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If you press Pause/Break on the keyboard when the game window is in focus, or if you squeeze both gamepad triggers all the way in while in the game menus, you will bring up the mod overlay. The double trigger shortcut is only active when the game is paused in the menus, and NOT during normal gameplay: otherwise the overlay would pop up unwanted at the most inconvenient times, like during gun fights.

The overlay consists of an initial banner and three tabbed windows. The initial banner (first image above, click on it for a larger view) shows the mod version, the current shortcuts needed to bring up the other windows, and whether any errors were found. For instance it will warn you if the mod cannot write out its log and configuration files, which can happen if your Windows user doesn't have write access to the game folder. It will also tell you whether a new release is available for download!

The initial banner should appear automatically at the top of the game window on your screen, and in your VR headset, for exactly 10 seconds when you launch the game, without needing any keystrokes. If it doesn't show, check out the Troubleshooting post, particularly question Q6.

If the banner appears but you don't have a Pause/Break key on the keyboard, and you don't have a gamepad or it's not working, so that you can't figure out how to access the other overlay windows, see Q1 down below at the end of this post.

If instead you managed to have the main overlay windows come up, you will see that there are three tabs available: "R.E.A.L. VR", "Overlay" and "Legal". "Legal" is where you can find software licenses.

The first tab, "R.E.A.L. VR", allows you to control how the game is brought into VR by the mod. In the "VR renderer" combo box you can select:

  • "Auto": this is the default setting. It will default to the Oculus runtime if an Oculus headset is detected, otherwise it will try to load SteamVR.
  • "Oculus" and "SteamVR" are self-explaining.
  • "OpenXR" is the API that you should choose if you have a Windows Mixed Reality headset like the Reverb G2 (more on this in an upcoming post), otherwise with WMR the mod will default to SteamVR, which might give you tracking problems or even a black screen in the headset due to unsolved bugs in the Microsoft driver.

Under that, there is a big button that can be used to toggle VR rendering on and off (it will display as "Stop VR" or "Start VR"). The complete game is playable in VR and you should never need to turn it off, but if for example a part of a mission is too intense for you and it's making you sick, you can temporarily turn VR off, play past the problematic portion, and then turn VR on again without ever leaving the game.

Under "Advanced", you will find additional settings. You can choose whether the game should autostart in VR or not, whether to use stereoscopic or monoscopic rendering, the type of buffering (which should never need to be changed), the world size, and the eye you prefer to use for aiming down sights.

The world size deserves a couple of additional comments:

  • you can use it to slightly tweak the size of everything you see, moving it around the default value of "1.0", if NPCs or objects in the game look generally too small or too big to you. For example, while Oculus and Valve headsets have perfect 1:1 world scaling, it seems to me that WMR headsets usually suffer from a scaling problem where all objects and characters in the world appear about 25% too small.
  • or you can go wild and drag it far away from the default "1.0" value, like set it to something like "0.2" and play with doll-sized figures in a cute little toy world, or move to the other side like "2.0" and have everyone look like giants! If you choose the Toy Story side, I recommend switching to the last third-person camera which is the farthest from Arthur, so you will be able to see him clearly without getting cross-eyed.

Finally, the "Overlay" tab offers many customization options related to the overlay itself, like the font used, the transparency of the overlay, the colors and so on. I think that what players will find most useful is the capability to display the true game frame rate (and/or motion-to-photon latency) in a corner of your HUD, by checking the "Show FPS" and/or "Show latency" boxes, and optionally selecting in which corner with "Position on screen".

Have fun tinkering away!!!

Q1: I have no Pause/Break key on my keyboard, so I cannot activate the overlay.

A1: Quit the game and hand-edit RealVR.ini with Notepad. Add exactly the following two lines at the end of the file:


This will temporarily set the overlay key to '9'. Save the file, run the game, press the '9' key (the number on the normal keyboard, not the keypad) and click on the "Overlay" tab. At this point you can click into the "Overlay key" box and press whichever key to want to bind the overlay toggle to. The new key that you select will be saved to the options and remembered for future runs.




Hi Luke, Very helpful info! A tip for anyone without a Pause key (like me) is to the use the Windows Onscreen Keyboard - use its Pause key to show the Overlay and then remap it to another key. A side note: The 'shake' head gesture to reposition the camera is a bit hit and miss for me - can this be mapped to a key via the config file? My workaround is to switch between 1st and 3rd person to correct the camera.


Thank you, Luke. Do you have any thoughts on adding common RDR2 troubleshooting as a topic on here? I think the mod is great, but RDR2 on PC I’m finding too buggy to actually play. I’ve lost entire evening sessions to the “Unknown Error: FFFFFFFF” and to the fact that when I walk into the Valentine Sherriff’s office, there’s only about a 33% chance the room will spawn in furnished and that I’ll get my cutscene and mission assignment.


Your video card might be running out of VRAM, how much do you have? You could try lowering the Texture Quality and then restarting the game


I see the game only as a big flat screen on my Quest 2, not as a 360 VR rendering. Help Please


This is crazy, now I did a clean re install of the game, and the mod is still somehow attached to the game. I never tried "re applying" the mod to the fresh new install. How did the mod reinstall itself? Maybe those files from the mod are still there? I need to remove all rdr2 files from the pc. Btw Luke I may have been frustrated in those previous comments but those troll responses were uncalled for. Also the mod does the same thing. It just shuts down the game after it starts up. It starts up the oculus software, there is nothing in the headset other than the oculus home, then the game quietly just stops operation.


Anyone know how to Remove the frame Shake from the square picture on the desktop. Really want to svare my experience with friends but its hard for them to watch


Turn look sensitivity down to 1 im both 3rd/1st person and to remove annoying frame shake from the picture and the vr game in general, in the overlay change rendering to Mono.  Also, if you are on a lower end machine pick the Low setting and then turn up the rendering scale to what your machine can handle, max is 2.5 I believe(you might have to change this in the Xml settings file from Luke). Hit me up if you need to figure out how to do this. Combine the Mono from the overlay and the render to 2.5 from(graphics settings in the game) for the smoothest experience in vr and on your monitor for others to watch.

Scott Carson

THIS HAS MADE THE BIGGEST DIFFERENCE! Thanks so much Epic Dad! @Luke - Is it possible to have your RealConfig.bat set the LOOK SENSITIVITY to 1 for both 3rd/1st person? I feel this would be a better default if it's possible. If not, I would list this in your installation instructions.


Yes, please try the rendering to Mono via the overlay. It makes a shocking improvement! This plus the look sensitivity is a 'mod changer' , game has already been changed so can't use that metaphor! Thanks LUKE!


I just reinstalled Luke's GTAV mod for a bit of comparison testing. The GTAV mod does two things better:1) forward movement follows head direction in first person (ie: turning with headset rather than controller stick) and 2) the shimmer around objects is not there. Just sharing that as it provides hope that Luke will eventually get both items adjusted in the RDR2 mod. The shimmer seems related to stereo vision and is most noticeable in any region that only one eye can see something (ie: stand close to a post and the area on the left of the post that the right eye can't see will seem to be rendered crappier, likewise for the part to the right of the post that the left eye can't see). For me the short-term adjustment will be to play RDR2 in monovision as then the shimmer is greatly reduced, possibly gone. However the clearer visuals are worth giving up true binocular vision for now.


The slight shimmer around characters, trees and/or close objects is due to the fact that TAA as coded in the game is not aware of my stereoscopic camera, so it can fail to find good temporal matches around occlusions. Perhaps I'll be able to fix it during the next few weeks/months, or perhaps GPUs of the future will be able to run RDR2 with MSAA at VR resolutions without going all chug-chug, but for now it is what it is :-)


Thanks for the additional detail and things to try. I'm new to the concepts here and apologize for the stupid questions that will come from that. But with TAA failing to "find temporal matches", that makes me think that the issue is related to the alternating eye rendering? If there were some way to keep TAA frames being rendered/compared to the last frame from each eye separately would that help or be a possible config option? I'm guessing that isn't an option because all of the non-occluded parts of the scene would be another frame behind for their 'temporal matches' or something like that? And it sounds like GTAV has its TAA coded differently so that mod didn't run into similar problems?


Using a two-frame delay would have the problems that you described, and it would require major changes to the game engine, so I'm still unsure whether it's a good direction to pursue and invest much time in. GTA V has no TAA at all, only TXAA which is a different technique


hey epic dad, is there anyway that you can help me, I cahnged the setting in game but did nothing as you mentioned would happen later, i dont know what an XML file is so im scared of changing anything, Wouldnt the sound quality drop heavily if i cahnged it to mono?

Emile Tixeuil

in 2d mode, if the aiming dot is not the same on your both eyes (with WMR reverb G2 for me) try put the world scale to 1.20ish, it does not change anything at first (because there is no 3D) but the aiming dot will be corrected :)


Well, this mod does not work for me. First, the game just flickers on startup. Without the mod, game runs flawlessly. i9, 64GB, twin 2080's, Valve Index. when the game gets past the R logo, the overlay no longer flashes, but the game does. Overlay is fine. The spinning cylinder in the bottom right stops and loading ceases. Game never fully loads. This should not be something you charge for at this point.

Emile Tixeuil

Stop saying he is charging anything ! You support his work on this or not... you never bought anything.


He totally should be charging for it at this point. I for one have already gotten my moneys worth and then some. I am all for getting money in Luke’s pocket so he can sit and work on experiences like these. Playing his mod’s have given me the best experiences in VR! Sorry it’s not working for you though. Maybe it’s not playing nice with your SLI. I’m not sure. If I were you, I would try deleting all the “sga_” files in… \Documents\Rockstar Games\Red Dead Redemption 2\Settings And try again. These files should get recreated on start up. I hope it ends up working for you!

Emile Tixeuil

my bad ... it's not that at all :). I don't know why but i have to re-activate 3D mode then switch back to mono to have the aiming dot correct ...

Emile Tixeuil

10 hours for me already. Just hunting and wandering around xD it's fucking great ! :) (and i never played it before !)


Is it possible to use RedM to use this mod online? Wish I hadn't already played through the main story in pancake mode! What a waste now that I can play this on a 3090.