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Naruto was very eager to begin his journey into becoming a great ninja and eventually The Best Kage in history.

He was still an hour early before Ay arrived. And since he had slept all day yesterday, now was a good time for him to start reading the scrolls that the old Raikage had given him.

"Ummm, maybe I should learn more about Chakra." says the four-year-old blonde to himself.

But that was only a general term regarding the subject. He wanted to know more. How it works, how to control it, and how to use it.

Thankfully the scroll Ay had given him was well explained and easy to understand for someone his age. He was surprised and awed by the unlimited potential of what Chakra could do.

Especially for someone who has a tremendous amount of Chakra reserves and excellent Chakra control. Thanks to his furry 'little' friend, he had the first part covered. But the downside is, having too much chakra can be very difficult to control, according to the scroll.

He decided, then and there, that Chakra control should be his main priority. But he still has his work cut up for him.

After an hour of reading, Naruto didn't even notice that his Jiji was arriving at the Training Ground behind him. But he wasn't alone. Standing next to him was one of the Raikage's most trusted bodyguards and elite ninjas. An ANBU.

This ANBU is a fairly tall, dark-skinned man with a slightly bulbous nose, black eyes that usually look bored, and shaggy, white hair which covers his left eye. He wears a high-collared, sleeveless uniform with loose-fitting pants, bandages on his wrists, and the one-strap-over-one-shoulder flak jacket of a Kumogakure shinobi. His mask was a white face split by a black lightning strike.

When the ANBU and the old Raikage arrived at the Training Ground and saw a little boy sitting on the ground and reading a scroll from a distance, the young ANBU couldn't help but wonder why the Raikage decided to take on a new student.

What made this particular child so special that he would give him the time of day and temporarily postpone his other important duties as the village's leader?

But then the boy turned to face them, and when he saw his blonde hair, he recognized him as Naruto. Raikage's grandson.

"Good morning, Naruto-Kun. I'm surprised you came so early." said the old man to the little blonde.

"Of course, grandfather! This is the beginning of my Road to Ninjahood. Wait...is that even a word?"

"Hahaha, I like your energy, Naruto-Kun. But...I hope you are prepared to take your training very seriously. Because, as of now, you must address me as Sensei. And as your Sensei, I won't pull my punches. You wanted me to make you a strong shinobi. And I will do all I can. But the rest is up to you."

"Yes, Gran...I mean...yes, Sensei. I am prepared to do whatever it takes. I promised, remember? That I will become strong enough so I can protect everyone I care about. And I know the road ahead will not be an easy one. But that won't stop me and my dreams. Like I said, I don't go back on my word. That's my Ninja Way." Naruto said with a bright smile.

Ay couldn't be more prouder of the little blonde boy before him. He could clearly see the determination and fire burning in his eyes.

"As you know, Naruto-Kun, I can't stay and supervise your training for too long, as I have to return to the Raikage Tower soon. When that happens, I will leave you with the capable hands of one of my most talented shinobi. As you can see, he is an ANBU. So his real name will remain unspoken. But you may address him as Dull Sensei." Ay introduces Naruto to the Dark-Haired ANBU.

This earned a look from the ANBU, and Naruto laughed at the funny name.

"Nice to meet you, Dull Sensei. I am honored," Naruto spoke with a bow to his second teacher.

"Now, now, there's no need to bow. It is nice to meet you, too, Naruto. I'm looking forward to your training" The ANBU, now identified as Dull, finally spoke up to the little blonde.

"When you are ready, we will begin with the physical exercises to determine your strengths and weaknesses. So firstly, I want you to do 100 push-ups and sit-ups. Afterward, I want you to run ten laps around the training ground. Next, we shall unlock your chakra flow to help your body recover faster and work harder. Afterward, all the exercises will be doubled until we reach your limitations." Ay said with a strict tone.

"I-Is that all, Sensei?" Naruto asked nervously, as he knew that this exercise would no doubt exhaust him to the point of blacking out or crawling back home on his belly.

"Not quite. Lastly, we will work on your Taijutsu. Once we determine which fighting kata suits you best, we shall begin your Taijutsu training immediately. You will start by learning the basics of the stance and techniques. In the end, we will have a Spar, whether it's with Dull or me. Can you handle all of that, Naruto-Kun?"

"Y-Yes...Yes, Sensei. I won't let you down."

"Good. This will be the first stage of your training for the whole month. Let us Begin."


Naruto was gasping for air from complete exhaustion. His clothes were dirty, and his body was full of bruises.

He had done everything that his 'Grandfather Sensei instructed.' Every time he improves, his training will only intensify. Kyuubi surprisingly had offered to refill him with chakra, but the blonde had refused, saying he was going to do this with his own power. Not someone else.

From doing 100 push-ups and sit-ups, become 200 and afterward 400. From doing ten laps around the large training field, it became 20 and afterward, 40.

Naruto is almost regretting his new life decision, but he immediately rid himself of those negative thoughts and fully commits his heart and body to his training. He will go through whatever obstacles he has to if it means he will become stronger to protect all his precious people. And he wants to do it with his own strength and power.

Ay, and the young Sensei were very impressed with his surprisingly large stamina.

They couldn't help but wonder how this little boy had so much energy at such a young age. They could only suspect it had something to do with the Kyubi.

After a few hours of meditation to help steady his chakra flow, they finally move on to Taijutsu Training.

The old Raikage brought many scrolls regarding 'Shinobi Katas' for Naruto. Many of the katas were quite difficult for the young blonde, as they required a lot of raw strength and offensive capabilities for the purpose of overpowering their opponent.

Judging from the way Naruto trained his punches and kicks on a wooden pole earlier, Ay came to the conclusion that Naruto is more of a 'Defensive fighter.' A little unusual for a shinobi, but he never was the 'normal' type anyway. Luckily, Ay managed to find one kata that was suitable for him.

It was an old forgotten art, but as he continued to read the scroll of the chosen kata, he realized it was absolutely perfect for the little blonde.

It is called the 'Wing Fist.' It was once a traditional fighting style and a form of self-defense. It requires quick arm movements, strong legs, and high stamina. The fighter must be in a relaxing manner at all times, so they will be able to calmly block and counter any opponent's attack with rapid fast strikes.

Naruto was excited to finally have his own kata. After learning the requirements of the technique, he began to train the speed of his strikes and reflexes.

Luckily Ay happened to bring the perfect training tool for Naruto's new kata. He pulled out a scroll from his sleeve and unsealed its contents. And from the burst of smoke, it revealed to be a 'wooden pole.'

This pole, however, has three 'arms' and one 'leg,' which represents an opponent's body in various positions and lines of force that the body can give out. The arms and legs are able to move in a 360-degree spin.

Once Naruto blocks an arm, it will quickly circle around to hit him on the opposite side. It WAS the perfect tool to train his blocks and reflexes.

He trained on it for three hours. Those wooden arms are extremely durable, thus resulting in several bruises on Naruto's forearms and bottom palms from having to block constantly, and some on his face when he failed to block.

As the final hours approached, it was time for the sparring session.

Ay wanted to spar with Naruto on his first day of training, but he realized that he should wait a while, at least until Naruto was able to master the Wing Fist or at least fight adequately with it. Either way, it was time for him to head back to his office.

"You've made great progress today, Naruto. I'm sure in a week or two. You'll be able to master the Wing Fist soon enough. But I'm afraid I must leave you now. Your sparring partner today will be Dull. Good luck, my boy." Ay said with a proud smile.

"Thank you, Grandfather Sensei. OH WAIT! I need to talk to you later! It's something important. Is it alright if I come by your office once I'm done?" Naruto asked.

"Sure, Naruto. You can always come by my office anytime. But right now, you should focus on your spar. I have already given Dull instructions not to get carried away. All you have to do is land ONE hit on him, and you win. Farewell, you two." The old Raikage says before he Shunshin back to his office.

"Man, I really want to learn that Jutsu," Naruto says to himself, once again awed by the convenience factor of that Jutsu.

"You mean the Shunshin? I can teach you that if you want?" says the Dark haired ANBU, as he overhears the blonde talking to himself.

"REALLY, Dull SENSEI?!" Naruto yells out excitedly.

"......No. Not really," Dull says with a carefree tone and a smile behind his mask.

"......BAD! BAD Dull SENSEI!" Naruto yells in his squeaky voice, as he is a little annoyed to have his hopes up and be immediately knocked down by the no-name ANBU.

"Now, now, don't be like that. Tell you what, if you are able to land a hit on me, I'll teach you the Shunshin. But if you lose, you have to buy something for me to eat tonight. And I'm craving something sweet."

"WHAT! But you're the adult! Shouldn't you be treating ME?! I'm four, for crying out loud!"

"Now, now, Naruto. You are never too young to treat someone you know. Plus...I'm 18, which means I still am technically a teenager and not yet an adult."

Naruto pouted a little with his whiskered cheeks, realizing there was no winning against the smart-ass ANBU.

"Fine. You have a deal. But this bet doesn't end here if I lose. I might lose today, and I might lose tomorrow. But I WILL land a hit on you eventually. And you WILL teach me that Jutsu." Naruto finishes passionately.

"Agreed. Now Naruto, show me the results of your training."

"Here I come, Dull Sensei!"

Naruto and Dull both charged at each other. The fight was obviously one-sided, with the dark-haired ANBU effortlessly winning against the little blonde.

Naruto manages to block a couple of punches, but he fails to counter with any of his strikes at the elderly teen. This proves that one day of training isn't enough to beat someone who is considered an Elite Ninja who has years of experience in combat ahead of him.

Dull would constantly knock Naruto down several times. Painfully.

But what impressed him the most was that Naruto would constantly get back up on his feet to continue the spar like it was nothing. The boy's tenacity and determination were a welcoming quality for the dark-haired teen.

But ultimately, it was all in vain, as after the 36th time Naruto was knocked down without even landing a single hit on Dull, he finally collapsed from exhaustion.


Naruto eventually woke up but realized he wasn't on his feet or back anymore. Instead, he is being carried piggyback style by the Dark Haired ANBU.

"So you're finally up."

"Ow...what happens, Dull Sensei?"

"You lost. That's what happens."

"Oh, man! Well...I guess it was expected. But know this, Dull Sensei, I WILL land a hit on you one day, and then YOU will be the one treating ME to sweets. NO, even better...RAMEN hahaha," Naruto says with his squeaky voice, as he pumps his small fist in the air excitedly when thinking about ramen.

"In your dreams, little man," Dull says with a smile.

Naruto pouted his whiskered cheeks at the Elderly teen's remark on his developing skills. It wasn't his fault that he had just started his training!

"By the way, Dull Sensei, where are we going?" Naruto asked, snapping Dull away from his thoughts as the dark-haired teen responded to his blonde student.

"Ohh...well, since I won our little bet, I'm going to find a place that sells some sweets. And I see one up ahead." Says the ANBU, as they were approaching a small store.


"Huh. I didn't think you're the type who likes Dangos, Dull Sensei," Naruto asked, slightly surprised.

"Even I enjoy some sweets now and then, Naruto," Dull admitted.

Dull finally put Naruto down and told him to go into the shop and order the Dangos for him.

As he walks inside and sees the shopkeeper, and in turn, he sees him back.

The shopkeeper gave Naruto a questioning stare before nonchalantly welcoming him into the shop like he was any other customer.

He then ordered four sticks of Dangos. Two for him, two for Dull.

Naruto then walked up to the Dark haired ANBU and handed him his two Dangos.

"What took you so long? I was getting the feeling that you were planning to go back on our bet and run off with my Dangos," said Dull to the little blonde.

"Nope. A deal is a deal. Besides, it wasn't that expensive anyway." Naruto said, but then remembered what he needed to do once his training was over.

"Oh yeah! I need to see Jiji right away. I have something important to tell him."

"Oh, right, you mentioned it earlier. Well, come on, I'll give you a lift there" Dull bent down as a gesture to give Naruto another piggyback ride.

"Thanks, Dull-sensei, but wait....can we roof-jump? I always wanted to know how it feels like." Naruto asks with hope in his eyes. Hoping that he gets to experience what it feels like to travel like a real ninja.

"Hahaha, how else are we going to reach there quickly? Hold on tight little man," Dull says before running off and beginning to jump on the roofs of the buildings with a happy, laughing Naruto on his back.

One Month Later

He needed to get stronger, and he was willing to train every day and night if he had to make it happen.

Naruto had already completed the first month of his Training Regime with the old Raikage and his ANBU.

Naruto's Taijutsu significantly improved when he first started. His 'Wing Fist' fighting style has already reached its peak on his current level and will continue to improve through more training and sparring. The speed of his strikes and reflexes are now fast enough to block most attacks and counter with multiple fast Jabs, chops, and elbow shots.

Of course, he still won't be able to defeat someone of Elite-Jonin Level like Dull, or obviously a Kage Level like Ay, but his Senseis can proudly say that he can stand toe-to-toe and possibly defeat a Mid-Genin Level shinobi in a Taijutsu fight.

The next phase of his Training would be Chakra Control, which surprised the old Raikage since Naruto is the one who recommended it. Ay had assumed that the little blonde would eagerly like to move on to his Ninjutsu Training already. But when he explains his reasons, such as...

'I still need more time to control the amount of Chakra I use. Otherwise, the execution of my Jutsus won't be as perfect as I wanted, and I'll end up wasting a lot of my Chakra in the process.'

Ay also agrees with his reasons. Chakra Control may not be the flashiest or the most popular subject when it comes to the younger generation like Naruto. But it is an essential skill to become a strong and skillful Ninja. Chakra is the Shinobi's greatest power, after all, and if you lose the respect of that power, it will only lead to your early downfall.

There are two stages he needed to do in order to gain 'Perfect Chakra Control.'

The first step is 'Tree Walking.' It is a training method to gain more beginner-level skills with chakra control. This training involves focusing a fixed amount of chakra on the bottom of one's feet and using that to climb a tree without using one's hands. If the stream of chakra is too weak, the user will lose their footing on the tree and fall off. If it is too strong, the user will be pushed away from the tree, causing the tree to break around the point of contact, and the user will fall. The concept of this exercise is similar to magnetics.

The Second step is 'Water-Surface Walking.' This training method is used to gain more advanced-level skills in chakra control. To do this, the user has to be emitting a constant stream of chakra from the bottom of their feet and use the repellent force to walk across the water's surface.

This technique is more difficult to master than the Tree Climbing Practice because the amount of chakra that needs to be emitted changes constantly.

Naruto began with the Tree Walking exercise, but surprisingly it wasn't as difficult as he thought. He would, of course, fall down a couple of times, but thanks to his previous training, he already knew the basics of how to channel chakra into a certain amount around parts of his body, such as his fist. All he needed to work on now was balancing the amount.

It took him around four days to finally reach the top of the tree. The old Raikage was very proud of his young student for completing the exercise in such a short time.

Yugito wanted to tag along, but right now, her main priority was training on how to use Matatabi's Chakra. That doesn't mean they have stopped hanging out. The blonde boy made sure to hang out with her almost every day. Yugito had also told him that she had made a new friend, Samui, who was two years older than her, but they became good friends very fast.

Naruto would hang out with Yugito again two days later.

Once that was done, they moved on to the Water-Surface-Walking exercise. But this, however, was slightly more difficult for the whiskered face blonde. The surface of the water is constantly changing, unlike the solid surface of a tree. This exercise lasted for almost one week for him.

But eventually, he managed to stay on the water's surface without falling in for almost 30 minutes, which is already an impressive start.

Ay smiled with pride at his grandson learning things so fast.

Naruto is completely exhausted, both physically and mentally. He had been working to the bone trying to improve his Taijutsu and Chakra Control.

The old Raikage then decided to give the little blonde boy some time to rest and recover his strength.

"Naruto-Kun, I am very proud of your progress. But now...I want you to take the week off, to rest." Ay said.

"B-But Sensei, I'm fine.....I can keep going," Naruto says between deep breaths.

"I know you want to get stronger, Naruto-Kun, but right now, I am more worried about you. You wanted me to intensify your training which I have, but right now, you can't even stand straight or breath-steady anymore. Even the strongest Ninjas need rest, my boy...."

Naruto said nothing as he continued to take slow deep breaths.

".....You have already completed the first phases of your training, and soon we will move on to Ninjutsu and eventually training with your elemental ability. They will be your toughest training yet, which is why I need you to be at a hundred percent by then. This is an order." Ay said with a serious tone.

"Yes, Sensei, I will do as you wish. Besides, it might not be too bad. I have been craving Ramen for days now," Naruto said with an exhausted smile and a drool of saliva from his mouth from the thought of delicious Ramen.

"Hahaha, very good, Naruto-Kun. Do you want me to Shunshin you back home?" Ay asked.

"Actually, yeah, that would be great. My legs feel like jelly right now." Naruto said with a tired smile.

The old man then placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder, and they Shunshin away to the little blonde's apartment.

Naruto immediately collapsed on his soft bed and fell asleep. The Raikage smiled at the sleeping kid and then Shunshin away again, but this time back to his office.


Naruto was asleep for one day. The reason why he woke up now was that his stomach was crying out for food. Ramen, in particular. He got off his bed and saw it was now the middle of the evening.

He then went to take a long shower first, after realizing he had not cleaned himself up before falling asleep, which he now stinks of sweat. He then put on his clean clothes, which consist of a green long-sleeve shirt, a white short-sleeve t-shirt over them that has a red spiral symbol at the front, and dark blue shorts and sandals.

He then went off to his favorite Ramen stand. Not knowing who he would meet there.



This is just a minor thing but when naruto said cut up I think you meant cut out.