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Hi folks, I hope you've all had a good start to 2023 - I'll be honest, the year is flying by to me and it's crazy to think we're almost six months down already!

Let's get straight to the important stuff: I'm ending my hiatus and coming back to posting regular content as of the start of July, just in time to celebrate my tenth year of posting transformation content to tumblr! I've been writing ahead during my hiatus to give myself a little bit of a buffer and I'm really excited for you all to see what I have in store.

That being said, I also want to draw to your attention that there's gonna be some changes to my output and the prices you guys pay. My objective in doing this is to ensure that I'm delivering the best quality stories I can to you guys (it's the old quality over quantity argument - I'm aiming for every story going forwardto be around three-thousand words as a minimum) while also keeping myself safe from potential burnout, which majorly affected me over the last few years. As such, here's what the tiers and rewards will be looking like from July onwards:

  • The Juice Tier [$3] - Access to the discord server.
  • The Kelce Tier [$5] - Two transformation stories and four photo captions a month, plus access to the discord server and voting in polls.
  • The Edelman Tier [$10] - All the benefits of the Kelce Tier, plus two extra transformation stories per month (a total of four)! You can also submit eight word ideas for future stories.
  • The Allen Tier [$15] - All the perks of the Edelman Tier, plus two extra transformation stories a month (a total of six)! You can also submit photos for photo captions.
  • The Watt Tier [$25, LIMITED] - All previous rewards, with one monthly request story up to 3k words.
  • The Bosa Tier [$40, LIMITED] - All previous rewards, with one monthly request up to 5k words.

As Patreon doesn't allow for creators to change pricing while patrons are currently at those tiers, I've de-listed the current tiers and introduced new versions of the Kelce, Edelman and Allen tiers at the new price point and I'm in the process of retroactively providing access to the correct content. You will be able to update your tier from June 28th. No new content will be posted to the previous $6/$12/$17 tiers.

I hope you all understand my decision to lower the amount of stories each month in favour of making sure they're each of higher quality and word count, as well as keeping myself sane while also letting me keeping the heating on as the UK's mortgage policies are set to take a sharp rise in the back half of the year. I'm really excited for you to see some of the stuff I've been cooking up these past few months!



Cant wait for your stories!