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Harry Potter/Daphne Greengrass/Susan Bones One Shot - A Blessed Curse

' "Hermione, get down." Harry shouted as he shoved her onto the ground, using his body as a shield as Professor Lupin lunged at them.

"Stupefy!" Harry shouted at the Werewolf point blank, the last thing he could do right now. The spell hit him, and his teeth almost bit into Harry's shoulder, but he could do nothing as three black knives slashed through his chest.

Harry's screams echoed in the night. He knew Hermione screamed his name in terror as he fell on the ground with a loud thud, but the pain made everything go white. He felt like he was burning.

Harry felt the grass against his face, he wondered why he was laying on the ground as if everything started going dark, he felt someone shaking his shoulder, screaming his name, but then something inside him growled, and before he knew it, he could hear again.

"Harry, please. Wake Up. They will kill, Sirius." Hermione screamed in his ear, and Harry leaped to his feet faster than he could ever remember.

The Werewolf lunged himself at Harry, but then his body moved. He didn't know how or where he got the strength from, but Harry lunged at Lupin, grabbing him by the throat. His teeth kept snapping near his face as he tried to bite, but Harry slammed him hard on the ground and threw him against a tree. His body obliterated the tree trunk, and the tree fell right at Harry, but he quickly sidestepped.

The Werewolf slowly stood up, his eyes glittering silver in the darkness. He lunged at Harry once again, but this time, Harry docked under him before punching him hard in the stomach. Then he quickly grabbed him by the head before smashing his head hard against the fallen tree until it destroyed the trunk. The fallen tree had turned into two pieces.

Harry felt bad for doing this to Professor Lupin, but thankfully, he was no longer moving but still breathing, making it clear he was still alive. Harry could not remember feeling like this before; he was never this strong, and his bones should have snapped from how hard he punched Lupin, but as he looked down at his knuckles.

Even his skin was intact.

"...Harry." He snapped his eyes at Hermione fast, and she flinched in fear, backing away from him, her back against a tree.

"Hermione, it's me." He reassured her when he saw the fear in her eyes. He never wanted to see her being afraid of him.

"...Your eyes, Harry. They are red." Hermione said, her voice quivering as she pointed a finger at his eyes.

But Harry had no time to check his eyes. A new scent entered the air. It was foul. He couldn't remember ever smelling something as disgusting as this. "Dementors," Harry mumbled under his breath before turning his head towards the smell.

"Hermione. Stay Here." Harry didn't stay and see if she would listen to his words. Instead, he started running towards the smell. Their smell was disgusting, but his nose could detect a second, much fainter smell in the sea of this smell. Despite knowing this man only for an hour or less, Harry knew this smell belonged to Sirius.

Harry ran and ran. The forest felt like a blur to him as he jumped high over a fallen tree. Beyond the trees, he saw Sirius lying on his back near a shore. Hovering over him were perhaps every single Dementor that was 'guarding' Hogwarts.

Harry's hand reached for the wand and aimed it at the Dementors. He knew one single spell that could save them both; he had failed to do it throughout the entire year, but it was now or never, so with a deep breath, he dug deep into his memories, into the sea of bad memories, to find the happiest one.

The moment he learned he was a wizard from Hagrid.

Performing his first spell.

The memory of his first Broomstick ride.

Being able to put images and faces to the names of his parents for the first time as he opened Hagrid's gift.

The happiness he felt when he saw Hermione after she woke up from her petrification.

Receiving the first hug of his life from his brown-haired friend in the middle of the Great Hall.

Celebrating Gryffindor's victory in the House championship in the second year with friends.

Listening to her mother's final words when he was close to Dementors. 'Not Harry... No... Have mercy... Have mercy...' Then a shrill laughter and his mother's screams.

Sirius's offer of a home.

"Expecto Patronum!!" Harry shouted, and the tip of his wand exploded in light.

A giant Elk burst out from his wand, slowly growing, and more of his body came out of the wand. Finally, he was as big as Hagrid.

The Elk whistled into the night before running up in the air towards the Dementors. Harry watched mesmerized as all the Dementors screamed in pain, running away from him. He saw as one of them got stabbed by the antlers, causing his body to slowly glow white from the bottom to his head. When its entire body was engulfed in light, the Dementor let out a screech of pain before evaporating, exploding in a rain of white lights like snowflakes raining down on the ground before disappearing.

Soon, their foul smell was gone, and Harry could breathe easily. The giant Elk's hooves touched the water's surface, but he didn't sink; instead, he walked on water, slowly approaching Harry and Sirius, who stirred up.

Sirius half opened his eyes, and before him stood...

"James!!" Sirius said astonished, not believing his eyes. Then he blinked and remembered that James' patronus was a Stag, not an Elk, and this one was quite large for a patronus.

He shuffled his legs as he placed his hand on the shore made of little rocks. He slowly helped himself to stand up. As Harry walked up to the Patronus, he reached up, and his hand touched the Elk's nose, and he seemed happy with the attention.

Sirius winced from the pain as he slowly strode towards him before placing his hand on his shoulder. "... Congratulations, kid," Sirius said with a rueful smile, knowing Peter had escaped their grasp once again, but then he froze on the spot when he noticed the gash on Harry's chest. The shirt had been torn around the chest area, revealing the wound, and Sirius knew of only one person who could have done this.

"Oh, Dear Merlin! Harry, we need to get you to the doctor!" Sirius shouted.



Despite how much Sirius wanted to accompany them that night. Hermione, Harry, Ron, and Lupin returned to Hogwarts without him. Harry told Sirius to run away again, better on the run than in prison, and after a lot of talk back and forth, Sirius reluctantly turned into a dog and left the place, but he promised Harry that he would send an owl as soon as possible.

That night, after sleeping and resting. Harry had a secret meeting with Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey about his wounds.


"Will he have any side effects? Should he start taking Wolfsbane?" Dumbledore asked, concerned. Harry didn't seem comfortable on his bed, and from the way he was turning his body around and shifting, he wondered if there were any effects that weren't known.

Madam Pomfrey didn't answer right away. Instead, he inspected Harry's blood and ran more analyses on him.

After two more hours of tests, she returned, and neither Harry nor Dumbledore knew what to say from her expression. She didn't appear concerned, but she did appear troubled.

Due to how delicate this situation was, Dumbledore had made sure to place Harry in a private room—the last thing he needed was either Snape or Minister Fudge finding out about Harry's condition. Miss Granger had demanded to see Harry, but Dumbledore had to tell her that she could visit him only after Madam Pomfrey had checked him entirely.

Now, as she stopped before the front of the bed, instead of looking at Harry to give him the news, she looked at Dumbledore instead.

"Dumbledore, can you wait outside? I need to speak with Mister Potter...in private." She requested, clearly making it clear this was a private matter.

Harry shifted uncomfortably on his bed, wondering if there was anything wrong with him; at this time, he wished either Hermione or Susan could be present with him.

Dumbledore seemed a little hesitant but eventually turned around and walked out of the room, leaving Harry alone with their best doctor.

When he first woke up after sleeping, Harry asked about Hermione and Ron's condition. Fortunately, the two were doing well. Ron had a broken leg and a few scratches on his arms and legs from when Sirius dragged him into the tree. Hermione had a broken finger when they were running from Lupin, and she fell.

"Madam, will I turn into a Werewolf?" Harry asked what he had wanted to know from the moment the adrenaline ran out, and he realized that Professor Lupin had scratched him.

"The good news is that you will have no need for Wolfsbane, and you won't turn into a werewolf." This felt like a huge weight had just lifted off his shoulders, but from her expression, he knew this wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. Otherwise, she would have no reason to kick out Professor Dumbledore.

"And?" Harry asked, feeling a little anxious.

"Well, Mister Potter. I don't know how else to say it, so I will just start. I can't know for sure until at least a month passes, but I have reasons to believe that this scratch has effected your stamina. From the report you gave me, you were able to jump like five meters above ground, that's not normal mister Potter. I checked your body, and it seems besides having more stamina, it has effected your smell." Harry didn't need to be reminded of that.

He still wasn't used to having such a strong nose. Usually, whenever he went to a doctor, the smell was always something he tried to ignore; it was unpleasant, but now, it felt like the smell was ten times worse; not just that, but he was getting different kinds of smells from the people around him, he knew Dumbledore had drank a sweet drink at least two hours ago, it felt distracting to be able to know that. Harry could only hope that, with time, he would find a way to ignore certain smells.

"I know about the smell, Madam Pomfrey, but will it go away. I don't think I can get used to smelling...so many things." Harry asked with a nervous chuckle, but from her expression, he already knew the answer.

"I'm afraid there isn't much I can do about your nose, Mister Potter. I think I can give you a few things to reduce how much smell you can detect, but I think you should try to get used to it," she explained, and Harry cursed under his breath. Add this to the list of things that happened to him in Hogwarts.

In the first two years, he almost died, so it was only natural that in the third year, he almost dies again, but this time, he gets a gift in the form of being half human, half wolf. At the very least, he has no reason to fear the Full Moon like Professor Lupin does.

"But Mister Potter. I think I need to tell you that while you won't turn into a werewolf during the full moon, there are side effects that you might have that you need to take care of during the Full Moon." Harry felt like laughing at his rotten luck but kept a stoic face and merely motioned for her to continue. He couldn't wait to hear what she had in store for him.

"I think other side effects are how much you need to eat. I'm afraid that while you have more stamina, you need to eat more, and I mean. At least eat twice as much as you usually do." Harry could already imagine that going well with the Dursleys. He wondered if Professor Dumbledore would be willing to let him spend the summer with the Weasleys.

"And now I will tell you why I wanted Professor Dumbledore to be outside for this."

This can't be good, Harry thought as he prepared for what she was about to tell him... '

September First

Harry was losing his mind; he tried to ignore it, but he was sure that if he didn't find a solution within two moons, he would go insane.

When Madam Pomfrey told him that he would crave more sexual release, he had been deeply embarrassed at first. He wasn't one to talk about it with anyone, but she still talked with him about everything he needed to know about his new condition.

'The symptoms will start being more active around a week before the full moon, and during the full moon they will be the most active. Mister Potter. Is not my place to ask, but do you have any...partner that can help you with this problem?'

Harry could not remember the last time he had felt so embarrassed. He knew he liked girls. When she asked about partners, his mind went to girls like Cho Chang, Susan Bones, Daphne Greengrass, and others who had caught his attention; even Professor Garlick was a beauty, but she was a Professor, so that was out of the question.

But Harry had no girlfriend. Madam had told him that he would need to find sexual release and that having a partner would be much easier, but Harry had no one right now. He knew he couldn't just ask a friend like Hermione to help him; this wasn't the kind of thing you would ask a friend to help you with.

At first, Harry was confident that he would get through this without much trouble. How hard could it be? Well, during the first full moon after the attack. At first, a week before the full moon, Harry felt a slight pressure on his cock, and balls, but it was nothing that he couldn't handle. But the closer it got to the full moon, the more difficult it became to control himself, and when the Full Moon came, it felt like a truck just hit him.

He had tried to find release, but cumming with the use of his hands barely helped; sometimes, it only made it worse. During the first Full Moon, he had hoped that once the Full Moon passed, he would be back to how he was before the final week came, but he had been wrong.

During the second month, the pressure remained, not as difficult, but something that remained on the back of his head quite often, which turned torturest during the Final Week of the Second Full Moon. It felt like the pressure stacked up with the last month's pressure.

Harry had no idea how he managed to survive, and no one knew his condition yet, not even Sirius. He had thought of telling him, but he didn't want the man to get concerned over this. It was not like he could help Harry in any way, so he was left alone to battle this situation.

Susan Bones - Now

"Do you think he will accept my invitation?" Susan asked Daphne as they were searching for an empty compartment.

"Girl, he will, the only way this doesn't work is if he doesn't swing your way, if he likes ducks." Daphne said from behind her, sounding slightly exasperated by having Susan ask her the same stupid question so many times.

"I don't think he likes the other team, Daphne. Have you seen the way he stares at Cho." She asked, looking back at her with a wide grin.

"Like a little puppy. Yeah, I noticed it." Daphne said with a huff before swapping at Susan with her hand. "Don't worry Susy. Just make sure to unbutton a few more buttons, and he will never look anywhere else." Daphne said playfully as she reached with her hand and unbuttoned the first and second buttons of her blouse, revealing more of her ample breasts.

Susan was always a little proud of her chest; out of everyone in Hogwarts, she had the best pair of breasts. The only ones that came close were Lavender and a few others, like Bellza from Slytherin and Professor Garlick, who was everyone's crush; she knew some girls who sometimes talked about her, saying they wouldn't mind being suffocated by her thighs.

"Thanks, Daphi, but what about you? You said you liked him?" Susan questioned as they walked through the train, occasionally checking compartments to see if any of them were free.

Since third year, she knew her friend had a small crush on Harry just like her, and Susan had hoped that it would slowly go away, but instead, she knew Daphne had started liking him more, especially after the end of the last year when he showed his strength by using his Patronus charm in front of the entire school. This had impressed everyone, especially the size of his Patronus, and Susan knew that Daphne liked strong and magically powerful wizards, so Harry Potter was the perfect candidate; him being handsome only sweetened the deal.

"Ohh, don't worry your little head, Susy." Daphne said with a flirtatious voice as she pushed her forward. "Love finds a way." She added as they opened another door.

Susan froze in place when she saw who was inside. It was Harry Potter, but not only was he inside, but he was alone; somehow, his friends weren't with him. Susan wondered if the stars had aligned or something for this to happen. It seemed he hadn't noticed them, and Susan wondered if closing the door would be better, only for Daphne to...

"Ahh, Potter. Never expected to find you alone and defendless."

Harry escaped his thoughts as he looked at the door, only to see Daphne and Susan. Harry cursed his luck; he stood up to greet them, hoping they couldn't see he was as hard as a rock.

"Daphne, I don't think we ever had a conversation before." Harry greeted her as he turned to face Susan, he sucked a sharp breath at the sight of her cleavage, and he wondered if leaving this compartment would be the smart choice.

"Susan, it's good to see you." Harry greeted her with a friendly smile, and Susan smiled brightly at him before shaking his hand; her hand felt soft to the touch, like touching clouds.

"Can we come in?" Daphne asked. Harry knew it would look bad if he told them to find another compartment, so he stepped aside as the two girls stepped inside. His eyes caught sight of their behinds, and Susan's revealed cleavage was driving him mad.

Harry closed the door and sat on the other side, hoping he could control himself. "So, how was Summer, Susan?" Harry asked, hoping that talking with each other would distract them.

Susan started telling him everything about her summer, including her aunt training her in self-defense. Harry was surprised when he was told in her letters that her aunt was Amelia Bones, someone quite high in the Ministry.

As Susan talked about her holiday in Italy, Daphne, who had been silent thus far, decided to chime in. "What about you, Potter? How was your summer?"

Harry would be lying if he said he wasn't wary of her. "Why are you asking?" He asked with a not-so-friendly tone. This made Daphne lose her little smile, and even Susan didn't seem pleased with his tone.

"Listen Potter, just because you and Draco hate each other, please refrain yourself from thinking that the entire Slytherin House is made out of Dracos, if that were the case, we would be the laughing stock of the entire Wizarding World. You might not belive it, but many, and I mean almost everyone in Slytherin can barely tolerate him." Daphne said with her famous ice voice, and Harry suddenly felt bad for assuming she was like the other Slytherins.

"I didn't mean it like that, Daphne. I'm sorry, but for the past three years. I never had a normal conversation with a Slytherin." Harry apologized, knowing he couldn't just paint the entire house with the same color because four or five of them were annoying.

"That's because your only interactions with Slytherins are your talks with Draco or the two statues that follow him around," Daphne said with a knowing look before extending her hand toward him. "Let's start from the beginning. My name is Daphne Greengrass."

"Harry Potter." Harry shook her hand.

Soon, Daphne started talking about things she liked, like using runes. She told him that her family had the best rune books in the world, and she told him about her little sister. She liked the color blue, and her favorite animal was snakes.

Harry, in return, talked about what he liked: Quidditch, spells, and flying, which, in general, were his favorite sports. As he talked more and more with Daphne, he started noticing her beauty; she was pretty, her lips were pink, and her blue eyes were captivating. He tried to, but soon, all the pressure came crashing down, and Harry felt like he would explode again. He knew he would need to find a toilet soon so he could use his hands to release the growing pressure.

"Potter, can I ask you something?" Daphne's voice brought him back to reality, and Harry merely nodded as he tried to move his legs in a way that made his bulge less visible.

"You are quite hard down there, are we really that pretty?" Daphne asked with a flirtatious voice as she leaned forward from her seat, and Harry froze in the spot, realizing that she had noticed.

"...I'm really sorry. I will leave—" But as he stood up, ready to leave, Daphne pushed him back in his seat, her hand on his chest, keeping him in place as she looked down at him with a flirtatious smile.

"Now, now. Take a look at this Susy. You will like it." Daphne said with a growing smirk as she palmed his cock through his pants. Harry drew in a sharp breath, feeling his control slowly slipping away, especially when Susan approached, leaning closer, showing him more of her ample breasts.

"Do you want us to stop, Potter?" Daphne asked as she started rubbing his cock through his pants.

"...No." Harry growled, feeling ready to cum from just her touch.

"You heard him, Susy. It seems Mister Potter needs our help." Daphne said, winking at her friend before sitting beside him; she rubbed his entire length, and her lips kissed his neck before finding his lips.

All One Shots written so far are available for Sergeant Tier or Higher.



The only problem with this is that it's a one shot instead of the story it absolutely looks like it deserves to be. 🙂


Who knows, it might become a story one day. I’m glad you like it.