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Hey everyone

The reward links have been sent for this month.
If you haven't gotten them yet, give it a few minutes for Patreon to send the bulk messages.
If after that you still didn't get them, send me a PM and we'll sort it out :]
Now, some good news some uncertain ones.
Good new first :] My heart is A.O.K. ticking strong and as it should. I'm probably not hypertensive but I still gotta check with the doc in a few weeks time since it's not urgent.

Now for the uncertain news.
I got the results of my MRI+MRA and reading the report ('cause I don't know wut-da-fuk I'm seeing in those images) I have a cyst in my brain, apparently.
I say uncertain news because I have an appointment with the neurologist on Monday, then I'll be really sure WTF is wrong with me or at least I hope so.

That's all the info I have at the moment 'cause even though I've read some stuff online I do not want to self-diagnose and potentially get my hope too up high or too down low for that matter.

Thank you all for your concern and well-wishes and of course for your support!!


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