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Kiba was groaning like an idiot in his sleep as his eyes began to open his eyes slowly. He still couldn't remember what happened before he passed out, but he sure knew that the last thing he heard was the most beautiful thing he could ever hear from a beautiful woman.

"Since Kiba is.......unconscious, the winner of the Eight Match is-"

"WAIT...." Sakura yelled, stopping Hayate before he could end the match "....He's awake!" Sakura pointed out, as she was the first one to notice Kiba had finally gained consciousness.

Kiba managed to get back up on his feet, despite feeling a little light-headed, while Akamaru was barking with relief that he managed to wake his partner up in time with his puppy-licks.

"Argh, what happened, Akamaru? Why am I covered in blood?" Kiba asked his Ninken as he noticed his jacket had some bloodstains on it.

"THAT'S YOUR NOSEBLEED, KIBA-BAKA!" Sakura yelled out in anger from the balcony, but she was also relieved that Kiba didn't lose his match for something as stupid as wordplay.

Everyone had to shield their ears, as Sakura still had her usual loud shrieking voice, but Kurenai and Shino were grateful that she managed to point out that Kiba was awake in time.

"Oh right.........w-what was it that you said again?" Kiba asked the smirking Yugito.

"NO!" Sakura and Kurenai yelled in panic while the others palm-slapped their foreheads.

"Well, I said-" Yugito was about to answer, but Kiba's eyes widened when he finally remembered what it was.

"Oh, WAIT, LALALALALALALALALA, not listening to you! You didn't say anything!" Kiba said frantically in a sing-song manner as he covered his ears while drowning out the noise, so he won't hear Yugito finish her sentence.

"Ara-Ara, you don't have to fear my words, Little Doggie. I'll be happy to use my body to knock you out." Yugito said seductively, earning several of the male shinobi's in the room to have a nosebleed, but luckily Kiba was still covering his ears.

"STOP DOING THAT, YOU VIXEN!" Sakura yelled out angrily at the cat-kunoichi.

"Yugito, for the love of god, just fight Kiba, and don't make any more innuendos! I don't think Lord Hokage and Kakashi-Nissan can handle any more nosebleeds!" Naruto pointed out as Hiruzen and Kakashi were on the verge of passing out while giggling like perverts.

"YEAH! LET HIM SMASH THE PUSSY!" Fu added childishly, trying to help her blonde first friend but not realizing that she had done the complete opposite.

"Fu, that's not-OH, DAMN IT! LOOK AT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE! You corrupted poor Fu!" Naruto yelled out as he covered Fu's ears to prevent the innocent girl from hearing anymore innuendoes.

"Tee-hee, sorry, Naruto-Kun. I've been a very bad kitty. But since you asked nicely, I'll stop. And I promise I'll make it up to you.....in ANY way you want." Yugito purred seductively, making Naruto blush red while earning an eye roll from Ino.

"LIKE HELL YOU WILL! KIBA! STOP MESSING AROUND AND......DEFEAT HER! Damn it, why didn't I say that at first." Ino yelled out angrily while scolding herself at the end, realizing that she had started all this nonsense due to her poor choice of words.

Seeing that Yugito was no longer speaking, Kiba begrudgingly released his ears from his hands and took a more serious look.

"Alright, no more messing around! As sexy as you are, I'm not letting you get in the way of me passing this exam and becoming Chunin!" Kiba declared firmly, earning a proud look from Kurenai, but they scowled a bit when he offhandedly called Yugito sexy but proud nonetheless.

Akamaru barked in agreement as he took his battle stance next to Kiba.

Kiba then knelt down on the ground and made a single hand-seal.

"Ninja Art of Beast Mimicry: All-Fours Jutsu!"

After activating his clan's signature technique, chakra began to surround his body as he gains a more feral appearance: his canine teeth lengthen, his finger and toenails become claw-like, and his pupils turn to slits (more than usual).

'Mmph, his appearance kinda reminds me of when I was practicing with Kurama's chakra for the first time. Thank god I don't have that problem anymore.' Naruto thought as his interest in the match increased.

"Here I come!" Kiba yelled out as he charged toward Yugito with his enhanced animal speed.

As Kiba got closer and was about to land a strong elbow charge on the cat-kunoichi's gut, Yugito effortlessly dodged his attack, much to Kiba's and Team 8's shock, since Kiba was known as the fastest in their team.

Not wanting to back down, Kiba pressed on his attack and tried to slash her side with his claws, but every time Yugito simply dodged it with little effort, like she knew when and where it was coming. Getting frustrated with his failed attacks, Kiba attempted a sloppy kick, but Yugito simply caught his leg and did a flip-kick on Kiba's head, sending him flying toward Akamaru.

"It's that all you got, Little Doggie? I'm barely breaking a sweat here." Yugito said with a mock-disappointed tone as she casually checked her nails, earning a glare from Kiba.

"Come on, Akamaru. This time we fight together. But I'm not taking any chances this time. We attack her with everything we got." Kiba said to Akamaru, earning a bark of agreement from the small white-furred puppy.

Kiba then took out two Food Pills from his pouch.

He ate one and gave the other to Akamaru. The second Akamaru ate it, his white fur began to turn red, earning his name 'red boy,' as his and Kiba's chakra had been supercharged.

Yugito was intrigued at the sudden turn of events, as she could sense the sudden burst of chakra from her opponent and his Ninken.

"Let's go, Akamaru!" Kiba yelled out as he was now on all fours, allowing Akamaru to jump on his back.

Kiba then made a single hand-seal.

"Ninja Art of Beast Mimicry: Man Beast Clone!"

Akamaru then suddenly transformed into a perfect copy of Kiba, as they were both radiating with chakra.

"It's over now. Let's go, Akamaru!" Kiba yelled out as he and Akamaru charged toward the smirking Yugito.

Kiba and Akamaru were the perfect tag team, as they unleashed their relentless wild attacks on the cat-kunoichi, many of which should have landed.......if it was just any other Genin.

But unfortunately for the duo, Yugito was no ordinary Genin.

Being the Jinchuriki of Matatabi, she was gifted with several abilities, one of which is her superhuman reflexes and flexibility.

Not once did Kiba or Akamaru manage to hit her, let alone scratch her, as she was practically dancing around the arena, avoiding their attacks with ease. Some would say that she was having fun, judging from the look on her face.

But apparently, the fun stopped when she noticed a strand of blonde hair was falling on the ground, and some were on Kiba's claws.

All of the Kumo ninjas gasped with shock when they saw this like Kiba had just done the unthinkable.

Yugito stared at the severed blonde locks on the ground with a cold gaze as her body was slowly shaking with rage.

Kiba, on the other hand, didn't think much of it, as to him, he managed to land a hit on her. He could only smirk at her reaction, as he was satisfied that she no longer had a smug look on her face. But little did he know, he had just made a fatal mistake.

"Kiba! A piece of advice for the future......." Naruto yelled out, gaining Inuzuka's attention, ".......NEVER mess with a woman's hair!" Naruto said, earning a nod of agreement from all the females in the arena.

"Oh, come on, it's just a little strand. It'll grow back." Kiba said without a care in the world as he continued to dig his own grave.

"Kid, I would listen to your friend if I were you. You never mess with the hair, especially not Yugito's. So I apologize for what is about to happen." Darui said with a lazy tone as he prayed for a swift end for the Inuzuka boy.

Kiba then turns his attention back to the fuming Yugito.

"........That was a mistake, Little Doggie. I hope you know what comes next." Yugito said with a cold tone, as her eyes were now yellow and green with slit pupils.

But Kiba simply scoffed at the threat.

"Hah, bring it on, cat-lover!" Kiba challenged as he and Akamaru took their battle stance, showing off their sharp claws for intimidation.

But Yugito simply smirked at the intimidation display as she raised both her hands, and suddenly, her fingernails began to grow considerably longer, causing everyone's eyes to widen.

"......Oh shit." That is all Kiba could say, as he could tell those long claws were extremely sharp.

Without giving him a chance to ready himself, Yugito immediately dashed towards the dog-duo at an incredible level of speed and began a series of slashes.

Poor Akamaru had to suffer for his partner's foolishness, as he and Kiba could barely dodge Yugito's extremely quick strikes, as they both personally experienced how durable and sharp her claws were, that was almost as sharp as a normal blade, if not sharper.

Kiba and Akamaru tried to escape, but Yugito wouldn't let them. It was her turn now to be on the offensive, as deep cuts were now starting to cover all over their bodies.

The dog duo managed to jump away by dropping smoke bombs to cover their escape, but in reality, Yugito just let them, as she was preparing to end the match with one fell swoop.

Kiba also shared the same thought as the cat-kunoichi, as he and Akamaru began to charge toward Yugito once more with their ultimate clan technique.

"Man-Beast Ultimate Taijutsu: Fang over Fang!"

The dog duo began to rotate their bodies, taking the shape of large man-sized drills, as they shot themselves toward the surprised Yugito.

The cat-kunoichi was caught off-guard at first, but a smirk reappeared on her face when she realized that Kiba had just made her attack much easier.

She immediately retracted back her claws and made several hand seals.

"Fire Style: Flaming Cat Roar!"

Yugito then took a deep breath and blew out a massive blue fireball towards the dog-duo, creating a large deafening explosion when they clashed.

"KIBA!" Kurenai yelled out worriedly, knowing the strange blue fireball was much stronger than a normal one.

Her fears were not misplaced, as when the smoke cleared, both Kiba and Akamaru were on the ground, completely scorched, but thankfully alive, as they were merely unconscious.

The healing team didn't even have to wait for Hayate to declare the match over. They immediately rushed toward Kiba and Akamaru and performed non-lethal Suiton jutsus to dose off the remaining flames on the dog duo.

"By knockout, the winner of the Eight Match and advancing to the finals is Yugito Nii." Hayate declared, earning a round of cheers from her fellow Kumo ninjas as she made her way toward the balcony to rejoin Omoi and Darui.

Yugito knew it was overkill to use Matatabi's blue fire, but she was extremely pissed when Kiba severed her hair, and she just wanted the match to end immediately.

She thought Naruto wouldn't be happy that she almost killed a friend of his, but quite the opposite, he looked intrigued by her.

But when she saw him turn his gaze towards her, he, instead, gave her a soft smile and a thumbs up, showing that he understood that it was a no-holds-barred match.

Yugito felt relieved she didn't ruin things with Naruto as she smiled back at him.

Naruto didn't really care what happened to Kiba, Konoha, in general, wasn't really a part of his plan, and once the war against Orochimaru started, the blonde knew he would reveal some of his plans, once that happened, Konoha would see him as one of their main enemies.

Not that the blonde cared. By the end, the entire world would change.

"I hope it is my turn now. I will beat whoever my enemy is." Sakura boasted with a weak laugh.

As the arena was now cleared, Hayate then announced the continuation of the preliminary. The giant screen lit up once more and began to shuffle through names until it landed on two kunoichis.

Round 9

Mabui vs. Sakura Haruno

"Sigh....me and my big mouth," Sakura said to herself in annoyance.

"Good luck, Sakura. I know you can do it. Just remember to do your best." Kakashi said to his student, silently hoping that the enemy didn't turn out to be a bloodthirsty shinobi.

As Sakura made her way to the arena floor, she was surprisingly stopped by an old friend.

"Sakura," Ino said suddenly as Sakura turned to face her former friend.

"Y-Yeah?" Sakura asked begrudgingly, still feeling a bit awkward around Ino.

As the awkward silence continued, Ino simply gave Sakura a friendly smirk.

"Try not to lose, will ya," Ino said with a cocky tone.

And just like that, Sakura felt a great sense of familiarity, like Ino was still her best friend. It gave her comfort to know that Ino is still the same confident girl she met all those years ago. The girl who taught her to embrace her forehead and became her first friend. Sakura didn't even realize how much she missed Ino and the closeness they once shared.

The pinkette then simply return Ino's smirk with her own.

"Speak for yourself, Ino. I'm sure Naruto wouldn't want a weak girlfriend. So you better not lose YOUR match." Sakura said with her own cocky tone as she made her way to the arena floor.

Ino merely smiled at Sakura's response, feeling their friendship was still there.

As Sakura and Mabui were now facing each other on the arena floor, they were now waiting for Hayate to start the match.

"Now that you're ready let the Ninth Match of the preliminary.........begin!"


"We haven't seen Mabui's skills yet. Do you think Sakura can handle her?" Ino asked Naruto, feeling slightly concerned for her pink-haired friend.

"No," Naruto answered straight away without a hint of hesitation. This earned certain looks from the other Konoha Shinobi; some looked insulted, while Kakashi decided to step in and defend his student.

"Now, now, Naruto. I don't think you should underestimate my student. I will agree that perhaps Sakura is not the best, but she's not at the bottom." Kakashi defended his student, but a part of him feared that if Sakura kept caring more about her looks than being stronger, one day, she could be alone in her mission with no backup.

"I understand she's your student, Kakashi-sensei, but you also can't defend her lack of desire to become stronger. The only reason why she survived Wave was because of everyone else around her. You need to understand that sooner or later, she will have to rely on her own strength to come out alive. This is our world; more powerful Shinobis than us have been defeated. What chances does Sakura have in a world like ours?" Naruto questioned, looking at Kakashi, who had no answers to that.

The blonde knew it was probably harsh, but he knew some people could learn only if they were slapped in the face by reality. Sometimes being harsh is better than being soft.

Shikamaru didn't say anything against Naruto, knowing his friend made a good point, and so did Neji, who silently agreed with his words. Ino, on the other hand, said a silent prayer for her friend.


After Hayate announced the beginning of their match, both Sakura and Mabui jumped back from each other to get some distance.

Sakura took out several shurikens from her back pouch and threw them toward the Kumo kunoichi. Surprisingly, the Kumo Kunoichi didn't move a muscle and just let the sharp weapons hit her.

Naruto noticed a lack of concerned looks from the Kumo teams. And soon, he understood why each Shuriken and Kunai bounced off Mabui; none of them left, not even a scratch!

"W-why are you still standing?" Sakura asked with a shaky voice, looking at Mabui, who kept a look as if she was thinking deeply about something and not really caring about the fight.

This irritated Sakura; clenching her teeth, she kept throwing kunai after kunai, but all of them just bounced off her, like Mabui was made of rocks or metal.

"What is happening here?" Ino thought out loud, feeling anxious for her friend. Naruto narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Mabui closely; her skin and body looked completely normal.

Knowing his naked eye couldn't see anything; Naruto used a Genjutsu to cover his Sharingan. Looking closely, he smirked, seeing the chakra spread around her skin.

I see. To think Kumo had this bloodline the whole time. This must be one of the reasons why they tried to get their hands on the Byakugan, Naruto thought, trying to surpass a smirk from showing on his face.

Mabui suddenly became more valuable to the blonde.

Sakura seeing that her weapons weren't working, decided to use a Kunai paper bomb, but before she could do that, Mabui spoke for the first time.

"I would give up if I were you, little girl. Just surrender, and that will be it." Mabui spoke with a hint of mockery in her tone.

"She should give up," Naruto murmured under his breath in agreement, but Ino heard him. Kakashi didn't say it, but he hoped Sakura would not keep fighting.

"Never. I won't give up." Sakura shouted with resolve. At that moment, she threw several bombs around Mabui. The girl didn't even flinch. They all exploded, creating a small crater, debris flying everywhere; many covered their eyes not accidentally to get hit.

Ino looked at Kumo's team to see all of them simply looking at the field indifferently, not worried about the fight.

Sakura smirked, ready to celebrate her victory, but when the smoke cleared, showing Mabui still standing there, not a scratch on her body.

"How? What is happening?" Lee asked, leaning over the railing.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, trying to figure out what her deal was, but his Sharingan wasn't really providing him with answers. All he could see was that Mabui's chakra was concentrated around her skin.

"Neji?" Guy asked his student, who was already looking at her with his Byakugan.

"Her chakra is all around her skin, but I can't tell why she's not getting harmed," Neji informed him with a frown, angry that he couldn't see why the physical damage wasn't even scratching her.

Mabui let out a long sigh, looking at Sakura, who took a step back in fear. Before Sakura could even process it, Mabui was right before her. With a single punch to the gut, she fell down, spitting out spit, holding her stomach, trying to catch her breath, and whimpering around the floor.

Some of the Konoha Shinobis frowned, seeing one of them get defeated by a single punch. Ino looked down, feeling bad for her friend.

The medical team soon moved Sakura away, and Hayate announced Mabui as the winner. Naruto couldn't help but look at Mabui, he was impressed, and he hoped he would get to fight her soon.

Hayate then announces the Tenth Match.

Round 10

Samui vs. Yoroi Akado

The match wasn't long, as when Hayate announced the match to begin, Yoroi immediately activated his Chakra Absorption Technique and charged toward Samui with his chakra-coated hand.

Samui readied her tanto and managed to evade his glowing hand most of the time and countered with a few slashes, cutting him several times. But Yoroi managed to touch her with his chakra-absorbing hand during their encounters, draining a fair amount of her chakra in the process.

Yoroi seemed to have the upper hand at first, but the moment he was leering at her cleavage, Samui figured out where his next target was. Despite being disgusted by his lustful gaze, she managed to keep a cool head and used it against him.

As they charged towards each other, Samui's prediction was unfortunately correct, as Yoroi was reaching for her large developed breasts with his chakra-absorbing hand. Despite him covering the lower part of his face and wearing shades, Samui could see the perverted grin on his face.

This was the perfect distraction for Samui to channel Raiton (lighting style) chakra into her tanto, coating it in lighting and severing his outreached hand from his body, causing him to scream in pain.

But Samui wasn't done yet, as she jumped back and made several hand-seals.

"Lightning Style: Lightning Ball Jutsu!"

Several spheres of electrical energy suddenly appeared around Samui, as they were then shot toward the perverted chakra absorber.

Seeing that he was still in shock from his amputated arm to see the incoming fast spheres of lightning, Yoroi was struck by them all and electrocuted, making him the first death in the preliminary.

Samui was immediately declared the winner as she rejoined Yugito, Omoi, Mabui, Darui, and her Sensei, Shee, on the balcony.

Hayate was disappointed that he could not prevent the death of a candidate, but he knew that the match was still ongoing, as Yoroi was still conscious and had not conceded, while Samui was within her rights to finish off her opponent.

Samui looked over at the Konoha's team. The majority of the genins looked angry with her, except for the Hyuga freak, the Uchiha virgin, and Naruto.

Samui felt her heart flutter feeling his piercing blue eyes looking at her eyes. Unlike his friends, he looked pleased with what she did. Seeing that she had the attention of the handsome Shinobi, she winked at him before licking her lips slowly. Samui couldn't wait until this part of the Chunin exam ended so she could trap Naruto in an alley and have her way with him.

As the healer team removed Yoroi's body from the arena floor, Hayate announced the Eleventh Match.

Round 11

Dosu Kinuta vs. Kegon

This match was also quick, as Kegon, despite being one of those smart enough to tell that Dosu's attack was sound-based, judging from his previous attack on Kabuto before the first test, was still foolish enough to engage Oto Genin in close-quarter combat.

Kegon used his village's signature technique, Hidden Waterfall Style: Water Slicing Sword, and attempted to behead Dosu in one fell swoop.

But Dosu, being angry and frustrated that both his teammates lost their matches and that Orochimaru could not grace him with his presence, was not in a good mood. So when he easily dodged Kegon's sword attack and countered with his Melody Arm gauntlet, he activated his Jutsu; Ninja Art: Vibrating Sound Drill.

Dosu then generated powerful sound waves from his gauntlet and directed them straight toward Kegon's ears, causing the Taki Genin to yell out in pain as his ears began to bleed.

It was a simple yet very effective underhanded technique, as Kegon immediately fell unconscious. But due to Dosu using more chakra in his attack than usual, Kegon suddenly went into a violent seizure, as the sound waves were still affecting his brain.

But before the medical team could reach him, the seizure had eventually killed him, claiming Kegon as the second death of the preliminary.

Dosu had no remorse whatsoever. Instead, he had a sinister grin behind his bandage face.

Despite him mistreating her like the rest of her team, Fu was saddened that Kegon had died. She knew he wasn't her friend, but he was still a teammate. Fu then noticed her other teammate, Yoro, and her Sensei on the opposite balcony were visibly shaken by Kegon's death.

A part of her wanted to rejoin them so they could mourn for their lost comrade together, but the cold glare they gave her when she waved at them told her otherwise. She knew they would just blame her for Kegon's death and call her names like they always do.

Despite her bubbly attitude, Fu was very heartbroken that people from her supposed home won't accept her.

Fu then felt a hand on her shoulder, and when she turned her head, she saw it was her first real friend, Naruto.

He gave her a sympathetic look and asked if she was okay. She only responded by hugging him tightly, and he happily returned the hug.

After the healer team took Kegon's body away, Hayate announced the Twelfth Match.

Match 12

Naruto Uzumaki vs Kurotsuchi


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