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But he didn't. And he swore that she began to lean into him.

...or was it him that began to lean into her?

That didn't matter. All that mattered was that their lips were coming dangerously close to one another, and he found that his will really wasn't as strong as he thought it would be. However, there seemed to still be some sort of resistance in his brain because he found himself pulling away.

So, she would have to make the first move. And she knew that as well because she lunged forward, crashing her lips onto his, wrapping her arms around his neck as she pressed her body against his.

He was surprised at first, but he quickly reciprocated her actions, kissing her with an intensity he didn't know he possessed. He felt her tongue prodding him, begging for access, and he was all too willing to let her. Feeling her tongue exploring his mouth, Eren gently brought his teeth down and trapped her tongue. Mikasa moaned in frustration when she couldn't pull away from him, and she pressed herself against him when he began to suck her.

Feeling her chest against him, Eren growled into her mouth, releasing her tongue and pulling her onto his lap with his hands on her waist. Straddling him, Mikasa tried to push him back onto the bed, but Eren pulled her into another kiss and bit her lower lip roughly the first chance he got. She whimpered and began to struggle in his embrace, her movements becoming more furious and erratic when she found herself enjoying the grind of her center on him.

He kept one hand at her waist, using his other to travel up and feel her skin. All its smoothness and curves before he threaded his fingers through her hair and to the back of her scalp.

She became more determined in her grinds, rolling her hips as his hardness rubbed against her. Maybe it was the sound of her breaths or her moans, the soft low mewls, and the way she tasted like strawberry, but he brought his hands down towards the bottom lining of her black bra and lifted it towards her collar, just enough to expose the breasts that had been teasing him during their make-out session.

She threw her head back when he took one of her nipples into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the hardened peak.

"Ohhhh Erenn, Pleaseee don't Stop," She moaned, she didn't know what Eren was doing, but she enjoyed it. Running her hands through his hair, just like he had done earlier, she brought down her nose to his hair, inhaling his scent as he feasted on her. Meanwhile, Eren began to press down onto her skin with his fingers, leaving light pink trails as he ran his fingers down her body, his mouth alternating between each breast, each nipple.

"Yesyes, Eren, Pleaseee, Moree," Her moans became louder, but it was when he decided to bite her peaks and pull that Eren began to fear they were being too loud.

Mikasa reached down to the hem of Eren's shirt and ran her hands under the fabric, feeling the taut skin and muscles under. The anticipation was too great for her; she needed to feel his skin on hers. His assaults on her chest was interrupted when she began to pull his shirt off of him, and he only felt right to do the same by removing her bra completely. Finally, free to feel his warmth, Mikasa pushed her chest to his and crashed her lips onto him. This time, he met her tongue with his own, clashing as he felt himself falling slightly onto his mattress. Taking advantage, Mikasa used her entire weight to fall on top of him, but she moaned at the loss of contact with their centers.

Mikasa moved her hands to his beltline, undoing his button and zipper before sliding her hands into his boxer briefs. Finding the object of her desire, she wrapped her hand around him and squeezed.

She grabbed his hand and directed it to her pants, sliding the tips of his fingers into her panties.

She kissed him again, but this time it was slow and passionate, stroking him as she did so.

His hips were starting to buck as he thrust himself into her hand, her hot and sinful and sweet mouth on his.

She became more aggressive with her kisses and strokes as if she was desperate to prove herself to him. To prove something to him.

She wanted him.

But he didn't know what she was trying to prove. He wasn't sure if she needed to prove anything. Her affections were quite clear.

She wanted him.

And he wanted her.

He blanked out. He must have....because the next thing he knew, Mikasa was under him, writhing in pleasure as he rubbed her folds with his deft fingers.

"Yes...yes," she moaned.

She was a sight to behold. A rosy-pale complexion, framed by dark hair, a beautiful face. All of it, masked in pleasure at him. Her breasts were soft and ample to her petite frame, her curves just the right curvature...and her hips the right width for him. But...there was something off. Yes...there was something ruining this perfect image.

Her clothes.

Growling, Eren dug his hand into the back of her head. She cried when he tugged her head to the side, breathing lowly when he leaned into her ear.

"Do you want this?" he whispered with a dark and low undertone.

"I do, do you?"

Eren smirked into her.


Letting her go, Eren grabbed the waistline of her pants and pulled them down roughly, not stopping at her yelp as her feet dangled in the air.

Mikasa's attention turned to the big bulge on his clothes; slowly removing his pants, she was impressed by the cock, almost hitting her face. She leaned closer, enjoying the aroma. Her hands caressing it carefully.

"M-Mikasa, w-what are-" his words died in his throat when she put her mouth at the head, slowly engulfing the cock with her wet and warm mouth.

He threw his head back, slowly losing control with his shallow thrusts into her mouth. However, when she wrapped her tongue around his base, sucking as she bobbed her head, he moaned.

"Fuck..." Eren grunted, "...just like that, Mikasa..."

Motivated by his words, she began to apply more pressure with her strokes, fitting just a bit more of his length as each second passed. He was surprised by her boldness, he had to admit, not expecting her attempt to fit more of him inside her. However, it was when he looked down at her that he felt himself come undone.

It was her eyes. They were trained on him, filled with love and lust, and Eren couldn't hold onto the dark will he had for much longer. His cock twitched, and he thrust uncontrollably, holding onto the back of her head with both hands as he spurted his seed into her mouth. She had stopped stroking him, closing her eyes as she felt his seed flow into her mouth in waves, but her inexperienced showed when she pulled back, and semen spilled from the corner of her lips, struggling to swallow the load already in place.

Bending down and wrapping his hands around her arse, she yelped when he lifted her from the mattress and flung her further onto his bed.

Crawling slowly towards her, Eren grabbed one of her legs. He started kissing near her thighs.

Her panties were still on, and she moaned when he pressed an open kiss on her covered folds. She wasn't the only one that was affected by his action, Eren feeling his mouth pool with saliva when he took in her scent that was imbedded in the grey fabric of her panties.

"Please," she begged.

"Please, what?"

"Please," she begged again.

"Tell me what you want," Eren whispered lowly.

"Touch it...with your mouth..."

"I am," he assured mockingly, teasing her by sliding his tongue up the clothed slit of her center.

She whimpered at his action, writing in frustration. She moved her hands down to the waistline of her panties and began to move them down, but Eren forcefully grabbed her wrists.

"Allow me to do it," Eren growled.

He could see frustrated tears in the corners of her eyes as she looked at him, but he ignored them to turn his attention back to the honey-soaked fabric beneath him. Pressing a firm kiss against the outline of her lips, she bucked into him, and he smiled at her actions. The fabric was soaked deeply with her anticipation, and a faint aroma wafted to him as he took her into his mouth. Almost as if squeezing a sponge, a bit of Mikasa's wetness made it into his mouth when he sucked harshly onto the fabric.

He took no consideration for his needs, only thinking of himself as he pushed the crotch of her panties aside, exposing her cunt to him. She mewled softly, looking at him with begging eyes, quivering at the feeling of his warm breath on her folds. He wasted no time parting her with his tongue, running his tongue around her opening.

"Oh!" Mikasa whispered, throwing her head back onto the mattress as she clutched the duvet into her hands.

Eren ran his hands up her hips and to her breasts, squeezing them as he feasted on her before finding her hands with his own. Locking her fingers within his own, Eren held her tightly as he nuzzled the hood of her clit with his nose. She tasted so good, and her scent was intoxicating to him, drawing him further and further into her. Releasing one of her hands, Eren brought his fingers to his mouth as he stopped his assault on her. Sucking his index and middle finger, Eren then lifted her hood with his thumb and began to wrestle one-sidedly against her clit with his tongue.

"Ohhh, God. Yes, yes, yes, EreH, don't Stop," She bucked and writhed furiously under him, moaning and gasping his name, all while wrapping her thighs around his head. He made his move suddenly, making her cry when he plunged both his fingers into her core. He began to pump her and suckle her, knowing that she couldn't last much longer with his onslaught. Her twists and turns became more erratic, and he prepared to be pushed away when she fought the grip he had on her fingers. However, he was pleasantly surprised when he felt a light drizzle against her face, the situation quite clear as he licked her juices from his face. She had squirted on him.

"I'm sorry," she said, a red flush appearing on her face as she looked at him with embarrassment.

"Don't be," he told her huskily.

If she thought her ability to squirt was something that should be hidden, then she would begin to hate him because he planned on making her squirt as much as possible.

Resting down on his knees, Eren pulled her closer to him, his cock resting near her cunt while he placed a leg on each side of him. Suddenly, Eren pulled her up from her waist, causing her to whimper as her bare cunt rubbed against his cock, free from the constraints of their clothes for the first time.

"Are you sure you want to continue?"

"Yes," That was all she said.

She mumbled into his chest, burying her head into him, avoiding his gaze. He put his hands on her chin, making her look at his green eyes.

He caressed her cheek with one of his hands as he looked straight into her eyes.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure it doesn't hurt."

Grabbing his cock in his hand, Eren angled the blunt end to her entrance and slowly pushed into her. He felt her stiffen as her opening began to accommodate him, pulsing around the foreign object.

"Shh...shh... Just look at me, Mikasa..."

She looked into his green eyes with her gray eyes that he was so familiar with. She whimpered when he buried himself to the hilt, his head pushing against her womb.

He let her stay there for a while, kissing her softly before he pulled himself halfway before he let her fall back down onto him. He repeated his movements slowly, but he began to move faster and faster with each moment she slid down.

However, it didn't seem to be fast enough.

"Faster," she moaned.

He moaned her name in return. Eren began to thrust into her, pulling himself out to the tip before sliding back into her slowly.

"Faster," she begged.

His breath became quicker, and her moans became louder as he complied with her request. The sounds of their hips meeting with one another filled the room, her wet heat squelching slightly as his hilt met with her lips.

"Harder. Faster...please, Eren."

She was so tight. So, so tight. And so wet. So, so wet.

All for him.

Fisting the back of her hair, Eren brought their lips together into a passionate kiss. A kiss where they only broke apart for air before they came back to one another.

Pushing her down onto the mattress, Eren hooked an arm under her leg before lifting it for a better penetrating angle.

"Please...I'm so close," she moaned.


His thrusts became fast and erratic, his cock twitching, but he held on as long as he could. He needed her to come with him.

She cried, clenching around him, milking him with each writhe of her hips.

He pulled himself out, his cock beginning to limp as he collapsed onto her body. He rolled over onto his back, pulling her with him to rest on his chest with their legs entangled with one another.

He didn't know how it happened. Or why it happened. But they looked into each other's eyes, nothing but raw emotion held within.

"I love you," they said. Both at the same time.

Her eyes widened at his words, and Eren was sure that his eyes must have been just as wide at his own declaration.

"I-I..." he stuttered.

But she cut him off, kissing him once again as she pressed her tongue against his. He pushed against her mouth, and she was willing to allow him entry. He didn't know why until it was too late. She trapped his tongue with her teeth, and he froze when she began to suck him into her.

She let go of his mouth and looked at him with a small smile on her face.

"Are you tired?"

"Not really," he said with light breaths. "Why? You spent?"

Mikasa shook her head at him.

"Good." He flipped her on her fours, yanking her by her hair as he positioned himself at her entrance once more. "Let me know if I'm close to breaking you."

As they continued their lengthy night, neither was aware that everyone outside the tent had heard them...


Troy Wallin

This really is one of the best Attack on Titan stories I’ve read. I’m glad Mikasa was the first to get Eren, and I like how Eren isn’t annoying and hotheaded all the time. Love where this story is going keep up the great storytelling 😁


Great chapter. I was wondering if they heard them... And boy sure they did


Armin will be the most awkward about it. Thank you for reading my story.


He will be like "Aww man, you sure damned me. Now I'll have to catch up with soon to be my girl" :V