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The old proverb suggests that “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”, but throughout all of history there was one woman in particular whose fury was forever unmatched: Hera, queen of Mount Olympus, goddess of marriage and family, and wife of the almighty Zeus.

It was the last of these descriptors that brought so much scorn into Hera’s life, as the king of the gods was frequently unfaithful and seemed thoroughly uninterested in preserving the sanctity of their marriage. Hundreds of men and women - possibly even thousands - had been complicit in Zeus’ unfaithfulness and although she had made good on punishing those who had particularly offended her, it was her cheating husband that Hera truly sought revenge against. Even as powerful as he was (none on Mount Olympus could even come close to rivaling him), he wasn’t completely immune to the magic of his fellow Olympians and so Hera saw fit to begin scheming in secrecy.

While most of Zeus’ infidelities were one-offs, his tryst with Ganymede, the cup-bearer of the gods, was an ongoing thing and as such became a great source of strife for Hera. She had disliked Ganymede from the moment he had arrived on Mount Olympus as a mortal boy mere days past his eighteenth birthday. Zeus, transformed as an eagle, had plucked the beautiful young man from the fields and carried him all the way to the sanctuary of the gods. Once there, he had proclaimed to the Olympians that the mortal was to be their new cup-bearer, replacing Hebe, one of Hera and Zeus’ daughters, in the process. Everybody gathered to hear the announcement was able to see the lust in her husband’s eyes as he looked upon his newest servant. Even for Hera there was absolutely no denying that Ganymede was beautiful, with smooth sun-kissed skin and short auburn curls, but Zeus’ decision to push their daughter out of her role as cup-bearer in favor of a mortal and then to bless the boy with immortality so as to preserve his youthful good looks made Hera’s blood boil.

Luckily for Hera, she was not the only deity living on Mount Olympus who was seeking revenge on the almighty Zeus. It didn’t take very long at all for word to spread that she was putting a plan together and it seemed like she only had to blink and suddenly her chamber was flooded with her fellow Olympians - both major deities and their minor counterparts - who were all wanting to add their power to the mix. The only person on Mount Olympus who seemed entirely unbothered by Zeus’ behaviour was Athena, his favorite daughter, but that came as no surprise to Hera. Her husband absolutely had his biases and this latest ordeal with Ganymede was just another example of that. It wouldn’t be long though before he’d no longer be able to play favorites. No, once Hera’s plan had been put into motion, her husband would have much more pressing issues to concern himself with!


Ganymede felt so dreadfully lucky that out of all the mortals walking upon the Earth, Zeus had chosen him to be his new cup-bearer and to be granted eternal youth and beauty. He had been nothing more than the son of a farmer and yet the king of the Olympian Gods had seen potential in him and lifted the young man out of obscurity and into a life of luxury. Not only that but he had been blessed enough to be taken as Zeus’ lover - not a simple one-off tumble like so many of the men and women who had caught the great Olympian’s eye before but a genuinely blossoming relationship. Ganymede wasn’t stupid, he knew that Zeus’ intense interest in him would put the newly-immortal man into the piercing sights of Hera, but he was optimistic that his new all-powerful lover wouldn’t let any harm come to him.

Zeus was quite unlike any lover Ganymede had ever taken in his eighteen years as a mortal man. It wasn’t just his godly powers that set him apart either but everything from his physique to how he carried himself with utmost confidence. Of course he does, Ganymede thought to himself, What does the king of the gods have to fear? While there were many things that he loved about the almighty being, Zeus’ beautiful body always left him at a loss for words. Although his true form was immeasurably large, Zeus most commonly appeared to him as an eight-foot giant of a man with large rippling muscles and little more than a loincloth covering his colossal cock. His bronze skin was partnered with a mane of dark brown hair and a thick beard that Ganymede loved to feel scratching against him as they kissed. All in all, he was a vision of masculine glory and the perfect match for the delicate boyish features of Ganymede himself.

There was very little warning for the chaos that was about to unfold. It was a morning quite like any other, with the slender cup-bearer wrapped up in the gargantuan arms of his lover and the intense passion of the moment completely consuming their senses. Even if they’d been on their guards though, there was no way they could escape the wave of godly magic flowing into Zeus’ chamber at that very moment, especially not when it was sourced by almost every other occupant of Mount Olympus. The lovers had just reached a point of simultaneous climax when the magic wrapped around them and worked its way through to the very center of their beings all while putting Hera’s revenge into action.

Both men had screwed their eyes tightly shut upon achieving orgasm and it was several seconds after that Ganymede finally pried his back open. Rather than beholding Zeus’ manly visage and the thick brown beard though, he found himself looking upon a pretty face with high cheekbones and pouting lips, as well as a mop of curly auburn hair. The face was instantly familiar to him, although it took the godly cup-bearer several seconds to actually understand why. Then, once he realized that it was the face that had previously greeted him in any looking glass, a desperate confusion sunk in. How could he possibly be staring at himself? Does that mean…

Before Ganymede’s mind could wander too much further, his duplicate’s eyes fluttered open and were immediately flooded with arousal, then confusion, then fear. “What did you do?!” the other man exclaimed, desperately attempting to untangle himself from Ganymede. Doing so forced the previously mortal man to look down at himself and finally acknowledge what had given the other such a fright: this wasn’t his body. The hulking muscles, the glowing skin, the gargantuan cock… they were sights he was used to seeing from an outsider’s perspective, not from this angle. Somehow he had found himself thrust into Zeus’ body and it seemed like the reverse had befallen his divine lover! But how could it have happened? What magic was possibly strong enough to affect the king of the gods?

“This wasn’t me,” Ganymede protested, only to shiver in delight at the rumbling bass departing his lips. He’d always loved Zeus’ deep authoritative voice and to hear it speaking his words seemed like it was going to be more than a little distracting. “Did you perhaps--”

“What? Lose control of my power?” Zeus interrupted, twisting Ganymede’s high pitched voice into a bitter snarl. “Don’t be so foolish as to suggest such a thing! This must have been you!” Ganymede had heard many stories about Zeus’ rage before but had never seen it for himself. He supposed that it was probably much more terrifying when the god was in his own body though, because the sight before him looked and sounded deceivingly like a mortal boy throwing a tantrum instead. Hardly enough to make anyone - even someone as usually submissive as Ganymede - shiver in fear.

“Actually husband, it was me,” a third voice chimed in from the direction of the bedroom’s grand entrance. Both men turned to the source and felt their stomachs twist as they saw Hera approaching them, her beautiful face contorted into a vengeful smirk. “Honestly Zeus, I thought you’d appreciate being even deeper inside your lover than you’ve ever been before.” There was absolutely nothing honest about her tone, she was clearly enjoying the opportunity to torment her husband. Zeus was quick to fall for the bait; Ganymede meanwhile was unable to stop himself from blushing at the lewd nature of her comment.

“You’ve had your fun,” the king of the gods spat out in a rage, “You can undo this treacherous spell now, Hera.” He stood defiantly in front of his wife but he was left with such diminutive stature while occupying Ganymede’s body that he may as well have been a petulant child desperately attempting to talk back to their mother. “I won’t ask twice!”

Unsurprisingly his defiant attitude was only met by mocking laughter. “Oh sweet husband, I don’t think you’re in any position to demand anything right now,” she pointed out. “You don’t have the power to punish me - or anyone - anymore. There’s no forcing an easy fix to this, darling. It’ll be over once I’ve finished having my fun. If I finish having my fun…”

Upon hearing this, Zeus immediately turned to face Ganymede and fixed him with a determined glare. “You heard her. I don’t have the power anymore, so you must,” he hissed in an almost accusatory tone, “Switch us back right now!”

Ganymede wanted to point out that he had no idea how to access the godly powers that were apparently residing within his much larger body but there was a more pressing issue at hand that had stunned him into momentary silence. Ever since Hera had entered the room he had been absolutely awestruck by her beauty, even with the terrifying demeanor hanging in the air around her. If anything, that only served to make her appear even more regal and desirable. While Ganymede had always known his lover’s wife to be beautiful, it had never affected him to such a degree before. Seeing her through Zeus’ eyes exposed her true magnificence and before Ganymede even knew what was happening, his mammoth cock started to stiffen and the loincloth covering it gave way to his mighty pillar of arousal.

“I-- I don’t…” he started, only for the words to die out. He was completely transfixed by the goddess’ beauty, suddenly unable to see anything else in the room other than her. Ganymede knew that Zeus was still there - in his body, no less - but he wasn’t sure there was any power on either Earth or in the heavens that could pull his gaze away from Hera in that moment. Had her magic wormed its way into his mind too? It was a strong possibility but what Ganymede couldn’t understand was why. What did Hera gain from filling him with such intense and hyper-focused desire?

As Hera began to cross the room towards him, Ganymede’s heart thundered in his chest. He couldn’t help but admire the curves of her body and her gorgeous red lips, imagining how it would feel to have his hands on the former and his own lips against the latter. Somewhere in the distance he could hear the familiar tones of his own voice but Zeus may as well have been speaking in tongues for all Ganymede was able to discern. There was no room in his mind to comprehend anything beyond the divine vision of beauty in front of him. His desperate longing for her was quickly put to rest as Hera joined him on the bed and surged forward to kiss him with the fierce passion that only a godly being could manage. Ganymede wasn’t sure how long he remained there with his tongue sensually battling Hera’s and their hands all over each other. Absolutely everything in the room and the world had completely dropped away, vanishing into nothing, with the sole exception of the goddess of marriage and fertility. In that wonderful moment - whether it lasted seconds, minutes or even hours - she was the only thing that mattered to him. All thought of Zeus had completely fled his mind, perhaps never to return. He was so painfully hard under his loincloth and the credit could only be given to Hera; there was perhaps no other living being that had ever experienced such all-consuming arousal.

Eventually though they parted and Ganymede was once again able to admire the masterpiece of art that was her gorgeous face. While he was still wrapped up in her beauty, Hera leaned in close and began to whisper into his ear, blessing him with melodic tones that were every bit as beautiful as her physical appearance. “You are Zeus,” she informed him, “You have always been Zeus.” As he truly absorbed her words, the hulking man knew that they must be the truth. Hera wouldn’t lie to him, would she? He had the muscular body and the incredible power so it would only make sense if he was Zeus! In fact, he could no longer understand why he would have even doubted that simple fact in the first place.

“I am the love of your life,” Hera continued and the new Zeus was quick to agree with her latest observation. Of course she was the love of his life - she was his wife and thus the queen of the gods, after all! “You’ve grown tired of messing with others. It’s only me you desire from now on.” Everything that was being whispered into his ear rang true in Zeus’ mind. He really had begun to find his interest in seducing mortal men and women - as well as sleeping around with lesser deities on Mount Olympus - rather tiresome, whereas his lust for his wife had only grown. He recognised now that he should have been treating her with much more love and attention than he had been!

When Hera’s whispers continued, her gentle voice took on a more sinister tone: “Ganymede is nothing to you. You might not be able to revoke his immortality but you’ll discard him as your cup-bearer. Give him a lowly position like you know he deserves.” For the first time in a while Zeus finally took notice of the fact that he and his wife were not alone in the bedroom. As his eyes fell upon the diminutive sight of his personally appointed cup-bearer, the king of the gods was filled with revulsion. How could he have ever thought so much of Ganymede when he was so entirely unremarkable to the eye? Perhaps some petty god had put a spell on Zeus, hoping to make a fool of him by having him fawn over such an insignificant creature.

“Out of my sight, you!” Zeus barked at the smaller man, having absolutely no memory that just an hour earlier he had been the one actually occupying that body. “Be gone with you!” His thunderous voice made everything shake and yet Ganymede stayed put for several more seconds until lightning began to crackle in the sky above them. Only then did the former king of the gods turn on his heel and run. The new Zeus didn’t care where the other had gone, he was simply glad to have him out of his sight. How dare the fool attempt to interrupt a private moment between Zeus and his wife! 

As soon as his soon-to-be former cup-bearer was out of sight, Zeus turned back towards Hera and captured her lips in another passionate kiss. Within seconds things had progressed much further, with the husband and wife making love so loudly and dramatically that every single living being on Mount Olympus could hear them. Although the vast majority would roll their eyes or grimace in disgust, they also knew what it meant: things were going to be very different from then on...


Hera couldn’t possibly be any happier with herself. Absolutely everything had gone to plan, from the body swap between her husband and his lover to the much more complex hypnotic commands that the former Ganymede had been placed under. Both things had only been possible by the rest of the gods temporarily pouring their power into her (an extreme measure if there ever was one) and now that it had dispersed once more there was absolutely nobody who would be able to reverse her actions. Not even she could put the real Zeus back into his rightful body, even if she wanted to - although that seemed highly unlikely given just how much she was enjoying this new Zeus!

Seeing her former husband sulking around Mount Olympus always brought a particularly smug smile to Hera’s face, particularly as the new Ganymede had been assigned the role of cleaning up after the gods. The only exception to his new rule was that he was never to enter Zeus and Hera’s quarters, although Hera knew that from time to time he would sneak inside and watch them from a distance as she made love to her new husband. His torment made those passionate romps even more delightful which was saying something considering how incredible a lover the new Zeus was!

All in all, Hera knew that she had made the right choice by finally taking revenge on the man who had betrayed her so many times in the past. It was about time that the former Zeus faced the consequences of those countless betrayals and this fate was the perfect solution! As for the new Zeus, Hera knew she would never have to worry about him betraying or disappointing her, not with how carefully she had conditioned him to be everything she could ever possibly want. From now to eternity, Zeus would not only be the perfect husband and king of the gods but also her unwitting puppet, allowing her to control Mount Olympus without any of the other gods ever knowing…


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