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This 2,411 word story was requested by one of the new Bosa Tier patrons. It takes place in the Harry Potter universe and is set ten years after Harry left school, so everyone is perfectly legal here!

It had been ten years since Harry Potter had participated in the Battle of Hogwarts and saved the wizarding world from the evil of Lord Voldemort. He was now twenty-seven and experiencing what could possibly count as a quarter-life crisis. He was on a sabbatical from his work with the Ministry and his relationship with his best friend’s sister was also on pause, all because he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing from his life. He was blessed to still be alive, Harry knew that, but the longer he remained stagnant, the more resentful he became. Taking a break from everything and traveling the world was his attempt to bring a bit of peace to his restless mind.

It was on this spontaneous tour of the world that Harry not only found himself in Bulgaria for the first time, but also at the home venue of the Bulgarian National Quidditch team. Having been a fan of the sport since his entry into the wizarding world at eleven, it was hardly that surprising that Harry would attend games as part of his global adventures, but he had a deeper connection to the Bulgarian quidditch team. After all, one of his best friends had once been the girlfriend of the team’s world famous and super-talented Seeker, Viktor Krum. Although Harry had never had much of a relationship with Krum (due in some part to the fact that they were both rivals in the Triwizard Tournament), he held a lot of respect for the Bulgarian athlete and was hoping for the opportunity to catch up with him for the first time since Bill and Fleur’s wedding a full decade prior.

Harry had barely stepped foot into the stadium lobby when he was approached by a pair of venue employees. The women were a set of identical twins with bleached blonde hair, enhanced busts and pouty lips. Put more simply: they were the type of image-obsessed women who would cause Hermione to bristle and Ginny to scowl. They were such a far cry from the only other pair of twins Harry knew that he had to bite down on his lower lip just to stop himself from chuckling as he thought about the Weasley Twins transforming into these buxom babes.

“Ohmigod, you’re Harry Potter!” one of the women exclaimed in a high pitched and heavily accented voice. “We’ve always wanted to meet you!” her twin added, placing a hand on Harry’s bicep and giving it a not so subtle stroke. The attention prompted Harry to blush, just as he always did when he was recognised in public. People weren’t usually so forward as to touch him without permission, but he supposed it wasn’t that big of a deal. Harry just wished he could be certain that any flirtation he received was because the flirter found him attractive rather than just his celebrity status. That wasn’t the correct moment to dwell over such philosophical questions though, so Harry instead nodded and offered a polite confirmation of his identity.

“What are you doing here in Bulgaria?” the first twin asked, with her sister quickly chiming in with her own question: “Are you here to see Viktor Krum? You know him, don’t you?” By this point, both women were in physical contact with Harry. The first had all but pressed her body against his own and was batting her eyes in a manner that the twenty-seven year old wizard struggled to see as anything other than flirtatious. Despite his current separation from Ginny though, Harry was still committed to her, so he didn’t plan to let things go beyond a little light flirting. He did however see some use in playing up to the attention they were giving him and sure enough, after just a few more minutes of conversing, he was able to convince them to get him a VIP badge - although they refused the galleons he had attempted to pay for it with - and lead him to Krum’s private locker room!

It turned out that the Bulgarian Seeker hadn’t even arrived at the venue yet, but Harry was given permission to wait in the private locker room and was assured that Krum would be there before long. In the meantime, the gorgeous twin sisters ensured that his wait was as comfortable as could be by providing him with a plate of snacks (Harry was never going to say no to cauldron cakes) and a goblet full of a sparkling pale blue liquid. There was a pleasant fruity aroma coming from the goblet when Harry brought it to his nose and, having no reason to suspect foul play, he then brought the cup to his lips and gulped down about a third of the unfamiliar drink. That fruity smell was partnered with the combined taste of raspberries and cherries, but there was also something minty lingering within the aftertaste. Gripped by a sudden desire for more, Harry took several more large gulps until the goblet had been completely cleared of its contents. He smacked his lips and belched loudly, before chuckling in surprise at his body’s response. “Pardon me, ladies,” he apologized, offering a polite (if slightly embarrassed) smile. “I’m not sure what came over me there.”

The women excused themselves from the room after that, although they promised to return shortly with more drinks. In the meantime they suggested that Harry make himself comfortable and considering the luxuries that he was currently surrounded by, the former wizarding hero was more than happy to. The plush sofa was like a welcoming embrace as he lowered his weight down onto it and a jaunty jazz piano tune burst forth from the jukebox in the corner. If I’m not careful, I could fall asleep here! Harry could only imagine how surprised Krum would be to find him in such a state. It was hardly the most polite way to start their reunion though, so Harry forced himself not to get too comfortable, even though he was tackling a sudden drowsiness. That unique taste from the drink continued to linger in his mouth too, giving him something to think about. I should have asked what it was and where I can get some, he thought wistfully. I’ll ask when they come back with the re-fill!

As the minutes ticked by and his friend was still yet to make an appearance, Harry found himself growing restless. He had plowed through a pair of cauldron cakes, but they only served to make him thirsty once more and neither of the buxom arena employees had returned to deliver a second glass of that delightful blue beverage. Deciding that enough was enough and he simply had to have something to quench his thirst, Harry pushed himself back to his feet and dragged himself towards the locker room door. With each step forward though, his feet began to feel heavier and his movements became more sluggish, as if he was struggling to wade through mud.

What’s happening to me? All of a sudden, an uncomfortable stirring sensation had started deep within his stomach and then, in the next moment, every inch of Harry’s skin became startlingly warm. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead and rolled down over the scar that made him so instantly recognisable. It was clear that there was something very wrong with him, and panic was beginning to set in as Harry’s weak legs gave out underneath him and caused him to drop down onto his knees. That drink… it must have been a potion or some kind of poison! He felt so foolish for downing it without any hesitation; look where it had gotten him now! You survived Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters only to die to a pair of bimbo twins, Potter. Are you embarrassed or what?!

With each and every passing second, the hero of the wizarding world found himself becoming weaker and weaker. He no longer had the strength to hold himself up in a vertical position, but even as he fell forwards, Harry could tell that his body was warping and transforming into something else. His experience with the polyjuice potion back in his second year at Hogwarts had been fairly far from pleasant, but this was a step beyond even that. It was as if his internal organs were trying to force themselves out of his body! Harry opened his mouth to scream in response to the intensity of the pain, only to be met by the revelation that he was unable to make so much as a sound!

In the corner of the room, the blonde witch twins (who had concealed themselves with an invisibility spell) watched in interest as their potion worked its magic on Harry’s physical form. The man’s human shape was twisted into new proportions like he was made of clay, all while Harry attempted to reach out for the wand he had left back on the coffee table. His attempts were ultimately fruitless as his limbs were sucked into the shifting mess that had once been his torso, leaving him completely helpless and terrified. Sure enough, just a few seconds later, the panicked expression upon his face disappeared into the amorphous shape in the middle of the room. Nobody would ever be able to tell that such a grotesque creation had ever been human, if of course the identical sisters hadn’t seen it for themselves…

Harry’s unwanted transformation didn’t stop there though, as the sickening blob of flesh that he had become started to shrink. It dropped further and further towards the ground before starting to warp once more, this time pulling Harry into new proportions. The wizard could no longer see or speak and his hearing was incredibly muffled as if he was deep underwater, but he retained the ability to feel, to taste and to smell - senses that he would soon be making quite a lot of use of. Even if his hearing had remained as strong as it was in his human form, he likely still wouldn’t have picked up on the quiet giggling from a seemingly empty corner of the room, as he was still in the midst of a transformation that consumed not only all of his attention but much of his sense of self.

After what had been a near-excruciating few minutes for Harry, the wizard finally settled in his new form. Instead of a human body, he now consisted of no more than a fabric pouch, an elastic waistband and a pair of thin elastic straps. The only clue that the black jockstrap had ever been the famous Harry Potter was the white lightning bolt on the front of the pouch, although it was much more likely that people would believe it to be some sort of unofficial merchandise celebrating the Boy Who Lived than the wizarding hero himself!

Struggling to maintain a connection to a true identity, Harry was uncertain of how long he remained on the floor of the locker room before he finally felt hands collecting him and raising him into the air. The hands were rough and calloused but it was the surprisingly familiar scent of cologne that alerted Harry to the fact that he was currently being held in the hands of Viktor Krum. The pungent cologne was a sensual addition to Krum’s own natural scent, which was an undeniably masculine musk. Mere minutes ago, it would have done very little for Harry, but in his current state he instead found himself worked up into an erotic frenzy by it. An intense longing blossomed within him, although he couldn’t quite understand what for…

“Hmm, where did these come from?” Krum’s deep voice asked from somewhere above Harry. “This lightning bolt… reminds me of Potter.” Because it IS me! The wizard’s protesting thoughts went completely unheard for obvious reasons, although Harry was quickly swept up in pleasure derived from the athlete’s scent as Krum brought the jockstrap up to his nose and took a whiff. He could even feel Krum’s hot breath against his fabric body and it was as if somebody had pressed against Harry’s g-spot at that exact moment. How could he be deriving so much pleasure from merely being so close to the other man? None of it made any sense, but he wouldn’t exactly be getting answers any time soon. “Smells clean enough. It must have been a gift. Guess it wouldn’t hurt to try it out for this afternoon’s game, eh?”

If Harry had been experiencing bliss when he was brought close to Krum’s face then he was being exposed to nirvana when the athlete opened him up, placed his feet through the loops of Harry’s elastic straps and then brought him up over his muscular legs. Harry was then left to snap tightly around Krum’s waistline, with the fabric pouch that made up most of his body being wrapped around the Bulgarian Seeker’s manhood. Krum’s cock was seven inches while soft and in time Harry would learn that it gained an extra two inches while hard.

Being stretched around such an impressive cock and a mighty set of balls didn’t disgust Harry like he might have anticipated - instead he was locked into a permanent state of pleasure that continued to beat down on his remaining humanity. In time he would go on to only recognise himself as a jockstrap for the gorgeous Quidditch hunk Viktor Krum, and he wouldn’t want to be transformed back to his human self even if he had the opportunity to be!

He would get his first taste of the athlete’s seed later that night, after a full afternoon of soaking up the sweat that gathered around Krum’s cock and balls during an intense game of professional Quidditch. Invigorated by the dominant win, Krum didn’t even wait to strip completely down before pleasuring himself. Wearing nothing but the jockstrap - his new lucky jockstrap that he’d be wearing for every game from then onwards - Krum wrapped a hand around his hard shaft and began to pump rhythmically until he had brought himself to completion. Harry hungrily consumed the cum that was unleashed into his fabric body, delighting in the taste that he would spend the rest of his days craving. Harry would never get answers as to how or why he had been transformed into a jockstrap, but he no longer saw a need for them. What more could he possibly want from his life than this?


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