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Nate loathed Carter Henry with almost every fiber of his being. Unfortunately for gay college student, he also harbored an incredibly toxic attraction towards the straight jock. Despite the extreme misery that Carter brought him on a near daily basis, Nate simply couldn’t help but let his mind wander towards the other man during his evening jerk-off sessions. His tormentor’s Instagram page had actually become such a regular visit that it had saved itself as a bookmark on his phone’s browser. The page was full of pictures featuring Carter sneering at the camera and flexing his powerful muscles, both of which stirred up this primal desire deep within Nate that he simply couldn’t control. The whole situation of lusting after his bully was incredibly messed up but he had absolutely no way of reigning in his heart’s twisted desires, so why not get at least some pleasure out of it?

It was by pure chance that Nate and Carter’s paths even crossed in the first place. They didn’t take any of the same classes; Nate was a film major while Carter favored sports science. It had all started on the first day of their sophomore year, when Nate had been running late while looking for a parking spot on the campus. He’d almost secured one and was preparing to reverse into the space when Carter’s luxury convertible had swung in to snatch it away. As if losing out on the parking spot (and thus likely being late to his first class) hadn’t been bad enough, Carter had then left his vehicle and started yelling at him for daring to try and take his space. The tirade had been full of homophobic slurs and Nate was so shaken up by the encounter that when he finally did find a space to park in, he had remained in his vehicle and cried miserably to himself, ultimately missing his class altogether.

Much to his horror, Carter hadn’t simply forgotten about him after the parking space debacle and it seemed as if the universe was determined to make Nate suffer, because he seemed to run into the jock everywhere he went. Nowhere was safe - the cinema, the grocery store, the mall - it was like Carter was keeping tabs on his whereabouts simply so he could get some enjoyment out of tormenting the weaker man. There really was no competition between them: Carter’s body was packed full of bulging muscles, whereas the only parts of Nate that could be described as bulging were his doughy stomach and thick thighs. Despite the shiver of fear that ran down Nate’s spine whenever he locked eyes with his bully, it didn’t take long for him to realize that he was actually experiencing arousal in response to the cruel smirk that seemed to permanently live upon Carter’s handsome face. A great sense of shame had washed through Nate when he finally came to the realization that he was crushing on the man who was making his life a complete misery, but sixteen months later, he had finally come to a begrudging peace with this truth.

His decision to create a fake Tinder profile and start catfishing Carter was formed out of two primary reasons. For one, he thought it might give him the opportunity to turn the tables on his bully and humiliate him for a change. On the other hand though, the second reason was perhaps even more influential: if he played his cards right, he might be able to get photos of the jock sans clothes. While Carter wasn’t shy about posting thirst traps on his Instagram page, he never gave away too much and had been openly dismissive towards the idea of starting an OnlyFans page. He apparently feared gathering too much of a “homo following” and he was doing just fine with the money he got from his rich parents without needing to add to that through outside sources. As such, a catfishing scheme would probably be the only way Nate ever got to see his bully’s manhood in all of its glory and he was simply too curious not to put his heart and soul into making that happen. Carter’s thirst traps all suggested that he was packing quite the weapon in the front of his pants and Nate desperately needed his suspicions to be confirmed.

With his mind made up, Nate dived headfirst into the unknown and began to set up a profile that was tailormade with the sole purpose of attracting his tormentor. Through stalking the college jock’s various social media pages, Nate had memorized all of the things that Carter had expressed liking in a woman and he used this as a checklist for the new profile. Having never been the type to break rules or go out of his way to do anything that might be considered risky or scandalous, Nate was fighting back against various anxious voices in his head while filling out the profile’s details, but his lust for both revenge and his bully’s hot body won out.

Given that Carter was only just six foot tall, it seemed clear from all of his past pictures that he preferred his girlfriends and side chicks to be shorter than him. Could he possibly be insecure about his height? Carter was one of the shortest guys in his fraternity, but what he lacked in height (and he was still taller than Nate by a few inches), he more than made up for in muscle mass. Considering he was a budding bodybuilder who was already starting to amass sponsorships from fitness brands across North America, Carter was doing more than alright for himself in that regard. One of the pictures from the previous Halloween featured Carter dressed up in a wrestling singlet he had borrowed from one of his fraternity brothers and he had filled out the tight garment to an obscene degree. That picture alone had brought Nate to an orgasmic conclusion on many a night since its posting!

While crafting a profile that would catch Carter’s interest was relatively simple, actually finding pictures of a girl who fit the look that would be expected of his creation was a little more challenging. After hours of searching through Instagram though, Nate finally came across a young woman who was the perfect candidate. Nice to meet you, Savannah Benson, thanks for letting me borrow your identity! The best part was that her profile only had a few hundred followers and she was located several states away, so the chances of Carter finding her profile and figuring out that the girl he was talking to on Tinder was a catfish were mercifully minimal. Nate knew that he was going to be playing with fire but he felt surprisingly bold for the first time in his life, so he saved a whole host of Savannah’s pictures, attached them to the Tinder profile and then submitted the account.

Once the app confirmed that “Savannah’s” profile was live, Nate took a few minutes to check back through all of the details he’d entered. He felt fairly confident that he’d created Carter’s dream girl based on everything he knew about the arrogant jock: Savannah was pledged to a local sorority, a self-professed daddy’s girl, and liked to work out in the gym (but mainly just her glutes). The pictures Nate had chosen all showed off her ample breasts and her prominent backside, so he had no doubt that messages from various guys would soon come rolling. Unfortunately for all of them, “Savannah” only had eyes for one man: Carter Henry!

A mere hour later, Nate received the pop up on his cell phone that he’d been waiting for, confirming that Carter had ‘matched’ with Savannah’s profile. He opened up the app in a frenzy, grinning to himself and actually having to hold back excited laughter. Here we go, time to do my best sorority girl impression! Nate wasn’t even too worried about that though, as in the past he’d roleplayed female characters in online chatrooms and message boards, so he at least had some experience. What he needed to be more careful of was making sure that he didn’t give too many details about the sorority Savannah was pledged to, lest Carter start asking any contacts he might have there. That’s not too bad. Guys like it when girls play a little coy, right? They like the chase and boy, are you about to go on one, Mr Hotshot Jock!

The messages between them started surprisingly tame. Nate had truthfully expected Carter to introduce himself with a crude joke or a remark about Savannah’s tits, but the jock had instead opted for a simple “hey glad we matched how r u?” Although caught by surprise, Nate didn’t let it put him on the back foot for long. He had no doubt that the arrogant side of Carter that he saw when he was out and about would emerge soon, he just had to be a little patient. That first conversation remained rather tame though, with them sharing a few basic details about themselves and their interests. Carter expressed that he wanted to one day earn a pro bodybuilding card and that was the perfect opportunity for “Savannah” to slyly mention how much she loved big muscles. As much as Nate was tempted to dive right in with the compliments, he knew that his revenge would be sweeter if he played the long game. Following up with a message declaring that she would be heading to bed, Nate signed off with a few love heart emojis and a winking face before closing down the app. As he settled down under his sheets, Nate started to stroke the hardness he’d been sporting throughout his text conversation with his secret crush. It only took mere minutes for him to bring himself to an explosive conclusion and once that was done, he was quick to fall into a peaceful slumber.

He didn’t have to wait long to hear from Carter again, as a Tinder notification flashed up on his phone shortly after 10am the following morning. Nate had wanted to reignite the conversation when he’d woken up but had convinced himself to hold back. He didn’t want to make Savannah come across as desperate or needy, so he’d elected to wait for the other man to start things up again. It was a relief that the message arrived as early as it did, because a few more hours and Nate’s resolve definitely would have crumbled. Was it bad that he’d been more anxious for Carter’s next message than he had been for the pop quiz he had in one of his classes that same morning?

Carter: u said u like muscles right? 

Savannah: yeah thats right

Carter: wanna rate my pump?

A gasp escaped Nate’s lips when he saw the image that had been attached to Carter’s message. It featured the jock in a white tank top with his arms raised into a double bicep flex, while he looked off into the distance with a serious expression. While Nate savored the glorious sight of Carter’s mountainous biceps and hairy armpits, he also couldn’t help but notice the man’s legs in the bottom quarter of the image. Carter had his quad muscles tensed, resulting in rock hard thighs like boulders. Nate couldn’t help but imagine how it would feel to be pinned down beneath those powerful legs, to look up and see that smirking face above him… Welp, I’m hard again, and in class at that! He was thankful that there was a desk covering his crotch at that moment because Nate’s cock was very quickly rising to prominence the longer he stared at the picture Carter had sent.

Savannah: 9/10 for sure

Nate already knew what the response would be and had to hold in a chuckle when his prediction was proven true.

Carter: not 10? :(

Savannah: the tank is hiding most of the goods

Savannah: u dont have a belly going on under there do you? x

Carter replied just thirty seconds later, not with a text but with another picture. This one featured him without the tank top, giving Nate a perfect view of the jock’s solid pectoral muscles and the slightly uneven cobblestone abs underneath them. As he devoured every morsel of this new image, Nate only grew even harder and had to reach down below the desk in order to rearrange himself before his pants became painfully tight.

Carter: what do u think? is there a belly?

Savannah: def not! hot pics tho… u got me srsly distracted in class rn

Carter: mission successful then ;)

With the conversation now shifting towards a more flirtatious exchange, Nate settled in for what was certain to be a wild ride. Considering he was limited in terms of pictures of Savannah that he could share, Nate was deliberately less forthcoming with pictures than his conversation partner. The ones that he did share got a positive response from Carter though and there was absolutely no hint that the jock was aware of the fact he was being catfished. So far, so good… and so hard. Nate wasn’t sure he’d ever experienced arousal so frequently in his life. He was jerking off at least three times a day, every day!

While he knew that the flirting couldn’t continue forever, Nate was still disappointed when Carter began suggesting that they meet up in person. He had been able to call a rain check on the first two dates but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to do that endlessly; sooner or later Carter would discover that Savannah wasn’t the one really messaging him. A request for Savannah to join him at his fraternity’s big party that upcoming Friday may as well have been the writing on the wall. The game was coming to a close and much sooner than either man would have liked!

Although Nate wasn’t the most complimentary of the jock’s intelligence, he was still incredibly anxious that the other man might somehow be able to work out who was behind the catfish. If that was to happen, it seemed clear that he’d be in for the beating of his life which was something he was obviously incredibly keen to avoid. Despite not having been able to get anything incriminating out of his messages with Carter or even any nudes (it turned out that his bully could play hard to get too), Nate knew that the best thing to do was to give up on his revenge plot, delete the account and put the whole ordeal behind him. If he was lucky then maybe Carter would never discover the truth behind the scenario and he’d simply be distressed that his dream girl had up and vanished on him before even meeting in person…

Nate wasn’t sure if it was destiny or pure chance that an advertisement for “fully customizable” bodysuits appeared on the side of his internet browser, but it was quick to catch his attention. Although the majority of people didn’t believe that there were actually such things as bodysuits that could essentially transform one person into another, Nate was firmly in the camp of believing. That was thanks to one of his internet pen pals, a British teacher named Henry, who had sent Nate a video of him pulling on a bodysuit replica of the American football player Danny Amendola. There was absolutely no telling the difference between Henry and the real Amendola once he was in the bodysuit - he even sounded like him when he spoke, with absolutely no hint of Henry’s true British accent! Strangely Nate hadn’t heard from his transatlantic friend since receiving that video, but it had been enough to convince him that these bodysuits could be the real deal.

The only issue was that most of the ones he could find online made by the brands that Henry had mentioned as being authentic were all incredibly expensive. Nate didn’t earn anywhere near enough in his part-time retail job to cover the cost of one, or at least he hadn’t until he saw the advertisement declaring that SuitsU were having a massive eighty-percent off sale on all of their products! They were the same company who had made the Danny Amendola bodysuit for Henry and although the price tag attached to the fully customisable suits was still around three hundred bucks, the college student suddenly found himself open to dipping into his savings account. Was it morally wrong for him to order a replica suit of some clueless girl on the other side of the country? Yeah, absolutely it was, but he also knew that it was the only way he’d ever be able to kiss Carter (or even go as far as to provide him a blowjob) and the desperate thirst he had for his tormentor simply pushed away any rational thought from his mind. He had to have a Savannah suit, even if he’d be emptying out his bank accounts to do so!

Waiting until the end of his class to properly explore the SuitsU website had been nothing short of torture but an hour after first spying the advertisement, Nate was safely back in his dorm room and away from prying eyes. The website was surprisingly easy to use despite its complex features and after an hour he had been able to construct a perfect digital copy of Savannah using the photos he had saved from her profiles. As the website allowed him to make some adjustments though, Nate chose to give her a slightly curvier frame and enhance her chest and ass even further - all the more for Carter to grab onto!

There were pages upon pages of extras that he could get with his order, so much so that it was actually overwhelming, but a pair of options stood out to him. Obviously the voice modifier was an essential addition, but it was the “Character Builder Pro” that really had him interested. Although he was confident playing the role of Savannah while he was behind a cell phone screen, Nate wasn’t totally convinced he’d be able to pull it off when he was face-to-face with his bully. That wouldn’t be an issue if he purchased the add-on though, as it would help him behave more like the bimbo he was pretending to be, complete with a limiter on his intelligence and vocabulary! Given it was only forty bucks to add it onto his order, Nate didn’t even think twice before confirming the addition. With that, he had everything he needed in order to pull off his most daring gamble yet, and all that remained was for him to enter his credit card details and send the order off. Please don’t let this be a scam, he pleaded to whatever higher power existed out in the wider universe. I have no idea how I’d ever explain any of this to my parents, so don’t make me do it…

After the order was processed, Nate realized that in his haste he had completely forgotten to check the delivery date. The revelation that it would be arriving on Friday, the very same day when he was supposed to be wearing it, was alarming to say the least. Despite trying to convince himself that it would all work out for the best and the suit would arrive with plenty of time for him to get dressed and out to the party, Nate couldn’t maintain the optimism for long. He couldn’t help but dread how Carter would react if Savannah canceled on him at the last minute for the third time in a row. The whole thing would have been for absolutely nothing! Unfortunately there was nothing Nate could do but wait and endure the torturous uncertainty for a full three days before Friday finally rolled around.

Those three days weren’t spent with Nate just twiddling his thumbs though. He was of course still messaging regularly with Carter, expressing his excitement for the upcoming frat party, but he was also getting the other supplies he would need in order to doll himself up once the bodysuit arrived. Shopping for make-up, high heels and a dress had earned him a number of sneering looks from the conservative locals of his college town and Nate had almost chickened out as a result. It would have been safer for his reputation to make the purchases online but he didn’t want to have to risk any delivery delays, so buying in stores was ultimately the way to go if he didn’t want to end up totally manic. He’d told the girl at the counter that his purchases were for his girlfriend but the pitying smile she gave him in return suggested she didn’t believe his story for a minute. Then again, she probably wouldn’t believe the truth if I’d told her either…

It was three o’clock on Friday afternoon when Nate finally received the parcel from SuitsU. He had been incredibly anxious all day long and had even had a little cry around the midday point, but a weight had been lifted from his shoulders once he had the large rectangular parcel in his hands. To say that Nate was glad that the packaging was discreet would be an understatement - he wasn’t sure what the other residents of his dorm hall would think if they saw where he’d made a purchase from. Despite its size, the box was fairly light so Nate had been able to get it up to his dorm room without issue. Once he had slammed the door behind him though, he tore through the tape on the edge of the parcel like a kid on Christmas morning. After struggling for a few minutes, the goodies inside were finally revealed and he was left at a total loss for words. The suit looked so damn realistic, like it was made of real skin, and if it wasn’t for the fact that it was completely hollow, anybody spying on him at that moment might have thought that he had a lifeless body in his arms!

The bodysuit wasn’t the only thing that Nate found in the box though, as the parcel had also contained the Character Builder Pro. It came in the form of a circlet, like a crown from some medieval history show, and just needed to be firmly placed around his skull when he pulled the rest of the bodysuit on. The other contents of the box were four metal bands, a pair of flesh-colored briefs that featured a number of strange runes painted upon them, a small pot with two different color pills in it, and an instruction manual. In his hurry, Nate didn’t bother to go through each and every page of the small booklet - after skimming through the first few pages, he was pretty sure that he understood everything he needed to do!

This, of course, would come back to bite him in the ass later on, but he wasn’t to know that yet…

Stripping out of his clothes quicker than he’d ever done before in his life, Nate wasted no time in grabbing the strange pair of briefs and pulling them around his waist. They were much tighter than the types of underwear he typically wore and once they were fixed into place, Nate was fascinated to discover that his crotch was now completely smooth. The bulge that should have been formed by his cock and balls was absent, leaving him with the nether regions of a Ken Doll. Rather than peeking underneath the waistband of the briefs to see if he could work out how his manhood was being so expertly hidden, Nate decided to push forward and proceed with getting the rest of the bodysuit on. The four metal bands were split into two pairs - one for each of his ankles and then one for each of his wrists - and although they were a tight fit, they weren’t so bad that he felt uncomfortable. Truthfully though, it would have been difficult for Nate to feel anything other than sheer excitement at that moment, as he was solely focused on how incredible it would feel to finally come face to face with Carter without feeling immense fear!

With each of the metal bands and the circlet firmly fixed in their places, it was finally time for Nate to actually pull on the bodysuit. There was an opening that went from just below the scalp to the lower black which Nate carefully widened. He then inserted his feet one by one, experiencing a shiver down his spine as his larger feet settled into the more dainty ones of the Savannah suit. Looking down at them in amazement, he wiggled his toes and let out an excited laugh. This is really going to work! Now pumped up with confidence, Nate pulled the suit up around his calves and then his thighs. Once it was just below his waist, the college student reached down and ran his hands along the smooth legs. He was stunned to discover just how distinctly he could feel the roughness of the palms against his thighs, as if he wasn’t wearing the suit at all!

The biggest change came as Nate pulled the suit up over his waist, giving himself not just an incredibly prominent ass, but also replacing his cock and balls with what appeared to be a fully functioning vagina! As he experimentally ran a finger along the folds of the suit’s pussy, a shiver rippled throughout the full expanse of his body. He’d never felt arousal like it before! It would have made him hard in an instant but it was like his manhood was completely gone, as he couldn’t feel anything other than his new vagina and there wasn’t even the slightest hint of a bulge beneath the suit!

Slipping his arms into the suit, Nate then shuffled his way further into it so that only his head remained free. It was quite a sight to see in the mirror with his distinctly male head on top of a curvy female body. He spared a few seconds to grope his new breasts, admiring their size and the sensitivity of his nipples. He could already tell that Carter was going to love them - if a gay man like Nate was impressed then how would any straight man ever resist?

Taking hold of the body suit’s head, Nate carefully maneuvered his way into it and then allowed the long hair to drop back over his shoulders. He kept his eyes closed at first, waiting several seconds as a brief tickling sensation spread across his face. When he finally pried his eyes open, a gasp instinctively escaped his lips. Staring back at him in the mirror was Savannah, there was absolutely no debating it! From the front, nobody would ever be able to tell that she was really just a guy in a bodysuit, but the open fold along her back revealed the secret when she turned around. Thankfully SuitsU had thought of that too and the small pillbox that had come with the suit contained one pill that would seal the opening up and another that would allow the wearer to depart the bodysuit with ease. After speeding back through the first few lines of the instructions to ensure that he was going to be taking the right one, Nate removed the red pill from the bottle, placed it on his tongue and then washed it down with the glass of water he kept on his bedside table.

Although Nate would have loved to take his time in properly exploring the feminine body he was now wearing, he was conscious of how quickly time was passing. It wasn’t long until the frat party was due to start, so he needed to get a move on, especially as he’d be applying make-up for the very time! As expected, it took quite a bit of trial and error (despite the fact he was following YouTube tutorials) before Nate finally had the look he was going for. It was simple, with dark eyeshadow and pink lips, but it had taken almost forty minutes for him to get to that stage! He’d hoped that he might be able to borrow some curlers from one of the girls in his dorm building so he could do something nice with his hair but given that time was short he decided to let the long light brown mane just hang down around his slender shoulders.

Once he had his make-up sorted it was time for Nate to squeeze into the dress and that wasn’t an understatement - he had underestimated how curvy he’d made the Savannah bodysuit, and the garment struggled to contain her wide hips and voluptuous ass. After a bit of struggle, he was able to zip the dress up but he could already tell that it was going to ride up around his thighs when he walked. Looks like I’ll be giving all the frat guys a show, Nate realized, a faint blush coloring his pale cheeks. He wasn’t usually much of an exhibitionist, but he supposed there wasn’t any harm when it wasn’t really his body that he’d be exhibiting…

After strapping himself into the high heels, Nate experimentally wandered around his room. He had expected to stumble and fall due to not being used to wearing heels, but it seemed as if that was something that the Character Builder Pro took care of, as he didn’t feel even a slight bit unsteady on his feet as he paraded back and forth in front of the mirror! “This is gonna be, like, totally awesome!” he exclaimed in a high-pitched voice with a valley girl lilt before breaking down into girlish giggles. Making eye contact with the woman in the mirror, Nate allowed for a confident smile to blossom across the delicate features of his face. The party would be starting soon and he really didn’t want to keep Carter waiting, so after gathering his phone and dorm keys and placing them into the purse he had bought on his mini shopping spree, Nate prepared himself. Let’s go, Savannah - it’s showtime, girly! Oh, you better be ready, Carter…


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