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Release 10.8.0, attached below, is a hotfix for Cyberpunk 2077 that makes the R.E.A.L. VR mod work again with the official 2.1 game update.

Fortunately they said this update will be the last, as keeping CP2077 shipshape was starting to turn into a full time job :-)

This is still kind of a work in progress. It's fully playable, but a few things that I had fixed in previous releases (like subtitles sometimes ending up headlocked and thus hard to read) are broken again for now.

I will try to restore full functionality in the next few days. In the meantime enjoy the new features of the game!!



i see benjo playing far cry 5.... what does he have that we dont lmao but seriously looks dope


I play on meta quest 3, rtx 4070, I7 13700K... Works very well, but every 20 minutes the game crashes in an active quest... Has anyone a solution for this?

Brandon(Post Maester)

The same quest or different quests? Do you get any specific error or message? Can you put a copy of your RealVR64.log file on pastebin or drive and post the link here please?


hello community I have recently signed up for your patreon to try out the Cyberpunk VR Mod, which I was excited for the past couple of weeks. Currently I have a Meta Quest 3 and Cyberpunk installed on GOG, I have Meta Oculus App and the Steam VR app installed. Unfortunatly whenever I launch the game from the desktop or within the VR headset it launches in flatscreen.. Any support would be appreciated a lot ! thank you and merry christmas

Brandon(Post Maester)

Make sure to disable the GOG Galaxy overlay, hopefully that does it, also make sure you have Oculus set as your OpenXR runtime. Don't start SteamVR or anything like that. Just Have your headset connected and then start the game from your library as if you were going to play flat. Hopefully that helps :) Merry Christmas to you also!


i have a metaquest 2 btw and when i click to set oculus as my default open xr it doesn't do anything. would really appreciate if someone could solve this problem, and merry Christmas!


As people above have mentioned, my game only launces in flat screen mode on my quest 3. I have tried reinstalling the mod unfortunately to no success.

Brandon(Post Maester)

Try selecting Oculus in the Real overlay instead of auto. Also make sure you are using the latest version of REAL. Also make sure you disable any Steam or GOG overlays for the game. Merry Christmas :)

Brandon(Post Maester)

Make sure you are using the latest version of Real and have Oculus set as your OpenXR runtime. Also try setting Oculus as your runtime in the Real overlay instead of auto.


meta quest 3 hooked up through airlink has a crosshair issue. the issue is not happening with my guest 2. the crosshair is way to high. i tried looking through all the setting to set a offset but there is no offset for the crosshair. due to this crosshair issue i have to look down to shoot at people in front of me


Any news on the remaining bugfixes?


https://pastebin.com/tPvVkdub Appreciate it.

Brandon(Post Maester)

It is not loading an Oculus dll and your OpenXR runtime says N/A. Go into your Oculus app for PC and set Oculus as your OpenXR runtime, should be in general settings. Also try selecting vdxr in the desktop streamer instead of auto. You can also try opening up the Real Overlay and choosing Oculus as the runtime there in the main tab. If it still is having the same behavior, it is probably down the Oculus dll not running and that would be an issue with the Oculus software somehow. Try those first and then maybe try reinstalling the Oculus software if that doesn't work.


Hey, it worked, thanks!


Hi, I previously had the flatscreen bug running the base game, however I am encountering it again after downloading the ultimate edition from GOG. After launching the game, it loads into the proper vr mode with the real interface for about half a second before switching to pancake mode and not recognizing any inputs (keyboard, mouse, controller). I am unable to change any settings in the real hud as no inputs whatsoever are recognized. During the half second that the vr mode loads properly, I am able to interact with the real hud, however its not enough time to do anything meaningful. The game works fine in non vr mode. So far I have tried clean installing the game, the vr mod, and oculus software all to no luck unfortunately.


Hey, I managed to get the vr mods running but what else do I have to do to have some compatibility with the quest controllers, I’m running 11.0.1

Brandon(Post Maester)

Quest? How is your headset connected? Can you put a copy of your RealVR64.log file on pastebin or drive and post the link here please?

Brandon(Post Maester)

It should work. Can you put a copy of your RealVR64.log file on pastebin and post the link here please? How are you connecting the quest? What issue are you having exactly?


Any chance we get an update fo 2.11 please? Sounds like 2.11 is actually the last one...


Updated today and it broke

Brandon(Post Maester)

Make sure you are using the newest versions from either the Far Cry 4 or New Dawn posts, as both include a fix for the latest CP update :)


Ugh...I just joined and downloaded and 2.11 doesn't even work. Basically flushed $10 down the drain. 😞


So when I try to run RealVR config it looks for a .ini file in c/ but I have my games installed on G/

Brandon(Post Maester)

First check to make sure you have the necessary user files created for the game in your equivalent of C:\Users\brand\Saved Games\Uncharted Legacy of Thieves Collection You may need to point the config file to the correct location if it is different but make sure those files exist on your G drive or somewhere first. I don't think this game makes any actual changes to the settings file there though. You may even be able to just drag the dxgi.dll file from another supported title you have the mod installed on over to the correct folder for Uncharted. Not sure about that, but if you try it and it works, let me know :) Probably not a recommended thing if it does work because the config file sometimes needs to make important changes to some games.


update 2.11 did seem to break the mod

Brandon(Post Maester)

Make sure you are using the newest release from the Start Here or New Dawn post, it includes a fix for 2.11