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Hey everyone,

The Early Build version of Superheroes 1.450 is almost finished uploading, and will be posted for the Early Access tiers shortly. All in all, seven events are finished along with the final Tactical Cuddling Event!

To be honest, I completed this version update feeling quite frustrated. What had been a promising start at the tail-end of the Holiday season became a frantic and desperate push toward the finish line. I tried a lot of new things this update. A different style of "video game" renders, a test for the new feeling combat system, the completion of a brand new character model along with a new costume for a different character model, and so on. Maybe I tried too many things at once. There was also, of course, the shock of my computer's first blue screen and the scramble to fix a terminal hardware and software issue before they spiraled out of control.

For those curious, the crashes were caused by two things: a faulty RAM stick, as I suspected, and also a faulty driver, which I did not expect until it crashed again. It's been five full days since the last crash and the most recent fix, so I think we're in the clear.

Oh, and my birthday happened, I guess. I barely noticed it. It's the 22nd of January.

The work in Superheroes Suck version 1.450 is good, very good, up to my quality standards and I'm sure an event or two in there will stick around as a memorable, important moment for many players. My frustration is wholly on the lack of events. I know that number of renders is probably a better marker for content size when it comes to these updates, but I always feel better when my event ranges between nine and ten. Less make me feel like I'm not multitasking well enough. 

My goal for each update is to provide roughly twenty to thirty minutes worth of content (determined by reading speed). I'm perfectly happy with just twenty. I'm not happy with less, although to be honest, I really don't have a grasp for whether or not an update feels "short." I can only play through my game combing it for errors, clues, old plot hooks, new plot points, and so on. I rely on all of you for the game's pacing issues and triumphs.

Anyway, I've rambled for long enough. I'll be starting the renders early tomorrow to try and get a head start on the next update. 

Also, it's been a while since I've done an animation sequence. I think I'll start by making that Riley gym scene repeatable.

Thank you for all of your support,
