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I'm really sorry for the lack of updates, it's been a rough few weeks.

I'll start with the good news.
My MRI and MRA came back clean, verified and examined by multiple experts and they all agree there's nothing in there that would explain the headaches.
Bad news... I'm still suffering with these daily headaches and I still have no fucking clue what is causing them.
Migraine medication does not work at all. The only thing that lessens the pain and discomfort is laying down in bed for a few hours.

All this shit's got me really bummed down 'cause, at the very least, I was expecting a definitive answer and now I feel like I'm back at square 1 after months of constant headaches. Fucking sucks!

I'm trying other stuff to see if my health improves, like very light neck and head exercises and changing my diet. Some days are better than others but at least my mood is starting to go up a bit.

That's all I got for now health-wise 



Long shot but I had a bad spell of headaches that lasted like 6 months and as it turned out it was related to some back problems. Visited a chiropractor, got corrections done and poof! Headaches went away. Fixed some posture problems and it seems to have solved my problems for the most part. I hope you can find some relief!


I am so sorry you are dealing with headaches I know what it's like to have chronic headaches. take all the time you need and rest up. you are one of my favorite artists. I hope you get some relief.