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Opening his eyes, he was meet with light shining on his face, everything seemed blurred, Naruto quickly put his hands in front of his eyes to see clearly. His blue eyes roamed around noticing that he was in a weird room. The walls were brown color and weren't vertical like they usually are. The walls looked almost bended, making Naruto wondering how this house even worked. He could smell the scent of something boiling inside his room. His eyes went to a pot that looked made of something with dark color. Beneath fire burning boiling whatever inside.

The smell came from it, and Naruto wondered what was inside. His eyes turned back to the open 'window' where the light of the sun came from. It wasn't really a window more like a hole in the wall. He slowly stood up and looked outside to see the bright blue sky, that put a smile on his face but he immediately noticed that he wasn't in The Hidden Leaf here. The grass and ground was the same, he could see weird tree that looked like big leafs raising from the ground. In the tip of them was a small hole and water came out, falling in the lake.

Naruto wondered where he was but he couldn't shake the weird calm and relaxing feeling he was getting from this place. His eyes then turned to look at some giant Toad statues, he slightly scratched his cheek wondering what kind of place was this. He closed his eyes but couldn't feel anyone around.

The door opened and Naruto to see a toad looking at him, for a moment he just looked at him and closed his eyes tightly thinking this was some weird dream.

"You woke up Naruto-boy" the toad spoke much to Naruto's surprise. His eyes widened, talking with Kurama made the situation less weird but still he didn't know who was this toad. He noticed the toad was wearing small clothes.

Finally finding his voice to talk, his blue eyes turned to look at toad's yellow ones. "Who are you?" Naruto asked the toad.

"Oh Jiraiya-boy hasn't talked about us, my name is Fukasaku" the toad introduced himself. Naruto's understood who the toad was, his godfather had told him that he had the toad summoning contract. But in same time wondered where toad-jiji was and why wasn't he here and where even was he in the first place.

Noticing the hesitation, "you don't need to be afraid. And Jiraiya will come soon, he was even the one who brought you here" he explained and Naruto nodded his head in understanding.

"Kurama? You there?" Naruto asked wanting to know if furball was asleep.

"Right here! Where else would I be?" Kurama asked with an open eye looking tired.

"Oh okej, just wanted to know if you were awake" Naruto replied mentally and turned his eyes to Fukasaku who was looking at the pot cooking something. He turned to look at Naruto. "How about something to eat? Until Jiraiya-boy comes here" Fukasaku suggested and Naruto nodded hungry.

"Yes Fukasaku-sama" Naruto replied respectfully and kneeled in front of the toad who was smiling at him. Naruto could see the same smile he saw from Toad-jiji, hokage-jiji and tou-chan.

But Naruto wondered why he couldn't feel the toad, he could feel the emotions but not the chakra inside him, making him wonder if the toad even had chakra or maybe different kind.

"Naruto, he's using Sage chakra, you can't feel him" Kurama replied inside his head now fully awake.

"Sage chakra, what's that?!" Naruto asked interested of what that meant.

"Is chakra from nature itself, you will be able to feel his chakra only when you can use sage chakra as well" Kurama replied.

Naruto nodded in understanding and felt something touching his shoulder, escaping his thoughts he saw Fukasaku touching him with a cane.

"You zoomed out, you okay my boy?" He asked worriedly.

Naruto just nodded his head. "I'm alright, just a talk with Kurama" he replied and saw his eyes widened slightly.

"So he does talk to you! I have to say when Jiraiya told me you were friends with him, I didn't really believe it" he replied with a small chuckle at the end.

Naruto narrowed his eyes slightly, his blue eyes turned like ice. "Why is that? Kurama is a good friend" he replied not liking talking bad about him.

"I didn't mean anything, I just found it surprising. That's all" he replied and grabbed a bowl for both of him and Naruto. The red head smiled at his response and saw Fukasaku fill the bowl for him and one for himself. He handed it to him. Naruto looked down to see that it was soup, with a small thing that looked like a sausage but more white than usual. There were a few fruits around.

"We don't usually eat this dish but I know you wouldn't like what we usually eat so Shima made it for you" he said and started eating the dish. Naruto wondered what was the usual dish but decided to eat for now before it gets cold.

While eating, Naruto couldn't help but remember the screams of the people he killed. The trees tearing them apart, he knew it wasn't his fault. He was protecting himself from stupid people but still couldn't help but feel guilty of what he did. Naruto felt like a huge weight was on his shoulders, and was getting heavier each day.

Naruto stopped eating and looked at his right hand, he still could feel it, before the bad shinobi went to cut his throat, his right hand had touched the ground and his chakra had went to his right hand, and the trees grew and killed everyone nearby.

Demon, you're demon. You Child of Sin, Why can't you just Die. DIE DEMON. KILL HIM, you took my FAMILY AWAY.

Naruto felt hot tears on his cheek. The hateful glares, the words, the hatred. Now the beating, were too much for him. What has he done to deserve any of this, Naruto understood the village would never see him as anything but a demon who took away their family. Who killed them without mercy.

Die. JUST DIE DEMON. You Killed My Father. You HEARD the Fourth is Dead because of HIM. Your parents ABANDONED YOU DEMON, No That's not true, They . . . They Loved Me. Hahahahahha Who would ever Love You DEMON.

"Naruto" he opened his eyes and turned to see his toad-jiji standing in front of the door leaning against the wall. More tears roll down his cheek and Naruto jumped like an arrow to him. He hugged him and cried his heart out, Jiraiya looked down at his grandson in all but blood, and it broke his heart to see him in pain. These were times when he wished that Minato had sealed Kyuubi to someone else, he knew it wouldn't be fair, it was selfish and Minato had a big heart to do something like that but looking at Naruto.

"I'm here my boy, just let it out" he said quietly and rubbing his red hair. Naruto kept crying for an hour against his chest. Kurama talked to him trying to ease his pain.

Naruto stopped and slowly looked up at his toad-jiji and opened his mouth to speak, his mouth felt dry like a desert. He was happy to see him again, Naruto hoped he would stay longer with him and not leave him alone.

"I know what you want to say, and isn't your fault. What they did is on them, not you. Never You" Jiraiya stated rubbing his hair with his right hand. That seemed to calm Naruto who nodded his head. After minutes of silence, the red head turned to look st Fukasaku again.

"Where am I?" Naruto asked quietly.

"You're in mount Myoboku, the place of the toads" Fukasaku said and walking towards the door. Naruto glanced at toad-jiji and he gave him a reassuring nod. He made a small smile and followed him outside. Looking outside now, the place looked larger than inside the little house. Naruto could see a waterfall further away, the ground was covered with weird plants he had never seen before. Blue and yellow flowers their strong smell rode the air, as he ran his fingers through them in wonder and marvelous.

A genuine smile slowly spread in Naruto's face, looking at the beautiful sights in front of him. Jiraiya smiled seeing his grandson happy.

Fukasaku moved in front of Naruto looking up at him.

"Do you want to stay here Naruto boy?" He asked.

Naruto raised an eyebrow not really understanding, he thought he was supposed to stay in the hidden leaf village. He knew the toads had their contract with the hidden leaf village but sill. And not to mention he was a Jinchuuriki.

Understanding the confusion in Naruto's face, Jiraiya put a hand on his shoulder and Naruto turned to look at him.

"Listen Naruto, hokage has given you permission to stay here for four years to train. I will be here with you as long as I can stay, you can stay here until you feel ready to leave" Jiraiya informed him. His smile like that of tou-chan on his face, that smile warmed Naruto's heart to no end.

Stay here?! This place is much better than the place that hates me, Naruto thought but then he remembered his only friends. Shikamaru, Choji and Ino. He wondered if they would feel betrayed for not visiting them.

"What about my friends?" Naruto asked with a tiny tone.

"You can stay here for four years and then meet with them again at the academy. They already know you won't be around for some time because of their parents" Jiraiya replied rubbing his red hair that looked to be shining under the light of the sun.

Naruto looked downwards and wondered, he could feel his toad-jiji wasn't lying. His mind then went to the academy, a smile appeared on his face. A place where he could make even more friends. Naruto knew he would eventually meet them again, and the thought of Hidden Leaf Village reminded him of the people inside it. He would meet them again, and would return as strong shinobi. He looked up at toad-jiji and nodded his head in confirmation.

Jiraiya smiled and so did Fukasaku. Hearing that answer, he took out a small paper note out of his pouch and handed it to Naruto who had a confused look on his face.

"What? A piece of paper?" Naruto asked not understanding what he was supposed to do with it.

"That is not an ordinary piece of paper, it is a paper made from a special type of tree, which is grown and fed with Chakra. They are used in products that react to even the slightest hint of Chakra in any number of ways, depending on the nature latent in the Chakra; this allows a person to know what nature affinity they have." Jiraiya explained wanting to know Naruto's chakra affinity. Naruto nodded in understanding.

"Good, just so you know, all you have to do is place you hand on the paper and channel a bit of your Chakra to it and it will react to whatever affinity you have, so if you have an affinity to Fire the paper will ignite and turn to ash. If you have an affinity to Water the paper will become damp, if you have an affinity to Earth it will turn to dirt. If you have an affinity to Lightning the paper will crumple up and if you have an affinity to Wind the paper will split in two", explained Jiraiya.

Naruto nodded his head as he already understood it all and then channelled a small bit of his Chakra into the paper. But what happened next surprised everyone including Naruto.

Instead of cutting into two pieces like Jiraiya thought that would, the paper cut into three pieces as it fell to the ground, where the first one turned to dirt, causing the grass close to turn to dirt, the second became damp and grass became wet, and the third turned to ash causing even the grass close to burn slightly. This showed that Naruto had four natural nature affinities, one for Earth, one for Water, one for Wind and one for Fire.

Even Fukasaku was shocked of what he saw, it wasn't everyday that someone had four affinity but not just normal ones. He noticed the grass and knew Naruto had high affinity for Fire, Water and Earth, and normal Wind Affinity. At least for now.

Jiraiya on the other hand expected Wind, Earth and Water because of his wood style and Wind because of Minato, but Fire was probably from Kushina. But she had normal Fire affinity not High ones.

Naruto just looked downwards at the grass and wondered, he was confused while Kurama inside was smirking from ear to ear. Naruto could feel his happiness and wondered 'Why?'. He was about to ask why when his toad-jiji talked to him.

"This is a surprise, but a welcome one. Now since you have four different affinities. We can start training you once you finish your chakra control training" Jiraiya stated then put a hand on Naruto's shoulder.

Naruto noticed and could feel the seriousness of his face.

"Naruto, what you did to stop the mob was 'Wood-Style', the ability of Hashirama Senju, while you're here you can train and talk about it with the toads, but when you return to the village. I want you to keep it a secret" Jiraiya stated with seriousness but in same time wondering how he could get in contact with Tsunade, she will need to know about Naruto, and probably reveal some secrets.

Naruto nodded his head in understanding with a big bright smile on his face. Jiraiya smiled back and couldn't help but think about Minato. He wondered if he had secrets that no one knew about. Jiraiya didn't know and decided to keep it a secret for now.

"Well, now let's take a walk around Naruto-boy" Fukasaku-sama suggested and Naruto followed him eagerly since he liked the place around. Jiraiya watched them walk ahead and wondered if Naruto still wanted to become Hokage or did he have any other dream? Jiraiya wasn't sure but whatever it was, he would always have his support.

Ashara Uzumaki

The girl named Fuu introduced herself with a big smile on her face, to Asha she looked normal and wondered why the village would hate her.

"Is this your house?" Asha asked pointing at the house and wanting to start a conversation.

Fuu smiled and nodded her head but Asha could see a hint of sadness behind her eyes.

"Yes Asha, this is my home. Lord Shibuki, made it for me, is nice and quiet here"'she replied smiling and turning her head to her left, Asha turned to where Fuu was looking to see a waterfall a bit further away. It looked beautiful, the sound of waterfall could be heard, the sound of water moving was calming her.

"Fuu, what about your parents where are they?" Asha asked but hoping she wouldn't receive the answer she thought she would. Fuu's gaze lowered and looked at a fly close to her foot.

"My father died in a mission, and my mum she . . . She . . . She died two ye . . . Years ago" she answered, her voice breaking. Asha moved closer and put a hand on her shoulder.

"I understand, my mum and dad died protecting me. I miss them everyday" Asha said quietly trying to ease her pain.

Fuu's widened, and looked at her surprised, but kept quiet. After minutes of silence Asha pulled away and decided to ask something that was bugging her.

"Fuu, if you don't mind me asking, why did the villagers looked at you like that?" Ashara asked quietly. Fuu felt a shiver of fear in her body. Her right hand touching her ring finger of her left hand. Her friend didn't knew about her 'Condition', she was sure the moment she would reveal it. Asha would leave her alone as well.

"I. . . I . . . I hold The Seven Tails, Chomei" she replied and closed her eyes tightly waiting for the shouts and the insults to come but heard nothing. Fuu slowly opened her eyes to look at her right to see Asha still standing there with a raised eyebrow.

"So, What?" She simply asked still not understanding what was the problem. Ashara knew how the seal worked. And having something sealed inside you didn't make you the beast itself.

Fuu's eyes widened at her question and was sure she had heard her wrong. "Yo ... u mean you do... don't have problems with that?!" She asked fearfully still afraid that Asha would look at her with the same hateful eyes.

Ashara just shrugged her shoulders. "That doesn't change anything, that doe" she was interrupted mid-sentence when Fuu jumped and hugged her tightly and smiling from ear to ear.

"We are friends, We are friends" she shouted happily. Asha smiled and hugged her back. Fuu was crying tears of joy. Pulling away Ashara catched her breath from her bear-like hug.

"Yes we are friends Databane" she replied smiling, and wondered if there was any Uzumaki around. She was sure there must be others from her clan and she wasn't alone.

"Fuu, would you like to train?" She asked and Fuu immediately nodded her head in agreement.

While this was happening Chomei, was awake and wondered who was this girl that had no problems with Jinchuuriki. At first she wondered if the girl was a Jinchuuriki as well but couldn't feel any of her brothers or sisters inside her, she understood this girl 'Ashara' had a big heart and just didn't cared.

"Now Fuu, you can finally have a friend" Chomei thought.


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