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Adam had been absently scrolling through the “For You” page on TikTok, content to kill the remaining few minutes of the night before finally getting some sleep. After a chaotic day at work and an exhausting practice on the tennis courts, the young man considered it to be the perfect way to destress, especially as the app seemed hellbent on providing him with videos of hunky guys performing some not-so-subtle thirst traps. People could talk shit about the app all they wanted but Adam was never going to complain about some prime eye candy, even if a good number of them were straight guys only pretending to be gay in order to promote their OnlyFans. A hot guy is a hot guy, he thought sagely, Why not enjoy what they’re offering?

While the most obvious reason for Adam to enjoy the thirst traps was that they encouraged the viewer to imagine the featured hunks as potential lovers, there was actually a deeper fantasy that Adam liked to indulge in whenever he viewed them. He instead liked to imagine that the hunks were all auditioning in the hopes of having him take over their body and wearing them like they were nothing more than a suit. This wasn’t exactly a new desire either - such fantasies had been living in the young man’s mind for as long as he could remember. He’d even had dreams about waking up in another man’s body, only to be disappointed when he would actually wake up and find himself still in his regular body. There wasn’t anything wrong with his body, per say, it was just far more average than Adam would like. He wanted to be the kind of guy who would prompt a TikTok user to stop scrolling and admire his awesome body, just as these hunks had done for him. Alas it seemed like he would never be that guy…

All of that was about to change though and Adam wouldn’t even have to leave his bed for it to happen!

It was the uniform that made Adam stop on the video and watch it loop through several times. He was a real sucker for a man in uniform, especially when that uniform was one of a sheriff’s department! As if the clothes being worn weren’t hot enough already, they were stretched out over a muscular body and the man’s face didn’t disappoint either, featuring a mix of pretty boy and headstrong jock looks. It took several loops for Adam to even acknowledge the caption - About to start the night shift, where’s my partner at? - but when he did, he felt his cock throb underneath the sheets. I’ll happily be your partner, he thought lustfully to himself as he tapped his thumb down on the ‘like’ button.

“Ah, there you are!” the officer exclaimed, catching Adam off guard. He could have sworn that he hadn’t heard anything being said in the previous loops, the officer had just been standing in what appeared to be a locker room, flexing and smirking off into the distance. Now though, his eyes were trained on the camera and Adam couldn’t quite shake the feeling that the police officer was looking through the phone and directly at him. Don’t be silly, he told himself, You’re clearly just tired and imagining things…

Even as Adam tried to rationalize the events to himself though, things took a turn for the bizarre. The police officer ceased flexing and instead moved his hand towards the phone, all while maintaining eye contact with Adam and even adopting a smirk upon his handsome face. Never in a million years did Adam expect for the man’s hand to not only protrude through the screen of his phone but actually grab him by the hair on his head! He was so stunned by this impossible action that he couldn’t even bring himself to yell, not even when the hand began to pull him back towards the screen. A moment later Adam realized that it wasn’t just the surprise keeping him from reacting - his whole body was completely frozen as if he was paralysed and he was helpless to stop himself from being pulled right through the screen!

Once he had been completely submerged within the screen, Adam was immediately blinded by a bright white light. That wasn’t his only problem either though, as he suddenly found himself falling. Terror barely had time to seize him before he made a surprisingly soft landing, although he still managed to have the wind knocked out of him and he continued to feel incredibly dizzy.

As he lay there upon whatever it was that had saved him from a grizzly death, Adam was delighted to find his sight finally returning. When it did though, he was rocked to his very core. He was looking up at the uniformed man he had been admiring in the video, only now the man seemed to be as tall as the Statue of Liberty!

After a moment though Adam realized that his initial observation had been too hasty - it wasn’t just that the man was much larger than him, everything was. The locker room appeared absolutely cavernous with its impossibly high ceiling and the vastness of the dirty linoleum floor. Everything in the room seemed perfectly proportionate, all except him - he was the one out of place, like he’d been shrunken down to the same size as the action figures he’d played with in his youth! As if that wasn’t bad enough, he’d somehow ended up completely naked and his admittedly average body looked even less impressive when he was barely six inches tall! Adam quickly moved his hands in front of his crotch, hoping that the giant above him hadn’t noticed that his cock was still half-hard!

To say that his new gargantuan surroundings were overwhelming would perhaps be an understatement. Adam had absolutely no idea how to comprehend what was happening to him. All he could think was that he must have unwittingly fallen asleep while scrolling through TikTok and this was all nothing more than a dream. That would be the most rational reasoning for all of this madness, right?

“How you doing down there, little dude?” the behemoth above Adam asked, his deep voice reverberating throughout every fiber of the shrunken man’s being. “Whatever, we haven’t got much time. Shift starts in fifteen and I need you ready, so…” Then, as if the experience couldn’t become any more bewildering for Adam, the goliath man gathered the saliva in his mouth and spat directly down on top of him! The bodily fluid hit Adam square in the face, some of it even getting in his mouth, and soaked the rest of his tiny body. Revulsion rocketed throughout him as he spluttered and attempted to wipe his face clear, all while the giant’s booming laughter echoed in his ears.

“What the hell was that for?!” Adam growled, although his voice came out as a mere squeak when put in comparison to the cop’s. Before he could continue protesting though, Adam was suddenly overcome by a dizzy spell that demanded all of his attention. His legs began to shake like jelly and his stomach rolled so extremely that he thought he might throw up. Considering he’d just been spat on and was now totally drenched, Adam was of the opinion that it was a perfectly logical response, even if the vomit never actually formulated.

These symptoms weren’t just a response to being spat on though, as Adam was actually starting to grow in size - very slowly, that was, but growing nonetheless. It didn’t take the young man very long to take notice of what was happening to him either and he stared in amazement when his eyeline was equal to the cop’s knee, then his waist, his pecs and finally his face. Adam hadn’t just been restored to his normal height but had instead actually grown taller, only stopping once he stood at a full six-foot-three.

While he was in the process of ascending back to a more human size, Adam’s body was undergoing numerous other changes, with perhaps the most obvious was that his slender body was becoming populated by strong muscles that most certainly hadn’t been there before! His once-flat chest was now home to a pair of bulging pecs and a full set of clearly defined abdominals. Small fuzzy hair spread across his pecs and below his belly button, the latter of which formed a trail down to his manhood, while the ink of a tattoo manifested upon the right side of his torso. These changes to his chest were complemented with broader and rounder shoulders, the widening of his lats and even the rising of some notable trap muscles sloping down from his thick neck. Although his arms had already been fairly toned from his years of playing tennis, Adam was amazed by the amount of muscle that was blossoming beneath the surface of his skin. His burgeoning biceps and triceps helped make his upper arms the size of footballs and his forearms became similarly sturdy, as well as being populated by even more body hair. 

This dramatic increase of muscularity continued with Adam’s lower half, with his already firm quads expanding even further and his calves becoming much more prominent. Given these larger proportions, Adam knew that he’d be in for a struggle whenever it came to buying new pants. This task would only be made even more difficult by the swelling of his glute muscles which resulted in the man having as perky an ass as one could possibly hope for. On the other side of his body, Adam’s cock grew several inches longer and considerably thicker too, while his balls hung lower and fuller. The result was quite the admirable manhood, the kind that might give any lover pause as to whether they were ready to handle that much.

Once the rest of his body had transformed, all that was left of Adam’s former self was his face and hair. Soon even this would change, as his soft and smooth jawline took on a harder edge and became populated by tiny bristles of stubble. His brow pushed forward to become similarly dominant, while his nose straightened out and his lips thinned down. In addition to a subtle change of his eye shape, his irises also flooded with new color, settling as a beautiful blend of blue and green. To better match his more stereotypically masculine features, Adam’s hair adopted a more fashionable cut, with a taper fade and the top swept over to the side and held in place with just the right amount of styling wax! 

Although the physical changes were complete, there was still work taking place, this time behind Adam’s eyes. He now looked the part of a police officer but he didn’t yet think like one. That would soon change though, as the man’s brain experienced a complete retooling. Adam’s identity was completely scrubbed clean from his mind, with not even his most treasured memories being spared. He wasn’t left as a completely blank slate though, as his headspace soon became populated with new thoughts, feelings, likes and dislikes. The man would no longer respond to Adam (although it remained his middle name), as everything from his driver’s license to his police badge now identified him as having the name Ryan. His memories supported this too, as he could clearly remember that name being called out by his parents, his teachers, his lovers and his superiors. But of course, the man thought to himself, What the fuck else would they call me?

Along with this new name, Ryan was also in possession of a whole new outlook on life. While he had once been rather confident and outspoken in his queerness, the man now completely considered himself completely straight - some might even say aggresively so! The only time his lips had ever come into contact with another man’s was back in college when he’d been rushing for a frat and the frat president wanted to see just how well the pledges followed orders. Ryan didn’t necessarily have a problem with gay people, so to speak, he just wasn’t fond of the idea that they might try and flirt with him. It had happened once before and he had rebuffed them so coldly that he was pretty sure they had ended up with tears in their eyes!

Indeed, Ryan’s memory was now populated by a long line of chicks who had been blessed by the glory of his massive cock and virile seed. His parents had tried to talk him into keeping his virginity until marriage, like the good book said to, but Ryan wasn’t having any of that. His sex drive was simply too much to contain and so he didn’t even try to. That had actually led to Ryan getting a one night stand pregnant, but even that didn’t seem to phase him. Sure, he sent a little bit of his wage each month to the mother, but he didn’t have much else to do with the kid. That was probably for the best because outside of his work and the time he spent in the gym, Ryan really didn’t have passion for much else. The thought of being a husband and a father seemed like an absolutely dire fate and he was going to do his best to avoid it for as long as possible!

The clearing of his partner’s throat brought Ryan back to the present moment and he was mildly embarrassed to discover that he was standing completely naked in front of the other man, with his cock half-hard behind his hands. “You gonna get dressed any time soon, man?” his partner asked, smirking at him. Pushing aside his embarrassment, Ryan lifted one hand to flash his middle finger at the other man before turning around. He found the various pieces of his uniform in a pile at his feet and hastily pulled them on, although it was something of a struggle arranging himself so that his bulge wasn’t too prominent. After strapping on his body armor, he turned back to his partner and nodded to confirm that he was ready. It was time to get to work and Ryan was looking forward to keeping his community safe!


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