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The winning film of last weeks poll was Se7en, and we will be filming that later tonight and it should be ready by Thursday!

As for this week, there's just a lot of people asking for world war era movies so we clumped them together into this weeks theme.

Remember, you can vote for more than one movie!


Anne Hummel

I guess I got called out: apparently warmovies aren't my thing... the only one of these I have seen is Sound of Music 🤣 But I have heard good things about a lot of these movies, so maybe I should take it as a sign and get to watching some of them 😉

tristan renaut

Apparently nobody have seen Come and See, i highly recommend you to watch it, even if it's off camera. It's an aspect of the war that's highly overlooked and its a movie you'll never forget.

Caleb Harvey

Pirates of the caribbean