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Naruto - After Two Years

It had been two years since Naruto had arrived on Mount Myoboku, he had started training again a week after he had arrived, first only chakra control, and Jiraiya-sensei would throw things at him sometimes when they trained. Naruto couldn't remember the last time he felt so happy, not being in the village and being seen as a monster for two years helped. A part of Naruto wasn't really looking forward to go back to the village, he knew despite not being in the village, the people there had not forgotten about him.

Toad-jiji would visit every four to six months and stay for mostly three weeks. Naruto liked his company, Fukasaku-sama and Ma-san were good company as well. But Naruto spent the time mostly with Fukasaku since he was training him in Taijutsu.

Naruto had meet different toads that lived here like the head of the toads, Gabamunta. He found him funny but sometimes really annoying. His son Gamakichi who was a friend to Naruto.

Within the last two years, Naruto had trained and learn quiet a few useful jutsus.

When it came to his wood-style, Naruto hadn't done much progress since he had no scrolls to help him, and no one was around to teach him in wood-style. But Naruto was able to do two wood style jutsus.

Wood-Style: Ground Spike


A jutsu that made wood spikes grow from the ground around the area that the user chooses, they can grow as large as the amount of chakra that the user uses.

Wood-Style:Wooden Cage

C-Rank - B-Rank

It creates a cage used to trap the enemy, the woods can come out from Naruto's sleeves or from trees Nearby. It can be grown from the ground but it requires more chakra. The cage can absorb the chakra of whoever inside at a very slow pace.

When it came to his chakra control, he now could keep a leaf on his forehead, keep five kunai on the point of his fingers, and stay upside down in a tree, and sometimes the same while staying on water.

Now Fukasaku-sama started training him in Taijutsu, run around the mountain like a slave, 200 runs without stopping, wearing weights that were 50 pounds on his legs and 30 pounds on his arms. Toad-jiji always said that with a lot of pushups, situps and plenty of juice, he would get stronger. Strong like his father and mother.

Naruto was sitting in water, his legs crossed, five kunai in the tip of his fingers of his right hand. A leaf on his forehead, Kurama was giving him a bit of his chakra which made it harder to control his chakra. Controlling both his and Kurama's chakra was harder but furball stated he needed to be able to get used to his chakra before he moves to one tail worth of chakra and more tails.

Fukasaku was close and keeping an eye on the young boy, he could feel the Kyuubi's chakra leaking from Naruto. He was still impressed to see that the Kyuubi would ever be a friend with anyone. But still he was happy for it, Naruto would need his help against Akatsuki.

Naruto's eyes were red, and looking at Fukasaku who had a cane on his right hand staring at him. Naruto kept focused and trying not to do mistakes on his training. Toad-jiji promised him to start training him on elemental manipulation once he can do chakra control exercise while using Kurama's chakra. So far so good and Naruto couldn't wait to start elemental manipulation.

His other jutsu he knew were one fire jutsu, two water jutsu and one wind. He still didn't know any earth jutsu.

Fire Style: Fireball

Water Style: Bullet Point

Water Style: Shockwave

Wind Style: Great Breakthrough

When it came to Fuinjutsu, he was in Level IV, it took him seven months to pass Level III. To pass level IV. Naruto needed to write a trap seal, chakra flowing seal, and weight seals. He was sure he was close to complete a chakra flowing seal. That seal could be used to both block someonems chakra flow and storage chakra to use later.

One thing Naruto had noticed that his toad-jiji had avoided talking about the village, sometimes just trying to change the subject. Naruto had asked how jiji was and how the village was in general. Naruto didn't cared that but he still asked, but everytime he asked that. Naruto could feel the feeling of fury coming from toad-jiji.

Naruto didn't know why and didn't try to force him to answer. Hokage-jiji had send a few letters to him asking him how he was, and if he enjoyed there. Naruto of course said 'yes', since here no one looked at him with hatred, he didn't need to watch around every corner when he was outside. Naruto felt free in Mount Myoboku and having no one to call you Demon was a relief.

"You're Done now Naruto" he looked at Fukasaku who made a gesture for him to stand up. Naruto nodded and stood up on his legs. He was wearing a dark shirt with the symbol of fire in the chest. A tight red jacket, that reached to his waist. His mother's sword tightened behind his back, Naruto was still young to use it but he wanted to have it around.

Fukasaku had told him he could teach him a few things about Kenjutsu but not much. Naruto had a few books about Kenjutsu but wasn't the same as having an experienced teacher to teach you. Toad-jiji said he can start training on Kenjutsu once he starts the academy, he wanted Naruto to complete or at least get close to completing his chakra manipulation for his affinities, for the last two years he had left here. And if possible be able to use one tail worth of Chakra, even Kurama had agreed to that.

"Now that you're done with that, we can start with a spar" Fukasaku-sama suggested, Naruto smiled at that since it had been a few months since he had wanted to start training for real.

"Follow me" he said and Naruto followed behind looking around. His mind went to what Kurama had told him about the other bijuu in the world. Naruto had been curious about the other Bijuu and wondered how they were and what kind of character they have.

'Naruto was back at his mindscape, it had been three months since he arrived in Mount Myoboku. The forest was back how it was before, Kurama was lying on the grass behind the cage, he looked to be sleeping but one of his eyes was slightly opened looking at Naruto's form walking towards him. Naruto frowned everytime he saw the damn cage, he had asked Kurama if he could open the seal but he told him that even if he could, he wasn't ready yet.

"Kurama, one thing I have been wondering, you said your brothers and sisters were captured by The First Hokage, Who are they? And where are they?" Naruto asked curiously with his hands behind his head. He knew that there were nine Bijuu out there but he wanted to know more about them.

Kurama raised his eyebrow slightly, but felt slightly happy that Naruto wanted to know about them.

"As you know there are nine of us, Shukaku, one-tail Raccoon, my youngest brother, he always liked to fight and always a bit cocky, hell almost as much as me, his abilities are to control sand. Matatabi the two-tails cat, she wasn't really into fighting, her abilities were to be able to use blue flames, they're five times hotter than normal flames, but Matatabi, wellll, she is . . . How can I say . . . This . . ." Kurama didn't really know how to say that to a little kid.

"I will tell you later. Next is Isobu, the Three-tails turtle, he was always calm and quiet one and always liked water, after all his techniques are water jutsus. Son Goku, the four-tails Monkey" Naruto raised his eyebrow at the name, he could have swore he had heard that name before, Naruto shrugged his shoulders and decided to listen to Kurama.

"Son is smart but a bit irritating, His ability is Lava release. Then is Kokuo, the five-tails horse, he is more like a free spirit. He doesn't like when someone tries to tell him what to do, and likes to run. And easy to make friend with, his ability is boil release.

Then is Saiken, the six-tails slug. He's quiet and cooperative and always likes to find a non-combat way to fix problems, his ability is to use acid that can melt everything, if you ever meet his Jinchuuriki, be careful, he's top 4 Bijuu and should not be taken lightly" Kurama warned and Naruto nodded and knew Kurama wouldn't call just anyone dangerous.

"Then is Chōmei, the seven-tails beetle, she's a positive one. Always called herself lucky-seven or other annoying names like that. She was friendly and always liked to talk and crack jokes. Her ability is to fly and use insects.

Then is Gyūki, the eight-tails octopus, last time I checked, he didn't really get along with humans but is been hundreds of years since we talked. His head is strong as a rock, but can crack jokes here and there. Can use Ink release and his horns can be dangerous" Kurama finished then stood in all his four with his nine tails showing behind him like mountains, "And Finally me. Kurama, the nine-tails Demon Fox the strongest" he stated with a smirk.

Naruto chuckled at his words and smiled at him. Kurama then remembered about one more that he didn't mention, but Naruto didn't really needed to know about him.

Naruto noticed his feelings but decided to not ask why he was feeling a bit of fury but 'fear' in the same time.

"Thank You for telling me Kurama, I hope you can meet again with them" Naruto said and he himself hoping he could meet someone like him.

"You're Welcome"

"One more question? Bijuu are very strong but the animals in summoning contracts are strong as well, is there any summoning that is stronger than any of the bijuu?" Naruto asked curiously since he was living with the toads and wondered how strong they can be.

Kurama rested his head on his paws and looked directly at Naruto.

"There was one . . . Your clan actually possessed that summoning contract long ago but was lost when Uzu was destroyed" Kurama stated with 'melancholy' in his tone.

Naruto was surprised by his tone and walked closer. "Which one was it?" Naruto asked since the summoning contract belonged to his clan.

Kurama turned his eyes to Naruto. "Phoenix contract, and the head of Phoenix contract. Heiwa (Peace), she was the strongest animal that wasn't a Bijuu. She was stronger than Son(Four Tails), but weaker than Kukou(Five Tails), but mostly dependent on where you fought her, I fought her once and gave me a very good hit that I still remember" he said with a small chuckle at the end. Naruto smiled and wondered where the contract was and if he could ever find it.

Naruto escaped his thoughts when he felt something touching his legs, he looked down to see Fukasaku-sama staring at him.

"Talking to him again?" He asked already used to Naruto's zoomed out habits whenever he talked with the Kyuubi.

"No, just was remembering something" Naruto replied slightly embarrassed and wondering where other Bijuu where and where the Jinchuurikis were and if they lived like him or maybe even worse.

"Oh well, time to train" he stated and moved further back from Naruto. He understood it and moved his hands and legs in a position to fight. "I will Win Databayo" Naruto said smiling at Fukasaku.

Naruto moved first with his fist aiming at the toad, he quickly jumped much faster than Naruto predicted and hit him in the head with his cane. He quickly moved away and narrowed his eyes. He always knew Fukasaku was stronger then he let on but now he understood he was much stronger.

"Very well" Naruto whispered and moved faster than before caughting Fukasaku by surprise who jumped to avoid his fist, but Naruto jumped as well, and moved his right leg towards his body. He used his cane to block it when a second leg came from his right. He dodged it quickly and landing on the ground and rushed towards Naruto with more speed than before.


After hours of training, Naruto was panting, his fists had marks and bleeding a little, a few bruises in his face and stomach. His weights still on his body. Despite the pain he refused to stop, Fukasaku looked at him with interest wondering if Naruto would call it a day or not. Then Naruto did a hand seal when blue chakra started flowing through his body, he smirked and rushed at the toad with twice the speed. Fukasaku was caught surprised and tried to Dodge when Naruto raised his fist above him, in last second Fukasaku moved away but when Naruto's fist touched the ground, the ground split causing a crater to appear. The dirt moved around the air, little rocks falled in the ground and Fukasaku was sure he must have seen it wrong. The crater was as large as Naruto. He stood there panting, standing in all his four, his knees touching the ground. His face full of dirt, Fukasaku moved closer when Naruto lost consciousness and falled in the ground tired.

What was that? That was quite a fist! Fukasaku thought and moved closer to the sleeping Naruto. He usually was quite but now Naruto was snoring. The old toad smiled and decided to put him back in his bed, he needed to rest and Jiraiya needed to know about this.


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