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Kiba, Hinata, and Shino were now on their way to the Tower after defeating a team from Rain Village who fell into their trap. It was a simple net snare, followed by numerous giant leeches that fell on their bodies, sucking out their blood until they were incapacitated. It was a flawless plan, thanks to their experience with traps and Shino's knowledge of insects in the area. Luckily, the Rain team had the scroll they needed, which was an Earth Scroll. Kiba was ecstatic, as he believed that they might be the first team to arrive at the Tower.

Hinata was just glad that they would soon get out of the forest. Shino was just being Shino.

"WOOHOO! I knew that we would survive this! Right, Akamaru?!" Kiba said excitedly to his furry companion.

"Yip, Yip!" Akamaru barked in agreement.

"And because of that, we're going to be the first ones to reach the Tower! Come on, Hinata, be excited for once!" Kiba said to his teammate.

"I will 'be excited when we get out of this forest, not before," Hinata said.

"She's right, Kiba. We shouldn't be overconfident. Why do you ask? It's because it is a dangerous mistake that can get us killed. No matter how small a bug is, it still has to guard itself at all times. We have to make sure that we don't encounter any enemies until we reach the Tower. That is the only way that we'll truly be safe." Shino said with his logic.

"Yeah, yeah, I know that! Geez, you two need to chill out and enjoy yourselves once in a while. LIKE ME! I'm having the time of my life!" Kiba said with a grin.

Akamaru sniffed something up ahead. "Sniff*Sniff.....Yip, Yip!" Akamaru barked.

"Guys, hold on! We have to stop!" Kiba said, stopping his teammates in their tracks.

"Why?" Shino asked. "You said we should be careful not to come across any enemies, right? Well, Akamaru and I smell a group up ahead." Kiba stated as he pointed his finger in the direction of the enemy group.

Shino then placed his ear on the ground to listen for any vibrations.

"Evidently, they are......six people, I think," Shino stated.

"Alright! Let's check it out!" Kiba suggested eagerly.

"Kiba, we're not doing that. It's foolish." Shino said; Hinata's only answer was a silent nod, agreeing with her teammate.

"Why not? That Sexy Proctor told us we need one Heaven and Earth scroll, right? But she didn't say we can't take more than that. Besides, if we get more scrolls, there will be fewer to go around, and that means less competition for us. Hahaha." Kiba pointed out, surprisingly, with some logic.

"But-" Hinata tried to argue, but Kiba cut her off.

"Look, we'll just check it, okay? If it looks too dangerous, we won't battle them. SO LET'S GO!" Kiba said excitedly as he and Akamaru jumped ahead.

"Kiba, wait!" Hinata yelled out, slightly worried.

"He's the kind of guy that even the hungriest of insects would avoid." Shino pointed out with a tired sigh.

"It's that your logical answer, Shino?" Hinata asked.

"No, just the truth." Shino simply stated as he and the Byakugan user went after their teammate and his dog. The Bug user and The Hyuga finally caught up to the Dog Lover, and they are currently hiding behind some bushes. But when they arrive, they notice Akamaru looks completely terrified.

"What's wrong, Akamaru?" Kiba asked his ninken.

"What happened? You just stopped all of a sudden." Shino asked.

"Yeah, something really spooked the little guy," Kiba said, and Akamaru immediately jumped into Hinata's arms for comfort.

"But what scared him?" Hinata asked as he petted the small whimpering puppy.

"I have no idea. My Clan's ninja dogs, including Akamaru, have the ability to sniff out the level of an enemy's chakra. But man, I had never seen him this scared before. Whoever those ninjas up ahead are.....they aren't normal guys." Kiba pointed out the six individuals ahead.

In a standoff, two teams, one from the Village Hidden in the sand and another from the Village Hidden in the Rain.

Both teams waited in a wooded clearing, waiting to make their move.

The rain ninja was cocky, sneering and taunting the sand genin. They were dressed more for a summer shower than a trek through a forest waiting to kill them. Each team member wore a slick blue and white jumpsuit, a sizeable domed hat, and several umbrellas strapped to their back.

"Do you believe the nerve of these sand ninja Shibure?" The middle man, Midare, drawled, "challenging us head-on like this."

"Yeah, they're a bunch of fools," his shorter companion, Baiu, crowed.

The sand ninja said nothing and made no move other than to observe the rain ninja coldly.

One of them, Shigure, stepped forward. Two vertical scars ran along the right side of his face, bisecting his eyes and, at the same time, rendering them useless. His left eye glittered brightly, shining with enough cruelty for both. He had the look of a predator about him. Or someone who very much wanted to look like a predator. The remaining eye glared at each sand ninja in turn.

"Too bad, kids, you should've picked your opponents better. Now you're all going to die!"

Finally, Gaara of the Sand spoke. In a soft, rasping voice filled with rage and pain and venom.

"I've heard enough out of you. Let's make this quick. I don't want to waste my time."

Gaara was at least two feet shorter than the rain ninja, but something just wasn't right about the boy. Great overwhelming darkness seemed to flow off him in waves. He was dressed all in black, save for the white sash across his chest and the large gourd tied to his back. Wild, red hair framed his features. His eyes, lined with the dark rings of sleep deprivation, burned with hungry malice.

Kankuro winced.

"Hey Gaara." he cautiously began, "Wouldn't it make more sense to follow these punks and gather information first? I mean, if they have the same type of scroll as we do, then we're just fighting an unnecessary battle."

Shigure's face darkened. He didn't like these pucks treating him like he was nothing right to his face. They were blatantly disrespecting him and his squad. Slowly his hands reached for the seven umbrellas at his back.

Gaara didn't even turn around.

"I don't care. They looked at me the wrong way, and now they have to die," he said softly.

It was then that Shibure snapped.

"If you think you can kill us, then try it!" he snarled.

Shigure's hands found the umbrella handles at his back, tore them free with a vicious snap, and threw them high into the air.

All eyes turned to the sky.

They floated some twenty feet above the sand ninja's heads, poised like dandelion seeds. Then they stopped, held aloft by the power of Shigure's chakra. He manipulated his hands in the proper signs as massive chakra began to pour into the umbrellas.

The umbrellas began to spin, and hundreds of needles started to fill the sky.

"And now! Ninja art, Senbon Rainstorm!" He cried.

Every needle flew straight and true toward one target.

Gaara of the Sand.

They circled him from all sides. One move in any direction would fill him with hundreds of tiny points of death. Needles buzzed through the air like flies, awaiting the command of their master and creating a rainstorm of death around Gaara that cut him off from his companions, who could only watch on. Shigure marveled for a moment at how the boy's squad could watch on smugly while their leader was about to be torn apart.

"Up, down, left, right. There's no blind spot for this jutsu, and it's deadly accurate!"

Shigure waves his hand casually, causing a few needles to pierce the ground at Gaara's feet.

The boy never flinched; he almost looked hopeful.

A vein throbbed in the rain ninja's head. This had gone on for far too long. He waved his hands, and hundreds of needles came crashing back down to the earth with enough force to crack the ground beneath Gaara and kick up a large cloud of dust.

Gaara never moved. His fate was lost amongst the dust.

Shigure laughed, looking triumphant. He took an eager step forward to survey the damage and collect the scroll needed to enter the tower.

The dust settled, and Shigure froze in mid-step.

Gaara of the Sand stood unharmed, not a single mark upon his skin. Every needle had embedded itself within the cocoon-like wall of sand. Tiny motes of sand silently flitted around, almost mockingly. A small space near the front remained open, revealing Gaara's eyes, glittering malevolently.

"Is that the best you can do?" he asked darkly.

Shigure was horrified, "It can't be, not one wound. That's impossible!"

He clapped his hands together, going for the sand ninja's exposed throat.

Without any signal from Gaara, the sand moves to intercept every needle. Not one touched him.

Gaara's expression darkened another notch.

"A senbon rainstorm, huh? I have an idea. Let's make it rain blood instead.

The rain ninja froze. Never, in the history of his village, had the senbon failed to neutralize a target. For this boy to have avoided every needle, he just wasn't human. Shigure's teammates took a step back. He shot them a disgusted look even though he was just as terrified as they were.

"How!" he snarled.

Kankuro stepped forward.

"It's a defense that nothing can penetrate. Gaara carries that sand in the gourd on his back, and when he's attacked, he uses the power of his chakra to harden the sand so that it's stronger than steel. It's a jutsu that only Gaara can do. Somehow it happens reflexively, independent of his will. So any attacks against him are doomed to failure."

The wall of sand began to dissolve, melting back into the ground and leaving no trace of its presence behind. Except for all the needles it had collected and deposited in the dirt around Gaara and a few tiny motes of sand in the air.

"Oh yeah? Well, we'll see!" Shigure charged across the clearing toward the sand ninja, pulling two kunai fighting knives from his belt.

Kankuro gave the rain ninja one last, almost pitying look.

"Face it. You guys can't hope to defeat Gaara."

Gaara grimaced, the closest expression he had to a smile. Slowly he clasped his hands together, making each sign precisely and pumping his chakra into the dirt beneath Shigure's feet.

"Sand coffin!" Gaara cried.

In mid-step, the ground reached out to devour him. From head to toe, he was covered in a cocoon of sand. Unlike Gaara's, which was meant to protect, this cocoon was made to kill. Only a bare patch left his face visible, twisted by agony and fear, and even that was rapidly dwindling. In less than five seconds, the hunter became the hunted. Tiny motes of sand flew around his face, occasionally entering his eye.

One by one, the umbrellas fell from the sky.

Shigure's voice strained as the sand tightened its grip on him, "Wh-what is this? Let. Let me go!"

Gaara ignored him, "all I have to do is cover your big mouth, and you'll be dead," in response, the sands gathered around Shigure's nose and mouth but backed off after a moment, "but that would be too easy and too boring."

Gaara picked up one of the fallen umbrellas and unlocked it, holding it over his head as if it were about to rain.

Shigure tried, without luck, to blink away the sand from his eyes. Gaara raised his free hand, and the sands holding Shigure rose high into the air. The rain ninja struggled valiantly, but he couldn't break free. Gaara looked up at him one final time. He showed no emotion save for a gnawing hunger tempered by malice.

Gaara clenched his fist.

"Sand burial!" he cried.

With one last, tormented scream Shigure left this world. It was crushed into oblivion by the relentless sand.

Blood rained from the sky, splattering the umbrella and the rain ninja's horrified comrades.

Gaara turned to them, "There wasn't any pain. I crushed him with more force than was necessary, so it was over quickly. The scream you heard was from fear."

He closed the dripping umbrella and surveyed the sodden landscape.

"The corpse's bitter crimson tears mingle with the endless sand and feed the chaos within me, making me stronger," he whispered.

Midare stepped forward, each step an effort to master his fear, to lay the scroll upon the ground.

"Just t-take the scroll. Go on, here."

Baiu spoke in a high-pitched voice, "Yes! Take it! Please spare us!"

Gaara tossed the umbrella away and reached out to the remaining rain ninja.

Once more, the earth reached up to hungrily consume the rest of the squad. They screamed frantically as the sand engulfed them as it did their leader, their sanity shattering along with their bodies.

Blood rained from the skies.

Kankuro walked forward to retrieve the scroll.

"Hey, we got lucky," He smiled, " it's a heaven scroll."

"Just shut up," Gaara hissed, "it's not enough. It'll never be enough."

Seeing enough, Kiba, Shino, and a fear-stricken Hinata, slowly tried to get the hell out of there before they got killed by the homicidal Suna Genin next. But Gaara turned in their direction when he heard the sound of a broken twig, which immediately made the Genins of Team 8's eyes to widened in panic and fear. Gaara slowly approached their direction to investigate the sound, which made their hearts race like it was running a marathon.

They knew if they ran, they'll be immediately spotted and killed before they could get far. But if they stay where they are, they will eventually be spotted and killed nonetheless. It was a lose-lose situation either way, and fighting was not an option. Kiba and Shino couldn't do anything but brace themselves for their inevitable doom, but surprisingly, when Gaara was closing in on the bush they were hiding behind, he saw nothing. He looked around further, but there was no trace of anyone there. It must've been an animal, he thought. As he walked away from the supposed empty bush and back to his siblings, he didn't realize he had missed the C-rank Genjutsu that was placed by Hinata to hide herself and her teammates.

It was the classic Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings, which was taught to her by her Jonin Sensei. Kiba and Shino looked towards their terrified Byakugan user teammate, whose hands were still shaking, as they were still in her Jutsu's hand-seal form. Kiba gently placed his hand on hers to stop her shaking, and surprisingly it did. He looked into her fearful white eyes and gave her a thankful and apologetic nod as he quietly led her and Shino away.


As Team 8 was sneaking away, Gaara and his siblings were arguing, well, more like Kankuro and Temari were trying to talk down a ticking time bomb, which is Gaara, since the Ame team he had killed happened to have the scroll they needed, which allows them to just head to the Tower, but not so surprisingly, Gaara refuses to go yet since he has not had his fill of blood. Kankuro tried to reason with his little brother, but the Suna Jinchuriki simply called him a coward.

This obviously boils the young Puppeteer's blood a bit, but he was smart enough not to start something with the homicidal boy.

"Look, Gaara, I know this test is no problem for you, but it's dangerous for Temari and I. One set of scrolls is good enough. It's all we need to pass." Kankuro said as he approached Gaara.

"......Losers can't tell me what to do." Gaara simply said, which pushed the already frustrated Puppeteer to his bricking point.

Kankuro then grabbed Gaara by the strap of his Gourd. "ALRIGHT, THAT'S ENOUGH! SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO WHAT YOUR BIG BROTHER SAYS!" Kankuro yelled out as he gripped the strap and pulled Gaara closer.

Kankuro was finally standing up to his little brother as he refused to be treated like he was a stranger. If only Gaara knew how much Kankuro and Temari still cared about him, despite every monstrous thing he had done.

"......Well, it's too bad that I don't think of you as my big brother at all. If you get in my way, I will kill you." Gaara said with his emotionless tone. This obviously broke Kankuro's heart a little, but the courage in his eyes never wavered as he continued to have stared down with his little brother, who was giving him a death glare. Temari was starting to feel worried for her brother's life, so she decided to speak up.

"Wait! Just hold on, Gaara. Y-You, don't have to treat us like we're your enemy. Look, just......do it as a favor to your sister. Please." Temari begged, hoping to calm her little brother down. It was a few moments of intense silence, but Kankuro and Temari's eyes were widened when Gaara smacked Kankuro's hand away from his strap and pointed his clawed hand toward the Puppeteer, implying to use his signature killing move on his brother.

Temari knew she needed to stop things from escalating any further.........but suddenly, they heard the voice of someone familiar.

"That is no way to treat your big brother......Gaara-."

The eyes of the Sand Siblings were widened when they heard the sudden bubbly voice that was coming from next to Gaara. That voice happened to belong to the mint-haired Jinchuriki from Taki, who suddenly appeared next to the Suna Jinchuriki, and surprisingly, without anyone noticing her presence before she announced herself.

"AHHH!" both Temari and Kankuro yelled out of surprise at Fu's sudden appearance.

"HOW DID YOU GET THERE?!" Temari yelled out as she grabbed the giant fan on her back.

"Life finds a way. Isn't it WONDERFUL! I was actually looking for Naruto-kun but found you guys instead," Fu said in a carefree tone until she quickly jumped away to avoid the approaching tendrils of Sand from catching her. Gaara then sent out waves of Sand toward Fu as the tendrils continued to try and snatch her, but Fu was surprisingly very fast and agile until she finally back-flipped a couple of feet away from the Sand Siblings. Landing in a cute pose.

"If you wish to play, Gaara, you only need to ask. I would be happy to play with you. After all, I LOVE making sand castles!" Fu said in her carefree tone as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Silly girl......I have you now." Gaara said with his emotionless voice, but his eyes were screaming with bloodlust as he sent another wave of sand after her, and she continued to dodge it. Sensing his siblings were about to take out their weapons to help fight her, Gaara immediately stopped them before they could.

"NO, the Silly girl is mine," Gaara ordered for his siblings to stand down, as his eyes were purely focused on the agile mint-haired Jinchuriki, but his words were loud enough for her to hear.

"GAASSSPP.....Gaara......am I so precious to you that you want me all to yourself? How exciting! It is like we are best friends already! Let's celebrate with a hug!" Fu said excitedly as she turned and ran towards Gaara at full speed while avoiding his waves and tendrils of sand from snatching her.

Temari and Kankuro were starting to get nervous. This girl is insane! Gaara's sand had barely touched Fu since she was surprisingly fast and agile. They were wondering if they should just jump in and help, regardless of what Gaara ordered, but then again, they don't have a death wish, and Gaara is considered unbeatable. So they decided just to let Gaara handle her.

When Fu was closing in on Gaara by mere inches, ready to embrace him with a hug, his sand finally caught her legs, entrapping her.

"Oh-oh, looks like you finally caught me, Gaara. Now what?" Fu asked excitedly, and surprisingly not panicking.

"Now you die!" Gaara stated as the sand began to wrap around Fu, completely encasing her in a cocoon of sand.'Sigh... it's over.' both Kankuro and Temari thought.

Gaara then clawed his hand and pointed it towards the sand cocoon before him, ready to end the annoying mint-haired girl once and for all.......or so he thought.

"Sand Buri-" Gaara was interrupted as Fu's arm suddenly burst open from the cocoon, and gripped his neck in a stranglehold, shocking the Sand Siblings, as for the first time ever, someone actually broke-out of the unbreakable Sand Coffin. But most importantly, someone was actually touching Gaara!

".......You're wrong, Gaara........now it's my turn to play," Fu said as she gave Gaara a rare smirk.

Fu then completely broke herself out of the Sand Cocoon and pulled Gaara by the neck towards her, with a fist leaning back. The sand could not react in time, as Fu's fist dug deep into Gaara's sand-armored cheek, landing an incredibly strong punch, breaking the armor instantly until it finally reached his flesh, sending him flying backward like a ragdoll. However, luckily his sand managed to cushion his fall, but it was still strong enough to leave a small crater.

Temari and Kankuro were completely speechless. Someone actually hurt Gaara! And that punch could have killed him if it wasn't for his sand and armor. It seems that the Taki Jinchuriki is far more dangerous than she looks. Behind that bubbly cute smile is a dangerous opponent.

"GAARA!" Kankuro and Temari yelled out as they went to approach their little brother, but he barely paid any attention to them, as he was giving Fu the biggest psychotic death glare he could give to anyone.

But Fu, on the other hand, was simply blowing the dirt off her fist from Gaara's armor and giving him a mischievous grin.

"Tee-hee, this has been exemplary, Gaara. But I'm afraid I must leave now. But thank you for this." Fu said joyously as she held out an Earth Scroll in her hand.

Gaara's eyes widened as he checked the pocket of his robes but found nothing. That little minx managed to snatch his Earth Scroll when she was close to him. This angered the Suna Jinchuriki even more. He now sees her as a plague to his health. That her very existence questions his! He wants to kill her even more now, more than Naruto and Yugito.

"I WILL KILL YOU, SILLY GIRL!" Gaara surprisingly yelled out in anger as he sent out massive waves of Sand after her, completely surrounding the Taki Jinchuriki with zero chance of escaping. As the waves of Sand seemed to bury Fu completely, turning the forest into a small desert, he then slammed his hand on the Sandpile.

"Giant Sand Burial!" The sand immediately imploded, crushing anything underneath it. Gaara was smirking with satisfaction, but his smirk immediately faded when he heard the sound of a cute giggle and wings flapping above him. The Sand Siblings turned their heads upwards and saw Fu FLYING above them, with a pair of large wings on her lower back that resembled a dragonfly.

"Miss me, miss me. Now you cannot kill me! See you later, Gaara." Fu said with a sing-song manner and gave a cute peach sign as she flew away quickly before Gaara's sand could catch her. Gaara was seething his teeth in anger. He could fly as well with his sand, but not at her speed. She is already long gone by now.

"THIS ISN'T OVER, SILLY GIRL! I WILL PROVE MY EXISTENCE BY KILLING YOU!" Gaara yelled out angrily, which made Kankuro and Temari more nervous than ever, as he continued to scream in the wind.

'Great, now we gotta find another Earth Scroll. I'm just glad it's not MY fault. In a way, I'm glad that crazy girl came. Someone finally knocked some sense into that little brat.......but now I have to deal with a pissed-off Gaara. I pity the poor bastards that we'll come across later.' Kankuro thought.

'Unbelievable. Someone actually hurt Gaara. I guess it's not so surprising since she is one of the Nine Jinchurikis. But out of those three we met, she is the last one I thought who could. If she is that strong, I wonder what Naruto or that Kumo girl are capable of. This mission might be more dangerous than I thought.' Temari thought worriedly.


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