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The vision changed again but this time, Roku and Naruto stood in darkness, Naruto could feel water below his feet, almost like standing in a dark sea. It was the same view he had when he first entered his mindscape, everything was dark, except no sewers.

He looked around but couldn't see anyone around him, his eyes turned to look at Roku who was silent.

"Why are we here?" Naruto asked confused thinking that he would show him more of his memories, but almost like he could read his mind. Roku shook his head in denial.

"Is time for you to return Young Uzumaki, more shall be revealed later, but enough is for now" Roku stated with a painful look on his face.

Naruto looked shocked, he had wanted to see more of his clan's history, the books he had read didn't mention anything about the Uzumaki throughout the years, and most of all, Naruto wanted to know how exactly Kumo, Kiri and Iwa were able to defeat his homeland.

The redhead knew better than to underestimate three large villages like them, especially Kumo, Konoha might be known as the strongest village thanks to the reputation of the likes of Hashirama, Tobirama, Sarutobi on his prime and his father. He knew the strength of the kage showed the strength of the Village. But Kumo had strong Kages, like the Third Raikage.

A kage was strong Naruto knew, but none of the Kages right now were a match for the likes of Tobirama, Hashirama, Roku and Madara Uchiha.

"You said, the strength of Phoenix works differently, how does it Work?" Naruto asked remembering the strength showed by Ānogan.

"That's true, the reason why is different, is because of the bond we create. The stronger the Will of the Summoner is, the stronger the Phoenix is, and the stronger the Bond is, the better" Roku stated.

Naruto nodded in understanding and wondered how strong a Phoenix can be. He wasn't able to feel it when he saw it, but he Knew when Roku summoned Ānogan, he was stronger than four tails. Naruto knew the amount of strength he had when he tried to control four tails of Kurama and he was sure Ānogan had surpassed that strength.

"Roku-sama, do you know who might have been the one to have been Kage of Uzushiogakure when The three villages attacked?" Naruto asked respectfully.

Roku narrowed his eyes slightly before turning back to normal, almost like he remembered something he didn't want to.

After a few seconds of silence, Roku spoke. "I don't know, the clan was thriving when the attack happened. I saw no reason to interfere, and despite what you might think. I didn't know everything that happened. I was just an advisor. The last time Uzumaki Clan needed help, was when Morghon Uzumaki, The Dark Phoenix betrayed our clan" Roku stated much to Naruto's surprise.

The redhead had never thought, not once that an Uzumaki could be a traitor, None of the people he knew ever spoke bad of the Uzumaki clan, so why would this man do that.

"Who's He?" Naruto asked with a hint of anger in his tone.

Roku sighed sadly. "He was the Twin brother of the crown prince Merikyani Uzumaki of Uzushiogakure during the year 300 BNW (Before Ninja War), back then. I was mostly was indifferent, a part of me wanted to split this half from the Seal and just die. I saw no reason to still stay around, it had been almost a thousand years since I had left this world. I don't know all the details of what happened but I know where you can find more if you want, the only thing I know of Morghon Uzumaki is that he was jealous of his big brother who would rule Uzushiogakure after their father passed away, but you can learn more from his diary" Roku stated and everything changed again and now they stood in the library of Uzushiogakure.

Naruto looked around and saw they had returned, he turned to look at Roku.

"My time is at the end, we will talk again later" Roku and he slowly vanished from the view. Naruto wondered why? Was there any reason that he couldn't stay longer?

"Knowing Roku, there must be a reason" Kurama stated.

Naruto nodded in agreement and turned to look at the books, the library stretched for hundreds of meters, he wondered how many books were there and if he could read them all.

Naruto walked off to a part of the library looking at the titles one by one.

Healing Fuinjutsu written by Akt Uzumaki

Secrets of Bijuu written by Minjeta Uzumaki

Summoning Contracts and Where to Find Them written by Ana Uzumaki

Phoenix's Will written by FUnari Uzumaki

The Dark Side of Personality written by Xenolo Uzumaki

After hours of looking at the titles, Naruto found the book he was looking for.

Fuinjutsu Art: Level 11 written by Dayate Uzumaki

Naruto picked up the book from the shelf, the cover was dark red and the title was written in white colour. The book felt heavy, maybe 2kg weight.

Naruto noticed a seal around the shelf shined in white colour when he grabbed the book and took it, he wondered what the seal could do and how was still active after so long.

Naruto sealed the book in a secret scroll and started searching for Level 12. He suddenly felt like someone was looking at him, he turned around to see no one...

Naruto kept looking around, close to where he found the first, but all he could find were books, explaining more of Level 11 and guides on how to use the Seals of that level. Naruto grabbed one but not more than.

Soon searching for an hour, he was only able to search the first section of the books in the library. A section had around 100 books and the whole library looked to have more than 50 sections of shelves filled with books.

"Naruto, I think is better if you searched for that book some other time, in case you haven't noticed is already morning outside. I suggest finding the diary Roku-sama mentioned and leave" Kurama spoke.

Naruto looked around the library with a painful look, this was a treasure and he hoped no one else that wasn't an Uzumaki would find this library.

Walking around, Naruto saw a few doors that had weird circle keyholes, the young Uzumaki felt a burning glare on his back, turning his head around, he saw no one...

Breathing heavily, he started looking around again. Naruto wondered where he was supposed to find the diary.

Soon he reached a door that had been written. "History of Uzumaki Clan", the redhead read and put the hand on the handle and it opened.

Walking inside he saw a few scrolls lying on a table but mostly books, the room itself wasn't large, in the middle of the room was a table big enough for four people to sit and the room looked large enough to put four tables. The walls were made of wood, The shelf with books were on every side of the wall, except a small window was on the Eastside, looking through the window he saw the sea outside.

To his surprise, he didn't feel cold or anything, but the silence around made him feel alone, everything was covered in a thin layer of dust.

Naruto grabbed a book from the shelf, but the books inside this room were twice smaller. The title wrote. The History of The Second Age of Chakra.

He put it back and searched more, soon he reached a book.

"The Dark Phoenix"  Naruto decided to keep this one and soon found the one he was looking for.

"The Uzumaki War" written by Merikyani Uzumaki. Naruto immediately turned around as if someone was leaning against the door watching him, turning around he saw no one. Just my imagination...

Grabbing the book, Naruto left the Library of Uzushiogakure.

Naruto soon left the library but couldn't shake off the feeling as if someone was watching him but he couldn't see anyone around despite checking.

Naruto soon found himself outside the gates of his homeland. Turning around to look at his home, he sighed sadly and kneeled.

"I will rebuild this place. Uzushiogakure Will Be Reborn Again"

Soon Naruto had returned during the night, the clone he had left disappeared and the young Uzumaki fell asleep immediately.

It was done. The bridge was finally completed. Through the blood, sweat and tears of Tazuna, his workers, and Team Seven, the bridge had reached its final stages quickly, and eventually, it was complete.

Tazuna, Tsunami and Team 7 were standing on the end of the bridge with the workers, staring at the border of the Land of Fire with unrestrained joy. The celebrations were on. A raid of one of Gato's ships by Team Seven fuelled the party, providing them with food and drink for them and their families. The party was loud and it was long, lasting through the night.

The mood on the day after completion was melancholy, to say the least. Everyone was there to say goodbye to Haku and Zabuza, who was still recovering from their injuries at the hands of Naruto and Kakashi.

Despite their less than favourable first encounter, Haku had come to enjoy the company of the Konoha shinobi. They had been kinder to her than she had deserved, and they knew it, but they held no ill will towards her.

"Goodbye Haku," said Kakashi, strapping the backpack containing her equipment onto her shoulders.

"Yes Kakashi-san," said Haku. "Thank you for treating me so well despite my status as an enemy ninja."

Kakashi then looked at Zabuza who looked slightly annoyed from all the 'goodbyes' and since he just wanted to return to Kiri and help to end the War.

"I hope we meet again, and next time in better terms," Kakashi said smiling behind his mask and offered his hand to shake. Zabuza groaned before shaking his hand and walked close to Naruto who smiled at the larger man.

"Next time we meet Uzumaki brat, we will have another Kenjutsu fight, to see who's better" he stated with seriousness but still calm tone.

"I'm counting the days, take care of Haku," Naruto said smiling and they both shake their hands.

Zabuza backed away to give his daughter some time to say Goodbye to Naruto, while he was in deep thought of what the brat told him last night but decided to wait until he meets Mei-Sama.

Haku apologized to Sasuke for injuring him but he just brushed it off.

"No need, you were the stronger Shinobi and you won fair and square, but next time I will win," Sasuke said smiling making Sakura glare at Haku who smiled back.

Sasuke knew he had lost, despite his wounded pride, he had to accept that Haku was stronger but the fight with her unlocked his Sharingan, and he now knew.

"I'm one step closer to defeat Itachi"

Haku walked over to Naruto and bowed her head much to his surprise.

"I will never be able to repay you Naruto-kun. You saved me and my tou-san, and that will never be forgiven and if you ever need help. Don't hesitate to come to us" she said raising her head. She felt bad she couldn't give him anything but Naruto just smiled.

"You don't have to repay me anything," he said and glanced at Zabuza.

"Take care of your old man," he said making Haku giggle while Zabuza was giving him a death glare.

Haku turned around and stood beside Zabuza.

"Get outta here!" shouted Naruto with a wide grin. "My sword hand is itching and I see two missing-nins out in the open!"

Haku giggled and ran into the forest with Zabuza as fast as her bandages would allow her.

"She was nice," said Tsunami, standing close to her father and Inari. "Too bad she was on the wrong side," Sakura added.

"There are no wrong sides," said Kakashi. "When it comes to ninja, it's all about loyalty."

Kakashi was now fully recovered, abandoning his crutch for preference of his own legs. He still had some soreness, but it would pass with time.

"I understand," said Tsunami.

"Naruto and Sasuke are on guard duty," said Kakashi. "Naruto, I want clone patrols all over the border. I want three sent back to me if you see anything dangerous. And have a few tail Haku and Zabuza while you're at it."

"Got it Sensei," said Naruto, summoning about forty clones. He sent three of them after Haku and put the rest into teams of three aside from one, who sat with him on top of Gama, who he summoned right after.

"What are you doing?" asked Sasuke, watching the remaining Naruto clone open a book.

"Studying advanced Fuuinjutsu," said Naruto, crossing his arms. "It makes it easier to concentrate when I have clones do it for me. Ultimate multitasking."

"Can you teach me that?" asked Sasuke.

"Pff, hell no," said Naruto. He winced at the dark glare Sasuke sent his way and threw his hands up in a placating gesture. "Hey, I have way more chakra than you do, that's what makes it so easy for me to make so many clones. Any more than five will kill you."

Sasuke continued to glare at him before walking to one side of the bridge and climbing up to sit on top of the low wall that acted as a guard rail for anyone crossing. Naruto tapped Gama on the head and the toad leapt onto the opposite wall in a single bound.

The clones soon returned confirming that Zabuza and Haku were alright and there was nothing to worry about.


The following day, Team 7 were leaving, the whole Wave was there to say goodbye to them, especially to Naruto.

Naruto noticed Inari crying and stepped over to the boy and ruffled his hair.

"I promised myself I wouldn't cry ever again," Inari said as he looked down.

Naruto smiled and said "It's alright to cry Inari. Crying when someone says goodbye is just a way to show the bond you have with that person. Take good care of everybody all right?"

Inari nodded and Naruto rejoined his group as the rest said their goodbyes before turning around and began walking across the bridge.

One of the villagers looked thoughtful and said "By the way, what are we going to call the bridge?"

Tazuna rubbed his chin in thought and said "How about the Bridge of New Beginnings?"

"Nah. I think Naruto Bridge will be a perfect name." Inari said drawing agreement from the others and Tazuna smiled at him.


The sound of the door opening echoed in his ears, the sound of footsteps walking inside was heard around the room, his foot and arms around the ceiling.

The heartbeat of the newcomer was calm and normal but the older one was faster, probably nervous. Same for the two heartbeats standing near the older heartbeat.

"Kukuku is been some time Danzo, but tell me why did you want to meet me. I'm sure is not because you miss my company" the voice of the newcomer was heard, his heartbeat slightly raising from excitement.

Danzo caught. "I heard you want to attack Konoha in the coming Chunin Exam" his voice emotionless but his heartbeat raising again, Afraid.

A burst of sinister laughter was heard, the sound of the tongue was heard, licking his lips.

"That is true Danzo, after all. You know what I want" the voice was heard licking his lips again. His heartbeat raising from excitement.

"Then we can make a deal, I want you to ... deal with the old man when you make your move and in return, my ROOT forces will do the right thing and you will have what you want in a silver platter," Danzo said sounding emotionless. But the ninja could feel his heartbeat, much faster than normal.

"Very well then but I want a few new test subjects," the sinister voice said licking his lips.

Hokage-sama will want to know this.

Wave Arc Completed

Next is ‘Chunin Exams’ Arc


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