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Movie Poll: completely random!

  • Shutter Island (2010) 1003
  • The Game (1997) 600
  • A Knights Tale (2001) 1027
  • Sunshine (2007) 513
  • Click (2006) 489
  • Moon (2009) 627
  • Your Name (2016) 324
  • 2024-04-25
  • —2024-05-02
  • 4583 votes
{'title': 'Movie Poll: completely random!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Shutter Island (2010)', 'votes': 1003}, {'text': 'The Game (1997)', 'votes': 600}, {'text': 'A Knights Tale (2001)', 'votes': 1027}, {'text': 'Sunshine (2007)', 'votes': 513}, {'text': 'Click (2006)', 'votes': 489}, {'text': 'Moon (2009)', 'votes': 627}, {'text': 'Your Name (2016)', 'votes': 324}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 2, 15, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 25, 1, 26, 21, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 4583}


The last weekly polls winner was How to Train Your Dragon 2, which will be available this Saturday.
Reminder: movies that don't win does not mean they will never be watched, it just means they will be watched later. Please be respectful to each others opinions, we're all just here to have fun and watch movies :)


Nick Parker

Moon is the best movie here


A Knights Tale is a charming crowd pleaser (from what I've seen, never sat down and watched the whole thing). Never saw Shutter Island but it's tough to go wrong with DiCaprio and Scorsese. But Moon has my full support on this list. It's a great film all on its own, with a great performance from Sam Rockwell. But when you see what the budget was and then see what they managed to accomplish it turns into a staggering achievement of movie-making talent.

Chase Lonnergan

I am loving all the shade being thrown at A Knight's Tale here. All I can think of when I see it is that meme of the guy screaming "Stop Having Fun!".


Shutter island is such a great film.

Ted K. had a point (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 18:44:09 I hated Shutter Island. Interesting start, interesting mid point, ending is beyond disappointing. Made watching the whole thing feel like I had wasted my time and energy, trying to figure out what's going on. Such a copout ending. And also predictable, I just didn't think they would go for something so dumb amd obvious, so I didn't predict it "The Game" or "Moon" should have won but people have no taste... they vote Shutter Island because of the famous director. Worst movie on this list, and Scorsese's only real failure
2024-05-02 18:37:41 I hated Shutter Island. Interesting start, interesting mid point, ending is beyond disappointing. Made watching the whole thing feel like I had wasted my time and energy, trying to figure out what's going on. Such a copout ending. And also predictable, I just didn't think they would go for the dumbest and most obvious explanation for everything, so I didn't predict it "The Game" or "Moon" should have won but people have no taste... they vote Shutter Island because of the famous director. Worst movie on this list, and Scorsese's only real failure "The Game" is so much smarter. But people don't know about it

I hated Shutter Island. Interesting start, interesting mid point, ending is beyond disappointing. Made watching the whole thing feel like I had wasted my time and energy, trying to figure out what's going on. Such a copout ending. And also predictable, I just didn't think they would go for the dumbest and most obvious explanation for everything, so I didn't predict it "The Game" or "Moon" should have won but people have no taste... they vote Shutter Island because of the famous director. Worst movie on this list, and Scorsese's only real failure "The Game" is so much smarter. But people don't know about it

Dominick Rodriguez

Couldn't agree more. I was really looking forward to it and then that ending happened. I also voted for The Game too but if you look at both movies on paper........not that different and I can't explain why I love one and hate the other lol.

Marcel Tappendorf

I voted for Shutter Island, my second and third pick would have been Moon and Sunshine.


Your Name is the best film here. But I respect the knights tale love


Yay, A Knights Tale!