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Terminator 2 Judgement Day - Patreon Version


Paul Davey

Been hanging out to see this one, amazing movie and I enjoyed the reaction... but I gotta say you viewed the movie with the alternate non-canonical bonus feature ending from the DVD/Blu-ray. The true ending can be seen here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo5M1i1a0Kc if you're keen to view :)


I know you will get a lot of conflicting opinions on 3. I personally like it but its not for everyone. I am a big fan of Claire Danes so sort of biased but yeah. I think the atmosphere of the world around when the movie came out and as well well hard to explain without spoilers but its different in a way might have caused some dislike for it as it wasn't James Cameron so has a slightly different feel to it. I think it holds up and worth a watch but im just one opinion 🤷‍♀️

Raven Dark

To me, the third story was just too weak, and the characters are just kind of... meh. There's no connection. They also recon things in ways that just don't feel right. It did have a few cool things about it that I can't get into for spoilers, but those don't make up for what just sort of goes clunk. It's not Speed 2 bad, but it's a letdown after this, and they just get worse from there. Just my opinion though. My worry is that the movies after this one will just sort of sour them on the series the way Speed 2 does with Speed, in the way that it took away the happy ending from Annie and Jack and just made what comes after it suck.

David Crabtree

Is this the extended edition or the director's cut?


There are 2 extended editions but its really funny that yours just had 1 more scene and 1 deleted scene compared to the one i watched for my watchalong.

Texas Anla'Shok

Reminiscing with the T-1000: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDzJs126JrM


Fun fact, the part where she was calling out to John towards the end when it turned out to be the T1000 the person in the background that limped into the scene to be the "real" Sarah Connor is Linda Hamilton's real life twin sister. Also to answer your question about Arnold, between 1984 and 1991 he became a huge action star. He has so many more movies that in time I hope you guys get to check out. I am also in the camp of Terminator 3 being a good movie but there's plenty that say it's not. After that one though, I wouldn't waste your time. I did enjoy the one they put out in 2019 though....it wasn't bad imo.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

I believe this should have been the cap to the Terminator franchise, I really tried to like the sequels but I only vaguely remember kind of liking the one with Christian Bale, but that was probably because of Christian Bale, he was apparently a real hot head on set but he's a f*gn great actor, going back to Empire of the Sun. Also, when the robots do inevitably take over, I'll be citing my love for this movie as proof I can be cool with an AI, excuse me, "artificial person". Then I'll explain how I think that's a much more flattering term than being an "accidental person" like me. Btw that reminds me of Gattaca, I love that movie!

Raymond DeGraw

Great reaction... I would say that you should cap the Terminator movies here, especially because you watched the full extended cut with the alternate ending, which would make the other movies make even less sense.


The two Conan the barbarian movies were great for their time


Great reaction. The rest of the Terminator movies weren't James Cameron and are a serious downgrade from the first two. 3rd one is watchable though.


My 2 cents about the sequels: Terminator 3 is a fun watch; but doesn't do the series justice. Terminator Salvation is an interesting one (set entirely in the post-Judgement Day world). After that, Terminator Genisys & Terminator Dark Fate... they're both Terrible (with capital T). Also, there's the TV show "The Sarah Connor Chronicles" which I personally enjoyed, though it was cancelled after only 2 seasons.


I'd say just leave the series here. There are so many more great movies to see instead of the sequels. They all rate from about meh to crap.


I'm a Terminator fan boy. I've watched all the movies and the series. It just a fun universe to visit. It's like Vegas great place to visit horrible place to live. My nutty conspiracy is that John sent back many of the bad terminators to teach himself how to beat them.