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This 2,775 word story was requested by one of the Watt Tier patrons and features hyper muscle growth and a little bit of muscle worship at the end!

As far as Deacon Smith was concerned, he had one of the best jobs in the world. He was a film agent with a pretty exclusive client list and easily earned seven figures a year. The job itself was stressful and there were typically multiple nights each week where Deacon caught only a few hours of sleep, but in the rare moments where the money wasn’t enough to appease him, the celebrity eye candy most definitely was!

The most important client on Deacon’s list was none other than Chris Hemsworth, who had risen to A-List status pretty swiftly after Deacon had scored him an audition for the lead role in Thor all those years ago. It really wouldn’t have surprised Deacon if Chris had decided to trade in for a more accomplished agent after making his big break, but the Australian actor was far too much of a gent for that. Chris continued to place his faith in him and although not every project they had picked out together had been a smash hit, Deacon was still pleased with how their professional relationship had developed over the past decade and a half of working together.

With the fourth Thor solo movie about to enter the production stage, both Deacon and Chris were in good spirits about it all. That all changed when Deacon received an angry phone call from an executive at Marvel Studios who was demanding to know why Chris hadn’t been bulking up to the standards they were expecting. By no standards had the Australian actor let himself go - he was still incredibly jacked, with rippling muscles that Deacon privately drooled over - but he was admittedly a little more slender than he had been during the last Marvel production. The executive angrily insisted that they wanted Chris to be bigger and, given filming was going to be starting in two weeks, Deacon would have to come up with a very hasty solution!

After a stressful few hours of reaching out to his assorted contacts within the fitness industry, Deacon was finally able to secure the help of someone who he was certain would get Chris into the shape that the Marvel execs expected him to be in. Joel Scruff was a mechanical engineer of mind-boggling talent who had invented a machine capable of increasing the muscle mass of any individual that was hooked up to it. The invention had made Joel a millionaire for obvious reasons, and his services were used by many of the richest individuals on the planet. Had Deacon been anyone else, the brilliant inventor would have laughed off the desperate request, but the two men happened to go back much further than anyone might have imagined. They had been neighbors in a small unassuming suburb as kids, and Deacon had pulled Joel away from in front of a speeding car when they were both twelve years old. From that day forward Joel had promised that he would one day make it up to Deacon and considering how dire the situation was, the celebrity agent knew it was the perfect time to finally call in that favor!

Chris had been understandably distressed when Deacon had shared the news with him, but with a little persuasion, the agent was able to get the actor to sign the waiver form that Joel had sent through to him. After that, the two childhood friends organized a meeting for the following day; it just so happened that the inventor was currently visiting Los Angeles and for obvious reasons, Joel didn’t go anywhere without his prized possession. Deacon suspected that the other man had backups stored in various vaults across the globe, but the one that his old friend kept with him was the most recently updated model and certainly the most reliable model. With such a high profile client in the hunky Marvel actor, reliability was essential! Deacon really couldn’t afford to have his meal ticket damaged beyond repair by some technical glitch. He had bills to pay and living in LA really wasn’t cheap…

“This is all entirely safe, right mate?” the superstar actor asked when he and Deacon were traveling to the hotel where they would be meeting the elusive Mr Scruff. There actually seemed to be something close to nerves in the hunky man’s voice which took the agent by surprise, as he had never really known Chris to be anything other than confident in any given situation.

“I trust him with my life,” Deacon replied comfortably. Sure, it had been years since he had last met face-to-face with Joel, but they had kept in somewhat regular contact over the years. The man knew how important Chris was to Deacon’s continued success as a Hollywood agent and so he was comfortable in the knowledge that there was no way Joel would ever do anything to jeopardize that!

Once they had arrived at the hotel and been escorted to the penthouse suite that Joel was staying in, Deacon set about making quick introductions before requesting that they put the plan into action as soon as possible. Pleasantries could wait until Deacon was certain that Chris was at a size that the Marvel executives would be happy with! His insistence prompted the eyebrows of both the inventor and the actor to raise, but both men obliged and got themselves in position to kick off what was no doubt going to be quite the visual spectacle!

The muscle multiplying device was a rather unremarkable rectangular box with an LED screen and various cables extending from the back. At the end of these cables were small pads that Joel carefully applied to various parts of the actor’s body: his biceps, shoulders, pecs, quads, calves… Even his glutes had a pair of the pads applied to them! Chris had stripped down to his boxer briefs and appeared to be rather bashful for the first time in Deacon’s memory. The actor leveled a glare at his agent and the intention behind it was clear: if this didn’t work, Deacon was going to pay for wasting Chris’ time! Despite the intensity of that look, the agent remained calm and even optimistic. It will work! It has to…

While Joel was busying himself doing a final check to make sure all of the pads were applied correctly, Deacon sneaked a glance at the miracle device that would be responsible for bringing Chris up to the expected size. As he inspected the various statistics on the LED screen though, the agent grew concerned at how low the settings had been placed at. Surely Chris would need more than just a “level two” boost! After making sure neither of the other men was watching, Joel raised that up to a “level five” and then stepped away, confident that his little intervention there had helped him secure the approval of the bigwigs at Marvel.

Much to Deacon’s relief, Joel didn’t think to double check any of the details on the LED screen before activating the machine. A high-pitched tone burst forth from the device and lasted for several seconds. By the time the sound had dropped away, the room had instead become populated by the low grunts coming from Chris’ mouth. Deacon fixed his attention on his superstar client and took a moment to admire how every muscle had tensed up the instant Joel’s invention had activated.

The growing of Chris’ muscles started so slow and subtle that Deacon hardly even noticed. Over the next thirty seconds Chris inflated back to the muscular build he’d been in for Thor: Ragnarok, adding a little more width to his back and some more heft to the pectoral muscles that had already been rather large and proud. It was a build that clearly indicated he was a man of great physical strength and mental fortitude, but it also wouldn’t be enough to appease the people in charge. Chris needed to be bigger and Deacon had made sure that would happen!

Now that the transformation was underway, the process was quick to accelerate and the changes to Chris’ already muscular physique were becoming much more obvious for both Deacon and Joel to see. While the Australian actor’s pecs were already things of beauty, the massive swelling within those large muscles brought them to new levels of extreme splendor. His pectoral shelf protruded so far from his body that Chris would be unable to see anything below them unless he leaned forward and even that would be difficult, as the extra weight of his enlarged chest would likely set him off balance! The blossoming of Chris’ pecs had caused them to become so large that they easily outsized even some of the bustiest women in the world. There wasn’t a bra anywhere in Australia that would be capable of restraining those majestic wonders!

Beneath his comically large pecs, the actor’s already well defined abdominals become even more prominent, with an extra pair pushing forth to give Chris a full eight-pack! Each ab bulged forth in a display of physical dominance, eventually forming an awe-inspiring expanse of rippling muscular hills. This all occurred in tandem with an elongating and widening of his torso, allowing the newly enhanced muscles to look more natural on the larger canvas of Chris’ enlarged body. Even with these new swollen proportions, the actor’s waist remained relatively tight and the v-lines leading from his abs down towards his crotch only became more defined. They served as a map, tantalizingly drawing the spectators towards the massive bulge that was barely still hidden by the severely strained boxer briefs.

The broadening of Chris’ back had caused his lat muscles to flare out to a remarkable degree, finishing up almost as wide as Deacon was tall! His trapezius muscles ascended to become intimidating mountains that trailed from the Aussie’s thick neck down to the massive boulders of his deltoids. Deacon had always been enamored by Chris’ broad shoulders and that was only elevated now they had grown to almost monstrous proportions - they were now larger than his head! Chris was absolutely towering over both the agent and the inventor, but Deacon was far more turned on than terrified. All this extreme muscle growth had apparently unlocked a new kink hidden in the back of the agent’s mind and he was certain that he’d be replaying the events over in his head for many years to come.

While Chris’ arms were already admirable weapons in their own right (and he gave great hugs with him, which Deacon could attest to), they looked simply ridiculous when attached to such ginormous shoulders! That wasn’t an issue for much longer though, as the actor’s biceps and triceps began to inflate as if they were balloons being pumped full of air. Had he still been wearing a shirt, Chris most certainly would have burst out of the sleeves due to such dramatic growth!

By the time the intense growth in his arm muscles had settled down, his biceps had a massive circumference of twenty-eight inches. These colossal upper arms were joined by the thickening of his forearms, with prominent veins forming intricate patterns underneath his skin. From there, the changes started to affect his hands, with each finger becoming a fat sausage, while his palm grew large enough to fit a small plate comfortably upon its surface. There was no doubt in Deacon’s mind that if Chris was to grab him, the actor could snap him in half without even breaking a sweat!

The mammoth proportions of Chris’ upper body were swiftly matched by his lower half, with the most obvious area of growth being his quads as they exploded outwards with so much power that they ultimately resembled tree trunks. Deacon couldn’t help but marvel at how his superstar client now had thighs that were larger than his own waistline! It was impossible for him not to be in awe of the giant that was being formed right before his very eyes.

These mouth-watering quads were partnered with the bulging diamonds of the actor’s calves and feet that stretched out to such a large degree that Deacon wasn’t sure Chris would ever find a pair of shoes that might fit him! He could only imagine the type of force that the Australian hunk would be able to apply just by applying his strength while pinning someone down with those massive feet… In fact, the agent couldn’t help but imagine being at his gargantuan client’s mercy and the front of his pants were beginning to get rather tight in response!

On the topic of expanding manhood, Chris’ own seven inch cock swelled to a massive eleven inches, becoming as thick as a beer can in the process, and his balls doubled in size to become comparable to a pair of juicy plums. The boxer briefs that had barely been holding on after the expansion to the actor’s thighs were finally defeated, bursting in multiple places and allowing Chris’ giant manhood to swing free. His backside received similar treatment, with each of his ass cheeks blowing up to become huge globes made up of hard muscle and soft flesh. His ass looked as if it was made up of a pair of flesh-coloured watermelons, and Deacon couldn’t help but imagine himself spreading those cheeks to get to the virgin hole between them…

The changes finally seemed to have come to a close and the three occupants of the hotel room remained in complete silence for several more moments. Chris had risen up to a massive seven-foot-eight and was easily in the range of five-hundred pounds of pure muscle! He’d make the world’s biggest bodybuilders look like midgets, that was for sure. “What the fuck happened?” the giant grunted, looking between his blushing agent and the confused inventor. His words came out with such rumbling bass that the whole room seemed to shake, and Deacon’s cock jolted in excitement.

Narrowing his eyes in suspicion, Joel turned to look at his childhood friend and Deacon’s sheepish smile said everything it needed to. “Deacon… did you touch my machine?” he asked in a tone of voice that suggested he already knew the answer. Considering the beautiful creation that had emerged from his little adjustment of the levels on Joel’s machine, Deacon couldn’t even bring himself to feel guilty. Instead, he just shrugged his shoulders, prompting an exasperated sigh from the other man.

Now knowing everything he needed to know, Joel then focused his attention back on the actor and carefully broke the bad news: “I’m afraid you’re going to be stuck like this for at least six weeks. The growth does quite the number on the heart and reversing it too soon could end up being fatal, so… as troubling as this might be for you, I’m sure you’ll prefer it to the alternative.”

With this revelation lingering in the air, the massively over-inflated actor finally leveled his steely gaze towards his agent. “We’re gonna have a talk about your contra--oh!” Chris’ thinly veiled threat was broken off by a low-pitched moan and Deacon watched in delight as the actor’s substantial cock began to rise to attention. It was quite unlike anything that any of them had seen before and within seconds Chris was already leading pre-cum from that immense pillar of man-meat.

“Ah yeah, that’s something I forgot to mention about the growth progress,” Joel announced in a sheepish voice, “The subject always ends up with a permanently magnified sex drive that even overcomes any pre-existing sexual preferences.” The inventor looked between the two men’s bulges and smirked. “Perhaps I should just leave the two of you to it, hmm?”

Neither Chris nor Deacon actually noticed Joel leaving the room. They had quickly fallen prisoner to their lust, with Chris relishing the experience of having his gigantic muscular body worshiped for the first (but definitely not the last) time. By the time they were done and had both orgasmed multiple times, the smaller man was practically dripping in the giant’s powerful seed, he had cum so much! Chris was no longer even that mad at what had happened to him, as he’d gotten to make great use of his new enhanced strength by holding Deacon against his armpits and forcing the man to worship the sweaty region with his tongue.

Although Deacon knew that the executives at Marvel would be even more mad at him for what he had done to their leading man, he simply couldn’t bring himself to care. Making love to this giant stud and his spectacular muscles was absolutely going to make up for any of the grief they gave him!


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