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"Everything begins with a single step. This is step one."

It's been over three months since Team 10 was officially recognized as a team.

When Asuma claimed he was going to make his 'Genins' the greatest ninjas in Konoha, he wasn't joking. As a result, he had developed a Training Schedule for them to follow in between missions. They will complete at least two D-rank tasks every day on weekdays in order to meet their quota of receiving a C-rank assignment in the future.

After the missions are completed, they will return to their training schedule for the remainder of the day. This involves assisting them in increasing their strength, speed, and endurance.

It was a regular activity for the young Uzumaki for someone like Naruto, who has been practicing since he can remember and has a strong Chakra Monster as an ally who is also continuously refilling his energy reserves.

It was, however, a Week of Hell for his two comrades.

Ino had been training with Naruto, but it wasn't quite as severe as his training with Kurama. Naruto recognized that not everyone had his stamina, so he attempted to be as patient as possible with her. Of course, she progressed with time and became into a Stronger Kunoichi that she is today.

Shikamaru, on the other hand, was having some difficulty with his physical powers. He, like Ino, had little stamina, but he had the lowest when compared to her. Asuma had made it his particular duty to assist Shikamaru in improving and expanding his Jutsu arsenal. In combat, the more Jutsus learns, the more choices he has.

It would be a pity to leave Shikamaru behind when it comes to his elemental training, especially since Asuma already understood Naruto's inclination for Fire and Wind and Ino's love for Water.

Shikamaru was given a Chakra Paper by Asuma, who instructed him to channel his chakra into it. Surprisingly, the paper disintegrated to dust, demonstrating Shikamaru's affinity for the Earth.

Water is usually a Nara's affinity because of its soothing and calming qualities. Which explains why their shadows move so freely and they seem to be so'relaxed' most of the time.

However, in other situations, a person's elemental affinity might be dependent on their own nature. Shikamaru's calm demeanor suggests he has an affinity with the Earth.

Asuma was pleased with the fact that his team's Nature-Transformations are well-balanced. Lightning is the only affinity that isn't present.

Shikamaru was handed scrolls focused on the fundamentals since he still has to understand the basics. Before he could learn any Jutsus, he needed to learn how to channel his Earth Chakra.

Naruto received a few scrolls based on the new Wind Jutsus. The majority of the Jutsus are C-Rank or above, and Asuma believed Naruto could manage the Jutsu's strength and chakra needs since he was already a proficient Wind Style User.


Team 10 is currently in front of the Hokage, with Iruka and another Chunin standing alongside him. They'd just concluded their first D-Rank mission of the day, and the elderly Hokage was ready to give them another.

The task was simple: capture Torra, the Daimyo's Wife's Cat. Torra has a habit of running away, thus it was a classic 'Pain in the Ass Mission' for new Genins. She has proved to be very tough to trap, and once caught, she has a habit of scratching the living daylights out of a Genin's face.

Ino was the unlucky one, as she was dazzled by the Cat's cuteness and wanted to touch her immediately. However, the unfortunate lady failed to notice the cat's stinging claws and injured a large piece of her lovely face. When Torra sprang free from Ino's grasp, Naruto swooped in and captured her before she could go.

Torra, to everyone's astonishment, did not struggle in the Uzumaki's grip, surprising his friends and enraging Ino even more.

Torra seemed to be a fairly calm and nice when it came to Naruto. She even purred deeply in his arms while licking his whiskered face. Asuma reasoned that it may be because of his whisker markings, which make him seem like a cat.

Torra was seized from Naruto's loving hug by the Daimyo's wife as soon as they arrived at the Hokage Tower.

"OHH MY SWEET CAT. YOU HAVE BEEN A VERY NAUGHTY GIRL HAVEN'T YOU? BUT DON'T WORRY, MUMMY WILL MAKE SURE YOU WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN," the Daimyo's wife says, but she seems to be squeezing the life out of the poor-cat in her supposed'affectionate' hug.

'I understand why the cat runs away so frequently,' Naruto reflected, his face mournful.

'Hmph! That cat is receiving what she deserves! But damn....I can't help but feel sorry for her now,' Ino reflected, a half-satisfied smirk on his face. 'And here I was thinking the cat was simply a pain in the ass, but apparently....she just wanted some space,' Shikamaru reasoned, his eyes sympathetic.

Team 10 then returns their focus to the ancient Hokage as the Daimyo's wife departs with a tearful Torra, begging for Naruto to rescue her.

"Congratulations, Team 10. Another Successful Assignment in your record. Now, if you desire for another mission, we do have numerous requests: babysitting a lord's kid, re-painting the fences of a merchant's home, or..." Hiruzen's speech was cut short by Ino's irritated scream.

"NOOOO! With all due respect, Hokage-sama, these missions are a total BOGUS! Babysitting? Fence-painting? Capturing a fugitive CAT?! I thought we were Ninjas, not fucking Babysitters!" said Ino after being struck in the head by an embarrassed Asuma.

Asuma could only mutter, "Language, young lady."

"Umm, I agree with Ino, Hokage-Sama. Not that I don't understand why we're performing these'missions' since we're still fresh Genin, but don't you think we've done enough D-Ranks to earn us at least a C-Rank mission, don't you think?" Naruto sought to emphasize Ino's remarks in a courteous way.

Hiruzen questioned, "What do you think, Asuma-kun? Do you believe your kids are ready for a C-Rank?"

"Well, in the last three months, we've finished 88 D-Ranks," Asuma said.

"They usually require at least 50 D-Ranks to achieve a C-Rank, which they have, and I can safely state that they ARE ready. Not to brag, but I taught them well, and they are a really skilled set of young Shinobis," Asuma added proudly.

"Mmmm very good then." Hiruzen agrees.

"Ummm, Hokage-sama, are you sure? While I have no doubts about their talents or Asuma-training, they are still quite young for a mission beyond the village," Iruka expressed worry about his former pupils.

"They'll have to do it someday, Iruka," Hiruzen tells the scarred Chunin, "and I believe Asuma-kun will keep them safe."

"Don't worry, Iruka Sensei, I swear we'll be cautious," Naruto adds confidently, as if to assuage the terrified Chunin's fears.

"Now, I have one C-Rank Mission for you to do..." Hiruzen says as he pulls out one mission scroll. "....the mission is requested by the Wasabi Family, from the Land of Tea, and it is about the Annual 'Todoroki Shrine Race,' which will begin in two days, and it will take at least a day to arrive in the Land of Tea." Hiruzen informed.

Naruto inquired, "Who are we escorting?"

Hiruzen just said, "I don't know."

Ino inquired, "What do you mean you don't know, Hokaga-sama?"

"They have a Dedication Ceremony at the Great Todoroki Shrine once every four years in the neighboring nation of the Land of Tea, and we've received a request to escort 'The Runner,' who will participate in the race that will be held there, but an assailant from the opponent's side attacked the messengers before they arrived here," Hiruzen explained.

Asuma inquired, "Assailant? Were they able to identify them?"

"The messengers weren't sure, but they think it was a Shinobi," Hiruzen said, "but if that's the case, this task might be raised to an A-Rank if you see any."

Shikamaru said, "Forgive me, Hokage-sama, but I still don't comprehend this task."

"You should acquire the specifics straight from the Wasabi Family's Head, Jirocho," Hiruzen said, "and I encourage you to go immediately for the Land of Tea, since time is of the importance."

"Yes, Hokage-sama," Team 10 agreed, bowing respectfully.

Asuma advised his staff, "I'll allow you guys an hour to go home and gather all the basics you need for a one-week excursion, then meet me at the Village Gate when you're done." Hiruzen wishes them all the best of luck.


Naruto was the first to arrive, followed by Asuma, who is presently having a smoke beneath the shade while resting against a tree. As the two waited for the rest of their Team to arrive, Asuma decided this was the perfect opportunity to finally speak with his blonde pupil.

Asuma abruptly said, "What are you not telling me, Naruto?"

"Asuma Sensei, what do you mean?"

"Pardon me if I'm harsh, but dad informed me you already know about your...Burden."

The Elite Jonin noted Naruto's careless response, "Yes. I do."

"Look, I want you to know that I'm not one of those oblivious jerks. I actually like you, Kiddo, and even I can tell the difference between a prison and a prisoner, but I only see you as Naruto. And don't tell the others, but I think you're my second favorite student," Asuma confessed with a warm smile.

"Second Favourite!" Naruto exclaimed, smirking. "Jeez, I wonder who is the lucky one, to be the first, possibly a certain Lazy Nara," he speculated.

"Despite that, Asuma Sensei, you're a great instructor," Naruto responded.

".....I'm not really a good man, kiddo. Specifically, I'm not really a good son. After my mother died....I had a 'disagreement' with Dad. We argued a lot, and eventually, it led me to leave the village for a while to pursue my own personal interest. But to this day...I still remember how hurt Dad was when I left," Asuma said, his voice tinged with guilt.

"I see, do you have any regrets?" Naruto said.

"Of course, Kiddo," Asuma remarked, "but it wasn't all for nothing. I got to be a member of the Twelve Guardian Ninja, and I made a wonderful buddy with a monk named Chiriku. Plus, I managed to EARN my reputation as one of Konoha's Elite Ninjas. Hell, I even have a 35 million ryo bounty on my head."

"35 million?! Who did you piss off?" Naruto exclaimed, surprised to learn that his Sensei was most likely in every bounty hunter's Bingo Book.

"Hahaha, Naruto, it's a Black-Market Bounty. Plus, I've made A LOT of enemies over the years, so it's anyone's guess who put it up right now. But...I'm a bit proud, huh? The more I'm worth, the more Badass I am, right?" Asuma stated with a smug grin.

With a deadpan expression, Naruto said, "Why do I believe that bounty could get you murdered someday?"

With a laid-back tone, Asuma remarked, "Oh Come on Kiddo, you're just being worried."

"WE'RE HERE! WE'RE HERE! SORRY WE'RE LATE!" exclaimed Ino, panting, as she and Shikamaru approached the village gate.

With a heavy groan, Shikamaru muttered, "Apparently our mothers won't stop worrying us about the 'potential hazards' beyond the village. What a nuisance."

"Well, you're here now, so that's all that counts; the Land of Tea is a one-day journey, but let's see if we can get there sooner. Let's go," Asuma stated as he led his group out of Konoha's gates.

"YEAH! FINALLY! A MISSION OUTSIDE THE VILLAGE!" said Ino, relieved that they had finally left their home.

Shikamaru muttered, tiredly, "Troublesome, it's going to be a long week."

"Are you thrilled, Naruto-kun? This is our first trip out of the village?" Ino said of her blonde companion.

"You bet," Naruto teased his lover, "and don't worry, I'll keep you all safe, and I'll personally make sure to keep you warm at night."

Ino blushed profusely as a result of this. Pondering how he can keep her warm.

"You need to quit hanging out with Anko, Kiddo," Asuma advised, knowing how insane she could be at times and how much she enjoyed the torture.

"She's Not That "Bad" after you get to know her. Very Well," Naruto said. Since becoming a Genin, he and Anko have shared a bed every night.

They would do it every day, till Anko became exhausted and fell asleep, and some of her clothes were even at his home.

They then started their journey to the Tea Land. As Team 10 made their way to their client's house, they came upon a little Tea House nearby. They decided to go there for lunch and a break before continuing on.

Ino couldn't help but notice Naruto was reading a scroll closely as they walked, so she decided to inquire...

"Asuma-sensei, is the land of Tea important to Konoha?" Ino asked.

"It has its values, but I'm not into economy and politics to know more about the importance of it," Asuma answered, not knowing much about that kind of stuff.

"Actually is," Naruto suddenly said as he read a scroll.

"Land of Tea is located South of Land of Fire, but unlike us, doesn't have its own Military Village, the same is for many other lands spread around Konoha, Kumo, Suna and Iwa.

These places are Key factors to the economy of whatever Village they're allied to, for example Land of Tea, has been allies with Konoha since the days of Hashirama Senju.

Land of Tea is surrounded by Sea except to the North side, their food is mostly fish, or any other food, fruit or vegetables related to the sea. Because of how close it is to the Sea, the temperature are always high, actually the last time snow fell in Land of Tea was over 50 years ago, and that happened during the Long Winter that lasted five months, resulting in many people in minor villages to die from the cold.

Back to the Land of Tea, their deal with Land of Fire is to supply them with Fish, and different kind of food that can be found only in the Land of Tea, not only that, but Land of Tea also supplies Konoha with Water and medicine plants like Ilaq which can cure many diseases and even used against different type of poison, the water we get from Land of Tea is also cleared by using a Seal made by Mito Uzumaki, the salty water of the sea can be turned into Sweet Water, used for everything that water is used for. Because of this, every time Land of Tea needs something done, whenever is D-Rank or S-Rank, the price is always 50% cheaper." Naruto explained much to the shock of everyone, including Asuma who didn't understand why Naruto would be interested in Economy and Allies of The Village.

"Eh Naruto, if the Land of Tea is so important to Konoha, why didn't Iwa tried to Attack it first," Ino asked curiously, knowing about The War.

"Because of where is located, except Kirigakure, none of the other Big Villages have Naval Ships to conquer the Seas, To enter Land of Tea you first need to pass through Land of Fire," Naruto explained.

"Indeed, or maybe The old man Onoki thought himself stronger than he actually was, therefore he attacked Land of Fire directly," Asuma added, smoking from his cigarette before breathing out the smoke.

"Maybe, but important to the Leaf Village is also The CommonLand, located east of Konoha, the land itself is one of the most important lands of Land of Fire, everything is grown through those lands, wheat-flour, and everything else, Sheeps, Cows, and different animals are raised around the CommonLand, producing enough food to feed an entire country, all that land, and the entirety of Land of Fire is ruled by Daimyo, and Konoha is the one that guards it, if the Land of Fire was a human body, then The CommonLand would be the Blood, Land of Tea would be the Muscles and Konoha would be the Brain and Heart. Take out Konoha and we are defenceless, take out CommonLand and we will Starve, take out Land of Tea and we run out of Medicine and Water." Naruto finished his explanation.

Asuma couldn't fathom how Naruto knew all of this, the Academy didn't taught them that, sure he could have grabbed a book in the Library but why would a Shinobi be interested in Economy and all that, or perhaps I'm just overthinking, Asuma thought, deciding to ignore it. After all Naruto was just a curious child and there was nothing wrong with it.

Shikamaru smiled at Naruto's explanation, but himself wondered why Naruto, a Shinobi be interested in Economy, this is troublesome, I wonder how Suna even survives then, where do they get the food?!


When the four Konoha shinobi sat down at their table, they ordered their meals and drinks right away.

Naruto requested Sweet Bean Soup, Ino requested Dumplings, and Shikamaru requested just Jelly.

Asuma had just placed an order for the shop's specialty tea and asked if he might light up his cigarette. However, the Tea House has a no-smoking policy, which makes the Elite weep a bit inside.

But, unknown to the four, a young guy sitting across from them, who was gritting his teeth and gazing daggers at them the instant he noticed their headbands.

'Ninja from the Hidden Leaf,' the young guy said, his voice tinged with hate.

As he stood up, the young guy walked gently up to the table of the four Leaf shinobis to speak his bit.

With a smug tone, the young guy added, "Having sweet bean soup while it's so pleasant outdoors. The Ninja profession really is carefree today."

"What are you trying to Say?" Naruto queried the stranger, his eyes narrowing.

"Things must be pretty tranquil in Leaf Village, judging by the thick looking folks like you all," the young man replied, his grin widening even further.

"All right, friend, I'm going to ask you to go right now," Naruto stated calmly. He was no longer bothered by petty remarks from dumb individuals.

"Who the heck do you think you are?" said Ino.

When the young guy observed Ino, "Hey, I didn't realize there was such a sweetie here; I take back my prior statement."

"Thank you?" Ino murmured, blushing slightly at the flattery.

"I'm Idate, Idate Morino," the now-identified Idate adds seductively as he continues to flirt with the gorgeous platinum blonde female. "What's your name, young lady?"

'Morino? Isn't that...' Asuma wondered, since the surname was one he recognized.

"I-Ino," she said hesitantly.

"Ino huh....that's lovely name," Idate adds with a smile. "Well, since destiny has brought us together, isn't it time we spoke about our future?"

"And....what is that future?" Ino inquired, eager to hear his response.

"I'm talking about you abandoning the Ninja life and marrying me," Idate adds with a seductive grin, causing the Yamanaka girl to flush even more at the unexpected bold proposal.

BUT...she suddenly realized who she was sitting next to, and the flush vanished as she felt the 'Chill'.

Ino sensed something was wrong as the air became noticeably cooler. Even Asuma and Shikamaru felt it, but couldn't figure out where it originated from. Then they realized Naruto was surrounded by a massive shadow, and a little trace of his Killing Intent was being discharged.

However, the blonde was able to maintain his composure, else he would have risked wrecking the lovely Tea House.

"Yeah, Idate was it? I may not seem so, but I am a reasonable guy, so I'll give you 10 seconds to walk away from Ino before I chop your balls off and throw them down your mouth and make you swallow them," Naruto stated calmly.

'Oh my gosh, is Naruto-kun jealous? Why do I find it so appealing when he becomes too rough of me? Is this normal? .' Ino pondered, puzzled.

Idate, on the other hand, sneered at the threat.

"Don't worry, I'm only joking, but the rest of it isn't a joke. If there's one thing I can't abide, it's a NINJA. If you keep roaming about the Land of Tea, there WILL be problems," Idate remarked with venom in his voice.

"Are you threatening us, Boy?" Asuma said, eventually raising his voice in a solemn tone. Threats were one of the things that the Elite Jonin despised.

"Like I said, a simple caution," Idate smugly said.

"Well, we don't take'simple warnings' from skinny dickheads," Naruto stated calmly. "So, if I were you, I'd scram. Before I enforce my first warning on you."

For the insult, Idate stared fiercely at Naruto. He wondered who this young blonde kid thought he was.

Ino murmured softly to her blonde partner, "Calm down, Naruto-kun."

"She's correct. Just ignore the obnoxious punk. We don't have time," Shikamaru replied, his voice bored.

"I'll do it once....whoa.....where did he go?" Naruto exclaims as he discovers Idate has disappeared totally.

"Huh...gone?" Ino said, stunned by Idate's speed.

'There is no way!' I was completely oblivious to it. 'I'm not sure whether I'm rusty or that child is simply very quick.' Asuma pondered.

"Sigh....And here I was expecting to at least punch that jerk in the face," Naruto said, dejected.

With a loving grin, Ino remarked, "Awww Naruto, you're so sweet when you're jealous; don't worry, you know you're the only one for me."

The waitress then arrived with their orders and handed them their bill. But, to their surprise, she offered them TWO bills.

As she walks away from the table, the waitress replies, "I'll collect them when you're done."

"Wait! Why two bills?" Asuma said.

"Yours and your young buddy who just departed, who stated you guys would pay for him." The waitress said.

"THAT SON OF A BITCH!" said Ino.

"Naruto, can you locate him?" Shikamaru begged his blonde closest buddy.

Naruto stepped out of his chair and knelt on the ground, saying, "On it."

"I know where he is, but he's traveling fast. We need to get moving immediately if we want to catch up. From what I can see, he's fairly far away." Naruto said solemnly.


"Not until I burn him and rip him up into shreds!" Naruto exclaims, returning the wicked grin with her own.

They also exchanged a little 'evil chuckle,' which made Shikamaru's palms to sweat as he worried about his blonde colleagues' violent inclinations.

Shikamaru sighed tiredly, "I knew this was going to be a lengthy assignment."

The Genin three then hurried out of the Tea House, leaving just their Jonin Instructor to pay the bill, which he grumbled under his breath.

"Umm, I'm afraid we have to go now ma'am. My pupils can be a bit eager at times. Thank you very much for the dinner. I'll leave the money here on the table," Asuma remarked as he walked slowly to where his students left, believing that this wasn't a pressing matter and that he could take his time.


As the Genin three hurriedly pursued the ninja-hating Dine & Dasher, Asuma walked after them at his own leisurely pace.

"That person has tremendous speed; he must have spent years training his legs to be able to cover this distance in such a short amount of time," Naruto observed.

Shikamaru inquired, "Who the heck is he anyway?"



Idate was speeding through the forest like there was no tomorrow.

"Stupid Ninja! I'll be miles away from those losers before they can even get started," Idate stated, smugly.

However, as he continued to run at maximum speed, he stumbled on a root and was sent plummeting from a cliff, unaware that his pocket knife had dropped from his grasp.

Before hitting the ground, he was able to halt his fall by colliding against a tree limb.

"All the speed in the world won't help if I don't keep an eye on where I'm going," Idate scolded himself.

Idate then leaps off the limb and lands on his feet on the ground.

He didn't understand, however, that he was surrounded by two enraged Genins and one bored Genin.

"I AGREE, BUT THAT WILL NOT BE IMPORTANT.....ONCE I BREAK BOTH YOUR LEGS," Ino said, releasing part of her murderous fury.

Idate glanced up and saw the furious platinum blonde girl on his left, Shikamaru on his right, and Naruto in front of him, standing on a tree limb.

He was totally encircled.

"You have a lot of audacity to piss these two off, but it was because of you that I had to run, so now you piss ME off," Shikamaru grumbled.

"Did you honestly think you could get away with it? We're Ninjas, whether you like it or not, and we were trained to catch punks like you, so I hope you're ready for what's coming next," Ino said, cracking her knuckles and indicating that she's about to beat the living hell out of the Dasher in front of him.

Idate clenched his teeth, knowing that there was only one thing he could do now to rescue himself.

Idate shouted, "I'M SORRY!" as he knelt and bent his head in humiliation.

"Huh?" said the Genin three, startled by the unexpected show of timidity.

They then leapt off their limbs and landed near Idate.

"I had my wallet stolen and was at a loss, and then you guys stepped up, and I didn't know what else to do," Idate said, almost pleading for mercy.

"Are you kidding? All your money?" Ino inquired, her voice tinged with sorrow.

"Why didn't you just say-Oww!" Naruto yelped in agony as something landed on his head, but he caught it before it went to the ground.

It was a pocket knife, to be precise.

"What is this?" Naruto wondered, staring at the knife in awe.

When Idate lifted his head off the ground, he discovered it was HIS prized pocket knife. And it's being held by someone other than him!

"DON'T TOUCH IT! GIVE IT TO ME!" Idate's timidity morphed into rage as he hurriedly attempted to reclaim Naruto's pocket knife.

Naruto, on the other hand, had quicker reflexes than the Idiot Runner and was able to evade all of his frantic clutches, which finally evolved into violent blows.

"Hey! Quit it! I'm warning you!" Naruto exclaimed angrily, in between dodges and blocks, in response to Idate's unexpected hostility.

All of this for a useless pocket knife? Naruto is growing more enraged with the older boy in front of him. Who is HE to be enraged by him?

"THAT IS MINE! GIVE IT BACK OR I'LL..." Idate couldn't complete his statement before being knocked out cold by a swift haymaker punch from the Uzumaki.

"NARUTO-KUN?!?" said Ino, stunned by the unexpected knockout strike.

"What?! The jerk went insane and attacked me because I was carrying his pocket knife....nice workmanship, however," Naruto observed as he examined the apparently custom-made weapon. Maybe that's why Idate was so desperate to have it back.

"Alright, we accomplished what we came for, right? We hunted him down, and you struck him in the face. Can we go now?" Shikamaru said, his voice bored.

"Yeah, Asuma Sensei isn't far away, and he's on his way to the Wasabi Family's property right now, so let's go catch up with him," Naruto remarked.

Ino said, "What are you planning to do with the pocket knife?"

"I'm not a thief, even if I really enjoy the handle's design. But I'm going to leave him a letter. Something to remind him what will happen if he...crosses us again," Naruto stated with a wicked grin that gave both Ino and Shikamaru shivers.

"Asuma Sensei is correct, Naruto-kun. You really need to quit hanging out with Anko," Ino added, her face flushed with the realization that her boyfriend's girlfriend has a negative influence on him.

"Anko shouldn't hear you say thar; she's a lot of fun to be around," Naruto replied.


Idate had a black eye and a severe headache when he awoke. The last thing he recalled was the blonde ninja guy punching him in the face because he was clutching his...

"Where has my knife gone?"

Idate saw his pocket knife close by. Its blade protrudes from the ground downward. Idate promptly got up and rushed to get it, but then he saw the carved written message next to the knife on the ground.

'Hello, Idate. Please accept my apologies for accidentally touching your 'valuable' knife. I had no idea you were so strange about it; maybe you have it to keep yourself company. Fortunately for you, I'm not a thief. BUT you mocked the shinobi title, cheated your way out of your bill, and flirted with MY girl. Putting that aside, since you like issuing 'Simple Warnings,' I'll offer you mine. If I ever see you again, I'm going to chop your balls off with that lovely little knife of yours. Your Nightmare'

Idate laughed off the warning as if it were a joke, but he couldn't help but feel a shiver go up his spine.

He was knocked down cold by a single blow from the alleged Naruto. Imagine if he meant it when he said he was going to harm him. That concept alone was enough to make him feel frightened.


Team 10 has regrouped with their Jonin Sensei and is currently in front of Jirocho, the Wasabi Family's Head, and their customer.

"Welcome, and thank you everybody for coming; I hope your journey here went well," Jirocho replies gratefully.

"Not at all, Jirocho-san. We understand how important this race is to your nation. My name is Asuma Sarutobi, Elite Jonin, and this is my Genin team: Naruto Uzumaki, Ino Yamanaka, and Shikamaru Nara," Asuma explains as he introduces his team.

"At your service." Naruto greeted.

With a grin, Ino responded, "Nice to meet you, Jirocho-san."

With a leisurely wave, Shikamaru remarked, "What's up."

"It's good to meet all of you, and it's an honor to have you here; I'm grateful for your assistance," Jirocho stated, smiling.

"Now that we've said our hellos, let's get down to business," Asuma said, "Lord Hokage ordered us to acquire the specifics of our mission straight from you."

"I'm sure Lord Hokage has already told everything to you about the Dedication Ceremony at the Great Todoroki Shrine that takes place every four years," Jirocho said, assuring them of their understanding of the issue.

"Yes," Naruto said, "but if you could perhaps explain more, we would be grateful."

"All right, please have a seat," Jirocho stated, motioning the four shinobis to take a seat so they could hear the explanation.

"It all started a long time ago. Legend has it that in order to subdue a terrible storm, the people dedicated the 'Ryuko's Jewels' to the Great Todoroki Shrine in desperation. And it worked. The storms went away, and it became a customary event that happens every four years. At first, it was just to dedicate the Jewels. But several decades ago, it became a festival, and a race. With the winner of the Race

"However, in recent years, what was once a friendly race has taken on a troubling aspect. For generations, the Port-town of Degarashi has been divided into two families; The Wasabi and the Wagarashi. Two rivalling Gambling Organizations. Both Families wanted control over the town, which naturally led to disputes. These disputes became increasingly violent, at times resulting in all-out battles. The rest of the town's people were caught in the crossfire. Many were killed.

"Finally, in an attempt to break the cycle of violence, our district head called on both sides to get together and reach an agreement; from now on, control of the town will be chosen by competition rather than street brawls," Jirocho revealed.

"What kind of competition is it?" Ino inquired.

"The Race is held every four years at the Great Todoroki Shrine Dedication Ceremony. Four years ago, the Wagarashi won easily by hiring shinobi, and we've recently learned that they've hired shinobi again this year. That's why we sent out messengers to the Hidden Leaf Village with a request for assistance, but they were ambushed and attacked," Jirocho said, his voice sad.

"I implore you all," Jirocho said as he bowed down to the four shinobi in front of him.

"Please contribute your strength to our family; if we lose again, the Wagarashi will retain control of our town for another four years, and our people will continue to suffer as a result," Jirocho urged, his voice desperation in his tone.

"Leave it to us, Jirocho-san." Naruto answered With a cheerful grin.

Shikamaru said, "So, who do you want us to accompany anyway?"

Jirocho smiled and clapped his hands, "Excellent, so you'll accept the job then."

The Wasabi family's selected Runner emerged from the sliding door beside them.

"Yes, Boss, you called for me?" said the runner, who happened to be Naruto's current least favorite character, Idate Morino.

Team 10 was taken aback when they discovered that the familiar punk who had tricked and fled from them was the same guy they were supposed to protect.

When Idate pointed his finger at Naruto, he cried out in terror and rage, "Y-You!"

Naruto was taken aback, but when he recalled his vow to Idate when they left ways in the jungle, his smile transformed into an evil grin.

"Hello, Idate. I thought I made myself plain. Now....where's your knife?" Naruto said, his deadly intent for Idate revealed by his wonderfully calm tone.

Idate could only 'gulp.'

"Oh, so you all know each other? That makes things a lot simpler," Jirocho replied, smiling.

"That may not be the case," Ino sighed, her goal having just become a lot more difficult.


Naruto and Idate are presently strolling along Degarashi Street. To clear the air between the two, Asuma believed it would be a good idea. He just hopes that Naruto does not murder the person he is supposed to protect.

"Boss Jirocho is a very important guy around here," Idate grumbled, "and he shouldn't have to drop his head to Ninjas like you."

"It takes a large man to bend his head to another. I have nothing but respect for Jirocho-san, but I'm having problem not murdering you. But I'm still a shinobi on duty, and whether I like it or not, I still have to escort your crappy ass," Naruto remarked, his voice tinged with hate.

Idate screamed at the younger blonde lad next to him, "Fine! Believe me! If I wanted an escort, it would not be some snotnose runt like you!"

"For the sake of my assignment, I'm going to pretend you didn't just call me that. I'm still your bodyguard, Idate," Naruto responded angrily.

Idate merely sneered, "Hmph."

"Sigh....Look....I guess we started off on the wrong foot. Can we just start over? For Jirocho-sake," san's Naruto replied calmly, hoping that their quarrel would not lead them to lose the race the next day.

"Hmph, well. I'll do it for Boss Jirocho, but that doesn't guarantee I'll like you," Idate remarked, his tone somewhat less irritated.

"Likewise," Naruto answered, a delighted grin on his face.


Ino and Shikamaru decided to have a look around the town and see what was going on. They're now on display at a nearby trinket store.

They realized that most of the things are unexpectedly more pricey than their value as they browsed the store.

"These rates are absurd, even if it's a Tourist Resort," Ino told her Nara friend.

"Perhaps it's a high-market," Shikamaru said sloppily.

However, the shopkeeper overheard their 'not so quiet' talk.

"I'm sorry about that; even I know it's pretty pricey," the shopkeeper acknowledged to her products' 'dramatic' overpricing.

"Oh no, I didn't mean..." Ino apologized, hoping she hadn't offended the shopkeeper, but she didn't seem to mind.

"Oh, don't worry, sweetheart, we don't want to sell at these rates too, but once the Wagarashi family took control of this town..." the woman shopkeeper couldn't complete her statement because they all heard a huge crash and the sound of shattered glass just outside the store.

They went to investigate and saw three goons in the middle of the street harassing one of the town's merchants.

As he kneeled on the floor in front of the three goons, the elderly Merchant implored, "P-Please pardon me."

"How dare you! When we want something, we take it! GOT IT! You wouldn't even be in business if it weren't for the Wagarashi!" said one of the goons, who was later shown to be a Wagarashi family member.

"I know, I know...only it's that...to take it without paying for it, is..." the elderly merchant reasoned, but he was ignored.

"You don't understand it, do you? Boys, go steal his things while I give him a lesson," the alleged leader said, ordering his two goons to plunder the shopkeeper.

"No, p-please stop!" exclaimed the elderly merchant, who attempted to stop them from taking his hard-earned goods until the leader seized his shirt collar.

"Perhaps this will help you comprehend!" exclaims the leader, raising his hand and attempting to hit the old Merchant in the face.

Only to be halted by Ino, who came out of nowhere and grabbed the Leader's impending fist, firmly holding it.

As soon as the leader spotted the platinum blonde female, he said, "What the hell! Who are you?"

"Why don't you and your buddies go for a hike?" Ino suggested, her tone solemn.

"My, my, what have we got here? She's quite a gorgeous little thing, isn't she?" one of the other two goons returned after hearing his commander shouting.

He, like the other, had a wicked smile and a ravenous expression in his eyes.

"Yeah, why don't you come with us, blonde, and we'll show you a wonderful time," the other thug remarked, licking his lips, clearly disgusting Yamanaka.

"Well, if you want me, come get me; after all, you can take anything you want, right?" Ino challenged, disgusted.

"Please get her out of there! These individuals are from the Wagarashi Family, and they are dangerous, particularly to a little girl like her," implored the Lady shopkeeper to Shikamaru.

"Don't worry, she'll be alright; it's them who should be concerned," Shikamaru replied, a confident grin on his face.

"YOU ASKED FOR IT! GET HER, BOYS!" shouted the commander to his two companions.

The woman shopkeeper instantly hid her face behind her hands. She couldn't stand seeing the three Wagarashi goons attack the adorable blonde girl.

The only noises she heard were excruciating writhing and bones snapping.

When she opened her eyes, she, like the rest of the audience, was taken aback by the spectacle in front of them.

"Y-You won't get away with this! We'll get you next time, lady! Don't mess with us, or you'll get what you deserve!" shouted one of the three bruised and battered Wagarashi thugs as he and the other thug were preparing to depart with their unconscious boss.

Because she didn't enjoy the sound of threats, Ino clenched her fists loudly enough for the thugs to hear, forcing them to shriek in terror and flee as quickly as they could.

"Thank you, whatever you are, young lady," the elderly Merchant remarked as he humbly bent his head to the platinum blonde girl.

"Look at those guys run! Now, if the Wasabi family can win the race, we'll be done with them for good," the woman shopkeeper said gleefully as she assisted the elderly merchant.

"Are you all well, Ino?" Shikamaru said, concerned about his buddy.

"Don't worry, Shika," Ino remarked confidently. "Those creeps aren't even worth breaking a sweat."


Naruto, Ino, and Shikamaru are currently in Asuma's guest room, confronting him. He seemed to have something essential to say to them.

"All right, gentlemen, here's a brief mission update: I won't be accompanying you on the escort tomorrow," Asuma said.

Ino inquired, "What? Why?"

"Apparently, the Daimyo of the Land of Tea has ordered me to examine the Wagarashi Family and the Minister of Port Degarashi, since the Daimyo feels the Minister has been questionably prejudiced with the Wagarashi and suspects foul play," Asuma explained his new job to them.

Shikamaru said, "So you believe this Minister is assisting the Wagarashi?"

Asuma lit up the cigarette in his lips and stated, "Perhaps. That is what I aim to find out."

"So we'll accompany Idate by ourselves," Naruto said. "Are you sure we're ready, Sensei?"

"Yes, I have complete faith in you three and your abilities, and I am confident that you will succeed. Naruto, I am appointing you as acting captain of Team 10 until my mission is completed. And a word of advice: while completing a mission is important, never jeopardize the safety of your comrades, including Idate. I hope you were able to work things out with him," Asuma advised his sunny blonde student.

"Yes, Sensei," Naruto answered confidently, "I will defend them all with my life."

"And I'll guard yours with mine," Ino responded, pledging to protect her 'Blonde' at all costs.

"It's too inconvenient to die last, so I'll make sure you people are safe as well," Shikamaru replied calmly, but he meant every word.

"Hahaha, you guys never fail to surprise me. Good luck tomorrow, and beware of the enemy shinobi. I assume they're from Amegakure, the Hidden Rain Village, and they're infamous for employing Senbons, as the messengers who were assaulted reported," Asuma warned his squad.

"We'll be cautious, Sensei," Naruto promised with a cheerful grin.


"You asked for me, Mei-Sama?" A man asked respectfully, as he entered the tent, he was around his thirties, an eyepatch on his right eye.

Mei didn't turned to look at him, wearing a blue dress, auburn hair reaching to her middle back, red lips, blue dress that beautifully hugged her curves, she was the leader of the Revolution against Yagura.

"Yes, I need you to go to Land of Tea, you need to meet an informer," Mei stated, still reading the paper in her hands.

"But Mei-Sama, I don't understand, why do I need to meet this informer?" Ao asked, bowing his head respectfully.

Mei turned to look at him, a smirk reached her face, she knew only one who would write this letter.

"Because He is...

Yesterday I Published a 'Legend of Korra x Naruto' Story.

'A Spirit of Elements' you can check it out if you want.


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