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Ensure you read Part One of this two-part story first! For the reference of the guy that Nate becomes, here's his Insta profile!

The longer that Nate stared into the mirror with amazement, the more he began to notice that the flattening to his stomach wasn’t the only change. In fact there were a number of supposedly impossible things happening right before his very eyes!

Nate’s attention was drawn particularly towards his arms, the same ones that had looked so ridiculous without any definition to be seen. That couldn’t exactly be said anymore, as with every second that passed, the muscles of Nate’s arms expanded until the sleeves were now stretched tight around a pair of eighteen inch biceps! While the biceps definitely received top billing in this show-stopping spectacle, Nate’s triceps and forearms weren’t to be ignored either, as those regions developed rapidly to become just as firm and prominent as his new bulging biceps.

Pulling his cell phone out of the pocket of the clothes he’d abandoned on the floor, Nate quickly opened up the camera app and pressed down on the button to start recording. Nobody would ever believe what was happening to him if he didn’t have video evidence of it! Once he was recording though, Nate was overcome with the desire to see how his new muscles looked in motion and quickly brought his arm up ninety degrees, tensing as he did so. Not only did his biceps bulge like dough rising in an oven but the already prominent vein along the muscle stood out even further, showing just how little body fat he was now storing! Never in his life had Nate imagined that he could be so vascular, nor was it something he’d ever even cared to entertain until that very moment. Now that he had miraculously come into possession of a pair of cannon-like arms though, Nate was immediately obsessed. He was already imagining just how strong he might be if he got the opportunity to put these new arms to use!

To the young man’s delight, the muscle growth was quickly spreading to other parts of Nate’s body, bringing him back into proportion with the flat stomach and large arms. Although he’d always had decently toned legs thanks to his years of playing soccer in his early teens, the massive development of his quads and calves took things to a whole new level. He hastily loosened the belt in order to alleviate the pinching around his waist and as he did so, he took notice of how much fuller each pant leg was thanks to the expanded muscles underneath. Each of his thighs was as large as a watermelon and he could already imagine himself crushing one of the fruits between his mighty quadriceps. Nate had seen videos of hunks doing such a thing while thirst-scrolling through his For You page on TikTok and the thought that he might now be capable of doing such a thing brought forth another short round of impulsive laughter.

At the bottom of his newly enhanced legs, Nate’s feet also began to expand, making them a much better fit for the boots that had originally been an incredibly poor fit. His feet widened and elongated several inches, with the individual digits becoming slightly thicker to better match the new size. A similar fate befell Nate’s hands, with him rapidly developing thicker fingers and a wider span, as well as the sudden appearance of multiple well-worn calluses upon his palms. These were the hands of somebody who had clearly spent a lot of time gripping barbells and regularly performed tasks that required great strength, not the dainty equivalents that Nate had possessed prior to the beginning of his still unexplained transformation.

While the massive development of his quads and calves was definitely notable, they weren’t even the most dramatic changes to Nate’s lower half. No, that honor was jointly given to the developments in both the crotch region and in his glutes. While Nate had never exactly had a flat ass, it also hadn’t ever been all that prominent - that would be rapidly changing in the following few moments though! His ass cheeks inflated like balloons being pumped full of helium, forming two perfect round globes, with the hard muscle of the glutes being surrounded by plump perky fat. Every single step Nate took from that moment on would cause his prominent backside to shake slightly and evoking jealousy from girls who could only dream of having an ass as shapely as his!

As soon as Nate’s backside had reached its new proportions, the lump in the front of his pants started to grow. Underneath the surface of those camo pants his modest five and a half inch cock was beginning to expand, although this was quite unlike any simple arousal that the twenty-five year old had experienced before. His manhood wasn’t just getting stiff, it was growing! An extra two inches were added onto his shaft, bringing him up to an above average seven and a half inches, with significant girth added to make it quite the imposing sight. Below his enhanced shaft, Nate’s testicles swelled from grapes to golf balls, with more virile seed packed in them than ever before. The engorgement of his manhood created an eye-catching bulge in the front of Nate’s pants, so much so that he put the cell phone down onto a nearby surface simply so he could use both hands - one to pull open his waistband and then the other to reach in and wrap a hand around the larger cock he was suddenly sporting!

Considering he was typically quite a shy and reserved person who didn’t really consider himself to be all that sexual, Nate previously never would have even considered jerking off inside a store’s changing room. Current circumstances had thrown the rulebook out of the proverbial window though and Nate simply couldn’t help but give his thicker cock a few experimental strokes. It didn’t matter that Luke was only a few feet away on the other side of the door, Nate simply had to try out his amplified manhood, even if it meant running the risk of getting caught being indecent! Sure enough, those few short strokes were enough to send dopamine rippling throughout his body after lighting up his brain’s pleasure center. He’d never known himself to become aroused so quickly! Then again, he’d also never known that it was possible for the human body to transform as rapidly as his currently was, so apparently his day would be packed full of impressive feats…

There was every chance that Nate might have lost himself to indulging in his newfound pleasures if he hadn’t caught sight of another change in his reflection. This time the change was localized around his torso, with the shirt showing signs of a pec shelf that was rapidly gaining prominence. Previously Nate’s chest had been soft and doughy, with his ill-fitting tees sometimes making it look like he had a pair of man tits but like with the other parts of his body that Nate had gripes with, it seemed like that would be a thing of the past. No, his chest would instead feature two slabs of muscular beef that jutted out in remarkable fashion. Pulling his hand out of his pants and letting the waistband snap shut, Nate instead brought them to his new pecs and experimentally squeezed the muscles, relishing in how firm they felt even under his stronger grasp!

After a few seconds of feeling up his new pecs, Nate brought his hands down to his stomach and was greeted by yet another pleasant surprise. The region that had once made him so self conscious thanks to its soft nature was now populated by a full set of hard abdominal muscles! He was able to feel the definition of these new muscles through two layers of fabric and was already beginning to imagine what they would look like once he’d had the opportunity to strip down and inspect the changes to his upper half fully without the costume getting in the way.

Before Nate could put this thought into action though, the mirror once again demanded his attention. Throughout the transformation up to that point there was only one part of him that had remained unchanged: his head. It had been a little bizarre to see his round face and mop of shaggy brown hair on top of a body that was so far removed from his own; there was an obvious disconnect between the boyish nature of his face and the undeniable manliness of the rest of his body. That wouldn’t be an issue for much longer though as his head had started to show the first signs of change with the slimming down of his previously full cheeks. This was followed with both his cheekbones and jawline becoming more prominent, granting his face a more angular appearance. The next of Nate’s features to change was his nose, with the nostrils thinning slightly while the slightly crooked slope smoothed out to create another classically handsome element on the man’s rapidly changing visage.

As the seconds continued to tick by, more and more of Nate’s features were replaced by those of an unfamiliar man - his brow became heavier, the tired bags under his eyes disappeared, even the faint scars of his teenage acne faded away to be replaced by perfectly smooth, healthy skin. Not even his eyes were spared from the changes, with the bright blue pupils darkening until they were a deep chocolate brown. His thin lips plumped up and his chin jutted out a little further, while his dark hair began to lighten slightly until it was a dirty blond shade. The long hair began to retreat back into his scalp, particularly on the sides and back, resulting in Nate ending up with a skin fade and his newly blond hair swept over to the right and slicked down with gel.

With the changes to his face now seemingly complete, Nate leaned in close to the mirror and ran his hand along the sharper jawline. There was absolutely nothing of his former appearance left to be seen yet he didn’t actually feel all that sad about it. Although he wasn’t going to be too hard on himself, Nate was well aware of the fact that the man in the mirror would be found much more desirable by a large number of people than his previous reflection ever was. He’d had something of a boyish charm to his looks before but now he was all man! The realization brought a cocky smirk onto his changed face and further down his body, Nate’s new manhood throbbed in delight, all but demanding his attention once more.

“I’m a fucking stud,” the man muttered, acknowledging and appreciating the deeper sound of his voice in the process. He pulled a few faces in the mirror, experimenting with how they looked on his new features, before his attention was drawn back down to his cell phone. A brief moment of frustration occurred when he realized that at some point it had stopped recording and an inspection of the most recently filmed clip only showed him flexing his arms, not any of the actual transformation. Well, there goes my chance of getting anybody to believe me, he thought to himself, although he strangely wasn’t actually too upset about it, the more the considered things. The only person he probably would have tried to explain it to was his boyfriend and Nate was certain that he could make the other man believe him by sharing some memories that only the two of them would know… as long as his mind continued to remain unchanged by his transformation, of course.

Making sure to press the record button once he had returned the cell phone to the surface he’d been resting it on, Nate took a few steps back to ensure as much of his body was in frame as possible. Once he was in a good position, he brought his thicker fingers to the buttons of his camo jacket and hastily began to undo them until he was able to pull the garment right off. The next to be discarded was the green undershirt, finally allowing Nate to get a look at his muscular bare chest. The sight was nothing short of jaw-dropping and his attention immediately fixated on the beefy pecs that dominated his chest. What a beautiful pair of meaty pillows they were!

Reaching back into the bag of accessories that had come with the costume, Nate pulled out the sunglasses - a sleek design that would have looked obnoxious on his original body but that he was confident would suit his new image - and slipped them onto his face. To his surprise there was another item in the bag: a wallet. Upon opening it up, Nate was quick to notice the driver’s license tucked into one of the pockets and fished it out in order to get a better look. Sure enough, that was his new face featured in the image, but the name and details weren’t Nate’s own. The identification card instead listed him as “Tyler Valenzia”, with his home address listed as San Diego (putting him on the other side of the country) and his year of birth being 1998, a year later than Nate’s own. Guess I’m twenty-four again, the birthday boy thought, briefly chuckling to himself.

As Nate absorbed these new details about his current form, he was unaware of the changes to his surroundings. What had once been the changing room of a costume store had subtly shifted into a bathroom, with the logo of the U.S. Marines emblazoned upon the wall behind him. Even when he placed the license back into the wallet and then dropped it onto the bathroom sink, forcing him to take notice of his altered surroundings, Nate didn’t really seem that bothered by what was going on. No, his hunky new body was demanding his attention, particularly the thick cock that had continued to twitch excitedly in the front of his pants. Reaching down under the waistband once more, Nate wrapped his hand around the meaty length and returned to stroking the shaft from the base to the tip and back again.

Now fully committed to enjoying his new manhood, Nate allowed his mind to wander. The transformation itself had been a surprisingly arousing experience and he probably could have brought himself to completion just by replaying the events in his mind, but the concept of now being the dominant one in the bedroom and nudging his boyfriend into the more submissive role was a concept that was definitely getting him going. That didn’t last for long though, as barely a few seconds after he had focused his attention on thoughts of his boyfriend down on his knees in front of his new hunky body, the man had been replaced by a stereotypical blonde bimbo with big tits and an even fatter ass. Such a sudden replacement should had been startling, especially for someone who had always been confident in their identity as a gay man, but Nate didn’t so much as slow his pace. He now found himself picturing blowing his load all over that bimbo’s face while she played with herself and moaned out his name: “Tyler, Tyler, Tyler!”

This isn’t right, a rogue voice in Nate’s head exclaimed - his true voice, soft-spoken and a little effeminate compared to the gravelly bass he had been speaking in since his transformation. I’m gay, aren’t I? I have a boyfriend! As he forced the image of his boyfriend back into the forefront of his mind though, Nate was stunned to discover a feeling of protest suddenly pushing back. The mere thought of it being a man down on his knees before him, waiting to receive his studly load, felt foreign and erroneous. Such a discovery sent a chill down Nate’s spine; while he had been more than happy to receive a hunky body as part of his transformation, the concept of it coming at the cost of his sexuality produced mixed feelings. On the one hand, Nate was reluctant to give up something that had been such a major part of his life, but on the other, he was already starting to exhibit the mindset of a conservative straight man. From this perspective, the thought of attempting to reclaim his homosexuality felt like a twisted joke. Why would he ever want to give up tits and pussy?

No, I’m not a homo, Tyler’s voice arrogantly cut through Nate’s mind, consuming all of his thoughts in the process. He was redirected to his prior vision of a blonde bimbo in a cheerleader’s costume down on her knees and with this sight once again occupying the majority of his mind, the brief softening of Nate’s cock subsided and he once again found himself rock hard and dripping pre-cum. Just as Nate was beginning to near completion though, a thunderous knocking on the door snapped him out of the delightful fantasy. “Yo, Tyler!” a deep voice called from the other side, “What are you doing in there, bro? We’re supposed to be working out!”

A thousand conflicting thoughts and emotions rushed through Nate’s head at once: panic, confusion, excitement. Amidst all this chaos erupting in his mind, he discovered that he was actually able to attach a name to the voice he had heard. Sergeant Troy Roberts was one of Tyler’s closest friends on the base that they were both currently stationed at. Despite knowing deep down that he had never actually met the other man before, Nate could picture Troy perfectly - six-foot-one, two hundred pounds, a buzzed head and crooked smile. He could put beers away more efficiently than anyone Tyler had ever met in his life! It didn’t even occur to Nate that he had started to refer to himself by his newly assumed identity.

“Come on, man! Quit jerkin’ it or whatever the fuck you’re doing in there!” Troy’s voice called through the door, followed by a few more impatient bangs against the wood. Grimacing, Tyler pulled his hand off of his cock and snapped the waistband of his pants shut. There was nothing that turned him off more than being interrupted by another guy!

“Stop thinking about it, princess,” he replied mockingly as he reached down to collect his discarded undershirt and jacket, quickly donning both items once more. “Anyone might think you’re a fairy!” It was a shame to hide his muscular body but emerging from the bathroom without a shirt on would all but confirm Troy’s suspicions and Tyler didn’t want to give his friend the satisfaction.

After checking that his reflection was on point, the marine collected his cell phone from the counter and finally opened the door. Sure enough, the costume store that Nate had entered some thirty minutes earlier was completely gone, replaced by a sparsely decorated army barracks. It was Troy waiting on the other side of the door, not Luke, and his features were much more rugged and unrefined than the pretty boy looks of the store assistant that Tyler was already rapidly beginning to forget.

“Sup, big guy? You sure you don’t wanna finish beating your meat in there?” Troy asked, wearing the grin that Tyler could remember seeing so many times before. Rather than replying, he simply shoved the other man back and began marching towards the yard where they would find the base’s workout equipment. Such a violent reaction would have been wildly out of character for Nate but he wasn’t Nate. He was Tyler Valenzia, a U.S. marine who was proud to serve his country - the greatest country in the whole damn world!

Tyler was so wrapped up in his head that he barely noticed the other men greeting him as he passed them in the corridors. He was working completely on autopilot up until the pair of them left the building and entered the yard, which was currently occupied by a few of the base’s new recruits. “We’re training chest and triceps,” Tyler informed Troy, leaving no room for argument. That was how their friendship worked - Tyler made the choices and Troy followed along dutifully, playfully protesting but ultimately always doing as he was told. He made for one hell of a wingman too, as standing next to his pie-faced friend made Tyler look even hunkier than he already was!

Although both of the benches were currently in use, the cocky marine wasn’t deterred. Marching right up to the closest one, he kicked at the boot of the skinny recruit who had just re-racked the empty bar. “You’re done here, shrimp,” Tyler informed the smaller man. The poor schmuck looked absolutely terrified and quickly scrambled up off of the bench. Before he could scamper away though, Tyler slammed a hand down on the guy’s shoulder. “Hey, I wasn’t finished. You’re gonna record this set for me.” Thrusting his cell phone into the new recruit’s hands, Tyler turned towards Troy and ordered him to load up the bar with his usual starting weight. While his friend / lackey did that, Tyler stripped out of his jacket and rolled the sleeves of his undershirt up, allowing for his massive deltoids to get some sun. The recruit had begun filming by that point so the cocky military stud fixed his gaze on the camera and tensed his muscles, already imagining all of the comments he’d get from his thirsty social media followers once he posted it onto his pages. It was just such a shame that so many of them were gay dudes - Tyler really only cared for the hot babes who all but begged him to start up an OnlyFans page. He’d resisted the urge so far but he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t in serious contention for when his service finally finished up. He was pretty sure he could make triple figures each and every month given what a jaw-dropping body and handsome face he had, plus everybody loved a veteran! They’d be doing a national duty by lining his pockets!

After bouncing his pecs for the benefit of the camera, Tyler got down on the bench and easily bust out a full twenty reps at the weight that Troy had put on the bar for him. “That was fucking nothing!” he growled in his friend’s direction, “Put some real man plates on there! No more of this pussy warm-up shit.” His demands was met by a dumb guffaw from Troy and nervous laughter from the recruit acting as his cameraman, but his friend immediately complied, just like he always did.

For the next forty minutes, Tyler absolutely dominated the various pieces of equipment scattered around the yard and it resulted in a pretty sweet chest pump, as well as him sweating through his undershirt. Just as he was in the process of finishing up though, the remainder of his platoon arrived in the yard, one of whom was holding up a cupcake with a single birthday candle planted in it. He had to monitor his carbs, after all.

As cheers of “happy birthday Tyler!” echoed around the yard, the new twenty-four year old relished in the attention he was receiving. He couldn’t think of a better way to spend his birthday than proving what a dominant stud he was and acting as an inspiration for all of the rookies. The only thing his birthday was missing was a hot babe in his bed but that could easily be fixed with a night out in the nearby town. That was still a few hours away though - first, Tyler Valenzia was going to prove that he was the best damn marine on the whole base!


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