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While this story technically features characters from the film "Bros" you don't need to have seen it to understand whats going on as the first view paragraphs recap the key events and it technically negates the film's ending anyway. 
This story was a request by Bosa tier patron Luke K. DeAn. Hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it! PDF copy available on the Discord server.

Bobby and Aaron had tried their very best to make a relationship between them work but had ultimately agreed that it was a losing battle and they were simply better than friends. There were a number of obstacles in their relationship but chief among them was just how different their worlds were. The only thing they really had in common was that they were gay men in their late thirties - other than their appreciation in the male physical form, the pair really didn’t have much in the way of shared interests. Of course, their friendship still involved a regular amount of sex (sometimes just the two of them, sometimes with others) but they were no longer trying to foster a romance, something that secretly disappointed Aaron more than it did Bobby.

Despite having a much more stereotypically masculine exterior with his strong muscles and clean cut All-American good looks, Aaron was actually a fair amount more sensitive than anybody would expect. He was a romantic at heart and had felt attracted to Bobby right from the start, although he’d struggled to communicate that. Even though it had been Bobby who had ultimately suggested they break up, Aaron placed the majority of the blame upon himself and his communication issues. Still, he wanted the other man in his life - even if it was only as a friend - so he had simply agreed when Bobby had suggested they start looking for love elsewhere and keep things purely physical between them from then on.

In the two months since their breakup though, Aaron had only hooked up with a small handful of guys and none of them - aside from Bobby - ever more than once. That wasn’t for lack of options though, as whenever he went to the club (which was probably more nights than was healthy) he was almost immediately surrounded by guys who were all too eager to get him alone. While Aaron recognised that a good number of these potential suitors were incredibly attractive and some were even his type, he only found himself actually looking to take somebody home whenever Bobby was also present. It was incredibly petty but Aaron hoped that seeing him with someone else might jolt the other man into realizing what he had thrown away. To his dismay, that was yet to happen.

“So… anybody caught your eye tonight?” Bobby asked, not shy about leaning into Aaron’s personal space in order to ensure that his probing question was heard over the loud music of the club. They hadn’t planned to end up in the club together, yet there they were at the bar, each nursing their preferred drink. The more pathetic part of Aaron’s brain quietly suggested that it was the universe attempting to throw the pair of them back together but he knew better than to attempt to verbalize such thoughts. Bobby would probably only think he was telling a joke anyway - the other man was much too cynical for his own good, but that was part of why Aaron felt such a deep connection to him. He liked that the other man presented a challenge.

“Nah, you?” he grunted in return before turning away to take a swig from his beer in order to distract himself from looking at Bobby’s lips for too long. Any odd behaviour on his part was evidently overlooked though, as the other man quickly launched into a tirade that Aaron had heard many times before: the gay community prioritized masculine-presenting guys and so even if there were any guys at the club that Bobby was interested in, they’d probably be more interested in Aaron anyway. Although he couldn’t deny the other’s point that some members of the gay community had an almost unhealthy preference for “straight passing” guys, he was of the opinion that there was a bit more to Bobby’s story than that. “Right, so it’s all to do with me being masc, is it? Absolutely nothing to do with the look of pure loathing on your face anytime a guy even dared look your way, huh?” he challenged, throwing a brief smirk in his friend’s direction.

Bobby gasped. “Are you suggesting I’m unapproachable?” he asked, clutching a hand to his heart.

“I’m not suggesting it, I’m telling you,” Aaron retorted. “You always look like you’d rather be anywhere else! Is it any wonder that guys are intimidated by you?”

“Intimidated?!” A loud laugh burst forth from Bobby’s lips. “Do you hear yourself? I’m about as intimidating as Kylie Minogue using a pool noodle as a weapon! Look at you and all your big, beefy muscles! You’re the intimidating one.” Even with the club’s music as loud as it was, Aaron was able to hear the defensiveness in his friend’s voice. He’d learned quickly that Bobby wasn’t used to being called out and was the type to believe that his perspective, whatever it was, always happened to be the right perspective. To suggest that it might not be the case was a scandal but Aaron was more than ready to weather that storm.

“I absolutely guarantee that almost everyone in this club right now finds you more intimidating than they do me,” he countered confidently. “It has nothing to do with me being masc or you being a bit femme or whatever, it’s absolutely just about your attitude, I’m telling you!”

“Oh, so now I have an attitude too?!” Bobby exclaimed. “You are so deluded. Seriously, do you even hear yourself?”

“It sounds like the pair of you could do with seeing things from each other’s perspective,” an effeminate voice from behind the pair interrupted. The man glanced over their shoulders to see the bartender (a baby-faced twink with pastel pink hair) smiling sweetly at them.

Aaron opened his mouth to offer a comment of agreement, but before he could even begin to form the words, Bobby had cut across. “I’m sorry, I don’t remember inviting you to eavesdrop on your conversation,” he hissed, glaring across the bar at the younger man. To his credit, the bartender didn’t even seem all that affronted by Bobby’s brash retort and continued to wear the same pleasant smile.

“You’re right,” the bartender agreed, “Sorry for intruding. Let me make it up to you with some free drinks?” Before either man could say anything, the twink skipped away to begin the mixing process, leaving Aaron and Bobby to lock eyes once more. As soon as they did and Bobby took sight of Aaron’s admonishing gaze, the bespectacled man huffed dramatically.

“Stop looking at me like that!”

“I will when you stop proving me right!” Aaron fired back. “You didn’t need to bite that poor kid’s head off.”

“Well he didn’t need to stick his nose in our business!” This was typical Bobby - never willing to admit that maybe he was the one being an asshole. If Aaron didn’t feel such a deep connection to the other man, he absolutely would have found it off-putting.

Before their dispute could go any further the twinky bartender returned with two drinks in his hands - a beer bottle and a glass of some tropical-looking cocktail, accompanied by a little umbrella and all. “Here we go, darlings!” the bartender exclaimed, “On the house to make up for my bad behaviour!” To Aaron’s great amusement, the bartender placed the beer down in front of Bobby and the cocktail in front of him. As the bartender waltzed away, the two men shared a bewildered look before silently agreeing to switch drinks so that they could have the beverage more fitting for their personal tastes.

A mere hour later, the two men were back at Aaron’s apartment and since neither of them had paired up with any other guys at the club, they were busy ripping each other’s clothes off and shuffling towards the bedroom. Their relationship (no matter how brief it had been) had taught both men what the other enjoyed and even though Bobby might be of the opinion that they lacked romantic chemistry, there was no denying that their sexual chemistry was off the charts. It didn’t matter to Aaron that Bobby wasn’t the most endowed man he’d ever been with, nor had the most outrageous kinks - the sex was by far the best of his whole life. Judging by the moans and groans he managed to pry out of Bobby’s lips, he was pretty sure that the other man would be equally as complimentary about their nights together.

The intensity of Aaron’s desire occupied every corner of his mind as they climbed onto the bed, their tongues attacking each other during a furious make out session. Just the feeling of Bobby’s lips against his own made Aaron’s whole body hum in excitement and he was already rock hard, his eight inches pressing proudly against his lover’s left hip. Despite his hyper-focus on both giving and receiving pleasure, one errant thought did manage to break through the blond man’s mind - Has Bobby been working out? His arms certainly felt a little sturdier as Aaron ran his hands up them, particularly the slight bulging in the other man’s biceps. Aside from a brief period when Bobby had been trying to first impress him, Aaron was of the understanding that the other didn’t care much for the gym. Had that changed since their breakup? Considering it for too long might have brought up an uncomfortable question that Aaron definitely wasn’t ready for: was Bobby trying to impress another guy?

The reality of the situation was actually much different from his fleeting presumptions and even more extraordinary. Bobby’s body was indeed slightly more muscular than it had been during the period he and Aaron had dated, although they couldn’t be accredited to him going to the gym or even eating healthier. No, the changes had begun only a mere hour ago, when they had accepted the drinks from the nosy bartender and who had deliberately tricked them into switching drinks so that they would each be affected by the little magic pills he’d put in each of the beverages. The muscle was being added to Bobby’s body in such a slow and subtle fashion that it was all but invisible to the naked eye. At the same time, Aaron’s own muscles had started to dwindle ever so slightly, although given how dedicated to his workout regime he was, there was still a lot of muscle to lose before he even reached the point that Bobby had started from!

While the two men lost themselves in the throes of passion, the pill-induced changes continued to advance, only they were much too busy to notice any of them. By the time they finally collapsed side by side with their backs on the mattress desperately panting for breath, the pair had almost identical physiques with the only notable difference being Bobby’s pale flesh compared to Aaron’s tanned tones. Thanks to the physical exhaustion brought on by their wild actions over the previous hour, sleep claimed the pair almost immediately and in doing so robbed them of the opportunity to notice the differences to their bodies.

While they slumbered, their transformations marched on. Over the next several hours, Bobby’s body lost much of the softness that had sat around his waist and it immediately resurfaced around Aaron’s midsection instead. With this fat gone, a full set of abs was able to carve a presence on Bobby’s stomach and his chest now sported a perky pair of pectorals rather than the slightly sagging man-tits he’d possessed before. These new muscles were made even more prominent by the sudden loss of the chest hair that had previously dominated much of the man’s torso, as well as Aaron’s golden tan transferring over to the man next to him. The previously hairless expanse of Aaron’s chest was now covered in a dense forest of thick hair, hiding the much softer muscles of his pecs and stomach which were now somewhat sagging.

Their lower bodies also experienced numerous changes, with Bobby’s spindly legs growing into a pair of muscular tree trunks, highlighted by thick quads and a plump backside. His modest six inch manhood expanded to mimic Aaron’s eight inches, becoming even girthier in the process, while his balls were both larger and hung a little lower, now filled with much more virile seed than he’d ever had before. Complimenting this increase in testosterone much further up his body was his more prominent Adam's apple that would help produce a much deeper and less stereotypically ‘camp’ voice than the one that the listeners of Bobby’s radio show were used to.

As the sun started to rise behind the bedroom curtains, the final parts of each man’s transformation were completed: the switching of their facial features and bone structure in order to match their new body. Aaron’s cheekbones and jawline became less pronounced, giving him plumper cheeks and an overall rounder face, while his clean-shaven lower face sprouted an army of small bristles, mostly dark with small patches of gray mixed in. While this was happening, Bobby was inheriting the more classically handsome traits of Aaron’s former visage such as his perfectly unblemished skin, his strong brow and the in-style haircut that his ex-boyfriend always wore so well. Once these changes were complete there was absolutely nothing to suggest that they had ever actually been each other - it now appeared that Bobby was asleep on the left hand side of the bed and Aaron was beginning to stir on the right…

Sure enough, as the former Aaron continued to slumber peacefully unaware of the remarkable events that had befallen them, the former Bobby took note of all the changes and very quickly came to terms with it all. Shuffling out from under the sheets, he took position in front of the bedroom mirror and started to tense and flex the muscles he now possessed, marveling at the peaks of his biceps and the cobblestone road of his abdominals. He’d always appreciated them on Aaron’s body but now that they were his, he enjoyed them even more! Before he could get too carried away though, the other man finally started to show signs of returning to consciousness and Bobby was forced to make a quick decision on how he wanted to proceed.

The first thing Aaron noticed when he pried open his eyes was that his vision remained frustratingly blurry. He’d always had perfect eyesight and although a bit of light sensitivity in the early morning wasn’t completely unheard of, this was absolutely not that. Even after blinking a few times, his eyes failed to focus, leaving him looking at a fuzzy scene that he vaguely recognized as his bedroom, as well as a moving shape that it seemed only logical to be Bobby. “Here, put these on,” the other man instructed, holding out something towards Aaron, although he was initially too startled to respond. Bobby’s voice sounded bizarrely deep that morning - was that really him, or had Aaron been so drunk that he’d actually come home with somebody else? No, he could distinctly remember kissing Bobby on his way into the bedroom during the early hours of the morning…

Finally accepting the item that was being offered to him, Aaron was somewhat perplexed to discover that it was a pair of glasses. With no other options available to him, he opened them up and slid them onto his face. Doing so provided him with some much needed clarity, bringing the world around him into perfect focus - as well as the person standing just to the side of him. A high-pitched noise that was equal parts confusion and fear escaped his lips as his gaze lifted from the six-pack abs up to the man’s face. It was his face grinning back down at him!

“Happy Freaky Friday, Aaron,” his duplicate exclaimed, “You might want to look down.” Although he wasn’t typically the submissive type, Aaron’s desperate curiosity prompted him to follow the suggestion. He recognized the hairy torso immediately but all that did was raise a whole host of questions. Before he could even begin to think about how to put his chaotic thoughts into words, there was a hand on his stubbled chin that forced him to look back up at the man he now knew to be Bobby. “So… looks like we’re gonna be walking a mile or two in each other’s shoes, huh?” To Aaron’s continued confusion, the other man didn’t even seem all that disturbed by the events that had befallen them. If anything, his expression almost seemed to be one of excitement.

The wheels in Aaron’s mind turned as he cast his mind back to the night before. It didn’t take him long to find something to fixate on: “The bartender! Those drinks! He must have done this to us!” Aaron started to push himself up into a seated position with the intention of swinging his legs out of the bed and getting straight to work in solving this issue, but before he could do anything, Bobby climbed onto the bed and straddled him. Being trapped in place by his own bodyweight was a bizarre experience for Aaron but the situation only became more complicated when he felt a stirring under the sheets in response to having the muscular body pinning him down. “Bobby, quit playing around. We’ve gotta get him to switch us back!” Never in his life had Aaron thought he’d be uttering such words but there was no denying what was happening to them. No dream could feel this terrifyingly real!

I've censored four paragraphs here for the Patreon posting just in case, as things get a little more racy - to read the full version, download the PDF version on the Discord!

That sweat-and-sex fuelled first morning was a very good indication for everything Aaron could continue to expect for the duration of his time in Bobby’s body. Once the other man had finally tired himself out, dropped back down onto the mattress and began to snore lightly, Aaron hastened into action. He had an unpleasant feeling that he wasn’t going to be receiving much help from Bobby in the matter of reversing their little body swapping situation so he would have to sort it all out himself. That notion wasn’t just daunting - it was terrifying. Still, he wouldn’t be content letting time tick by without actively trying to fix things, so he would have to try his best. Thankfully he had a good idea of where he should start: the twinky bartender from the club they’d been at the previous night. If anyone was to blame, it would be him!

With a plan quickly forming in his mind, Aaron grabbed some clothes out of his wardrobe, did his best to ignore that they were now ill-fitting on his Bobby-body, and tiptoed out of the apartment. It took almost thirty minutes to get across the city in the back of a cab and there was little Aaron could do to keep himself entertained other than people-watch through the vehicle’s windows, as it transpired that he had left his cell phone in the apartment as a result of his speedy exit. He’d been hoping that an internet search into “real life body swapping” might help provide him with some clarity about his situation, but even as that thought entered his mind he knew that it was ridiculous. If this sort of thing had ever happened to anyone before then it would have made headline news… unless somebody with a lot of power had covered it up, like the government had with UFOs!

Aaron winced, embarrassed by how quickly he’d seemed willing to jump to the lengths of wild conspiracy theories. Could he really be blamed? The morning’s events had totally thrown him off of his equilibrium and it would take him a while to recover. Maybe he never would. Certainly he’d need some distance from Bobby once this was all sorted out; that crush was probably over for good. He hadn’t known that the other man had this side of him, one where he seemed to actively enjoy tormenting Aaron, but for pretty obvious reasons that wasn’t the kind of guy he wanted to spend his life with.

Unfortunately Aaron’s quest got off to a disappointing start as once he made it to the club he quickly realized that it would be shut for at least another six hours. Filling that time was much easier said than done. Usually he would have made his way to the gym and progressed through an extended workout session but that seemed like a poor choice for his current circumstances. Given he’d winded himself just power-walking from where the taxi had dropped him off to the club, Aaron speculated that trying to force Bobby’s body through one of his usual workouts would probably be the death of him.

With no phone and only a few ten dollar bills that he had stuffed into his pocket prior to leaving the apartment, Aaron didn’t exactly have many available to him. For a brief moment though it seemed like luck might actually be on his side, as he’d barely walked a block before crossing paths with a beefy blond that he recognised as being another of the club’s bartenders. Aaron had even hooked up with the guy (who he was pretty sure was called Frank) a few weeks prior, after the blond had eyed him up from behind the bar, but now Frank regarded him with mild disinterest rather than poorly concealed lust.

“Hey Frank, do you know where I could find one of your coworkers? A twink with pink hair. He was working last night and he--” Aaron stopped abruptly, wondering what the hell he was supposed to say that wouldn’t make him sound totally insane. “I think he must have picked up my wallet or something. Guess I left it on the bar.” It was hardly the most intricate lie ever told but Aaron wasn’t the best at working under pressure and so it would have to do. Frank, however, didn’t seem overly interested in the conversation.

“Huh. Another misdemeanor to add to his list,” the larger man grunted. “That was Corey. Annoying little dude. I wouldn’t bother hanging around the club if you’re looking for him though - the boss fired him last night. He left in a total huff like the drama queen he is.”

Aaron’s stomach twisted into a knot. “H-he what?” he exclaimed, already getting worked up into a panicked frenzy. “I really need to get a hold of him though. Do you have his number maybe? Or know where he lives?”

Frank’s expression twisted into one that was equal parts mocking and disdainful. “Yeah, I wouldn’t do that even if I did,” he replied quickly, “No offense but you’re giving off major creeper vibes. Now, if you’re quite done harassing me…” Before Aaron could say anything more or even try to defend his honor, the burly blond pushed past him and sent him staggering in the process. Back in his own body Aaron might have only shifted ever so slightly but in Bobby’s much weaker form it was something of a miracle that he hadn’t fallen down on his ass!

With no other options available to him, Aaron was forced to return back to his apartment where he would find Bobby waiting for him, wearing some of Aaron’s favorite gym clothes. The other man appeared totally aloof as Aaron shared the news about the likely source of their body swap being fired from the club (therefore becoming much more difficult to track down), until finally shrugging a broad shoulder once the tale was over. “So it takes us a little while longer to find him, that’s not really the end of the world, is it?” Bobby asked, continuing to display an abrasive dismissiveness to the whole ordeal.

This lackadaisical attitude would only continue as the hours they spent trapped in each other’s bodies continued into days and then into weeks. Aaron’s first thought every morning was a prayer that their ordeal had been magically fixed overnight, yet he was only met with disappointment when he opened his eyes and looked down at the hairy and pale chest that definitely wasn’t the muscular display of pecs and abs that he’d been hoping to see. Some mornings he would indeed catch sight of his own body within seconds of opening his eyes, but only ever from an outsider’s perspective, as those mornings followed the rare nights when Bobby decided he wanted Aaron’s company for some crude carnal pleasure.

A month on from the initial swap, Aaron actually saw far less of his ex-boyfriend and rightful body than he’d anticipated. Although the other man continued to suggest that he was doing his own research into how they could switch back, Aaron had serious doubts that he was telling the truth. Bobby seemed to be having quite a lot of fun not only occupying his body but playing the role of a hyper-masculine straight-passing guy who (loathe as Aaron was to admit defeat in this particular matter) easily captured the attention of almost any gay guy in his vicinity. Not only that but he was excelling in pretty much every area of Aaron’s life: he’d scored a promotion at work, joined an all-gay hockey team and - most crushingly of all - even started to date Aaron’s crush from high school, a six-foot-six muscular jock named Josh who, up until very recently, had always insisted that he was as straight as a man could possibly be.

Watching Bobby and Josh interact was particularly tough for Aaron. As a teen he had lusted desperately after his buddy and it had taken him a long time to come to terms with the fact nothing would ever happen between them. Now Josh was finally comfortable enough in his skin to come out as the gay man he’d always known himself to be and he only had eyes for Aaron - or at least at the guy who he (admittedly not without logic) presumed was Aaron.

Josh didn’t even care to look twice at the real deal, seeing him now only as his new boyfriend’s clingy ex, which was a particularly damning blow. Aaron had even overheard Josh telling Bobby to “kick him to the curb” when they thought he wasn’t listening. Tears had sprung into his eyes immediately following that, although crying wasn’t exactly uncommon in Aaron’s life at that moment given the sheer frustrations he felt on a daily basis while this ordeal remained unsolved. 

To make matters worse, this exchange had taken place on a night where Bobby had invited Aaron over to act as their “third” and he’d only briefly stepped out of the room to relieve his bladder. He was going to be in the middle while the two jocks dominated him from each end, a scenario that Aaron wasn’t exactly used to, but given that it was the only way he was going to get close to both his original body and his high school crush, he’d agreed with only minor reluctance. It wasn’t as if he was getting much sex outside of the booty calls from Bobby; more than once Aaron had been rebuffed for “sounding too femme” or “being old and out of shape”, comments that never ceased to be humiliating for a man who had previously never had to worry about either complaint.

While the months began to roll on, Aaron’s hopes that the body swap would simply expire one day finally started to drop away. His search for Corey, the twinky bartender who seemed to have done this to them in the first place, had made no further progress either - it was like he had just vanished off the face of the planet! With this avenue stubbornly refusing to open back up, Aaron had even gone as far as to visit self-proclaimed witches, warlocks and psychics, although none were able to do any more than create an even deeper hole in his wallet.

One day Aaron would be forced to accept that there really was no going back - that he would remain Bobby for the rest of his life - and that day seemed quickly approaching…


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