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Requested by Joseph_

Connor wasn’t the kind of guy who simply accepted that life wasn’t going to give him everything he wanted. Although he hadn’t come from the wealthiest family in the neighborhood, both of his parents were incredibly doting towards him and he’d never had to ask twice for anything. It wasn’t just his family either, as the universe seemed to bend over backwards to ensure that Connor lived a life without much hardship. Unlike many of his peers in high school, coming out as gay hadn’t even caused him much distress, as his mother was the school’s fierce History teacher and nobody wanted to get on her bad side!

The only area in which Connor might possibly (and rightfully) be called unlucky was in love. The gay dating scene in his rural Ohio town was limited as it was and all of the really attractive guys that happened to be attracted to other men were already coupled up. It perhaps didn’t help that Connor wasn’t the most striking individual in the world - his features could hardly be referred to as anything more than average and he blended into a crowd even while trying to stand out. Due to the depressing weakness of the dating pool, Connor arrived at college as an eighteen year old virgin, something he personally considered highly embarrassing. He vowed to meet a nice guy as soon as humanly possible and within a few days of moving into his dorm, he had downloaded every gay dating app possible. Nothing was going to stop him from getting laid before his nineteenth birthday!

It wasn’t long before the college freshman struck up a conversation with one of the guys he had ‘matched with’ on one of the apps. The profile picture displayed an undeniably handsome man with light facial hair and broad shoulders who appeared to be in his mid to late twenties, something that appealed to Connor. A man with experience? Now that was something he could definitely get on board with! Connor was so captivated by the possibility that such a hunky guy might be interested in him that he didn’t even stop to consider that it might be too good to be true. That would ultimately turn out to be the case, as Connor’s conversation partner let slip that the pictures weren’t actually of him but were actually of an NFL player by the name of Sam Hubbard. Feeling thoroughly humiliated, the distraught college student blocked the profile and vowed to move on from the weeks he’d wasted, but that was easier said than done. Now that he knew the truth, Connor simply could help but fall headfirst into an absolute obsession with Sam.

Back in his high school reports, Connor’s teachers had commented on how he could get incredibly fixated on things being done a certain way and that he would lash out if reality refused to play along. What Connor did next certainly harkened back to those comments as he decided that he simply had to have Sam Hubbard as his lover - he’d accept no alternatives and certainly no more catfishers! In order to make that happen though, the college freshman was forced to take some rather extreme steps, the first of which was to begin researching black magic on the dark web. With this new objective in mind, the young man completely abandoned his studies in favor of learning everything he could about possession magic and after just a few days, Connor became capable of astral projecting out of his body! A few days after that he perfected the ability of forcing his consciousness into other people’s bodies, although he was forced to wait another few weeks before he was strong enough to project his spirit all the way to Cincinnati. That wait had been nothing sort of torturous, but it was finally over - the day had come for Connor to claim his hunky football boyfriend…

Although he couldn’t find even the slightest suggestion during his online stalking that Sam might be anything other than straight, Connor simply refused to entertain the notion of possessing a female body. No, he had chosen that his new body would be that of the Cincinnati Bengals kicker, Evan McPherson, who had a twinkish frame that wasn’t too dissimilar to Connor’s own. The big change was that Evan was in possession of both a fat ass - Connor’s was disappointingly flat - and several million dollars in his growing bank account. Having been something of a soccer star back in high school, the college freshman was confident that he’d do a decent enough job at kicking a football through the uprights, but honestly that was the least of his worries. All he cared about was getting Sam’s lips all over him and Evan’s body was the best way for him to achieve that goal!

Even though he’d had plenty of experience astral projecting out of his body by that point, Connor still wasn’t totally used to the weightlessness that he experienced during that process. There was something vaguely nauseating about the whole ordeal, especially when coupled with the intense momentum that propelled him across the continent at lightning speeds until he was in the treasure trove that was the Bengals locker room. So many beautiful bodies and delightful scents to enjoy! Connor wasn’t about to waste time though - he spied Evan tapping away on his phone as he stood by his locker, still wearing his skintight pants and the black and orange jersey emblazoned with his surname. The poor guy had no idea what was coming his way but there was absolutely no stopping Connor now! Here I come, he thought proudly to himself before he dived forward and sailed right into the NFL kicker’s open mouth.

Evan’s five foot nine and one hundred and eighty two pound body shuddered violently at the unexpected invasion, jerking from left to right for a couple seconds before he lost the strength in his legs and he collapsed to the floor in a heap. Within the slender athlete’s body Connor was already asserting his dominance, pushing the real Evan into the passenger seat while he took control of the wheel. After several seconds, he had won the brief battle and his new body ceased its bizarre shaking, allowing Connor to experimentally clench his hands into fists and turn his head from side to side, all while a grin spread over his face. He’d done it! He’d possessed the hottest twink in the NFL!

Rising up to his feet, Connor scanned the room and growled under his breath in frustration when he realized that Sam was no longer present. He must have slipped out of the locker room right as Connor pushed himself into Evan’s body. While he was frustrated to have missed the man who he already considered to be the love of his life, Connor was calm with the knowledge that he’d have his opportunity the very next day. Until then, he had a night to get better acquainted with his hot new body and he very much planned to take advantage of that time! In fact he wasn’t even going to change into the casual clothes that he found in Evan’s locker; something about being clad in the tight fitting football uniform was really turning him on…

Connor’s adventures across the dark web had provided him with all the information he might possibly need in order to convincingly portray Evan McPherson - everything from his address to his national security number was listed on there and he’d purchased the whole lot for just under a hundred bucks! Considering it would help him get set up in his new life, the (now former) college student considered that price to be an absolute bargain. With all of this knowledge in tow, Connor was able to leave the locker room, locate Evan’s sleek sports car and get on the highway across the city to his luxury pad without even once giving the inclination that it was anything more than an ordinary day for the Bengals kicker.

That first night in his new body was spent with Connor getting as acquainted with his new physique as a person could possibly be. Although in images Evan had appeared slender and small, his body was actually much more packed with tight muscles than Connor’s own had been. The body thief was fascinated by the sensation of the hard abs underneath his fingers as he ran his hands across the stomach region. By far his favorite part of his new body though was the perky ass which was hugged so spectacularly by the skin-tight football pants! He took great pleasure in reaching his hands back and squeezing the muscular globes, appreciating how supple they were in his grasp. Now all he needed was for Sam to spread his cheeks and have his way with Evan’s greedy hole!

Connor was so wrapped up in pleasuring himself that he eventually fell asleep still wearing Evan’s football uniform, splayed out on the king-sized bed with one hand over his crotch and the other under his shirt where it was resting upon his abs. He was roused from his sleep by a shrill alarm emanating from Evan’s cell phone that reminded him he would be due at the Bengals practice session in an hour. While Connor was initially perturbed by such an early start to his day, he quickly perked up when he realized that it meant he would soon be able to put his plan into action and seduce the hunky Sam Hubbard!

The only part that left Connor with any amount of nerves was whether or not he’d be able to pull off Evan’s role as the team’s kicker to the athlete’s usual standards. At first Connor had been completely confident thanks to his background in soccer but the NFL was a whole other ball game - literally - and as he drove to the Bengals facility, his heart began to race. To his great relief though, he soon discovered that he had actually inherited all of Evan’s skills when he’d pushed himself into the other man’s body! As evidence of this, he’d delivered absolutely perfect kicks from thirty, forty and fifty yards without any trouble at all! Being surrounded by beefy, burly, sweaty guys all slapping him on the ass and ruffling his hair was definitely something Connor was willing to get used to! Did straight athletes seriously not see the intense homoeroticism of the sports they played? Everything Connor had witnessed in his first full day as an NFL player was like something straight out of a gay porn!

Due to the fact that the offense, defense and special teams units all trained separately for the majority of the day, Connor hadn’t had much opportunity to get close to his Sam, but he’d watched the taller and beefier man from afar. Watching Sam in YouTube videos was one thing but seeing him work in person was a whole new experience. Connor was surprised that he didn’t cum right there on the practice field just from seeing Sam lift his arms to wipe the sweat off his brow, unwittingly exposing his hairy armpits in the process. Won't be long until I’m burying my face deep in those pits, Connor reminded himself eagerly. After forcing himself to look away from the studly defensive player, he reached into the front of his pants and rearranged his equipment to try and make his stiffening cock less obvious to his teammates, although his success was debatable.

Even after the coaches had dismissed the team and encouraged them to head to the locker rooms, Sam elected to stay behind to run some extra drills on his own. Sensing that this was the perfect moment, Connor decided to stick around. “It wouldn’t be right to leave you out here all alone,” he informed the taller man in a flirtatious tone as the rest of the team made their way towards the showers. Sam raised an eyebrow at the remark but didn’t complain, which only spurred Connor’s confidence further.

Given how much larger than him the other man was, it didn’t take Connor long to give up on trying to match Sam’s speed as they performed shuttle runs. Between exercises they exchanged brief bites of conversation and Connor made sure to include various flirtatious remarks in order to test the waters. To his great delight, Sam actually seemed somewhat responsive to them - much more than a supposedly straight guy should be, at least!

A short while later, Sam finally declared that he was done with the extra drills… but that he had another exercise in mind that “Evan” might want to help him with. Said exercise could of course only be performed underneath the bleachers, but the veteran football player promised that it would be the best bit of cardio either of them would do that day. The new Evan McPherson couldn’t help but smile like he’d just won the lottery as he heard this; he’d had no idea that it would be so easy to get what he wanted!

A mere two minutes later he was bent over beneath the bleachers with his perky ass exposed and Sam thrusting deep inside of him with his thick uncut cock. The larger man’s deep grunts were the most arousing thing Evan had ever heard and he wasn’t surprised to find himself cumming without the slightest touch! Needless to say, it far exceeded every expectation Evan had about finally losing his virginity. Sam was rough at times and gentle at others and even once they had both reached their climaxes, he didn’t shy away from a quick bit of making out. As if it wasn’t enough that Sam was an incredible lover, he was also a damn good kisser too and left Evan breathless and desperately wanting more. 

Now that he’d tasted the goods, the Bengals kicker just had to make sure that this tryst under the bleachers didn’t end up being a one-time thing. He could deal with secret sex after football practice for a little while but his endgame still remained the same - he was going to turn Sam Hubbard into Sam Husband sooner or later and nothing would stop him!

After all, Evan McPherson was exactly the kind of guy who believed that he deserved everything he’d ever wanted and so far, life had proven willing to give it to him!


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