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When I published Chapter 4 of A Nundu for a Pet, I published A Poll about which house Harry should be in. Slytherin got the most votes, but now I'm getting comments and messages telling me that putting him in Slytherin was a mistake.

So, I'm asking if you think I should publish another poll and change the House he was sorted into. If another House wins the Poll, I will rewrite a few scenes from Chapter 13. The Chapter will be mostly be the same, but a few scenes would need to be rewritten.

Let me know what you think in the comments. I hope you have a Good Day.



I vote he should stay in slytherin. The other houses once they learn he has a nundu for a pet will immediately label him as a dark lord or dark lord in training. The plus side is that Snape will nearly have a heart attack once he sees harry pet nundu.


I'm sure there could be a nundu in another house, but would it still be the same story? The nature of both is at least highly assertive and Iltis tends to "eliminate" any conflict together with its originator... Certainly no one could have expected a warm welcome and at least it seems somehow natural in Slytherin. But in the end, it's your story. You could also try experimenting with a branching storyline and write a few chapters for each house. But I think that would take up too much of your precious time and I want to see Slytherin Harry kick the ass of anyone who looks at his pet with an evil thought!

Tamsus Karalius

Realistically, what's done is done. While I don't care for Slytherin, I do like him intermingling with other houses and breaking the norm. I don't really think it'll effect any key points of the story since he's intermingling. I don't remember, was both Daphne and Pansy slated to be a harem member? Cause the way you've written them so far, Slytherin is probably is best in with them.


Daphne and Hermione, Tonks, and Fleur are in Harry's harem list.


Slytherin is better. More so because there is political and alliance situations going on in the house. This creates more intrigue and speculation. Which fits better with this story. While Gryffindor would just be mostly quidditch and chaos. This is not perse bad but wouldn't fit as well. As for Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. While it can sometimes work. I don't think it will with this story. And the most important one. It is your story. If you think this works best then do it. Let your imagination go wild and write YOUR story.


Thank You. Harry will clash with quite a few heads in Slytherin before things start truly changing. There will be politics involved since he’s in Slytherin.