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Fair warning, this is much smuttier than my usual content! Make sure you read part one first to get a recap of the actual body swap - everything in this part and future entries is all set after the two main characters have switched.

“What the fuck is up with you today?” Matthew asked, staring incredulously across the private office at Curtis. Well, who he thought was Curtis. Paul had been in the younger man’s body for just over two hours and he was already to put his improper desires into action. Davis, their team manager, had tasked ‘Curtis’ and Matthew with preparing a report on some software they had been testing, even putting them together in a side office away from the rest of the workforce to minimize distractions. Michael stood next to a whiteboard that he had been scribbling on for the previous ten minutes while Paul was lounging back in a chair with his feet up on the table.

The odd friendship between the loud and sometimes awkward Brit and the sour-faced Matthew, a Boston native who was an amateur boxer outside of office hours, was one of the office’s most infamous relationships. Despite coming from two completely different worlds, the two men had formed a close bond with each other, although casual onlookers would be forgiven for presuming that they were enemies given how often they tormented each other during the work day. A few of Paul’s coworkers even opined that Curtis and Matthew were flirting with each other and that had given the older man the idea of starting his conquests with Curtis’ own best friend.

“What do you mean?” he asked, raising a curious eyebrow as he undid another button on his shirt, revealing some more of Curtis’ surprisingly hairy chest.

“I mean that,” Matthew pointed out, placing his hands on his hips as he looked his friend up and down. “It’s not even hot in here and you’re acting like we’re in the middle of a heat wave! You’ve been totally distracted too, man. We’ve got to give a presentation on this report in like twenty minutes! Davis will be pissed if we’ve got nothing to share.”

The reference to their boss getting heated excited Paul rather than scared him; he’d always thought the other man was a mature beefcake. That could wait though, he had to focus on Matthew first now that he had the other boy in precisely the place he wanted him to be - momentarily alone and with no other distractions. “Oh lighten up, darling, I’m just having a bit of fun,” he replied, shrugging dismissively and doing his best to emulate Curtis’s lexicon. It was almost alarming just how easily it came to him, as if a small part of the Brit’s brain had stayed behind in the body to influence its new wearer.

Matthew continued to glance at him curiously as if trying to look straight through his eyes and into his brain but Paul wasn’t worried. He winked and blew a kiss towards the other boy, laughing giddily as Matthew paled slightly. “What the fuck was that for?” he asked, voice raised in alarm.

“You’re the one that was staring,” Paul pointed out, “I figured you liked what you saw.” To emphasize his point he jumped up from the chair he had been lounging in and shook his ass in Matthew’s direction. Much to his delight the other’s eyes went wide and his jaw dropped slightly.

“Seriously, there’s something weird about you today,” he murmured, still not looking away. Paul took that as encouragement because if Matthew really had a problem with it, he likely would have offered a more heated response. The other’s temper was well known among the office staff and even Paul had experienced the younger man’s wrath once before, something that he wasn’t keen to repeat. From what he saw at that moment, Matthew wasn’t anywhere near boiling point. Instead he was offering up quite the delightful sight: the white shirt clung tight to his upper body and Paul could see Matthew’s recent sessions in the gym were really starting to pay off because his arms looked great with the sleeves stretched tightly over them!

“Come on Matty, I’m just having a bit of fun,” Paul teased, taking a few steps closer and licking his lips for dramatic effect.

Matthew remained rooted to the spot, his face frozen in a look of sheer bewilderment. “Matty?” the other boy repeated after a few moments of struggling to find his voice. “Seriously Curtis, this is…” He broke off to swallow, eyes still locked with Paul’s.

“Hot?” Paul finished for him, reaching out and pressing his hand against Matthew’s firm chest. Yeah, those workouts were definitely doing their job. The solid muscle under Paul’s hand was much appreciated and he couldn’t help himself from running his hand along the curve of Matthew’s right pectoral, pausing only to tease the other’s nipple between his index finger and thumb for a moment.

Curtis,” Matthew croaked, his voice low and husky and sending ripples of delight throughout Paul’s body. There was something so arousing about the fact that Matthew believed it was Curtis acting like this, not somebody else using his body for their impure desires. His cock was quick to react to the sound of the other’s voice and the front of his pants began feeling a little tighter. Paul hadn’t actually seen what equipment Curtis was working with but a little bit of walking around and feeling it swinging loose in his boxers suggested that he was a bit bigger than anybody gave him credit for. Certainly no smaller than six inches flaccid so all that remained to be seen was whether he was a grower on top of that. “This is… weird,” the other protested, although notably weakly.

“What’s wrong with weird?” Paul asked, a playful smirk crossing his lips as he moved his other hand up to grope at Matthew’s left bicep. He preferred keeping both of his hands busy, especially when there was so much of Matthew’s body to explore. Now he just needed to get Matthew to help him explore Curtis’s body a little more too. “We’ve always been a little weird.”

Matthew remained totally silent, his mouth slightly ajar as his brain no doubt tried to establish some order in the chaos that was unfolding in the private room. Paul was more than happy to take advantage of the other’s silence and stillness though, quickly surging forward to press their lips together. As expected, there was no immediate response from the other and he was able to enjoy the taste of Matthew’s lips against his own. That lasted for just a few seconds before firm hands were placed against his chest and pushing him roughly back.

“Seriously Curtis, what the fuck?!” Matthew cried out, apparently back in full control of himself. “I’m married and you-- you’re with Jenny and what the fuck?” Clearly the confusion was getting the better of him but that was alright. Paul was persuasive enough to find ways around that.

“Go on, tell me you’ve never thought about it,” he prompted in a low voice, taking another step back forward. “Tell me you’ve never considered bending me over and fucking my tight ass.” It was crude (although that in itself wasn’t out of character for Curtis) but it got a reaction because Matthew’s angry expression faltered for a moment and his cheeks flushed pink as if his darkest secret had just been exposed. That was all the proof Paul needed. “You want it, don’t you? I bet you dream about scissoring me open and--”

Paul didn’t even get to finish his sentence. Matthew grabbed him by the neck and forced him against the wall, keeping him pinned there for a moment before crushing their lips together. It was hungry and needy and Paul was more than happy to give in, becoming submissive in the presence of the other man’s dominance. Matthew kissed precisely how he expected him to, taking control and making his presence known by using his teeth to bite down on Paul’s lower lips, provoking a whine out of him.

“Fuck, Curtis,” Matthew gasped between kisses, his spare hand reaching down to palm Paul’s crotch. All that talk of Matthew bending him over and fucking him senseless had gotten him even more excited and his pants were so tight that his cock ached for freedom. Having the other’s hand massaging his bulge definitely wasn’t helping the matter either. He needed to be free of those constraints as soon as possible!

Matthew,” Paul moaned desperately. He closed his eyes tightly, relishing in the sensation of Matthew’s strong grip pinning him against the wall. He’d always known the other would be a dominant fuck and now he was finally going to get his proof.

The noise of people outside was a stark reminder that anybody could walk in at any moment but neither of them seemed thrilled by the idea of separating to lock the door. In fact the thought of somebody walking in on them like this actually sounded pretty hot to Paul but he knew ways that could make it even hotter and all of them involved less clothes than they were both wearing at that very moment.

It came as no surprise when Matthew’s hands shifted, grabbing Paul by the shoulders and spinning him around without any hesitation. Paul didn’t even try to resist, he just let out a small grunt as he was forced back against the wall, this time with his ass facing the other boy. Within seconds Matthew was grinding his bulge against him and Paul whimpered, the sensation of the other’s hardness pressing against the space between his cheeks too teasing for him to handle. He needed more.

“Fuck, Matthew, please,” Paul whined, pushing his ass back further to create some friction. Matthew’s breath was hot against the back of his neck and feeling the hand run through his hair made Paul shiver in anticipation. The other’s grip tightened, tilting his head back slightly while Matthew’s hips rocked forward once more, the length of his hard shaft continuing to tease him. “Please, I need it,” the older man begged, getting off on the sound of his own borrowed voice requesting so desperately for release.

With his free hand, Matthew grabbed the waistband of the hotpants and began forcing them down, up and over the curve of Paul’s ass. The promise of more had Paul’s body vibrating in need but no immediate pleasure came. Instead he felt Matthew’s clothed bulge pressing against his bare cheeks again and the other boy’s lips moved closer to his ear, practically kissing it as he hissed “You want my cock, Curtis?”

Yes,” Paul groaned without a moment of hesitation. This was precisely the kind of exploration he’d been looking forward to having in Curtis’ body and he wasn’t going to be satisfied until he felt Matthew deep inside of him, making his body sing in delight.

“Anybody could walk in right now,” the other pointed out, using his free hand to start unbuckling his jeans. Even just the rattle of the metallic buckle as it swung free was enough to make Paul’s heart beat a little faster. “I bet you like that though, don’t you? You want somebody to see you like this?”

It was like Matthew was staring straight into Paul’s mind because he wholeheartedly agreed. Some people might have been horrified by the thought of somebody stumbling in and seeing them like this but it sounded so erotic to Paul that he almost craved it. “Yes,” he repeated, barely able to form words at all. His body hummed with an intense desire and a need to be filled that was driving him crazy the longer Matthew teased him.

While Paul had never been fucked by another man before, nor ever had anything fucking him from behind, he had heard horror stories about being fucked dry and as such felt a little relief flood through him as Matthew produced a small bottle of lube from his back pocket. “Knew I was keeping this for a reason,” he murmured, filling Paul’s mind with possibilities. Just how long had Matthew been hoping something like this would unfold between him and Curtis?

The moment Paul felt Matthew’s shaft push between his cheeks and line up with his hole he all but fell apart, whimpering in pure unfiltered need. “Please, please, please,” he repeated like a mantra, voice shaking weakly as Matthew laughed at him. The chuckle was deep and perhaps even mocking but it didn’t offend Paul. In fact it had quite the opposite effect and he was willing to bet that Matthew knew that too.

Paul was pretty sure he saw stars when the other finally began pushing inside of him, stretching his hole around his thick shaft as he pushed in carefully and slowly. Matthew’s voice was low and animalistic as he growled, one hand holding tightly onto Paul’s hair while the other gripped him at his hips to keep him steady. Pain and pleasure harmonized throughout Paul’s body, forming a cocktail of emotions that had him moaning desperately.

Once Matthew was buried several inches inside of him he paused, allowing Paul to adjust to the sensation. “You ready for it all?” the other grunted, provoking a noise of delight from Paul. “That’s a yes then.” True to his word, Matthew pushed in further and Paul had to bite down on his bottom lip to stop himself from screaming out in delight. While he wasn’t opposed to somebody walking in on them, he didn’t intend to be the cause. The uncertainty of their situation being compromised was hot enough for him.

Paul had dreamed about how this would feel - not with Matthew necessarily but being fucked by another man. Being submissive to another man and willingly so. The truth of the matter was that his imagination could never match up to the real feeling as Matthew began to pull out before pushing right back in, harder and faster each time. Every time his shaft lightly pressed against a spot several inches inside Paul had to hold himself back from screaming out in pleasure because he could swear that he was seeing stars.

“M-- Matthew,” he gasped, palms pressed against the white walls as he thrust his ass out further. The aching had subsided, replaced by an all-encompassing pleasure that left him hungry for more. Always more.

“Fuck, Curtis, I never knew--” Matthew’s words were punctuated by heavy breaths as he built up a steady rhythm, pushing deep inside of Paul and then pulling out slower. His hand continued to tug on Paul’s hair, pulling guttural sounds from his throat that he just couldn’t help. “Never knew you were such a slut.” Even without being touched his cock twitched, already leaking pre-cum against the front of the hotpants as his body squirmed with unrestrained delight. He was more than happy to accept that he was a slut because hadn’t that been his intention in the first place when he’d manipulated Curtis into switching bodies with him?

“Yours,” he croaked, “Your slut.”

Matthew’s laugh was little more than a bark. “Yeah that’s right. Mine. You love this, don’t you?” Paul wasn’t sure he even needed to vocalize a reply because his body was saying enough for him, reacting to every frantic thrust inside him as if they only had minutes left to live. He could feel Matthew throbbing inside of him and he could only moan, unsure if the wetness around his eyes was sweat or tears of joy. Either was an acceptable option at this rate. “Fuck, Curtis, I’m gonna-- I’m gonna cum,” the other boy grunted, his thrusts becoming much more unpredictable and wild.

“Do it,” Paul whispered, unable to raise his voice any higher, “Cum in me, please. I wanna feel it Matthew!”

“Say my name again.” It wasn’t a question, it was an order and Paul was all too happy to follow orders.

Matthew!” That was all it took. A new kind of warmth began spreading inside Paul’s body and he let a loud cry escape his lips as he hit his own climax. His body felt like it was on fire, dancing in the flames and loving every moment of it.

They remained like that for several moments, Matthew still buried deep inside of him before he finally began to pull out and step back. Paul’s legs felt weak, barely able to hold him up and the fire inside of him was gradually replaced by the throbbing of exhausted muscles and an acute awareness of how wet the front of his pants were. He turned and all but fell against the wall behind him, ass cheeks still exposed and Matthew’s release dripping out of him. “Fuck,” he groaned, slowly sinking to the floor. His ass stung but he didn’t regret a single moment of it because even with his body’s desperate craving for some rest he was still satisfied and proud of himself.

“We just did,” Matthew pointed out, laughing crudely as he started to clean himself up with a wad of tissues he pulled out of a box that he then threw down to Paul. “You should clean yourself up,” he added, ignoring the way Paul rolled his eyes at the lame attempt at a joke. “We’re supposed to be meeting Davis…” He checked his watch and laughed again. “Five minutes ago. It’s a miracle nobody walked in on us, huh?”

Paul wasn’t sure miracle was the word he’d use. Shame more like.

At least there was always next time. Oh yes, there was definitely going to be a next time, he was sure of that. For a first go at using Curtis’ body though he certainly didn’t have any complaints and he was pretty sure Matthew didn’t either. In fact he was pretty sure he’d just fulfilled a hidden desire that Matthew had never let anybody discover before. Paul couldn’t help but wonder exactly who else in their office was looking for a piece of this British ass and just how long it would take him to have them all bury their loads inside of him...


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