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Breaking Bad: Season 5 - Episode 3 & 4 - Patreon Exclusive



Do you guys plan on watching HOTD season 2???!?


I feel certain that the answer is yes. That show has similar quality to Game of Thrones, which makes it essential to any reaction channel.

Allen Pass

I'm still rooting for Walt. I don't think his intention was to fatally poison Brock, he wanted to use the situation to have Jessie on his side. I do agree, his methods are/were questionable, but it's what kept him and Jessie alive all this time. Walt reminds me of that quote from Game of Thrones, “When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.” -Cercei Lannister

Kevin Rogers

So from episode 1 to now season 5 episode 4, it has only been 12 months


I know it might be weird, but I kinda didnt see Walt as a villain until Season 5. I know poisoning Brock was very bad, but I think it was the only thing that would of swung Jesse back on his side enough to help him take out Gus cause at the time I think he was still protecting his family , by any means necessary


I know by this point in the series we as the viewers are pretty accustomed to it by now, but this thought process is highly manipulative and toxic towards Jesse, and is just more evidence, to me at least, of how far Walt's personality has degraded into Heisenberg


A convenient tip for remembering how many states are in the United States for outsiders, just look at the flag. 50 stars/50 states. And the 13 stripes represent the original 13 colonies. Walt’s old car, the Pontiac Aztek has to be one of the ugliest cars of the 2000s. Blech.