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Naruto - After Two Days

The sound of wind moving the branches of the trees relaxed him, his eyes closed as he took a deep breath. The birds singing his favorite song, one standing on his shoulder and his sound was on his ear. Naruto felt at peace amongst the nature, the grass was caressing his legs crossed in the ground. He could hear the water moving in the lake, he heard a fish jumping from the water, like wanting to show himself. A smile spreaded on his cheek as one more bird landed on his red hair and used his legs searching through his hair, almost thinking that his hair would be a beautiful little house to lay her eggs.

Suddenly the bird flew away, as Naruto's body filled with Kurama's chakra. His nails started growing slowly, his whiskers grew, his hair looked to react from his chakra, they got spiker, his teeth slowly grow, and looked sharper. Naruto slowly opened his eyes, but instead of blue ones, they were red like blood.

Naruto felt his body grow stronger, even more than when he unlocked his chakra for the first time. He slowly stood up on his legs, he noticed the wind was harsher now.

"You're doing well Naruto. Give it five years and I'm sure you can start using one tail worth of chakra" Kurama complimented, as his chakra slowly washed away, and Naruto turned back to normal. He wished Naruto to start using a bit of his chakra if anyone stupid enough decided to harm him. But in same time not too much chakra since Naruto was still young.

Naruto nodded his head and suddenly falled on his knees, panting, he felt exhausted after accessing that much chakra. He wished Kakashi sensei was here but he had gone to another mission much to Naruto's surprise since it hadn't been a long time since he returned. Still panting he decided to lay on the grass. He used his right arm like a pillow, the grass touched slightly his chin, he felt relaxed again and was slowly catching his breath.

"Kurama you didn't tell me, this would happen" Naruto accused but his voice half-joking. Kurama smirked inside him.

"Well you know what they say, 'No pain, No gain'" Kurama replied but feeling relaxed, he slowly closed his thinking but a thought was not leaving his mind. What is this feeling? Why can Naruto have this kind of effect to the Nature around him? Kurama thought slightly angry since he thought of himself as smart, and not having answers wasn't something he liked, but in same time interested. He then noticed that Naruto had fallen asleep.

Kurama opened his eyes slightly to see the trees around him slowly growing, full of life. He liked it more like this, Jiji? You said we should help humans, I think this one is worthy! I wonder if he is who you talked to us about?! Kurama asked himself and then thought about his brothers and sisters. He knew all of them were sealed like him, and thinking if their Jinchuuriki is like his, or is just some bastard who only wants their power.

Naruto was sleeping quietly in the grass, three birds were resting on his back. They didn't looked scared of him, the sun was shining, making everything brighter, a shadow slowly moved towards Naruto.

"You found a good place to sleep my boy" the voice of the old hokage was heard. He noticed that Naruto didn't react to him and was still sleeping, he wondered why he would be so tired to sleep out here. His eyes looked at the grass around him, he put a hand on his chin wondering 'Why?'. He decided to ignore it and think later about it. Hiruzen slowly kneeled down and picked up Naruto gently, trying not to wake him up. He sunshin away to his apartment. Opening the door, Hiruzen could see everything was in it's place. Nothing was in the middle of the carpet, or just stuff left around. It was clean. He smiled and saw two opened scrolls lying on the table near the couch. He saw a wooden kunai near the scrolls.

Hiruzen reached the bedroom and put him in the bed. Naruto was still sleeping, his right eye covered from his red hair. Sarutobi chuckled at seeing that his hair had already reached his eyes. He wondered if Naruto would wanted to cut his hair but decided to ignore it. He covered him with a sheet and left the apartment.

Two Months Later

The clock was ticking, Naruto slowly opened his eyes to see that it was morning. Feeling the sun shining through the window. He rubbed his eyes with his forearm and stood up from the bed. It had gotten colder for a week now. It was December, and the streets, houses and everything was covered in snow. It was still only half a feet deep, but Naruto liked it nonetheless. The last two months he has trained like crazy in Fuinjutsu, chakra control and Ninjutsu. Three weeks ago he started training in Level II, to pass Level II he needed to make an explosive tag for a kunai, seal two weapons or more, and seal three completely different items.

Naruto loved Fuinjutsu, he would spend a lot of time reading and reread his books about Fuinjutsu. His jiji had given him a few points here and there. He still hasn't start training on Tainjutsu, Kakashi told him he could start when he reaches five year old. Naruto was looking forward to that, even though he knew it would be hard.

When it came to Ninjutsu, he was only able to do one so far, changing his position with a log. Naruto wondered where the log even came from. Kakashi told him he would teach him clone jutsu soon.

Naruto smiled looking at the snow, but he was most happy that toad-jiji would come soon, it had been five months and he couldn't wait. Not mentioning that apparently his toad-jiji was a Fuinjutsu master according to his jiji. Naruto was surprised and couldn't wait to ask him questions about the art of Fuinjutsu.

As he opened the door that lead to the restroom, he suddenly felt a presence above the roof near a building close to his apartment. This usually wasn't a problem but he couldn't feel any emotions coming from this one. Naruto felt a cold sweat running down his cheek, his heart beating on his throat. He hoped the same thing wouldn't happen again like last time when he felt the emotionless ANBU.

Naruto was about to say something to Kurama when the presence disappeared. He breathed a sigh of relief and decided to train his chakra control. Keep a kunai on the tip of his finger and a leaf on his forehead.

After eating breakfast, he grabbed a wooden kunai and leaf that he kept for training purposes. He put two kunai in the tip of his fingers, and a leaf on his forehead. As he relaxed trying to keep the balance, he remembered his shogi matches a month ago. Shikaku-sama had invited him in dinner.

'Naruto walked alongside Shikamaru and his parents. His freshly cleaned hair blowing in the wind as it dried. He had been scared when Shikamaru's mother had become so downright murderous but she had simply had him wash and reclothed him before setting out for this Chouza's place. Honestly, Shikamaru's mother had been incredibly understanding and smiled constantly at him as they walked. It was nice and he found himself smiling back at her as he walked comfortably with his friend's family.

Shikamaru walked lazily next to Naruto. Despite not knowing Naruto too well until recently, he still felt happy his friend was dropping that guard he seemed to constantly have. His sharp mind caught every flinch Naruto might have when he would be around Shikamaru's family. He had noticed how Naruto seemed uncomfortable with someone being so intimate as to wash him as Shikamaru's mother did but he allowed it to happen and now Naruto was starting to relax in her presence, as well as his father's.

When they were close to Chouza's place, Naruto finally broke the comfortable silence that had been surrounding their walk, "Ne! Where are we going?" he almost shouted. His exuberance shining through to his bright blue eyes.

Shikamaru's mother turned and smiled gently to him, "To a friend's place, their food is the best." she said quietly.

Naruto's eyes widened, "No Way! Ichiraku's Ramen is the best!" he said as he pointed at Shikamaru's mother accusingly.

Shikamaru and his Father chuckled as Yoshino's eyebrow twitched, suddenly a shout could be heard from the compound they were now standing in front of, "Oi!" a heavyset woman came bursting out the doors and the entire Nara family stepped back as the woman rounded on Naruto, "Who dares say my cooking is not the best in this village!" she shouted to Naruto.

Naruto glared back up at the woman, "No food is better than Ichiraku's. Ramen is the food of the Gods!" he shouted to the, now red faced, woman.

The woman's eyes narrowed, "We'll see if you can keep that tune after you eat my cooking!" the woman said as she brought herself up to her full height and Naruto saw that she was wearing a purple blouse with golden trimmings, a pair of black pants and heeled shoes. Her eyes had some coloring to the at the corners as she looked up at the Nara family and broke into a smile before reaching down and grabbing Naruto by the scruff of his clothes, "Let the lesson begin!" she shouted as she turned around and headed back into the compound, "Close the door behind you Shikamaru-kun." she yelled as Naruto got glimpses of a few doors before he was set into a seat.

Naruto's mouth watered as he looked at the veritable feast in front of him. Shikamaru chuckled as he walked up behind Naruto, "This is the Akimichi clan, they have some of the best restaurants in the city Naruto." he said as he sat down next to him. Naruto was still focusing on the food as the same woman from before and two males entered the room.

"Shikamaru *munch munch* so your the *munch* guest tonight." Choji said as he looked at his friend. He sat down next to him and finally noticed Naruto staring hungrily at the table. "Naruto?" he asked between munchs. Naruto turned to look at him with drool coming out of his mouth.

"Eh? Choji?" he asked as his eyes returned form their glazed look. His stomach giving a large growl as he hadn't eaten in a few days. Choji blinked at his stomach's growl and the older-looking Choji laughed heartily from the head of the table, bringing the young adult's attention to how Shikamaru's parents and Choji's parents had finally joined them.

"I don't believe we have had introductions have we Naruto-san?" she said quietly. Naruto smiled at her and nodded.

"I am Uzumaki Naruto." he said boisterously breaking the shock of his manners.

"Nara Yoshino." Shikamaru's mother said as she smiled. They soon started eating, Naruto enjoyed the food, and Shikamaru was surprised to see him eat as much as Choji.

Once Naruto had eaten his fill, he sat back and smiled lazily at his newest friend and whispered to him, "Thank you for inviting me over Shikamaru."

Shikamaru just nodded back at Naruto as he sat in his own chair. Shikamaru's eyes darted over to Naruto and an unsual gleem appeared in his eyes as he spoke, "Would you like to play a game Naruto?" he asked. Naruto's intrigued expression was his answer.

"I enjoy playing Shogi, I want you to play a match with me." he said to his friend, the adults and Choji had disbelieving expressions on their faces, the only person to beat Shikamaru was Shikaku.

"I don't know how to play Shikamaru, can you teach me?" Naruto asked curiously, though he had read a little about the game, he didn't knew everything, he didn't want to deny playing a game with his friend, especially since he said he WANTED to play with him. Practically a first for Naruto.

"Of course, let's see what you can do" Shikamaru replied and stood up, he walked over to Shikaku-sama, he gave him a board. Shikamaru grabbed it and opened it, now was the size of almost a meter length, and half meter width.

Shikamaru explained the rules to him and soon started playing, Naruto understood how to play and started playing, it didn't take long to understand that Shikamaru was very good at it. Choji and Ino were looking at them, well Choji was. Ino didn't looked that much interested. Shikaku-sama looked at them like a hawk, analyzing every move of them. Naruto felt slightly uncomfortable under his gaze but hide it well.

Now was 3 wins for Shikamaru, Naruto put a finger on his chin. He looked up at Shikamaru determinedly. "Another game Shikamaru" he said. He nodded gladly . . .

"And I win" Naruto said grinning from ear to ear, Shikamaru looked surprised that he lost but even more surprised were the others, even Ino. She didn't really understand the game but even she knew that Shikamaru was good at it.

"Wow Naruto you're really good at it" Naruto heard Shikaku-sama compliment him much to his surprise since he expected him to be angry at him for winning. Shikamaru held a finger on his chin and looked at Shoki board almost like he was scanning and wanting to know how he lost.

"I never thought he would lose." said Chouji.

"Yeh, you finally showed his lazy ass" Ino shouted and giving Naruto a warm smile. Naruto smiled back but then noticed her father glaring down at Ino.

"You shouldn't be so loud Ino" her father said with a strict tone. Ino shivered and nodded her head without saying anything.

Naruto chuckled under his breath and turned his eyes to Shikamaru who was still looking at the board almost expecting to receive an answer. He looked up at Naruto. "One more Game" he stated and Naruto grinned and played one more game??

After five more games, they were finally done, it was four wins for Naruto and six wins for Shikamaru.

"Very good Naruto-kun" Shikaku-sama complimented him. Ino and Choji had fallen asleep since it was very late now.

"Thank you Shikaku-sama" Naruto thanked him and looked back at Shikamaru, who looked tired but still was all ears.

"I can't wait to play another game" Shikamaru and they shaked their hands. '

Naruto escaped his thoughts when one of the kunai falled from his finger. The other was still standing still, and the leaf was on his forehead. Naruto's hand moved to the leaf on his forehead, when he grabbed it. Naruto was surprised to see that looked slightly larger, and the petiole was dark color, almost like it was burned while the tip and Margin were soaking wet, and the middle had started growing a small midbrid.

Naruto scratched his cheek slightly in confusion, he didn't understand what was happening, and why the leaf would react like that.

"I'm sure this has something to do with your affinities" Kurama suddenly talked.

Naruto raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean? Do I have more than one affinity?" Naruto asked him, he knew what the affinities that a Ninja can have. The first hokage had strong water and earth affinity and he could use 'Wood Style' by combining them.

"Yes. I'm not entirely sure which one you have, but by looking at the leaf, I can safely say you have strong fire affinity and water affinity. As for the leaf growing larger, might be because of your Senju blood" Kurama explained and noticing that in the seal, the forest looked greener, he could swear that he was feeling wind caressing his body.

Naruto raised an eyebrow, he didn't know why he would have Senju blood, the only Senju left was Tsunade Senju and as far as anyone knew, she never had children, and no Senju ever went missing.

"How is that possible Kurama?" Naruto asked interested, and wondering if Jiji or toad-jiji had any information about it.

"I don't know, but the feeling of your chakra is very similar to both Hashirama Senju and Mito Uzumaki" Kurama saying 'Hashirama' with venom.

Naruto noticed it and got even more confused, he knew Mito Uzumaki was the wife of The First Hokage and that was the only connection he could have with Hashirama-sama.

"Kurama! Do you hate the first hokage?" Naruto asked but already knowing the answer, since he could feel the negative emotions coming from Kurama. He growled and fully opened his eyes.

"Madara Uchiha might have controlled me with his damn Sharingan, but The first hokage hunted down all my brothers and sisters and gave them to different villages like we are Just Mindless Beast. He might have thought that he was doing good, but the only thing he did was raising the stakes of wars, causing more death, and doom the life of both the Bijuu and whoever Became A Jinchuuriki" Kurama shouted at the end. Mostly that Naruto was one who had a hard life.

Naruto was silent during the whole conversation, he couldn't help but agree with what Kurama said. Sealing the Bijuu stopped no wars. There was the first shinobi war, second and third war. Naruto wondered if the humanity was doomed like this? To always wage more war and more for eternity until there's nothing left. Kurama noticed the feelings of Naruto.

"Naruto don't think about that, you're still too young to think about the problems of this world. Perhaps you can start training your chakra control again, since you will need it" Kurama spoke and silently regretting to tell Naruto about such things now.

Naruto smiled and decided to do that.


It was 17:00 and Naruto was eating breakfast, he didn't do anything else but stay in the house. There wasn't much point to go outside, only if he wanted hateful glares from the villagers that he was tired of. He decided to sleep early today. Naruto could hardly keep his eyes open. Walking to the bed, he was ready to lay down in the bed when he felt the presence of the emotionless man again. Naruto tried to feel the two ANBU that usually stayed close to him but he couldn't feel them anywhere close to him.

He was ready to ask Kurama what to do when five Chunin level people landed very close to his apartment. Naruto turned to look at the window of his bedroom and opened the window, after opening it he turned back and hide under the bed.

He heard the door of his apartment burst open. "Demon" one of them shouted with venom on his tone. Naruto felt his heart beating so much that felt that would come out of his chest, cold sweat running through his forehead. The cold wind from outside, making his nose and ears feel like they would fall off. He could hear them checking everywhere around his house. When the door of the bedroom burst open. Naruto kept quiet and could feel the KI of the man in his room. The air felt cold as ice, Naruto was trying very hard to not let his body shiver and make noises.

"The window's open he must have run outside" Naruto heard a shout inside his room. He still kept quiet, he heard footsteps going away. He could feel they were still very close to his house despite being outside. But the only problem was that the emotionless ANBU was still in the same place and hasn't moved.

Before Naruto could think of anything the five men that left suddenly returned inside his house. Naruto's eyes widened and his little body started shaking like a leaf.

"DEMON" a cry was heard inside his house.

Naruto felt cold tears in his eyes, he didn't why no ANBU was around. Suddenly he felt someone grabbing his foot and pulling him out from under the bed. Naruto screamed in horror when he felt a punch on his stomach, his whole air left him and he falled in the floor. Naruto tried to catch his breath. Putting his hands on his stomach.

"There you are Demon Child" the man shouted and grabbed him by his hair, Naruto tried to move his hands away but he was no match to a Chunin. He opened his eyes to see this man in front of him had dark hair. Smiling viciously to him.

Naruto tried to punch and kick him when he threw him outside through the window. Naruto felt pain everywhere, he stood up and tried to run away. He could feel a mob of villagers very close to him.

"Catch The Demon"

"You Won't run Away This Time"

"Kill Him"

People shouted different things, he could hear their footsteps running towards him. Despite wearing only a shirt and a pair of pants. And that the ground was covered in snow and it was snowing, Naruto didn't feel cold. The opposite, he felt warm. Almost like a fire inside him. Suddenly his eyes turned blood red, his nails grew and his whiskers looked more on his face.

"Run Naruto" Kurama yelled.

Naruto felt a surge of power inside him and ran away with all his strength. He ran to his right and then to his right again. He remembered this way was where Shikamaru's house was, if he could get there he was sure he would be safe. But suddenly the emotionless ANBU moved and landed right in front of him, punching him in the face, and throw him against the wall. Naruto growled at the strange man and tried to run away when he felt a sharp pain on his hand.

"Aaaahhhhhh" Naruto screamed, he saw a kunai on his right palm. Blood coming out of the wound. He gritted his teeth almost to the point of breaking. If that wasn't enough, the mob reached him and Naruto could feel amongst them were five shinobi. The ANBU had immediately left. Naruto could feel the gaze of hatred, in both ways. Tears falling freely from his eyes red eyes.

"Look at the demon, like a rat in the mousetrap" one of the shouted and walking closer. Kurama inside felt furious at the stupid people.

"I'm not a DEMON" Naruto yelled, his voice sounding demonic. The mob flinched by his tone but they quickly started walking towards him. One of them reached him.

"This will be Fun Child" he whispered the last part before he punched him in the gut. Naruto gasped for air, his right hand wasn't moving. He could hardly feel anything from it. Naruto closed his eyes. Toad-jiji where are you? Tou-chan please help me?!? Kaa-chan Please Naruto begged as he felt punch after punch to his body.

Soon he was lying on the cold ground, blood coming out of his nose, ears and mouth. His right palm had stopped bleeding, Kurama was trying to heal him. When one of them pulls out a kunai.

"This is Your End" he shouted and went to stab him in the neck when everything went Dark. Naruto couldn't see anything what happened next, but he could have sworn he heard the sound of wood piercing flesh, and the screams of agony.


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