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Big Hero 6 - Patreon Version


Erich Bomke

Unfortunately I lost my mom not too long after this came out. But it was our tradition to always see Disney and Pixar anmiated movies on the opening showing. She had big plans and wasn't able to make this movies premier but told me to go see it to get the free goodies and we would see it a week later. When we finally saw it together, within the first 10 minutes she leaned over and said "His brother is my favorite character" and I just remember squeezing the armrests doing everything in my power not to cry. Which is why I named my dog Tadashi.


Pete Hornberger from 30 Rock is Baymax if that makes it easier to put a face to his voice lmao

Jim Frykman

Why would George just call all of us from 2014 out like that?


Seriously, don't force me to take stock of my life while I am getting ready to watch other people watch a movie


From what I gather the big hero 6 content is for kids. But recommendations related would be The incredibles by Pixar. 1 and 2 are both top notch


I'm pretty under the weather with Covid and watching the two of you giggle your way through this movie really cheered me up. Thank you both.


Glad you enjoyed it as much as I did!

Lucifer Moon

what's funny is that Tadashi exist in the MCU. In Iron man 2 ( I think ) when tony is picking out a new AI one of the chips is labeled Tadashi.


Big Hero 6 is published by Marvel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Hero_6_(comics)


I never watched this film before, but I've heard good things about it. I enjoyed experiencing it with you guys for the first time. It was a really touching film.


I remember picking up this comic back in the day because I was a huge Sunfire fan (Marvel and DC didn't have a huge representation for Asian or Pacific Islanders in their stable back then). My favorite thing about old comic book stores was looking at stuff on the shelf that you normally wouldn't put on your reserve/hold lists - Independent titles were some of the wackiest and coolest stuff you could get your hands on, if you were lucky.

Logan Kerlee

I definitely enjoyed watching this one with you both. :) I've seen this movie PLENTY of times already but it was a joy watching you both react to this. Definitely made me feel happy. Have a good one, you guys! :)