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The crew was listening to Zeff's stories when Luffy suddenly stood up from his chair, looking serious.

The crew except Sanji understood the enemy was close.

"They're on their way," Nami exclaimed. Walking outside they were met with Krieg Pirates holding guns and swords.

"We are going to take revenge for our captain, we are going to kill all of you," one shouted, immediately getting 'Yah' from all his crewmates.

The Straw Hat crew didn't look intimidated by their poor try of threat. Luffy stepped forward.

"Zoro, cut them down," Luffy ordered without batting an eye.

Zoro just smirked before jumping down right in front of the pirates who looked at Zoro as if he was mad for attacking them alone.

"Do you have some kind of death wish or something boy?" A pirate asked as the whole party began creeping forward.

Zoro just smirked, unsheathing only two of his swords, a part of the crew rushed towards Zoro with knives, pistols and swords.

"Kill Him" They roared, Zoro just put two of his sword in front before making his move.

"Two Sword Style," he roared, slicing them up left and right, one by one fell from Zoro's blade and not once Zoro used his third and best sword to attack.

The crew left gasped seeing each one of their crew who attacked Zoro being cut from the swordsmen, not only that but Zoro didn't have a single injury in his body.

"Be Careful, he's The Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro," One shouted amongst the Krieg crew which resulted in fear to spread even more amongst the crew left alive.

"Nami, Zoro, and Sanji are in charge of the attack. Without their captain, they have already lost." The three nodded in response to Luffy's words. Luffy was eager to see how far Nami had grown since her last battle. He was also curious to see what Sanji might do.

Sanji just snorted as they tried to overwhelm him, they figured if they couldn't win 1vs1, they will try to win with numbers, that always worked against stronger enemies thus far. Sanji started by kicking the first fool on the jaw, breaking it, the cook didn't stop as he proceeded to kick five more pirates who tried to attack him, one who was shaking in fear tried to aim, firing the bullet, Sanji dodged smoothly before kicking his gun away first and then axe kick his head.

Luffy had to admit that Sanji knew how to fight, by the end, thirty unconscious and some dead pirates were lying behind Sanji who just lighten up a cigarette.

Nami smirked seeing the pirates rushing towards her, the staff in her hands, she smiled seductively before sending them a wink much to Luffy's amusement, the pirates stopped dead on track by the beautiful Navigator who then used her staff to hit them around, one by one fell on the ground, one tried attacking from behind with a sword, Nami's observation warned her before anything could happen, she dodged to her left before using her staff to crack his skull, the men fell dead on the water.

Nami quite like it being able to defend herself, another group of pirates aimed at her with guns from a safe distance, Luffy wondered if he would have to intervene, but Nami much to the surprise of everyone, jumped in the air right as the bullets flew at the other direction, Nami hit one in the head before striking each one that dared to shoot at her.

Nami was searching for her next enemy when something emerged from the ocean, turning around she was met with the most ridiculous custom in the world. The new person, at first Nami wondered what she was looking at only to realise that was just a man who needed to dress better.

"Behold Me. I'm Pearl the Iron Wall," he shouted proudly of himself. Luffy tilted his head at the side in confusion, was there some kind of rule in Krieg Pirates that only if you're a cocky person you can join the crew.

He possessed massive iron plates on both his front and back, giving him a spherical appearance. They were all over him, from the crotch to collar. Smaller iron plates were affixed to his feet, knees, elbows, wrists, and even his skull, each with a brilliant-looking pearl in the centre.

"You might have defeated my crewmates, but unlike them, I'm invisible, That's right, now that Don Krieg is Dead. I'm in Charge of Krieg pirates, I will be the one to become the Pirate King," he proclaimed loudly, Nami just rolled her eyes, this was some kind of clown, even Buggy was more menacing.

"You Pirate King, pff, I have seen many pirates dressing up like weird people but you take the centre stage," Nami said bored of this but in same time she wondered how much worth were the pearls around his armour!?

"You? A little girl like you, please look at my handsome face, you will end up jumping like all the girls. I've won every battle without a single scratch, that little stick of yours won't be able to penetrate my Iron Shield. I have never lost not even a single drop of blood, I'm invisible," he proclaimed proudly with a smirk not leaving his face.

Nami just rolled her eyes again before rushing at him, she aimed towards an unprotected area of his body, but the man moved his plate to dodge her attack, trying to strike, Nami saw it coming before whirling around, she had to admit that he was faster than she anticipated.

Creating a distance between her and him, a smirk grew on his face, thinking that he had Nami on the ropes, rushing forward, he kept trying to hit Nami but she kept dodging due to her Observation Haki, Nami moved to her right, the man immediately tried to strike her face with his left arm.

Nami smirked before dodging his strike and delivering a full blown on his elbow, breaking it in the process, the bone sticking out, blood pouring out, much to the horror of the man who fell on his knees from the pain.

"Blood, My Blood, Please Help Me Somebody. I'M Bleeding," he shouted in fear, desperately trying to use his other arm, but his arm was completely immobile, and the weight of his armour was only making things worse to his broken bone.

The man tried to put his arms together, but Nami just rushed forward, The man saw her coming, striking with his good arm desperately hoping to smash her head with his armour, Nami just dodged to her left before breaking his other arm.

Before the man could scream, Nami smashed her staff right at his forehead, cracking his skull, the man fell dead on the floor.

Luffy smiled at Nami, happy that he didn't need to do anything for her to win, The navigator was proud of herself, she was finally able to stand up against men like him.

Now that the party seems to be over, she started observing the pearls around his armour.

Sanji smoked from his cigarette when Gin slowly came out from inside the ship; Luffy raised an eyebrow at Zoro, wanting to know what was up.

"He was tightened with ropes inside the deck, and it seems he tried to stop them," Zoro spoke; everyone nodded and could see Gin was heavily injured, his face full of blood.

"What will you do now, Gin?" Sanji asked, stepping forward, wondering if the man had anywhere to go.

"I will return back to my hometown. My mother is still there. I will become what she always wanted me to be, a Farmer," Gin replied with a cheeky grin before turning to look at Luffy with a severe look.

"I underestimated you, Luffy. Your crew is strong, especially you, and I'm not talking just you; your whole crew is capable. If anyone can become the Pirate King, it will be you," Gin stated smiling; Luffy returned the smile.

"It's finished." Zoro drew all three of his blades and sheathed them. Sanji grimaced as he took a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. Usopp had been able to kill at least nine pirates using his slingshot and guns.

Sanji decided to go back to the restaurant, he needed to discuss a few things with Zeff, Nami walked up to Luffy who smiled before kissing her sweet lips, Nami happily returned the kiss, her arms behind his neck to depend the kiss, they shortly parted away, Nami could feel her heart racing with desire but this wasn't the place for that, maybe later.

"You did very well Nami, I'm impressed," Luffy complimented.

"Thank You, but now that we have defeated the pirates, now the best part comes," Nami said, her eyes suddenly sparkling like a star. Luffy tilted his head at the side in confusion.

"We can finally claim every bit of treasure thry have left," Nami exclaimed suddenly with berry eyes, looking at the enemy ship with lust.

Luffy laughed before nodding his head. "Very well Nami, you know these things," after giving her the green light, Nami didn't waste time to look around the Krieg ship, soon followed by the others since they needed to help with heavy chests.

Luffy made his way to the idiot that Nami killed, he could tell the pearls around his body were valuable, turning his hand into lightning, he removed each pearl plate from his body.

Usopp soon came out from the ship carrying an open chest filled with gold coins, jewellery, and many other things.

Nami came out with her own chest carrying in her arms, soon the whole ship was empty of every bit of treasure.

Luffy grabbed a handful of gold coins from a chest before turning at Gin who was eating inside the restaurant, Sanji had apparently prepared something for him since he had tried to stop the pirates from attacking, this team the chefs weren't opposed to it.

Walking up to him, he put the coins in front of him, Gin stopped eating and looked up at Luffy in confusion.

"Take these, your homeland might need it," Luffy said with a tone that clearly didn't take 'No' for an answer.

Gin swallowed his head, a smile formed on his face, eventually tears formed on the corner of his eyes, he stood up before bowing his head toward Luffy.

"Thank you for this, you have a brought a big smile in my face," Gin said smiling and crying at the same time.

Luffy smiled back and did the same for Baratie since a part of their restaurant was destroyed during the attack, surprisingly Nami didn't try to stop Luffy instead she gave him an encouraging smile.

Zoro smiled as well, he knew his captain was different from the others but Luffy was much more different.

Sanji said nothing but one could see a small smile on his face.

Luffy suddenly smirked and jerked his head around so rapidly that everyone feared he'd suffer whiplash.

"What's the matter, Luffy?" Nami was perplexed since she had never seen her captain act like this before. Usopp wondered if there was any enemy around them but couldn't see anyone.

"He's here!" Luffy claimed. He focused his sight on the little sailboat approaching the Baratie; while the "ship" sailing towards Baratie was nothing to be scared of, but the person sailing on it was someone that put Zeff on high alert, Luffy kept his cool but he prepared to fight if he needed to fight.

Zoro's eyes widened in shock before a smirk formed on his face, knowing the day had come, sooner than he had expected. The ship looked like a coffin. Candles appeared to blaze with green fire around the edges, and the mast resembled an intricate cross. Zoro's concentration was on the guy sitting on the solitary seat aboard the coffin-like boat, his legs crossed.

It was a legend, a swordsmen known around the four seas, with black hair and striking golden eyes. He had a short beard, moustache, and sideburns that were all well clipped to seem pointed. He was dressed in an open, long black coat with no shirt. It was crimson on the inside, with red sleeves and a floral design on his collar. His bright purple slacks were tucked into buckled boots. He wore a plumed hat with a big brim. A necklace with a pendant in the form of a huge cross draped around his neck. And what about on his back? A long, black sword hung from his back, its grip a smaller, more ornate replica of the cross that served as his ship's mast.

"How the hell did he get here in such a small boat?" One cook asked/shouted.

"Idiot." Zoro took a deep breath and gently exhaled. Right now, it was the least important question that could be posed.

"What is he doing here?" Zeff asked, his breath stuck on his throat, his eyes glanced at the pirate crew, mostly at the captain, he could tell, no one else could, but Zeff could see the captain was on guard, especially his muscles that looked tense, he wondered if any of them would survive this day, it solely depended on The Coming Swordsman.

"The World's Greatest Swordsman." Zoro flashed a sly smile. "Dracule Mihawk!".

Dracule glanced at the destroyed Krieg ship, a frown formed on his face before noticing the familiar face of one Monkey, especially his Straw Hat.

"It has been a while Luffy-kun," Mihawk said with a smirk now, Luffy grinned.

"Indeed it has...Hawk-Eye-sensei." All of the cooks had made their way outside and are now standing behind Zoro and Zeff, who were observing Hawk-Eye's conversation with Luffy. Luffy's right-hand man, Zoro, was looking at Hawk-Eye with a gleeful expression.

'There he is, achieving our dream is closer than ever before,' Zoro thought excitedly as he placed his hands on his swords.

Zoro remembered his captain calling him a sensei, that confused Zoro since his captain hadn't mentioned anything of being trained by Hawkeye.

"Why are you here?" Luffy asked; he knew they were kind of friends, but still, Mihawk was equal to Shanks, to a Yonko, and that's saying a whole lot.

"The Krieg pirates interrupted my nap, I came here to finish them off, but it seems they were dumb enough to challenge you of all people," Mihawk stated, the smirk not leaving his face, causing everyone who wasn't Luffy to gasp at the thought of being chased by the strongest Swordsman in the world just because you interrupted his nap.

"How is Shanks?" Luffy asked, wondering what his red-head sensei was doing, assuming he was drunk somewhere or sleeping, or both.

"Last time I checked, he was Drunk; how far have you gone?" Mihawk asked, getting a bit excited to fight Luffy again; while the Storm boy was no where near his level, it was still much better than fighting Shanks; they would always end in a tie.

"Can't wait to show you. Does Shanks know?" Luffy asked since Mihawk had been in the east blue a couple of times after Shanks had left.

"No, as far as he is aware, 11 years ago was the first and last time we met," Mihawk replied, only now noticing the swordsman behind Luffy.

Zoro walked out from behind Luffy and moved to stand beside Luffy with his green bandana tied around his head. Luffy turned and looked at him to see what he was planning, but with one look, Luffy already knew what Zoro was planning. As Zoro was about to jump off of the restaurant and head towards Mihawk, Luffy grabbed him by the back of his shirt collar and tossed Zoro behind him. Zoro, being surprised by Luffy's action, jumped up to his feet and yelled at him.

"What are you doing captain?" He asked, getting irritated, his dream was closer than ever before, Luffy didn't even glance at him, he kept his eyes solely on the Warlord.

Nami and Sanji could feel the tension rising, they knew something would happen soon.

"What do you think you're doing fighting Mihawk, are you that eager to Die," Luffy said, pissing Zoro off.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Zoro asked angrily. "Are you saying I can't beat him!?" He yelled out. Luffy, who still had his back towards him, spoke in an emotionless tone.

"That is exactly what I am saying," Luffy said, surprising the chefs there. "You have no idea just how big the ocean is and just how small a fish you are in that ocean, not even I can beat him... yet," Luffy stated, still not looking at his swordsmen.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I promised, I would not go in the way of your dream?" Luffy asked. Zoro looked at him for a while before nodding.

"I'm sure," he said before he leapt off of the restaurant and landed on a large piece of the ship that broke off. Luffy sighed and looked towards Mihawk before he spoke.

"I want him back alive, Mihawk-Sensei," Luffy said with a sigh. Mihawk looked at Zoro for a while before he turned and looked towards Luffy and spoke with a light chuckle.

"I'll try," he said, causing Luffy to close his fist, his skin turned black from Haki

Zoro walked in front of the Warlord. "Dracule Mihawk, I have sailed, I have trained for years, with a single motivation, one day to fight and defeat you," Zoro stated right in front of Mihawk who didn't look impressed, the opposite, he looked bored, as if Zoro was a small ant claiming that he would slain a dragon.

"Luffy-kun was right. You have no idea just how big this world is and just how little a fish you are in this world," Mihawk said, Zoro clenched his teeth in anger.

"If you're half the swordsmen that you claim that you are, you should be able to see the difference between us, what is making you fight me, it is stupidity or arrogance?"

"Neither," Zoro replied, clutching Wado Ichimonji between his teeth and his other two unnamed swords in his hands. "My desire to be the strongest swordsman, and a vow that I made to a dear friend that passed away. To be honest I didn't expect to face you so soon"

"This is not lucky for you," he said before removing his necklace, and then grabbing a small knife, the knife was very small, one would use it to cut small pieces of meat.

"And what exactly do you intend to do with it?" Zoro's eyes furrowed as he saw Mihawk's lack of concern.

"I'm not the type of brute who would use a cannon to kill an ant. Even if you're the best swordman in East Blue, this is still the East Blue, the weakest of the Seas." Mihawk had a firm grasp on the teeny-tiny knife. "But please accept my apologies. Unfortunately, I don't have any blades that are smaller than this."

Zoro rushed towards Mihawk, as Luffy expected, Zoro didn't stand a chance, at first Mihawk was only playing with him before getting a bit more serious, resulting in Zoro getting a wound.

Luffy still tried to keep his cool, but was failing by the second, as his hand were causing lightning. Nami's eyes welled up with tears as she saw her Nakama being stabbed. Sanji was clenching the cigarette between his teeth, despite not liking the idiot, he knew Zoro's journey shouldn't stop here, in East Blue.

"Do you want me to stab your heart? Why don't you give up?" Mihawk questioned the younger swordsman. His knife was buried in his chest, but Zoro refused to back down.

"Who... knows." Zoro said panting, more blood dripping from his chin.

"I know that I made a vow, if were to back down, then I refuse to be a swordsman, I won't go in the afterlife with regrets, When I see her again I want to smile instead of dropping my head in shame. My words means more than my life," Zoro claimed.

"That is called defeat," Mihawk answered by locking his eyes with Zoro's.

"That's why I can't take a step back."

"Even if it meant your death?" Mihawk asked, still keeping his eye contact with the other swordsman.

"It'd be better if I died!" Zoro said sternly. "If I just run away like a dog with my tails between my legs, that would be humiliating. I would never be able to look at myself in a mirror again"

'That's a True Swordsman!' Mihawk noticed this as he took a step back and slipped his knife out of Zoro's chest, swinging it to remove all of the blood. As he sheathed the kogatana, he finished the cross on his necklace. "Swordsmen, tell me your name?"

"Roronoa...Zoro!" Zoro positioned his swords at right angles to one another. Like a three-pointed star, they all pointed in opposite directions.

"I'll keep that in mind..." As he reached behind his shoulder and yanked Yoru, generally considered as the greatest blade in the world, off his back, Mihawk exclaimed. "Because your power is seldom seen in this world. And to show my appreciation for your swordsmanship and commitment, I'll finish you with this sword."

'This is it,' Zoro pondered carefully. "Thank you very much." He thought of his first meeting with Kuina, his first meeting with his captain and the greedy witch, a smile on his face at the memory. 'This is it Kuina, our Dream fulfilled or I will die

Both attacked, Mihawk was taken by surprise from the added Haki in Zoro's last attack.

Nothing happened for a second, before two of Zoro's swords broke like glass before a wound showed in his chest, Zoro spit out blood, dropping the worthless blades in the water, gripping his treasured sword from his teeth, he turned at Mihawk, I lost, I'm sorry Kuina!

Zoro spread out his arms right in front of Mihawk, gripping his valuable sword on his hand.

"What is this?" Mihawk questioned, confused.

"A wound in the back...It's the humiliation of a swordsman." Zoro stated smiling as blood poured out of his mouth.

"Excellent!" Mihawk shouted, a broad smile on his face. He cut Zoro from his left collarbone to his right hipbone, slicing him open. 'Don't rush to Death young Swordsman.' Sinking in the sea, he gripped his treasured sword on his hand, not wanting to let go.

"ZORO!" they yelled as they jumped into the water to save Zoro. Luffy turned to lightning, showing up right in front of Mihawk, but this time his arms were black with Armament Haki.

Mihawk smirked, knowing where this was going; it had been a year after all.

"LUFFY!" Zoro yelled out, getting everyone's attention, especially Luffy and Mihawk. Luffy looked over to Zoro to see him laying on his back with one hand holding the only sword he had left in the air. "Luffy, can you hear me?" Zoro asked in a shaky voice.

"Shut Up you moron, don't talk," Nami shouted at him, still crying.

"Yeah, I hear you," Luffy said. Zoro took a breath before he began to speak again.

"Sorry for worrying you," Zoro said, causing Luffy to smile. "If I don't become the greatest swordsman in the world, you'd be in a dilemma now, right?" he said before he coughed up some blood, causing the bounty hunter duo to yell at him to stop and save his energy which Zoro ignored and continued to speak instead.

"I will...I will never...LOSE AGAIN!" Zoro yelled out with tears streaming down his face. "Until I defeat him and become the world's greatest swordsman, I'll never be defeated anymore!" As Zoro said that, Mihawk and Luffy's face split into a wide grin after hearing with Zoro said. "Do you have a problem with that...PIRATE KING!?" Zoro yelled. Luffy chuckled to himself before he replied.

"Not a single problem," Luffy said. Luffy then turned to Mihawk and saw him standing there with his arms folded and his sword already strapped to his back. Luffy was about to speak to him, but Mihawk looked in his direction and spoke first.

"It is still too early for you to die. My name is Hawk-Eye Mihawk. You are strong, but there is still much for you to learn. No matter how many years it takes, I will hold this title as the greatest in the world and wait for you. Until that day you must hone your skills then...SEEK ME OUT, RORONOA ZORO!" Hawk-Eye said, surprising everyone there, including Luffy.

Knowing Zoro would live, Luffy turned to look at Mihawk. He looked back at Luffy, knowing what would happen.

"One Swing?"

"One Swing," Luffy replied; his crewmates were confused, but Nami understood where this was going.

"Luffy, don't even think about it... H-He's Strong," Nami shouted at her lover, she knew her captain was powerful, but Mihawk looked at on a completely different level.

"Don't worry, Nami, I won't get hurt," Luffy replied, trying to ease her worries; as he put his hands together, the electricity around his arms and hand became more apparent, Zoro, who was still awake, looked at his Captain with interest.

What happened next shocked everyone except Mihawk; Luffy started moving his left hand away from his right hand, creating a lighting sword on his right hand, which at first looked like lightning shaped like a sword. Still, the lightning started accumulating, before much to the surprise of everyone turned into a real Sword.

Completely physical, not like lightning anymore, handle, blade and all. Zoro could feel power itself coming from the sword; the pommel was green, the guard of the sword was red in colour, the blade looked clean and beautiful.

"So you can finally use, Inazuma," Smirking, he pulled out his sword; Luffy clenched his teeth; the sword took a lot from him, got him tired too quickly.

"Yes, let's see who is the better swordsman," Luffy stated, his arms black taking a stance, Mihawk doing the exact preparing, but not using Armament Haki.

Everyone was waiting with bated breath; what would happen? Nami prayed Luffy would survive this.

Both suddenly rushed at each other; their sword made contact. The moment they made contact, electricity spread all around them, causing harsh winds to spread everywhere and white electricity to spread around, as the sea itself was moving around, waves after waves, creating a storm.

Luffy was pushing back against Mihawk, but Hawk-Eye's sword wasn't moving, not even an inch. Luffy let out a cry, adding all his strength to the swing, causing boards of Going Merry and Baratie to start cracking, the chefs started losing consciousness, everyone fell in the floor, the only one left still standing was Zeff, Nami, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp had lost his consciousness.

Nami could hardly keep herself from falling asleep; she couldn't understand why her captain was suddenly using Conqueror's Haki.

Mihawk turned his arms black, countering the newly added strength from Luffy; the pirate captain grinned in victory; this was the first time Mihawk used Armament Haki against him.

"Such power in a single swing of their swords," Zeff whispered as he stared at Luffy and Mihawk as they squared off in the middle of everyone. Sanji, who also had his eyes widen at the sheer power of the two men, couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Are they even human?" Sanji asked out loud. Zeff scoffed and folded his arms before he replied.

"That's what exists in the Grand Line,"

Nami was silently praying, seeing that Mihawk was winning.

"You have gotten stronger, Luffy," Mihawk complimented before adding strength, pushing Luffy's sword slightly away.

"Not Strong Enough," Fully overpowering Luffy, sending him flying to the open Sea.

"Luffy," everyone shouted, worried, Nami was about to jump in the water, but Luffy turned into lightning, showing up right in front of his crew, breathing heavily.

Zoro was shocked at his display of power; he had never seen Luffy like that, now understanding why Luffy was trying so hard to make sure they were strong.

Compared to him, he was nothing; Zoro clenched his teeth, I won't shame you, Luffy, I will train ten times harder from now on, he thought.

Nami rushed at Luffy, seeing he was fine, kissing his lips much to the displeasure of Sanji, who bit down at his cigarette.

Luffy looked well, except for a cut on his stomach but nothing life-threatening; she wanted to shout at him for being so Stupid but decided to do that when they were in private.

"You did well, Luffy-kun. I still remember your promise," Mihawk stated; Luffy grinned, knowing Mihawk still remembered it.

"So do I,"


Luffy and his crew were in Going Merry, saying goodbye to the chefs.

"I entrust Sanji with you, don't let him close to any woman," Zeff shouted, causing many to laugh.

Sanji moved in front of the ship, looking at his old home with sadness, tears developing in his eyes before he kneeled in front of them.

"Father Zeff, thank you for all these years; you were always like a father to me. And I promise I will fulfil our dream for both of us. Next time we see each other, we will be Talking about All Blue," Sanji shouted, tears streaming down his face.

The chefs, even Patty, were crying, saying goodbye to him.

"I know you will," Zeff shouted as the ship sailed away, the sun illuminating the sea.

Good Luck my Son