of the Apes!


Just a warning, don't watch Chef when you're hungry and have to get groceries.


Chef for the memes

Brandon Meng

I only voted for Chef. It's so vastly underrated and fun. I remember how surprised I was when I saw it because it exceeded all of my expectations and I fell in love with it so easily. It was so good that I'll let this comment stand alone and not even bother adding other recommendations for viewing or future lists. I recommend Chef!

Huckleberry lobo

Law Abiding Citizen (2009) starring Leonidas himself that blurs the line between justice and revenge for your consideration 💥🔥

Chase Schleich

Gotta love The Prestige. Glad it's winning. Would like to see The Whale though. I have a copy, I just haven't watched it yet and it would be cool to watch it for the first time with Simone and George. Also, kind of surprised Basic Instinct is so low. I figured it would have way more votes for just that one scene alone. Lol


I think George would love Law abiding citizen, if he hasnt watched it already


The Prestige is one of Nolan's best. I liked The Whale, Brenden Fraser deserves the Oscar that he won for it.

Alex Ch

Face/off would be so great


Van Wilder with Ryan Reynolds!!

Joanthan Skidmore

I'm so glad The Worlds Fastest Indian was considered in a poll, even if it's doomed to fail here. It is a shame, as it's such a beautiful, funny and charming true story about a man attempting to fulfil his dream. A hero of mine :)

Darryl Glynn

Y'awl need to check out some "Carry On..." movies. 31 in this franchise were made. These are old, British innuendo comedies. I'm sure a few of us can suggest some of the best ones, such as Carry On Up The Khyber, Carry On Camping, and Carry on Doctor.


I'd never even heard of the film before seeing it pop up in comments, and now it's my favorite underdog that I still haven't seen.

Odd Thomas

Grosse Pointe Blank = John Cusack action comedy, with one of the best soundtracks to any movie AND Joan Cusack. I will push this as one of the best 90s films to my dying day.

Odd Thomas

Here's my take on Garland Green. The whole first act the movie tells you he's a psycho killer (and he was) BUT during the movie the joke is he's actually the most reasonable and he never hurts anyone. ANYONE. The scene with the girl is to fake you out and worry you but once you realise nothing happened to her, it's a huge relief. Logically he couldn't kill her anyway as it would derail the fun tone of the movie. Apparently in test screenings it was a longer scene and people walked out because it unsettled them so much. Garland talks about insanity being working a 40 hour week and the older I get, the more I agree! Societal norms drove him crazy, in effect. Now he's free to start fresh, no restraints and he just won a ton of money in Vegas, so he'll probably live a calm, happy rest of his life. Side note: one of my favourite on-screen psychopaths is Michael Wincott in Along Came a Spider (which coincidentally stars Monica Potter (Trish Poe)). Because he doesn't do the standard movie psycho thing like Malkovich in Con-Air, being very charismatic and scene-chewing - he's very dull, normal, never loses his cool, very ordinary, which I feel is more how a real psychopath would be. I recommend it.

Chase Lonnergan

Beverly Hills Cop 1&2, Short Circuit, and Grosse Point Blank are absolute Must Watch movies!


I think they would enjoy Grosse Point Blank, I love that movie! The others didn't age as well IMO


I don’t know if anyone has requested it before, but you guys should totally check out Tremors. Its a cheesy low budget monster movie collection. At this point it’s a pretty big cult classic and definately worth the time for a popcorn flick. I like all of them but in my opinion, the first 2 to 3 are really where it’s at. I hope you guys watch them in the future!!