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' "What is happening up there?"

"Is everyone dead?"

"Ohhh, gods my daughter is still there. Please Raja, please be safe."

"Tanjo is a Chunin. he is still fighting fearlessly. Don't worry, Tanuki."

Sasuke kept quiet and listened to what was said around him, despite the uncomfortable warmth in the air, the moisture, and the hundreds of villagers all cramped together.

Sasuke felt the sweat trailing down his face; once again, he wiped his forehead with his hand, but it did little to help him as he breathed heavily. There were so many people it felt like there wasn't enough oxygen for everyone.

But unlike everyone else, Sasuke was keeping his head and trying not to freak out. He could taste metal on his lips but still held TenTen in his arms. She felt warm, too warm. Sasuke cursed under his breath, hoping the Paper Heal was doing its job, at the very least keeping her alive until a real Medical Shinobi took care of her.

The dim light from the lanterns on the corners of the large square room was the only light source. Sasuke could hardly see beyond one meter, and the feeling of people whimpering and crying near him made his skin crawl. Many were sobbing, holding the limbs of the dead, and praying for them to survive. Sasuke looked away from such sights.

"Please Stay Awake. Don't Leave meee!!" A woman cried near him, and Sasuke made the mistake of looking at said woman hugging a little boy against her chest, but Sasuke saw a familiar woman.

Before him, leaning against the wall, was his mother, holding him, but when he was younger...Sasuke felt a lump forming in his throat; he felt the cold sweat on his forehead, and the metallic taste in his lips grew.

No, this is not real...My mother is not here...she's dead. I'm the one who is still alive... Sasuke reminded himself, closing his eyes, trying to not see. His eyes started hurting, and as he opened them up again, before him stood his father, looking down at him the same way he always did.

'Itach was able to do in the first try,' his father would say.

Sasuke's eyes trailed down from his cold eyes, a huge red smile on his father's chest, from his shoulder bone to his waist, blood dripping down, and Sasuke breathed heavily, too heavily, yet he couldn't breathe...

I'm suffocating... Sasuke realized in horror that the hundreds of people cramped into this room; he needed to leave now; TenTen, still in his arms, tried to stand up when he heard a voice.

"Are you going to run away again?" Sasuke's hair stood up, a cold chill made him freeze in place when he heard that voice from behind.

Nonono, behind me, is Sakura sleeping, not...HIM, Sasuke told himself over and over again. Still, as he peered behind his shoulder, Sharingan eyes stared back at him, but not just any Sharingan, his Sharingan, his entire face cloaked in darkness, but his eyes glowed red like rubies. Sasuke had seen this glow before that night. He had seen it.

"I let you live that day, little brother. But you are not fun anymore." The glowing eyes said as one of them changed, his three tomoes fused together, forming the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Sasuke felt the cold in his bones, too cold; he couldn't move, his fingernails felt hard and painful against the flesh of his fingers, and his bones felt frozen. Sasuke wanted to run, but he couldn't move a finger.

No. NO. Mama. Papa..."Good Bye Little Brother..." '



Sasuke screamed into the darkness when he felt his arms around his shoulder, trying to suffocate him...

"No. Go Away..." Sasuke screamed, thrashing around. His hand hit something, and he heard a yelp of pain, but when he looked, he saw he was still in that square room with one hundred survivors, and the one who had tried to suffocate him was Sakure, lying on her side, rubbing the part of her face he had hit, a bruise on her cheek.

Sasuke looked to his left; his mother was gone, and the woman was still hugging the corpse of her son; he quickly looked away, trying to regain his composure.

Sasuke swallowed thickly, realizing he had been dreaming, and all that had been a nightmare...again. Sasuke was sure he had gotten used to them, but they had never lasted this long and felt so real.

"Sasuke, are you okay?" He didn't know how to answer, but when he tried to move his arms to check on her, his arms felt the weight of something. He looked down and only now remembered that TenTen was still in his arms. His fingers brushed against her skin; it felt too warm as if he was touching hot coal.

Sasuke had never paid much attention to the Medical Hours back at the Academy, but he knew this wasn't good news and meant that TenTen's wound was infected.

After Naruto had given his speech to the world about his intentions, Sasuke carried TenTen to the Konoha hospital. Thinking he could easily find someone to help her, but much to his horror, by the time he and Sakura reached the building, it was already packed with more people than Sasuke had ever seen, too many to count, but somehow, Sasuke managed to squeeze inside through the sea of people, he had started searching for a doctor, but no one was available, everyone's hands were already full with the sea of wounded Jonins and Chunnins.

' "Please, help my daughter." Sasuke heard a woman scream, holding a pale-looking girl with a slash mark across her little face. The doctor she was begging to glance at her before hurrying away.

Sasuke knew he wouldn't return; people around him begged for help, and Sasuke tried again and again to find someone to help TenTen, but no luck.

"I'm really sorry, but I need to save a Jonin." A doctor told Sasuke when he begged for help for TenTen.

"I have my hands full with an Anbu. I'm sorry."

"This Chunin needs my help. You have to Wait."

Sasuke soon realized that he was out of luck. The Doctors and Nurses would give TenTen one look, but the moment they realized she was a Genin, they would walk away and focus on someone else of a higher rank.

But it was even worse with the civilians; they were all ignored, their cries ignored. A Man tried to force a doctor to heal his dying wife, but the moment he tried, the doctor shoved him away, which threw the man across the entire hall. The doctors were all trained; they were Shinobis, and the strength of a civilian without an unlocked Chakra is nothing—just a grain of sand in front of a whole ocean of power.

Sasuke felt his arms go numb from carrying TenTen around when Sakura appeared from a door to the side of the Grand Hall. "Sasuke, here!" she shouted, and he ran towards her. They entered a room with twenty hospital beds on each side; only two were unequipped.

"Here, bring her." A Nurse shouted at them from across the room, and Sasuke wasted no time doing so, but when the nurse kneeled down to check on TenTen. She noticed she was a Genin.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't aware she was a Genin." She mumbled, leaning back away from TenTen, and Sasuke clenched his teeth angrily. He was furious.

"Help Her Damn It. She is of Konoha. A Shinobi of Konoha. Help Her." Sasuke shouted, his throat burning, but the woman shook her head, not listening. The door of their room burst open; two helpers ran inside carrying two Jonins with stretchers. Sasuke could see that from their Jonin uniforms.

"Alinda, help these two." The two shouted, and the nurse gave him a look. Sasuke put his arms under TenTen's back and carried her away from the bed. Sasuke watched as the two Jonins were placed on the two beds, and he was once again carrying TenTen. He turned to leave when the nurse's voice spoke to him.

"Take this. It won't do much, but it might help her with the pain." The Nurse said with guilt, not meeting his eyes as she handed Sasuke a letter with a seal on it.

"Thanks." Sasuke mumbled under his breath.

Sasuke carefully deposited TenTen on the marble floor and made sure the wound on her stomach was facing up. He placed the letter on top of the wound; TenTen whimpered in pain as Sasuke made a hand sign.

The letter on the paper glowed red; red branches spread from the letter in every direction and then out of the paper's outline across TenTen's belly until they stopped. The branches glowed red brightly, so much that Sasuke looked away, and once the bright glow faded away, TenTen stopped whimpering in pain, but Sasuke reminded himself this seal was helping with the pain, not much else. '

After that happened, one hour later, they were ordered to go downstairs into the Hospital bunker.

Sasuke still remembered the screams, people pushing each other to go down the bunker as fast as possible. Since Sasuke, Sakura, and TenTen were all Shinobi of the Leaf, they were allowed to go down first, and only then were the civilians allowed, but they didn't have time for everyone.

Sasuke couldn't see what had happened. He had been resting in one of the ten rooms inside the bunker when it happened, so he couldn't see, but he heard their screams. The ground had shaken, and for a moment, Sasuke was certain this bunker would become their tomb. It didn't collapse, but it got much worse.

Before the ground shook, they could all hear the cries of people outside begging to be let in, but after the ground stopped shaking, the cries were no more.

Many people inside the bunker called them, asking if they were okay. Some even tried to walk out of the door to check, but an ANBU at the door had sealed the door shut and had told them they would stay inside for the time being.

Just like that, Sasuke and everyone else in the seventh room of the bunker remained there for four more hours. The three Jonins and the ANBU gave them just enough food after four hours passed, but the door remained sealed off.

"Sasuke, will we ever get out of here?" Sakura whimpered weakly beside him, looking down at her knees.

"Yes...I don't know what is happening outside, but we will get out of here." Sasuke answered determinedly, swallowing hard; his throat felt dry, and the only water source was the saliva in his mouth.

I can't die here, not in a place like this, and not yet; I need to know what Naruto meant by that, Sasuke thought determinedly, remembering the words he said to him before all hell broke loose.

'You know. I could kill you right now. But you're lucky that Itachi wants you alive.'

Sasuke escaped his thoughts when he heard a sob near him. He turned his head slowly, and Sakura was hiding her face with her hands as she sobbed, tears running down her face and dripping down onto the cold stone floor.

"If...If...If I only was str...stronger....I Could have helped More." Sakura cried out, her words muffled by her hands.

Sasuke said nothing before looking down at TenTen, but as he reached down, touching her cheek, it wasn't the warmth that he felt; he was touching ice...

Sasuke's eyes widened, moving his hand up just above her mouth, but there was no breathing...

"Hey, Hey, TenTen. Wake Up." Sasuke said with a growing panic, and his voice only grew as he started pushing on her chest, hoping it would help her.

"Stand Back. Let me Check." One Jonin shouted, running up to them. He placed the girl on the cold, hard floor and started checking on her. Sasuke could do nothing but watch. He didn't know her that well, if at all, but he hoped she wouldn't die.


"One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Dammit. I failed again." Shikamaru grumbled with annoyance as the pile of rocks crumbled down, destroying his amazing castle. He sighed heavily before reaching down and grabbing the rocks; one after the other, he started making the same castle. He ignored everyone else's sound and focused on the castle.

"One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Almost There," "Naruto!!" Shikamaru watched in despair as his castle crumbled down. Again.

He let out a resigned sigh before turning to look at Ino, who was looking around frantically.

"Shika, where is Naruto?" Ino asked sick with concern the moment her eyes met his.

Shikamaru remained silent. He figured he couldn't try to make another castle right now, especially with Ino yelling in his ear, so he made the smart choice and turned around to face her. Choji was lying on his side near Ino. His snoring was a little annoying, but he wasn't the only one snoring in this place.

"Naruto...Huhh..." Shikamaru mumbled under his breath, looking deep in thoughts, and not giving an answer yet.

"Shika, where the hell is Naruto?" Ino fretted, this time louder, her hands grabbing him by the shoulder and shaking it as if he were a toy.

"Enough," his imperious tone and cold look caught Ino off guard; she flinched as if she had been struck by him.

Shikamaru had often been annoyed by her, even disappointed, but he had never looked at her this way; he seemed in pain and anger. Shikamaru then looked back at the pile of rocks on his lap and started placing them in a certain order.

"Shika, where's Naruto?" Ino watched as the rock he held in his hand broke apart with the strength of his fingers; the tiny rocks slid out of his grasp and fell to the floor. Shika remained quiet, looking down at the rocks he had collected. Only after another castle crumbled did he decide to answer.

"Why are you asking? You heard him in your head, didn't you? I'm pretty sure that made it more than clear what his intetnions are for the world." Shikamaru said with a defeated tone, ignoring the silent gasp from Ino as she closed her mouth with her hand.

Ino had heard him. It had been the most vivid dream she had ever had, but she had hoped it was just that—a dream. "I—I don't know what you are talking about?" Ino said quietly, sounding defeated.

Shikamaru's castle crumbled once again as he slowly turned his head to face her. Only now did Ino see the redness in his eyes and the slash scar left just above his right eye, just three inches lower, and he would be left without an eye.

"Do not lie to me, Ino. You are terrible at it when you are emotional. I asked around, and everyone who was sleeping or unconscious during the speech, they all said they dreamed his speech. All of them, so stop wasting my time." Shikamaru said with a final voice.

Ino felt as if a dagger had just pierced her heart. No, she wouldn't give up on him. "We—we have to do something, Shika. We can talk with him. Hell, you know him better than all of us."

"Well, it seems all I knew this whole time was a mask that he put on to play with me. This whole time, I thought he was my best friend, but he is just. A. LIAR." Shikamaru screamed in anger, his words echoing throughout the entire Safe House.

The Safe Houses were a group of houses built into the Hokage Mountain just below the Hokage faces using seals and hard rock. They were kept clean and in good condition and would be used in times of emergency. The Houses were split into Houses for Civilians and Houses for Shinobis. The Houses for Shinobis were mostly used by Genins and Chunins since those in Jonin Rank were ordered to fight the enemy and had the right to rest only if they were injured or no longer in condition to keep fighting.

"Hey, keep it down." One ordered Shikamaru, and his head slumped down, looking away from the blonde-haired girl. Instead, he looked down at the pile of rocks on his lap.

"Shika, please. We need to speak with him-" "And do what?" He interrupted her with a blank voice, not looking at her.

"Naruto attacked Asuma-Sensei, Ino. I know what you are doing, thinking that you can change his mind by talking to him. Me and Asuma tried, and the reward we got was him stabbing Asuma in the stomach. He could have killed him, but Naruto did not care about us anymore. We were never that important to him. He was playing with us." Shikamaru said with bitterness before letting out a rueful laugh. He didn't know why, but he did.

Ino gasped in shock; she looked around but couldn't see him anywhere. "Where is he?"

"In the Hospital, but from all the noise we all heard half an hour ago. I take it there's probably no hospital left. We can only hope that he is still alive."

Ino's shoulders slumped in despair, her mind returning to all the good times they had together—the way he smiled, the way he always made them laugh, the way he helped them get stronger.

Was it all just a lie? No, it couldn't have been. Ino knew Naruto; she knew she could help him somehow if only she could talk with him. She would...she would change his mind.

"I need to talk with him." Shikamaru opened his mouth to retort when the ceiling door opened, revealing an ANBU Mask; everyone awake quickly stood up eagerly, hoping the fighting had ended.

"The war is over. All the Suna and Sound Troops have been neutralized." Many cheered for victory, and the gloomy atmosphere disappeared. Many were in high spirits; some started hugging each other, but not Shikamaru; he didn't see much point in celebrating.

"Is the village alright, Mister ANBU?" One of the Genins asked eagerly, with hope shining into his eyes.

"I'm afraid this is where I bring the bad news." Everyone visibly tensed up after hearing that; they all fell silent, waiting for him to say anything.

"From what we have seen since the fight ended. We have estimated that at least half of the village is destroyed."

Naruto - Earlier

"Where did Naruto go?" Hiruzen wondered out loud amidst heavy breathing. Enma stood beside him in his monkey form. He looked at the village down below, what was left of it. He winced; the burning on his chest was only growing. One of Orochimaru's snakes had managed to bite him during the fight.

He was surprised to see Naruto emerge victorious after the battle with Hashirama and Madara. Hiruzen still wasn't sure who summoned Madara since Orochimaru couldn't have summoned him.

After Orochimaru was injured by Hashirama's attack, Jiraya and Hiruzen took care of Tobirama. After sealing him away, they decided to rest, but Orochimaru was too exhausted to leave. His Shinobis were nowhere to be seen, so Hiruzen figured they were all dead or captured by the enemy, most likely captured by Naruto.

"I don't know but we have to be careful—" A yellow flash and Naruto appeared right before them with his hand on Jiraya's chest.

Hiruzen's eyes widened as Jiraya disappeared the moment Naruto touched him before turning to face him with a glint in his eyes. A Black Rod appeared on his palm. Hiruzen jumped back with Enma ready to fight, expecting Naruto to throw his black rod towards him, but his target was someone else.

"ENMA!" Hiruzen shouted as he was pierced in the back, puffing out the moment the black rod punctured him. Hiruzen quickly jumped back, ready to use the Reaper Death Seal, when another yellow flash appeared, this time behind him.

"Didn't Tobirama tell you that Hirashin's seals never disappear as long as the host is still alive?" Naruto spoke behind him, and his shoulder exploded in pain. Hiruzen screamed out, the black rod sticking out of his shoulder, and fell on his knees from the pain. He looked over his shoulder at Naruto, who looked down at him blankly.

"When did you put your Hirashin seal on my back?" Hiruzen asked weakly, trying to stand back up. He was a Hokage, and even if he was dying, he wouldn't lay down like a coward.

"You mean you don't remember. I placed it the moment I graduated and became a Genin and you congratulated me with a hug." Naruto answered casually, and Hiruzen gasped in shock, remembering when Naruto had run up to him and hugged him. Even back then, he was still plotting against them.

"So, you were always going to betray us." Hiruzen said bitterly, using a nearby destroyed wall to stand up.

Naruto ignored him as he walked past Hiruzen without much care; he knew Jiraya was too far away to get here in time. He had time for now. He walked up to Orochimaru's wounded body, lying on his stomach on the ground, with his head facing Naruto.

"Betrayal comes from the people that were your allies," Naruto replied as he stopped before Orochimaru and kneeled down, ready to seal his body, when Orochimaru opened his mouth wide. Another one rushed right at him, his fingers closing around Naruto's Red Rinnegan.

"You are Finally MINE. RINNEGAN." Orochimaru shouted with glee as his nails slowly closed around Naruto's eyelids...

Suddenly, the Rinnegan was no more; all he could see was a yellow flash.

An explosion caused the debris to be yeeted into the air, and Orochimaru's screams echoed. Hiruzen looked away; despite being one of the biggest criminals of Konoha, he still remembered Orochimaru when he had been young and innocent—such a shame. The dust cloud faded away, revealing Orochimaru lying on his stomach with three black rods on his back, with Naruto standing before him, unscathed.

"You. Are. Done." Naruto claimed with a final voice. With his feet on Orochimaru's back, the Sannin coughed blood from his mouth and breathed heavily. The blonde could see that the Snake Sannin only had enough chakra to stay alive, but not for long. With a hand sign, he created a wooden stump just below Orochimaru's neck; his body was lifted as the wooden stump formed, appearing like an execution wooden stump, two branches curled around his wrist, and his head remained just beyond the stump, and Naruto slowly unsheathed his sword.

"Do you have any last words, Orochimaru?" Naruto asked. He would give him that much even if he didn't deserve it.

"NOOO, STAY AWAY FROM ME." The man screamed, struggling against the wooden veins around his wrist, but the three black rods made it impossible to use his chakra. For the first time, Orochimaru was afraid.

"I AM OROCHIMARU. I'M ONE OF THE LEGENDARY SANNINS. I'M IMMORTA—" His screams faded away like the wind as Naruto brought down his sword. A burst of blood flew in the air as Orochimaru's head rolled away, and the body no longer moved.

Hiruzen closed his eyes, murmuring a prayer under his breath, before looking back at Naruto. The blonde cleaned his blade with a napkin before turning to face him.

"Naruto. Why do this?" Hiruzen questioned amidst heavy breathing; droplets of blood escaped his mouth. His left arm remained hanging down, limping; the black rod that had punctured it made it impossible to move.

Naruto didn't answer to him right away. Instead, he kneeled down, using his chains to seal the body. Once he was done, he turned to face him.

Hiruzen Sarutobi wished Enma was with him right now. His old friend could get him away from this place.

"You ask why? Hiruzen." His voice, the old Hokage knew his surrogate grandson was angry with him. He had seen the small looks of disappointment. That much was obvious, but he had never heard him talk like that. His voice, he was furious with him.

His Rinnegan eyes were cold like ice as he slowly approached him.

"Tell me, Sarutobi. Do you know what it is like not knowing why everyone hates your guts? You were there. Shikamaru told me his father wanted to adopt me after the Kyuubi attack. I could have had a family, but you refused his offer. Instead, you dumped me into the orphanage and just hoped for the best. You visited me once in a while, but you didn't seem to care much. I know you are the Hokage, you had duties. I'm not saying you should have raised me, but why refuse every opportunity I had to be raised by a family instead of leaving me alone and just praying that everything would be alright." Naruto spoke with absolute loathing towards him; his eyes showed nothing but rage; the air itself felt heavier as a powerful gust of wind hit the old Hokage, his legs shaking slightly.

Hiruzen couldn't help but look away. Naruto's childhood was one of his biggest regrets; he knew he should have done more. But, instead, he had done the bare minimum.

"When they kicked me out of the orphanage, you had another opportunity to fix what you did, but once again. You dumped me into an apartment and just hoped that things would work themselves out." Naruto continued; suddenly, he kicked him in the stomach before kicking his face.

Hiruzen slammed against the tiles of the roof, his nose broken and bleeding heavily. He tried to fight back, but the black rod was messing up everything; his chakra felt disoriented, making it difficult to concentrate.

"But. The worst thing you did. You let my Uchiha Family be killed. You had a whole year to mend things between the village and the Clan. Kill Danzo for his obvious ploys, but No. You did nothing, and instead. You put all the responsibility on my big brother. On a fourteen-year-old boy because you and your small council couldn't figure out a way out of this one." Naruto spoke right before him; his Rinnegan eyes had turned red once again.

Hiruzen wondered if Naruto would do to him what he did against Hashirama.

"Can you answer? For once in your life, can you answer truthfully, with no lies, why you did nothing? You could have prevented all of this." Naruto demanded, his voice rising, causing the entire building, what was left of it, to shake.

"Your parents wouldn't have approve of this." For a moment, Naruto was sure he must have heard him wrong as a black rod grew from under his sleeve.

"What did you say?" Naruto demanded with a low, threatening voice.

"Your parents-" he coughed blood, some landing on Naruto's face. "They wouldn't have wanted this, and you know it Naruto. They would be ashamed to know their child killed the very same village they died trying to save. They died for you, for the entire village, and you will just spit in their sacrifice. The world won't just decide to completely change their way of living because you say so, this path you are walking. Is not going to bring you or anyone peace, and neither will bring a better world. In the End. You will be all Alone. All the friends you made will abandon you. You will be in the same place you were when you were a child." Hiruzen coughed even more blood.

"My parents are dead, Sarutobi. They are the reason why I'm doing this, this world, this Shinobi System. It brought so much suffering. I will make sure it will never happen again." His words widened Hiruzen's eyes; his blood went cold like ice.

"Naruto. What is your Goal?" Hiruzen demands with a raspy voice, but the blonde merely smirks.

"The World I'm creating has no Room for Shinobis."

"Naruto...you are wrong. Hashirama's way is the only way towards peace. He knew to create peace we must..." Hiruzen's eyes widened when Naruto started laughing at his face as if he just said the best joke in the Elemental Nations.

Hiruzen had never heard him laugh like that, and his laughter made his body shiver in fear.

Once Naruto was done, he grabbed Hiruzen by the shoulder hard, causing him to wince before dragging, turning him to face the village and what was left of it. "You dare tell me that Hashirama's way is the only way. Look at your village, Hiruzen. It's gone. Even if I had been on your side, this war against Suna and Sound would have still happened. People would have died by thousands. You say Hashirama's way would bring justice, but tell me Hiruzen. Why did the Three Shinobi Wars happen then? Tell ME?" Naruto demanded, letting go of his shoulder.

But Hiruzen kept his mouth closed; for the first time, he had no real answer to this question. He had nothing more to say.

"...I see that you have no answers. Well, at least we agree on something."

"...What will it gain?" Hiruzen asked slowly, turning to face Naruto, with his back facing the destroyed village. "All this war. You know what this war you want will bring. No matter what you do, someone can only live so long before the passage of time takes them away. You cannot fix this world, Naruto. You think your power will force people, but it won't. When they realize that you are too powerful, your enemies will wait. And once you are gone. They will strike, and all your efforts for peace will be burned to ash. War will happen once more, and the cycle will start all over again. I'm old enough to know that much. People are greedy, desire power, and desire to be one step above the others. You will spend your whole life chasing after something that cannot exist. I understood that a long time ago. Jiraiya believes that True Peace is possible, and maybe he is right. Maybe your way will bring true peace. But from what I have observed in all my years. Greed and the Desire for Power will ruin everything as it has done since humanity has existed. Kingdoms before ours have existed, and now they are so forgotten, that not even their ruins are left. They are Gone. I will be gone, too. Whatever is by your blade, or the poison in my system. Whichever it is, it will be today. I won't be there to see it, but I know enough about Human Nature to know that whatever Peace you create will crumble down like ash when people stop beliving in your way of living." Hiruzen said, breathing heavily. His legs turned wobbly, but he refused to fall on his knees.

I am the Hokage of Konoha. I will die standing, never on my knees, Hiruzen thought determinedly, looking right at Naruto without fear.

"How will you cure the darkness in everyone's heart, Naruto? Do you really have a plan for that?" Hiruzen asked as he coughed blood once again. Naruto looked at him before answering genuinely without a single lie...

Hiruzen's eyes widened upon hearing his answer... His heartbeat grew once he heard Naruto's entire plan.

"NO. You CAN'T DO—" Hiruzen gasped, the words dying in his throat; he expected it to hurt, but it felt more like a bee stung; he looked down to see Naruto's sword on his chest, the blade sticking out of his back. His heart was no more; everything slowly darkened around him.

"Goodbye...Jiji." Naruto said with genuine grief, a tear rolling down his face; before pulling out the sword, drops of blood fell on his face, and the old man fell over the roof, landing on the ground of the Village he loved so much.

I would like to know what you think about this chapter. I hope you have a Good Day.


Jose Rojas

Oooh awesome chapter! I've been waiting for this!


I admit this one has lost my interest ever since it's devolved into "Naruto kills every character you like". This isn't to say the story is bad or wrong, but it's certainly gone out of what I consider fun content to consume.


I’m really sorry to hear that. So far, Naruto has killed Darui, Ibiki, Orochimaru and Hiruzen (Who was already dying because of poison). These are the named characters he has killed.


I wonder what he said before Hiruzen died.

Chason Wright

The nerve of hiruzen to bring his parents up and just ignore his failures. Bro sidestepped his responsibilities until the end. Naruto is probably going to take chakra away from everyone


He lived as he died. Not caring about his responsibilities. Naruto’s plan will be revealed much later.