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Roku, you know they won't accept your suggestion? A voice suddenly spoke in Roku's head, he hesitated for a moment before he nodded his head in agreement.

"I know Ānogar, I feel it too, but I will give them one chance," he said trying to convince him, he moved around in his bed, Roku felt tired yet he couldn't sleep. He left out a sad sigh, he was laying on his back looking up at the night sky, despite being in a tent, the top of the tent was open so he could look at the beautiful sky, which always helped him to think. I hope you're well little brother, Roku though tired of war. This wasn't the first time he had fought, he had fought many battles and wars, but not once he fought any of them for his own gain, War had no victories only Loss.

It had been many years since the last time he saw his little brother, now he had his own clan to look after. Senju Clan.

Roku missed his sister more than anyone else, the god took her from him, the sickness had killed her, he had tried so hard to help her, but in the end, he needed to accept it and live the rest of his life.

No reason to dwell on the past, the past is written, the ink is Dry. Now you need to sleep, Ānogar spoke on his head. The seal of Phoenix shines red whenever the Phoenix spoke.

Roku kept silent, his eyes closed, a tear slowly rolled down his cheek as he imagined her being alive, he had been alive for 141 years now, he was still alive while his youngest son died of Lung sickness, but yet here he still stood.

Won't do any good to think of death Roku, we never know what the future will bring us, Ānogar spoke.

Roku spoke nothing and just let himself fall asleep, no point in dwelling about the past. Anymore.

"Ānogar had been the Phoenix chosen for me, once someone signs the Phoenix Contract, they could summon and form a bond with a Phoenix, but only one."

"You can never summon more than one?" Naruto asked slightly shocked, since he could summon more than one toad with the Phoenix Contract, he was still looking at the younger Roku lying alone on his bed.

The older Roku shook his head. "No, You will only be able to summon one and never any other Phoenix. Ānogan was the one chosen for me" Roku spoke with a look of melancholy on his face and sadness on his tone.

"Kurama told me that, Heiwa was the Strongest Phoenix" Naruto spoke, he had thought that Roku would have been bonded with Heiwa.

Roku left out a small chuckle and turned his head to look at Naruto. "While that is true, in a way. That's not exactly how Phoenix Contract works" he said and slightly put his hand on his chest. Naruto listened to him with all his attention.

"Is true that Heiwa is the strongest Phoenix, but my son was the only one who was able to summon Him" Roku spoke the word 'him' with respect but with a small hint of ... Fear, as well.

"My son Utari was the one who founded The Contract, and Heiwa saw him as worthy. But Since my son died, there hasn't been a single person who was able to Summon him again" he stated with a calm tone.

Naruto gasped at the new information, "Why is that?" He asked, the question burning on his head like a wildfire.

Roku just shrugged his shoulders not knowing the answer himself. "It could be for many reasons, perhaps he never found anyone else worthy enough to bond with. Ānogan himself told me once, that when my son fell, Heiwa had died too. His red fire had burned for a Year. After Ten Years Heiwa was reborn again but never bonded with another Uzumaki" Roku said with clear sadness as he remembered when his son had left this world. The very same night, a flash of red light had illuminated the sky like a second sun for a week.

Naruto's hand instinctively touched his stomach, where Kurama was sealed, the redhead saw Kurama as his best friend, he would never change with anyone else.

Inside Naruto, Kurama listened to their words, he closed his eyes in silence.

Kurama understood the reason why Heiwa had not bonded with anyone else despite being centuries since Utari Uzumaki had left the world. The silence and the words made him think of Naruto and his father, despite being centuries, he still missed his father and Naruto. Yes, as much as he hated to admit it, he would never exchange Naruto for anything else, even for Freedom.

He's definitely the one, Father. You were right, 'One day, someone will guide you all to the light, he will bring you together.

Yes, Naruto is The One. Now I know Father.

Naruto then turned to look at Roku again. "There's something you should know Naruto, about the Phoenix Contract" Roku suddenly spoke with a serious tone leaving all the jokes behind.

"When you bond with a Phoenix, you are at your strongest when you summon him, Especially if you can Use Phoenix Sage Mode, but when you summon your Phoenix, you're vulnerable too. If the Phoenix falls, so does the one who called him" Naruto's eyes widened at the last words. His foot took a step backwards, his mind still in shock.

That's quite a Risk, but if the time ever comes. I will be sure to protect him/her, Naruto thought on his mind. He knew the risk was there, but he was an Uzumaki, he would make sure his children would be able to use the Contract after him and pass it to future Generations of the Uzumaki Clan.

Roku said nothing else but he knew one secret, The Phoenix were immortal, but if the summoner fell during the battle, the Phoenix could choose to sacrifice his own life to bring him/her back, but to Never be Reborn again.

After a few minutes of complete silence, Roku thought that it was time to show the young Uzumaki the War but Naruto took a step forward.

"You talked about the Phoenix Sage Chakra, but what's the difference between normal Sage Chakra?" Naruto asked since Roku was making it sound that it was different from how Toad-Jiji and Pa had explained to him.

The old Roku nodded his head with a small smile visible on his face.

"That's because it is different, but I feel that will be easier to explain if you actually saw it" Roku spoke and the scene changed again.

"If you poke a Phoenix. You will Burn" Roku spoke with clear anger in his eyes, his teeth clenched. Ytari thought his lord for a moment would start the war right now.

The Leader of StrongStone clenched his teeth, he was the strongest man from his land, and this old man dared to think as nothing but worm to step on.

His knuckles were white like milk, his eyes narrowed under his helmet that was shaped to look like a bull.

"I will Kill you First" the man promised his chest in front, showing his clear domination in muscles weight.

Roku spoke nothing but gestures to his general and commander to leave and stop wasting time with people like them.

Roku turned around after the parlay, he mounted his horse and kept quiet the whole time, he had little hope that people from StrongStone would actually care to fix this problem without bloodshed, but it seems some people couldn't live without war.

His general Ytari Yuki (The Ice Warrior) and Commander Unaka Terumi (The Fire Warrior) stayed silent during the whole ride back to the camp and didn't try to ask about their plan now. They both knew Roku Uzumaki was a strong person and possibly the strongest man in the world but they were against around 5000 soldiers from StrongStone, but to both of their surprise when they saw Lord Roku's eyes they didn't see fear, but instead pity and a small hint of anger.

Reaching the camp they were greeted by several commanders who looked impatient to know how it went, but one look at them and the message was as clear as day. Some stewards took the horses to feed them before the other horses.

Roku made his way over to the main tent, his commanders and general following without saying a single word. Roku walked inside, in front of him a table large enough for ten people to sit around, a map of the land was over the table. The map showed the lands of Kiri, Uzushiogakure, and Wave.

Roku stood in front of the table sitting in a chair that was decorated with a Phoenix head in the armchair, the symbol of the Uzumaki Clan carved in the wood of the chair, the chair itself made of Yaki wood, one of the strongest wood, The trees of the forest of Uzushiogakure were made of Yaki, this wood is hard, durable and very good to make houses, tables, and even some swords had pommels made of this wood.

Having this wood made it easy for Uzushiogakure to have an alliance with Kiri and Wave since they were the closest places near Uzu.

Roku saw his commanders taking their seats, the general took the seat the last.

"You might have already had guessed, but they refused to end this without bloodshed" he stated watching the different reactions.

Some just shook their heads in disappointment, some looked to have seen this coming.

"Since War is the only option left. Tomorrow morning, I will lead the first charge, followed by General Ytari and Commander Unaka, we know that not that many in their armies know how to use Chakra, therefore, once the first charge has made contact with the enemy. I want the second charge to attack from the West and the third charge from the East. Leaving no other options but to retreat to the North" he said moving small figures representing their armies on the map. Their figures were red while the enemy figures were brown.

The red figures surrounded the enemy figures from every direction except North.

"Once they start retreating, The hidden charge will attack them from the north leaving no options" Roku finished.

"But my lord, if we do this we would need to split the armies" one commander spoke but still with a respectful tone.

"While that is true, when they fight the first charge, the second and third charges attack will make them panic and a panic enemy is a dead one, and all our guards have Shield Seal to protect them" Roku responded.

No commander or General spoke anything against Roku and they all nodded their heads in agreement. One by one they left the tent leaving Roku alone in his thoughts.

Putting his hands on the table and resting his chin on them his thoughts were on his grandfather.

"Is ... is this How it always Goes? Will True Peace ever Exist?" Roku asked with a tired tone.

Will you use it? The voice asked in his head.

"I will, after all, it been a long time since the last time I used it" Roku responded, he remembered he had given it to his son, once he reached 16 years old but his death 9 years old, his grandson prince Dyano Uzumaki would own the sword once he reached 16 years old. But for now, The Sword had no owner.

"Summoning Ninshu" He spoke and slammed his hand on the ground, smoke suddenly came out and a sword was slowly revealed lying on the ground.

Roku slowly grabbed the sword and hold it gently in his hands almost afraid that it would break.

His grandfather had left them many items that belonged to him but three of them were more powerful than the others.

The War Fan, Gunbai, that his Uncle Indra had taken after he had betrayed his grandfather. Owned by Uchiha Clan.

The Sword of Fate, Dark Blood. The sword was used by Uzumaki Clan.

And the third was a Staff, owned by Senju Clan. Roku still didn't quite fully grasp what the staff could do. His brother had mentioned being able to use Wind Style despite not actually being able to use it without the Staff.

Roku slowly raised the sword, his hands feeling the pommel made of gold. The pommel was made of gold, with a red Phoenix small symbol around the grip, decorated with sapphire, the guard was made of silver, decorated with small lines, that were carved to look like a small fire. The scabbard was black, the chape had three red tomoes, that looked like the fully matured Sharingan. The blade itself was made of a very rear metal that grandfather said it was called 'Vīlīrīkīon'.

Roku had not been able to find anywhere metal like that but his grandfather had said that the sword made of that metal can never get rusted, and could channel your chakra along with your elements like fire, electricity, water, wind and earth.

The sword itself was 4 feet long, counting the pommel and the handle.

Naruto looked at the sword with clear awe behind his eyes, he hadn't seen many swords in his life, but this felt and looked powerful, but the redhead still knew his mother's sword was better than this one. His mother had left it for him and he would never change for any other sword.

"This part will be hard to watch young Uzumaki. I hope you're ready" Old Roku spoke aware it could be hard to watch for Naruto, after all a War wasn't something pleasant.

The vision changed again showing, Roku standing on his horse, beside him was Ytari and Utaka, and behind them were the soldiers of the first charge. Roku wore his armour, and the sword tightened to his back, caressing the head of his horse with his hand, he turned his head to look at his brothers in arms.

The wind flying across the field, the grass singing a song for the warriors, the branches of trees hitting against each other, small animals and birds running away almost as if they knew what would happen.

The enemy army slowly stood from the top of the hill. Their flags around their armies, their flag, a mountain with a sword standing in the sky above the ground with a white background.

Roku turned to Ytari, a sad smile on his face. "If I die, weep for me," Roku told his friend.

"How will you know? You'll be dead."

"I'll know."

Roku wondered whether this was the last sunrise he would ever see . . . and whether wondering was a mark of cowardice. Did his brother Seikatsu ever contemplate death before a battle?

A warhorn sounded in the far distance, a deep mournful note that chilled the soul. The clansmen climbed onto their scrawny mountain horses, shouting curses and rude jokes. Several appeared to be drunk. The rising sun was burning off the drifting tendrils of fog as Roku led them off. What grass the horses had left was heavy with dew, as if some passing god had scattered a bag of diamonds over the earth. The Seamen fell in behind him, each clan arrayed behind its own leaders.

In the dawn light, the army of Lord Roku Uzumaki unfolded like an iron rose, thorns gleaming.

He had no time to think about it. The drums were so near that the beat crept under his skin and set his hands to twitching. Ytari drew his longsword, and suddenly the enemy was there before them, boiling over the tops of the hills, advancing with measured tread behind a wall of shields and pikes.

Gods be damned, Roku thought. Their captains led them on armoured warhorses, standard-bearers riding alongside with their banners.

Roku grabs his sword with his right hand and raises it above himself, high in the sky.

"For Our Homeland" he cried followed by everyone.





A warhorn blew. Haroooooooooooooooooooooooo, it cried, its voice as long and low and chilling as a cold wind from the north. The Temuri trumpets answered, da-DA da-DA da-DAAAAAAAAA, brazen and defiant, yet it seemed to Roku that they sounded somehow smaller, more anxious. He could feel a fluttering in his bowels, a queasy liquid feeling; he hoped he was not going to die sick.

As the horns died away, a hissing filled the air; a vast flight of arrows arched up from his right, where the archers stood flanking the road. The StrongStone broke into a run, shouting as they came, but the Uzumaki arrows fell on them like hail, hundreds of arrows, thousands, and shouts turned to screams as men stumbled and went down. By then a second flight was in the air, and the archers were fitting a third arrow to their bowstrings.

Raising his sword, he swung down, cutting down someone, screams of pain and terror echoed in his ears like bells, his eyes saw another running towards him, with a sudden move, the body sliced in half like bread, his blood and guts all over the ground. The blood on his mouth.

But Roku didn't stop, he swung and swung, and swung, man after man fell by his blade, his sword cutting down their armour like paper. His whole body bathed in blood, the scent of blood strong in the air.

"Fire Style: Red Flower" a voice cried to his left and a massive fire burned down man, their skin slowly burning and turning dark like coal, some trying to remove their armour from their body, the heat unbearable, tearing skin along. The screams were everywhere.

Roku's eyes roaming everywhere around the battlefield, cutting down man after man. Blood and more blood in the ground m, bathing it.

Suddenly he heard a shout and the ground started rising. Splitting the armies apart like a wall.

Fire Style: Hot Stone

Earth Style: Oil River

The men below the wall caught ablaze, the fire shining like a beautiful red diamond.

Suddenly he saw Region 2 and Region 3 attacking from the side.

Roku then at that moment made eye contact with the leader. The man rushed at Roku with Medium SS Rank Speed. Roku blocked the axe with his blade and they both jumped away and ended up close to a river, another step and their blades clashed again, The Leader swung his axe and swung to his middle body ready to tear him apart but Roku dodged causing all the trees behind him to be cut down and fall like nothing.

The leader rushed again, Roku blocked it again and again, the sound of metal clashing was echoing in his ears. He stopped another swing, the ground beneath his feet splashed like water from the strength behind his axe.

Jumping away. Roku sheathed his sword.

"Pressure Style: The Last Breath" he shouted and a massive dragon made of water raised from the river and clashed against the leader who used a wall made of earth to protect himself. But the water destroyed the ground and hit the leader, the water started rising around him and his whole body was in a large bubble made of water, slowly rising above the ground. Roku had an open hand towards the water and closed it.

Within a second the bubble shrinks and then immediately expanded exploding in a mix of blood and water. Roku took a deep breath when his sensei screamed at him to move, he jumped high in the air barely dodging the swing of a huge sword.

The sword was 6 feet tall and the man was growling at Roku.

"You Killed My Brother" The man cried raising his sword. Roku glanced at his army. Deciding to End this. He slammed his hands together causing the ground to shake. Earth suddenly raised around Roku protecting him from every direction. Roku sat down and started focusing on his chakra.

Outside Ytari was fighting the enemy general. The enemy moved towards him with Low SS-Rank Speed.

Ytari breathed heavily, his old age was starting to get to him.

"Just Die" the general cried finishing his hand sings.

"Earth Style: Red Ground" the ground started changing shape, raising with point ends rushing towards him like giant swords. Ytari jumped away avoiding many of them. But unknown to the General, Ytari started doing hand signs, suddenly the ground raised behind him, crushing him from behind.

Ytari jumped away in the last second, his left arm not there anymore, finishing his hand sing.

"Ice Style: Sky Dragon" suddenly the air around them froze immediately, a giant dragon with a long tail formed above them.

The Dragon rushed towards the enemy with High SS Rank Speed, the enemy had no time and was crushed and split into different parts but the dragon didn't stop, the dragon rushed towards the enemy line crushing them.

Suddenly a sudden pressure was spread around the air, almost crushing him. Ytari smiled at the familiar feeling.

"Roku you son of a bitch"


The wall protecting him exploded all around him, his chakra had reached its maximum, his appearance had changed as well.

His hair was like in red flames, his eyebrows were crimson red and burning, his eyes looked like a red whirlpool, red lines had spread all around his body, and in the chest was the symbol of Uzumaki Clan.

His chakra had changed colour from blue to crimson red. The enemy looked pale and everyone had stopped fighting, some had fallen unconscious by the pressure of his chakra.

Roku used chakra on his finger to cut the thumb of his left arm. But instead of spreading the blood across his right palm, he spread it in his Phoenix Seal on his right wrist.

The moment his blood touched his seal, Roku slammed his right hand on the ground spreading a wide Red Seal across the ground.

Suddenly the whole sky and the battlefield was illuminated by the light of what looked like a second sun slowly descending from the clouds. Many closed their eyes and used their arms to shield their eyes.

Roku did the Ram sign and closed his eyes.

"Great Phoenix of the sky, please hear my cry.

Envelop the sky with your glow and help me protect my home.

Unlock your powers from deep within me so that together we may win.

Appear in this Battlefield as I call your name,

The Phoenix of War, Ānogan!"

A loud screech was heard for miles around the battlefield, the Phoenix shining like a red sun across the battlefield. His Wings spreading like a blanket across the field, his eyes shining gold.

Naruto watched in awe, he gasped at the size of Ānogan, he was easily the same size as Kurama. Despite not being there, Naruto could feel and see the amount of power.

The grass and trees around the battlefield started burning, exploding in red crimson flames burning it away immediately.

Roku looked at his enemy dead in the eye, he started walking backwards afraid of Roku.

"Ānogan, attack with Blind Light"

The Phoenix started illuminating more light and light started burning around the enemy army. The people started scorching from the light, the heat unbearable, but none of the allies was harmed. The enemy army started retreating. The War was Lost.

Ānogan started moving his wings causing tornados to appear, enemies being sliced by the speed of the wind.

"Ānogan, attack with Falling Star"

Ānogan started spitting out the fire but the fire spread all around him, causing his body to bathe in red flames. His huge body started descending towards the ground, his speed unmatched. His whole body fell in the middle of the enemy army like a star and exploded. His fire spread around like Wildfire, the heat burned down trees and turned them into ash within seconds.

The fire was spread in one-mile diameter, the fire everywhere burning everything. A large shield of earth protection the allies.

The allies started cheering for their victory, Roku closed his eyes, the Phoenix Sage Chakra left him, his appearance turned to normal. The enemy in front of him had fallen on his knees, his whole face pale like snow. His whole body shaking like leaf.

The fire still in the field slowly raised and Ānogan raised again from the ashes with a loud cry echoing throughout the battlefield. His body ascended above the clouds and disappeared.

Roku looked at the only enemy left. Pulling out his sword he reached over him and put the sword close to his neck.

"Any last words?"

"Y-you killed All of Them"

"I protected my family and homeland. I will always protect them" Roku said and swung his sword.


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