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Hi folks, I hope everybody's had a good holiday season and are looking forward to starting 2023 in style. I just wanted to take a moment to make you all aware of a fairly significant development, that being that I will be going on extended hiatus in the new year, both on Patreon and Tumblr

I've been writing transformation fiction pretty consistently for nine and a half years now and prior to 2020 I had rarely taken any time off. Over the last two years I've had to pause payments on my Patreon a few times to get caught up and it's fair to say that I've struggled with the workload I made for myself. In doing so, what started as a fun hobby ended up becoming a bit of a chore and I'm not really that proud of my 2022 output. 

As such, I've decided it's time for me to step away from TF writing for an extended period - this won't be just a single month off to get caught up, it'll several months at least, if not longer. I currently have no fixed timeline on a return but rest assured, I am not done writing TF. I just need time to not only enjoy what remains of my twenties (next April will be my 29th) and also work on some personal writing projects outside of the transformation genre. This being said, I still have six stories left to write and publish before I'm caught up to the end of December 2022, so these will be coming throughout January before my break officially begins.

What this means for you is that payments for existing patrons will be paused for the forseeable future. This way you'll at least be able to continue accessing the back-catalogue of stories which you wouldn't have been able to do if I unpublished the page. This also means that new patrons will not be able to sign up until I return from my hiatus. If you've seen one of the Patreon story synopses on Tumblr and really want to read it, feel free to message me and I might be able to set up a system where you can donate £2 on my ko-fi page to receive a Patreon story of your choosing.

I'm really sorry to any of you who might be disappointed with this news but I hope you understand that I've made this choice for the sake of my mental health. It's my hope that when I return to TF writing - and again, that is my intention - my writing will be better than ever. Thank you all very much for your understanding and another thank you to those of you who have chosen to support me financially over the years! You've genuinely had a very profound impact on my life and I appreciate you all.



I hope to speak for most of the community when I say that we wholeheartedly support you in this new endeavor and wish you the best of luck. Of course, we're also quite excited for your eventual return and thus will patiently wait until that day comes, but you more than deserve this break after providing such incredible content for so many years!