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Hey everyone,

It's done. It's finally done.

The Riley H-scene event, Recreation room, and the long coveted (by at least one person) disaster Riley have all been completed. Out of the all of those, the Recreation room was the most difficult, and a task I've been dreading for almost two updates! Creating Academy rooms is a nightmare because of how everything has to be posed for interactivity, and the days you'll waste looking for assets that don't actually work. Thankfully, that's all behind me now and I can return to pumping out content.

Story content.

The above image is from the final event in Riley's Move-in Arc where she... moves in. Fully. That's a lot, but not all, of her stuff in the background there. Future H-scene polls will be adjusting to include the recreation room to gradually fill it with content as I focus on other aspects of the main story going forward. Most importantly, with this done, I can safely confirm that the Sandbox Overhaul period will be ending with this development cycle, and that I can move onto the second phase of Superheroes Suck. But more on that next month.

For this month, and specifically this week, I will be churning out Riley's story content to catch her up to the final update, as well as one or two Artemisia events. That will complete all current goals with the Sandbox Overhaul, as the music and textbox changes have been postponed until I've got more main story content out.

My overall goal is to hit roughly seven events for this update. With extra time, I'll be adding Chrys' room interactivity, but if I miss that, it will be finally added in the following update during the bugfix period. There's just a few lines of code, but I've been very pressed for time on the game. 

This Progress Update is a little long, but I've received a few questions on why I don't just extend the Sandbox Overhaul period. This is actually the first time someone has asked this, and I'm tickled by the novelty. All of that work has to be done, after all.

The answer is, even without all of the enthusiasm surrounding the the next phase of the main story urging me forward, I would still end the Sandbox Overhaul period now. The reason is simple: I am out of character content. 

Valentina, Harper, Riley, Chrys, and even Artemisia are at points in their journey that require story beats in the main story to move forward. Because their personal stories cannot progress, the main story must now move forward. I could still make poll events, of course, and there are lots of touch-ups to make, but each one of them is at the beginning of their next character arc. All the foundation has been set. It's time.

Anyway, I've got renders to finish!

Thank you for all of your support,






Ok have to ask what is a disaster and why would anyone want one?

Alex Torma (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-14 00:19:19 I get it,you worked on the main girls story,i know its tiring and hard.Buuuut....now we arrived at the end of their current story arc,i'm curious what about our sexy freckled coplady and her daughter??? :) (Miranda & Josie) They just disappeared somewhere in the mist.
2023-05-29 07:14:40 I get it,you worked on the main girls story,i know its tiring and hard.Buuuut....now we arrived at the end of their current story arc,i'm curious what about our sexy freckled coplady and her daughter??? :) (Miranda & Josie) They just disappeared somewhere in the mist.

I get it,you worked on the main girls story,i know its tiring and hard.Buuuut....now we arrived at the end of their current story arc,i'm curious what about our sexy freckled coplady and her daughter??? :) (Miranda & Josie) They just disappeared somewhere in the mist.


Good lord, there is so much work to do on Miranda and Josie. I'm still storyboarding their stuff in the background, but it has definitely taken a backseat to getting the Academy girls sorted with content. I plan to revisit them during the main story push for sure.