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Hey people, sorry for the lack of progress this past weeks, I've been very depressed and distracted.
Recently (almost 2 weeks now) I developed hearing loss in my left ear accompanied with a constant tinnitus that's driving me nuts...My left ear feels full and I can only hear high frequencies, voices sound like people are on helium.
I went to the doc as soon as I noticed the hearing loss (both ear canals are healthy) and I was prescribed a treatment for a week that didn't work so I went again today for an audiometry and impedance screening, I have to come back tomorrow to check the results with the specialist.
Between self isolating and now this things have been though creatively and emotionally speaking, that explains the lack of streams and posts.

As for this concept sketch I wanted to try something different to get back on track or at least motivate myself again.
I love sci-fi and cargo vehicles so I came up with this idea of a 2 man crew stranded on a remote place all alone and having to take care of each other in all the best ways *wink*wink*nudge*nudge*. I want to make a sequence of images of them in different situations...hitting the shower together after a long day of fixing their ship, fooling around the living quarters, enjoying a campfire at night and stuff like that :3

I'd still have to develop the characters and the ship (interior and exterior) but I think it could be a nice project to work towards.
Let me know if the idea appeals to you or not, and if it does feel free to suggest ideas that would make this better :]

Ps. I'll send the updated links after my appointment with the doc.




Sorry to hear that Rajii, I've had tinnitus for years myself though no hearing loss. I hope the docs will figure it out soon! I do love sci-fi myself and the idea does sound dope. Make sure to include an encounter with very friendly local wildlife! :)


Love it! We all could use more Sci-Fi in this world. Looking forward to more.


Sorry to hear that too, I've had intermittent tinnitus for a while now but this constant one and the hearing loss where so sudden that I can't think of anything specific that may have caused it :( Glad you like the idea and encounters with the locals would definitively be part of the equation =D


Good luck with the hearing - take your time and get it sorted out man.


This is neat! Good luck with stuff :/


I wish you all the best with your health. Thank you for everything you share with us, and I look forward to whatever you do. I myself have dealt with Tinnitus for a portion of my life. Going to sleep with a fan on helps a lot.


Take as much time as you need. Mental health can be a total bitch, and this is coming from a guy who has a mom who used to work as a social worker. You do you and whatever it takes, do it at your own pace. We're here for you ❤


Hopefuly all goes well Rajii. Loving the ideas, keep to it dude!


First of all I hope everything goes well with your hearing problem and that you can recover from it smoothly, and this stranded idea sounds fantastic, I love space ships these kind of stories of being stranded on alien planets and having the characters figure out what to do and now with a adding a bit of "spice" all with your amazing art, I absolutely love the idea.


Espero no sea nada, cuidate plis! Un fuerte abrazo. <3


I’m in!


be safe get better soon


Aw dang, i hope there is a way to recover your hearing o_O;;