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For those who have read Jon Snow/Saera Targaryen One Shot—Help from Dear Aunt Saera, Patreon has hidden that One Shot because it breaks Community Guidelines, and they told me that I needed to edit it to make it public again.

They say they will review it in 1-2 Business Days after I send them the edited version.

I think Patreon hid this because of the words 'Aunt,' 'Nephew,' and 'Auntie' used during the 'Smut' Scene of this One Shot.

This doesn't change anything about the future of my stories and one-shots. I will simply make sure that my stories don't break the Community Guidelines again. The Next One Shot 'A Blessed Curse' will be published 9-10 August.

Thank you All for Supporting me, and I hope you all have A Good Day.


Cedric Larroumets

make the one shot in pdf, some other do that and it seems to work


Have they reviewed it yet?