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Naruto - After one week

Hokage told him yesterday that his sensei with two masks had returned yesterday and told him he could start training again tomorrow. Now Naruto jumped from his bed, he quickly made some food for himself. Eggs with bread, after eating breakfast Naruto ran at the door.

He went up and out of the door, making sure to lock it up properly. He hid the key inside the potted plant near the staircase. He exited the building and ran towards the grounds. The sun was just beginning to rise, so the air was still cool as it hit his face. He smiled as he increased the pace and reached the ground with one minute to spare.

Reaching the training yard his eyes noticed his sensei standing against a tree, reading an orange book. Naruto walked up to him and he closed his book when he noticed him. He gave him an eye smile and walks closer.

"Well kid. I believe I told you one step to control your chakra is to stick a leaf on your forehead" His sensei said.

Naruto nodded his head. "I haven't really practiced it yet. I have been busy doing Level I seals" He replied with his hands behind his head. His sensei's widened that Naruto could do Level I seals.

"Well. I will teach you how to do it, give you a few hints here and there. And my name is Kakashi Hatake" Kakashi sensei introduced himself. Naruto was sure he had heard that name before, but couldn't point a finger where.

"Alright kid, the first step is to take a leaf and use your chakra to stick it to your forehead like this", his sensei said, demonstrating the exercise. Naruto saw with awe as the leaf stuck on his forehead.

Naruto nodded before picking up a leaf from the ground and keeping it on his forehead and imagining his chakra creating suction at the point where the leaf touched his forehead. After a few minutes, the leaf falled in the ground, Naruto just smiled and picked up again. Kakashi was resting in the ground against a tree, reading his book and looking at Naruto.

Naruto closed his eyes and tried to concentrate and focus his chakra on a single point. Surprisingly, after eight more tries the leaf stick on his forehead like glue. Only nine tries to get the amount of chakra right!

On the tenth try, the leaf was easily sticking to his forehead and he stood there smiling proudly. Using chakra for the first time felt really good! He simply had to imagine how his chakra flowed and sort of command it to do so and voila! Task accomplished.

Kakashi smiled behind his mask to see Naruto with a leaf on his forehead, his eyes closed but when Kakashi got closer, he noticed the leaf was soaking wet. But what caught even by surprise was that the leaf was greener now and looked slightly larger, almost like it had started growing branches. Seeing this reminded him of his talk he had with hokage-sama, the day Naruto unlocked his chakra.

'Kakashi looked at the sleeping form of Naruto lying on the couch of the office, his head resting on a small pillow and not making a single snoring. Kakashi smiled behind his mask but then turned to his hokage, who looked to be deep in thoughts. His hands clunched together and resting his chin on his hands. Smoking his pipe and just staring at the empty space.

Kakashi knew he had the same question as he did. He cleared his throat to get his attention. Hokage-sama looked up at him, almost waiting for him to ask questions.

"Hokage-sama, do you know what that chakra was from Naruto? And why did the wind, grass, and trees acted like that around him?" Kakashi asked but looking at the kage's face, he knew there's a high chance. He didn't exactly know the full answer for himself.

"I'm not sure, his chakra reminds me of Hashirama-sama, but in same different" the old hokage answered quietly. Kakashi's eyes widened at his response. 'First Hokage?! Is Naruto a Senju? But he has red hair and has chakra chains! Kakashi touching his cheek slightly.

"Hokage-sama, does Naruto have Senju blood?" Kakashi asked respectfully and glancing at Naruto who was still sleeping.

The old hokage moved away his pipe and released smoke from his mouth. His eyes looked up at Minato's picture in the wall. He took a deep breath and looked at Kakashi again.

"I don't know, but I just know that his chakra is similar to Hashirama- sama" Hokage replied and took a blank paper from his drawer and started writing a letter to Tsunade.

Kakashi wasn't sure what to think of it, but decided to ignore it for now. He had no answers for now.

"Naruto you did well" Kakashi complimented him with an eye smile. But still very impressed with how fast Naruto completed his chakra control exercise.

Most kids took four to five days to get this exercise right, and this kid had done it in one hour. Absolutely unbelievable, and outright ridiculous, Kakashi thought. He thought that Naruto had gotten a lot from his sensei.

Naruto noticed the way he was looking at him, and he could feel pride but a hint of sadness coming from his sensei.

"Sensei, why are you sad?" Naruto suddenly asked caught him unguard. Kakashi knew from the hokage and the way how Naruto always knew where they were that he was a sensor but being able to feel emotions, was something he had heard that only Mito Uzumaki could do.

"Don't worry Naruto, you just remind me of someone" Kakashi replied proudly at his tone.

Naruto grinned. "You mean I remind you of my father" he stated and Kakashi took a step back and his mouth and eyes widened.

"Aahhh how . . . How do you know that?" Kakashi asked curious that Naruto knew about his father. The hokage had mentioned nothing that he had told Naruto anything about his heritage.

Naruto's grin grew. "Furball told me and then Jiji-hokage confirmed it" he replied.

Kakashi felt a cold sweat on his forehead at the mention of the Kyuubi, but in same time was thinking why would the demon fox tell Naruto that. He opened his mouth to speak when Naruto raised his hand almost knowing what he would say.

"I know what you want to say, and No. Kyuubi is my friend and is not trying to Corrupt or Manipulate Me" he stated with his arms crossed in front of his chest. Kakashi was surprised to hear that answer, he didn't expect the fox to be friends with Naruto but decided to ignore it for now. He was sure Hokage-sama knew it and was *alright* with it. He then remembered that Naruto knew about his parents.

"Naruto. Since you know about your parents, you should know that The Fourth Hokage was my sensei" Kakashi said and saw Naruto open his mouth wide open and form a fist.

"I knew. I heard your name somewhere" Naruto said surprising him even more.

"What kind of man was my father? What about my mother?" Naruto asked fast and walking closer. Kakashi raised his hands in front of him.

"Hey hey, slow down. And yes I knew your father and mother" he replied and saw Naruto smile from ear to ear, his face brightened like the sun.

"Do I take a lot after my parents?" Naruto asked enthusiastically.

"I suppose you take a lot after your father" Kakashi stated.

"In what regards?"

"You're a lot like him, your personality is similar to your father, your hair are like your mother. And your face is smiliar to your father" Kakashi responded smiling behind his mask. Naruto sit in the grass. He sat close to him and talked to him about his parents.

After two hours of talking, they stood up, Naruto was smiling proudly and Kakashi was just eye smiling at the little kid.

Naruto decided to return back to training now.

"Hey, Kakashi-sensei, now that I've got it, what's next?" Naruto asked with a grin. At this point, he was keeping the leaf stick with only minimal concentration.

Kakashi grinned. A grin that Naruto didn't liked. It might mean his doom. "Now", he said, taking out kunai, "Keep that leaf stuck and dodge these!" With that, he threw the kunai at him. What Naruto didn't know is that Kakashi was only throwing kunai with no blade, that could hardly damage anyone.

It was only his danger sense that saved him from skewered. This continued for almost fifteen minutes and at the end of those, Naruto was heavily panting. 'He looked like he almost wanted to kill me!' he thought, drawing deep breaths.

Kakashi looked proud, "Well done, Naruto! You successfully dodged the kunai and kept the leaf stuck to your forehead! Take a five minute break!" Not many, no scratch that, no one managed that on their first try. It was starting to look like that this kid was born to be a shinobi.

Kakashi contemplated if he should teach Naruto the tree walking exercise next. A relatively difficult exercise, a Genin level in fact. But Naruto wasn't even in the academy. Still, doesn't hurt to try, right? He decided to see if Naruto was really a prodigy, and Jiraiya-sama had asked if he could take care of Naruto and train him when he was out there.

After the five minute break was over, he called Naruto and they both walked towards a tree. "Your next exercise would be to climb this tree with only your feet", he said.

Naruto gave him a quizzical look, "Isn't that kind of impossible, sensei?"

Kakashi eye smiled and lightly bonked him at the back of his head, "With the aid of chakra. Honestly, where does your intelligence go sometimes, out of your head?"

Naruto rubbed the back of his head and laughed sheepishly.

Kakashi then demonstrated the exercise, "This is kind of similar to the leaf sticking exercise, except you are sticking yourself to a tree instead of sticking a leaf to you. If you use too little chakra, your foot won't stick. You use too much chakra; you get blasted off the tree. Begin. You can use a running start if you want." He showed him climbing the tree and throwing a real kumai in front of him.

'Now I understand why trees around the training yard have scratches around' Naruto thought Naruto as he walked to the tree and put his right foot on the bark, regulating the amount of chakra required to stick. After he got it right, he kept in mind the amount of chakra and carefully pushed the same amount in his left leg.

Taking a deep breath, he lifted his left leg and put it on the bark, not losing concentration in his right leg. A huge smile appeared on his face as he successfully stuck to the bark. Tentatively, he took the next step and managed not to fall off. He continued this until he reached the top of the tree.

Kakashi watched all of this with his jaw on the ground, Icha-Icha book long forgotten. There was no possible explanation as to how Naruto manage to walk up the entire tree in five minutes of learning the exercise. Then Kakashi released a resigned sigh, 'I don't even want to know anymore.' He thought proudly.

This became the norm for everything. Naruto mastered tree walking in four hours, water walking in six hours, and spinning a kunai above his hand with his chakra in three days, all the while dodging Kakashi's shuriken and kunai.

It was now time to give the monthly report to the Hokage.

Hokage Tower

"What?" he asked loudly.

"It's true Hokage-sama!" Kakashi insisted but with a smile not leaving his face.

The smoking pipe had long since fallen off his mouth. This had to some kind of genjutsu. There was no way Naruto mastered all the chakra control exercises in just five days. Kakashi was his strongest Jonin of the village, so any students he took, in this case, Naruto, had high standards to meet.

But for Kakashi to say that Naruto did all of that in just two days, it was too much. He had no doubt that Naruto was very physically capable, but he had an Uzumaki heritage and as such, had monstrous reserves of chakra that could not be matched by anyone of his age. He expected Naruto to have problems in controlling his chakra, and not mention the amount of chakra of Kyuubi but from Kakashi's report it looked like he had an excellent control of his chakra.

Kakashi then slowly asked him, knowing the Hokage was rattled to his bones by the news, "Hokage-sama, can I have your permission to start teaching him Ninjutsu" he asked since Naruto was still very young for Taijutsu training.

"Yes is granted, but only easy ones for now"


After closing the door to his apartment, he set the thick book on the dining table and entered his bedroom, falling asleep. It was a late night after all, and sneaking around made him tired, especially after training the whole day.

His alarm rang at seven next morning. Waking up, he did his morning rituals and made himself some breakfast. 'That reminds me, the stock that jiji gave me will be finished soon. I need to go shopping', he thought.

After breakfast, he picked up the Fuinjutsu volume and started reading. Still reading about Level I, since he needed to be able to seal food, to pass to Level II.

He finished it in four hours, including the test that his mother wrote for him at the end of the book. 'Fuinjutsu is so easy, I don't understand why Jiji makes it such a big deal', he thought in confusion as he checked the answers of his test.

'It's not, you insane child', Kurama grumbled. He had been seeing and hearing fuinjutsu since the tree hugger's era and frankly, it annoyed the hell out of him. He was much more suited to perform acts of destruction than delicate writing. And it didn't helped that Naruto liked Fuinjutsu, but it surprised him since he was an Uzumaki.


"What is it Furball?" Naruto asked half-joking.

Kurama growled at his name but then decided to ignore it since Naruto was only a little brat.

"Is good that you're training, but tomorrow, I would like to try and give you a bit of my chakra, so you can get used it" Kurama replied.

Naruto smiled at his friend and mentally nodded his head.


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