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While I was writing "Getting the Guy" earlier this week, I found myself thinking that it might be fun to try my hand at a female-to-male variant and I decided to give it a go! This "remix" features an extra one-thousand words and featured a different journey towards the same end result. If you enjoy this and you're interested in me "remixing" other stories I've released, please do let me know which stories you think would be good for it!

Penny was deeply unhappy with her life and she knew the root cause of all of her problems - she was a twenty year old college student who had never been kissed, let alone had a boyfriend! She was a hopeless romantic who was just as hopeless when it came to dating; whenever she even attempted to approach a guy she was crushing on, Penny consistently found herself unable to form words and blushing so deeply her face may as well have become a tomato. As a child she’d dreamed of being a Disney princess and having a fairytale wedding, but now as a college sophomore, her expectations had been so dramatically lowered that she would even settle for a date at a dive bar if it meant she might get kissed by the end of the night.

It wasn’t as if Penny was ugly either, although to call her attractive may have also been something of a stretch. She was decisively plain, the type of girl who would never stand out in a crowd, nor apparently grab the attention of any guy. Looking into the mirror was a challenging experience for Penny at times, as she couldn’t help but pick out flaws in her appearance whenever she was confronted by her reflection: her face was too round, her eyes too narrow, her lips too thin. Back in high school, the popular girls had referred to her as “Plain Penny” and the nickname had caught on so much that Penny had even overheard one of the teachers refer to her by it! Her bullies had even made up a rumor that she was a lesbian, further destroying any chance she had of procuring a boyfriend - by the time her class graduated, she was only really known for being “the lesbian chick who wears overalls”.

Penny had desperately hoped that college would be a fresh start for her. Those hopes had quickly proven to be in vain. While she was no longer targeted by bullies, Penny was still as invisible to guys as ever. She’d had plenty of cute classmates but absolutely no luck talking to them, not even when she’d had to work on a paired project with one of the third-stringers on the football team who (while cute in her eyes) was apparently the runt of the campus jocks. He’d been fairly nice although a little dumb, but Penny barely managed to say a handful of sentences to him before declaring that she would do the entirety of the project herself and just let him take credit. Not even that generous decision had won her enough credit for anything more than a smile and nod!

Eventually Penny decided to try her luck at dating apps and created a Tinder profile, though she wasn’t holding out much hope that it would lead to anything. Given her low self esteem, it had taken her quite a long time to pick out a selection of pictures and write a short bio that made her out to be even remotely interesting. After deciding that there was nothing more she could possibly do, she completed the profile and began to swipe through the various guys that the app offered her. Most of them she swiped right on, even though she knew that a good number of them were definitely out her league, and the only ones she refused were considerably older. Having to wait for a match was nothing short of torturous and as the hours turned into days, Penny feared that her latest attempt to put herself out there and catch the attention of a guy would leave her more emotionally devastated and humiliated than ever before. 

After two days though, Penny finally received a notification declaring that she’d matched with someone who had liked her profile in return. With shaking hands, the college student unlocked her phone, navigated to the app and inspected her first ‘match’, a guy named Matt. The profile picture displayed an undeniably handsome man with light facial hair and broad shoulders who appeared to be in his mid to late twenties, something that appealed to Penny. An older guy, likely with a lot of experience? Now that was something she could definitely get on board with!

It turned out that Matt wasn’t just good looking either - he was a total gentleman and was incredibly charming in conversation! Penny actually found it much easier to converse with a guy when it was through digital means; she didn’t have to worry about how flushed her cheeks were. Their early conversations were mostly tame, with only the briefest hint of flirting, but that was enough for Penny to begin dreaming of her future life with this perfect hunk of a man. When she closed her eyes, she couldn’t help but fantasize about Matt wrapping his strong arms around her, kissing her neck and whispering sweet nothings into her ear. They hadn’t even met in person yet (or as much as facetimed) but Penny could already tell that he was her soulmate - she’d found him with her very first match!

Unfortunately Penny was so captivated by the possibility that such a gorgeous guy might be interested in her that she didn’t even stop to consider that it might be too good to be true. That would ultimately turn out to be the case, as Penny’s conversation partner finally let slip after a month of talking that the pictures weren’t actually of him but were actually of an NFL player by the name of Sam Hubbard. Feeling thoroughly humiliated and desperately heartbroken, the distraught college student blocked the profile and vowed to move on from the weeks she’d wasted, but that was easier said than done. Barely a day would pass for the next month without her breaking down in tears and even though she’d blocked Matt’s profile, she still found herself looking through the various photos that he’d sent her during their month of light flirtation. This would eventually lead on to something more, as now that she knew the truth, Penny simply couldn’t help but fall headfirst into an absolute obsession with Sam.

Back in her high school reports, Penny’s teachers had commented on how she could get incredibly fixated on things being done a certain way and that she would get highly emotional out if reality refused to play along. What Penny did next certainly harkened back to those comments as she decided that she simply had to have Sam Hubbard as her husband - she’d accept no alternatives and certainly no more catfishers! In order to make that happen though, the college student was forced to take some rather extreme steps, the first of which was to begin researching black magic on the dark web.

With this new objective in mind, the young woman completely abandoned her studies in favor of learning everything she could about possession magic and after just a few days, Penny became capable of astral projecting out of her body! A few days after that, she perfected the ability of forcing her consciousness into other people’s bodies. Her targets during this time were a variety of sorority girls and the brief time she spent in each of their bodies was always fascinating. It was such a thrill to look in the mirror and not be disappointed by what she saw, especially when the girls had skinny waists and big chests! That was exactly the type of girl that Sam would want, Penny was sure of it. She’d have to possess some blond beauty and one of the Bengals cheerleaders seemed like the best bet. Surely a hunky football player like Sam would gravitate towards one of those buxom babes cheering him on from the sidelines, right? Frustratingly though, Penny was forced to wait another few weeks before she was strong enough to project her spirit all the way to Cincinnati. That wait had been nothing sort of torturous, but it was finally over - the day had come for Penny to claim her hunky football boyfriend…

Even though she’d had plenty of experience astral projecting out of her body by that point, Penny still wasn’t totally used to the weightlessness that he experienced during that process. There was something vaguely nauseating about the whole ordeal, especially when coupled with the intense momentum that propelled her across the continent at lightning speeds. As luck would have it though, by the time Penny’s spectral consciousness arrived at the training facility, it seemed as if the day’s practice had just finished up. Various sweaty football players were talking to the scantily-clad cheerleaders before heading back into the locker room, although Sam was disappointingly no longer among them. All it took was for one quick scan over the available options and Penny had made her choice - among them was a tall blonde with smooth sun-kissed skin and a beautiful smile. She was precisely the kind of woman that the college student had wanted to be but knew that she could never realistically become. Oh how wrong I was, Penny thought greedily to herself as she picked up speed and surged towards the beautiful cheerleader.

Unfortunately for Penny, her target moved at the very last second. The spectral form of the shy college girl rocketed past where the cheerleader had been and uncontrollably sailed right through the walls of the training facility. She had barely a second to recognize that she had ended up in the locker room before she slammed right into a solid body and was rapidly absorbed into it!

The five foot nine and one hundred and eighty two pound body of Bengals kicker Evan McPherson shuddered violently at the unexpected invasion, jerking from left to right for a couple seconds before he lost the strength in his legs and he collapsed to the floor in a heap. Within the slender athlete’s body Penny was already asserting her dominance, pushing the real Evan into the passenger seat while she took control of the wheel. After several seconds, she had won the brief battle and her new body ceased its bizarre shaking, allowing Penny to experimentally clench her hands into fists and turn her head from side to side, all while a look of horror spread across her new face. She had totally messed her plan up in the worst way possible! Instead of being a gorgeous cheerleader, she was now in the body of a man!

Rising unsteadily to her feet, Penny turned around to face the locker and nervously positioned herself in front of the small mirror attached to the back of it. She winced at the undeniably masculine features - the square jawline, the prominent brow and the vague traces of stubble - but the longer she looked, the more Penny found appealing. Evan (she’d learned her new name from the sign above the locker) was a cute guy and his body wasn’t so overblown with muscles to the extent that she felt completely out of sorts. He was only a few inches taller than Penny had been back in her own body, but the weight was proportioned very differently from what she was used to. It was bizarre to no longer have a pair of breasts adding weight to her chest, but even stranger was the feeling of an added appendage in the front of her pants. Penny couldn’t help but feel curious about how it would feel to use it, not just relieving herself in the restroom but perhaps even pleasuring herself…

Turning away from the locker, Penny quickly scanned the room and sighed in frustration when she realized that Sam was no longer present. He must have slipped out of the locker room right as Penny pushed herself into Evan’s body. Still, she supposed that was for the best as it gave her time to try and work out what the hell she was going to do. She could always pull her spirit out of Evan’s body and try again, but transporting her consciousness so far had taken a lot of energy and it would possibly be weeks before she’d have the strength to astral project herself that far again. I could use this for research, she realized as she looked over at where Sam’s locker was located, Find out what he likes in a girl and then play up to it once I’m in the cheerleader’s body! Yes, that was the best plan of action. Being in Evan’s body would actually be for the best in the long run, although it was certainly only temporarily!

While she was frustrated to have missed the man who he already considered to be the love of his life, Penny was calm with the knowledge that she’d have her opportunity the very next day. Until then, she had a night to get better acquainted with her new male body and since her curiosity was piqued, she very much planned to take advantage of that time! In fact she wasn’t even going to change into the casual clothes that she found in Evan’s locker; something about being clad in the tight fitting football uniform was bizarrely turning her on…

Fishing through the personal items located in the football player’s locker, Penny was able to find his wallet, inside which was his driver’s license that included his home address. Mercifully the car key was of the remote variety, so Penny was able to locate Evan’s sleek sports car and get on the highway across the city to the NFL star’s luxury pad while only looking mildly uncertain as she wandered around the parking lot.

That first night in her new body was spent with Penny getting as acquainted with her new physique as a person could possibly be. Although at first inspection Evan had appeared slender and small, his body was actually much more packed with tight muscles than Penny had realized. She was fascinated by the sensation of the hard abs underneath his fingers as he ran his hands across the stomach region. She also took great enjoyment in the perky ass which was hugged so spectacularly by the skin-tight football pants! As she reached her hands back and squeezed the muscular globes, she couldn’t help but appreciate how supple they were in his grasp. In fact, she found herself starting to imagine Sam spreading her cheeks and having his way with Evan’s greedy hole, the thought of which caused her face to flush.

Playing with a cock for the very first time was a bewildering experience at first but Penny very quickly got used to it. In no time at all the seven inches were slick with Evan’s pre-cum and she found herself rocketing towards her first orgasm in a male body. It was actually the first one she was having in any body that wasn’t her own - she hadn’t dared to do it in the bodies that she’d possessed back on the college campus out of fear that they might remember what she had done. With Evan’s body and all the new sensations it came with though, she simply couldn’t hold herself back from achieving climax and soaking the front of the white football pants with Evan’s virile seed.

Penny was so exhausted from the aftermath of pleasuring herself that she eventually fell asleep still wearing Evan’s football uniform, splayed out on the king-sized bed with one hand over her crotch and the other under her shirt where it was resting upon her abs. She was eventually roused from her sleep by a shrill alarm emanating from Evan’s cell phone that reminded her she would be due at the Bengals practice session in just over an hour. While Penny was initially perturbed by such an early start to her day, she quickly perked up when she realized that it meant she would soon be able to put her plan into action and begin learning everything she needed to know about Sam!

The only part that left Penny with any amount of nerves was whether or not she’d be able to pull off Evan’s role as the team’s kicker to the athlete’s usual standards. To her great relief though, she soon discovered that she had actually inherited all of Evan’s skills when she’d pushed herself into the man’s body! As evidence of this, she had delivered absolutely perfect kicks from thirty, forty and fifty yards without any trouble at all! Being surrounded by beefy, burly, sweaty guys all slapping her on the ass and ruffling her hair was definitely something Penny enjoyed! Did straight athletes seriously not see the intense homoeroticism of the sports they played? Everything Penny had witnessed in her first full day as an NFL player was like something straight out of a steamy fanfic!

Due to the fact that the offense, defense and special teams units all trained separately for the majority of the day, Penny hadn’t had much opportunity to get close to Sam, but she’d observed the taller and beefier man from afar. Watching Sam in YouTube videos was one thing but seeing him work in person was a whole new experience. Penny was surprised that she didn’t cum right there on the practice field just from watching Sam lift his arms to wipe the sweat off his brow, unwittingly exposing his hairy armpits in the process. Won't be long until I’m burying my face deep in those pits, Penny reminded herself eagerly. After forcing herself to look away from the studly defensive player, she reached into the front of her pants and rearranged her equipment to try and make her stiffening cock less obvious to her teammates, although her success was debatable.

Even after the coaches had dismissed the team and encouraged them to head to the locker rooms, Sam elected to stay behind to run some extra drills on his own. Sensing that this was the perfect moment, Penny decided to stick around. “It wouldn’t be right to leave you out here all alone,” she informed the taller man, inadvertently speaking in a flirtatious tone as the rest of the team made their way towards the showers. Sam raised an eyebrow at the remark but didn’t complain, which only spurred Penny’s confidence further and began stoking the flames of suspicion within her.

Given how much larger than her the other man was, it didn’t take Penny long to give up on trying to match Sam’s speed as they performed shuttle runs. Between exercises they exchanged brief bites of conversation and Penny not-so-innocently included various vaguely flirtatious remarks in order to test the waters. To her great delight, Sam actually seemed somewhat responsive to them - much more than a supposedly straight guy should be, at least! Was it possible that he was actually a closeted gay man and had the whole world fooled?

A short while later, Sam finally declared that he was done with the extra drills… but that he had another exercise in mind that “Evan” might want to help him with. Said exercise could of course only be performed underneath the bleachers, but the veteran football player promised that it would be the best bit of cardio either of them would do that day. Ohmygod, I was right! He’s gay and totally into Evan! Penny’s mind was operating at a thousand miles an hour as she attempted to understand the gravity of Sam’s suggestion. Had she totally lucked out by missing the cheerleader and slamming into Evan instead? Judging from the way Sam was currently looking at her, like a beast of prey eyeing up a slab of meat, it definitely seemed that way. Considering all the fun she’d had in Evan’s body over the past twenty-for hours, Penny wasn’t even opposed to remaining in a male body for good. There was definitely a lot more experimenting she could do now that she had a cock to play with and it turned out that kicking footballs through the goalposts was actually a lot of fun…

With his mind made up, the new Evan McPherson smiled like he’d just won the lottery. He’d had no idea that it would be so easy to get what he wanted but he wasn’t going to complain about it! Giving up his femininity seemed like a small sacrifice to finally be with the love of his life!

A mere two minutes later, Evan and Sam were beneath the bleachers with Evan bent over and his perky ass exposed while Sam thrust deep inside of him with his thick uncut cock. The larger man’s deep grunts were the most arousing thing new Evan had ever heard and he wasn’t surprised to find himself cumming without the slightest touch! 

Needless to say, it far exceeded every expectation Evan had about finally losing his virginity. Sam was rough at times and gentle at others and even once they had both reached their climaxes, he didn’t shy away from a quick bit of making out, giving the former Penny his first kiss too! As if it wasn’t enough that Sam was an incredible lover, he was also a damn good kisser too and left Evan breathless and desperately wanting more. No, needing more!

Now that his cherry had finally been popped, the twinky Bengals kicker just had to make sure that this tryst under the bleachers didn’t end up being a one-time thing. He could deal with secret sex after football practice for a little while but his endgame still remained the same - he was going to turn Sam Hubbard into Sam Husband sooner or later and nothing would stop him!


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