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Hi folks, this is technically the final February story - thank you for your patience and sorry for the delay. Things have been busy for the past few weeks, but I'm going to be diving right into the March requests now. I hope you enjoy the latest chapter of Robin and Joey's bodyswap adventure! As always, PDF copy with pictures is available on the Discord server!

Even as the days rolled by and turned into weeks, Robin still expected to wake up one morning and discover that his time in Joey Bosa’s body had been nothing more than an extraordinarily pleasant dream. That was yet to happen, but given the fact that Robin was the type to worry about anything and everything, he was still nervously waiting for that delayed disappointment to greet him. To say that he was enjoying his time as a professional football player would be an understatement. For the first time in perhaps his whole life, Robin truly felt like he was excelling at something. The adrenaline rush he received when he was out on the playing field was unlike anything else he had ever experienced. Put simply: it was intoxicating.

Robin’s first experience of playing in a real life NFL game had been mildly mortifying, as he’d been completely outmatched by the opposing team’s offense. As an outside linebacker, he had been tasked with stopping their advance towards the Chargers’ endzone and his inexperience caused him to miss several crucial tackles. As a result, Coach Addison bluntly informed “Joey” that he was being benched at the end of the second quarter. Rather than sulking for the rest of the game though, Robin watched the plays taking place to try and make sense of them, and communicated with Coach Addison about the structure of the defensive plays wherever possible. Joey’s public image was being protected with a cover story about an injury, but both men knew that they couldn’t hide behind that forever or this whole switcheroo would be for absolutely nothing. Robin needed to step up to the expectations of “Joey Bosa” fast or he was going to find himself back in his skinny body in no time at all.

With that in mind, Robin doubled down with his focus during practice sessions that week and put his heart and soul into performing at the very best of his abilities. He had always been a fast learner, but the physicality of football was unlike anything he had learned in a classroom or from a book in the past. As such, it was certainly a challenge, but it was one that Robin was determined to step up to. Coach Addison had put his faith in him and it simply wouldn’t do to let his former neighbor (and current coach) down.

For the first few nights after being switched into Joey’s body, Robin had alleviated his stresses after grueling days at practice by getting closely acquainted with the professional athlete’s manhood. As he could have anticipated, Joey was incredibly well endowed, being almost twice the length of the equipment Robin had been working with before and certainly thicker too. It really didn’t take all that much to get the college student going either. Just being in another man’s body was an arousing enough experience to get him sporting a chub and from there all he had to do to finish the job was let his thoughts wander towards the hard muscular bodies he had been surrounded by at practice that day. Like everything else about being Joey, the orgasms were far more intense than anything Robin had experienced in his own body. No matter how quickly he came, the pleasure was resounding to the point where he was always left panting for breath with his thick brow drenched in sweat.

By the end of the first week, Robin’s sex drive had mercifully settled down. Practice sessions had been so grueling that by the time he returned to the spacious home he was currently occupying, Robin was simply too physically exhausted to even think about jerking off. He was still incredibly enamored with the reflection he found in the mirror every time he passed by a reflective surface, but the urge to strip down and admire his beefy muscles was no longer quite so intense as it had been in the immediate aftermath of the body swap.

When he actually did take a few minutes to wrap a hand around his impressive cock and stroke his meat (typically before or during his morning shower), Robin was greeted by a much more startling surprise: his thoughts were starting to drift away from his hunky teammates and towards the cheerleaders he’d seen practicing on the neighboring field at the Chargers facility. One moment Robin had been fantasizing about Drue Tranquil, a studly linebacker on the team, down on his knees in front of him. Then, in a split second, the gorgeous man was replaced by some blonde chick with big tits and a skinny waist. The body-swapped young man had been so startled by the sudden replacement that he was jolted right out of his fantasy and a shiver was sent rippling down his spine.

Robin had been fully prepared to accept that interruption to his self-pleasure session as a one-off oddity, but it occurred the next morning too. This time though, Robin didn’t let it stop him. Sure, it was certainly weird that he was suddenly thinking about chicks while he jerked off, but tolerating it was preferable to going through another day without some needed alleviation. After hitting his climax, Robin struggled to shake off the feeling of impurity that made its presence known, even after an ice cold shower. He did his best to tell himself that it was likely nothing but a quirk of his swap with Joey and nothing to worry about, but Robin still considered whether or not he should question Mr Addison about it. And say what? Sorry sir, but I think I’m turning straight and that’s not what I want, no offense. Yeah, that’ll go down a charm…

As such, he had come to the conclusion to keep the disruptions to his fantasies a secret. The thought of talking to anyone - and especially someone who was friends with his father - about what he thought about when he jerked off was nothing short of mortifying. Robin had always been embarrassed that Hannah, his closest friend at university, had so easily identified his crush on JJ Watt. Conversing about his desires had never exactly been something the young man was particularly comfortable with, but Hannah was far too perceptive and quickly deduced that the various items of JJ Watt merchandise around Robin’s dorm room were signs of more than just simple fandom.

It took several more days for Robin to notice that his brief deviations from homosexuality had begun spread beyond his jerk-off sessions and into reality. In his first few days of being Joey Bosa, he had struggled to keep his eyes off of the muscular bodies that surrounded him in the Chargers locker room for fear that they might suspect him of being an impostor (which he of course was). But as the days passed, he had to put less and less work into stopping his gaze from wandering towards the rippling abs or the bulging back muscles of his teammates. The biggest relief was that he no longer lived in trepidation that at any moment he might suddenly spring a hard-on either. In fact, that no longer seemed to be an issue because when he did find himself admiring the various bodies around him in the locker room, it was from the angle of respect and even competition rather than desire.

It’s just because they’re your teammates now, Robin told himself. They’re like brothers to Joey! It would be weird if you found them attractive. The thought didn’t sit quite as comfortably in the young man’s mind as he would have liked, but it was enough to keep him at least momentarily satisfied. He totally still found other guys attractive! Maybe the swap had just nudged him along the kinsey scale towards something that more resembled bisexuality. That wasn’t really the worst thing in the world, was it?

On the topic of brothers, the end of Robin’s second week in Joey’s flesh brought about his first encounter with his new younger brother. He had received a text message from Nick earlier in the week explaining that he would be coming to LA for the weekend and suggesting that they catch a brotherly workout together “like the good old days”. Truth be told, aside from being reunited with Joey in his body, Nick was the person that Robin was actually most nervous about coming face to face with. The younger Bosa probably knew Joey better than anyone, so if his deception was going to be exposed then it would definitely be Nick to do it, provided he was observant enough. Still, it would look suspicious if he denied an invitation from his supposed brother, so Robin was forced to somewhat reluctantly accept and start setting up arrangements.

Being the anxious sort that he was, Robin did his research in preparation of meeting his new brother. Nick’s Wikipedia page and the recent news headlines could only tell him so much about the star 49ers edge rusher, but thankfully Robin had access to everything on Joey’s cell phone. He was able to pour over their past text conversations and the various images in his photos folder. It seemed like neither Bosa was much of a fan of social media so those profiles were of little help to him, although their private messages on Instagram did feature a few exchanges about Nick’s latest girlfriend.

Robin followed this new lead up by scrolling through the Instagram feed of the girl in question. It was immediately clear that Nick had bagged himself the perfect prototype of a social media influencer: Becca’s most prominent features were her big tits, pouty lips and skinny waist. None of the first nine pictures on her page featured her wearing anything more than a bikini, although Robin had to admit that she wore it well. Judging from some of the lewd comments left on her posts, he hadn’t been the only man to immediately fixate on her sizable chest.

Once he had torn himself away from Becca’s page, Robin forced himself to turn his attention back towards Nick. He quickly committed all of his findings to memory and after spending a whole evening doing a deep dive into the relationship between the brothers, he was finally feeling a little more prepared. The biggest adjustment was the simple fact that Robin now suddenly had a sibling; he’d been an only child his whole life, so it wasn’t as if he had much to base his concept of brotherly interactions on.

Coach Addison had been kind enough to give Robin permission to use the Chargers training facility for the workout with Nick, so he at least felt comfortable in his surroundings. That didn’t stop his heart from thundering in his chest as he saw an unfamiliar red sports car pull into the parking lot. Robin knew from his research that the man who stepped out from behind the wheel was Nick, but even somebody ignorant to the NFL would be able to identify that the two men were brothers. Both featured the same square jawline, heavy brow and near-permanent scowl, but Joey’s body sported a more prominent nose and lighter hair while Nick’s features were overall a little more “pretty boy”. As the two men locked eyes, the younger brother’s face split into a dopey smile and Robin found himself mirroring the expression. Just relax, he told himself, He’s your brother. As far as he knows, you ARE Joey, so keep it together!

While Robin’s nerves weren’t immediately put at ease as the two men bumped fists and then embraced in a quick brotherly hug, he quickly started to feel comfortable in the other man’s presence. This comfortability soon became apparent as the two brothers began to snarkily taunt each other. It was Nick that started this off, as he hadn’t hesitated to tease “Joey” about his poor performance and resulting demotion to the bench in the previous week’s games. While Robin was taking this all in good fun, a suggestion that Joey was past his prime finally encouraged him to get involved, and he quickly countered that he could still bench more than Nick (a fact that he had learned from reading their texts). “Let’s see if that still holds up,” the younger Bosa challenged before prompting Robin to lead the way into the Chargers weights room.

Over the next sixty minutes the brothers (it was really going to take Robin some time to come to terms with that fact) took turns on the various pieces of equipment around the weights room. Much to Nick’s frustration, the older Bosa - or at least the college twink currently controlling his body - managed to hold onto his bench press supremacy after sneaking out one more rep at two-hundred and seventy-pounds than his workout partner. That was balanced out by Nick getting the better of him in their deadlift and squat mini-competitions though, so the younger brother still had plenty to gloat about. Slapping each other on the shoulder or bumping fists after a successful set of reps became the norm, and in no time at all Robin began to feel as if he really had been training alongside Nick for years, like Joey’s history was actually his own. That wasn’t too much of a shock given what Robin had noticed happening throughout his stay in Joey’s body. He no longer hesitated to respond when anyone addressed him by the NFL player’s name and there were even fleeting moments where he truly thought of himself as Joey Bosa!

After finishing up in the weights room, the pair moved out to the practice field to continue their workout with some more cardio-focused exercises. Considering the sweat they had built up during the first hour and a half of their training session and the beautiful warmth that was bestowed upon them by the Los Angeles sun, it was only natural that they should strip out of their shirts and show off the powerful glistening muscles of their upper halves. It had been Nick to pull his shirt off first and Robin was actually relieved to find that he felt no sudden arousal in response to the admittedly impressive display of muscles in front of him. His teammates were one thing but this was his brother, so it was definitely for the best that his hormones were being kept in check. It was impossible to ignore that Nick was a handsome guy and once upon a time Robin definitely would have crushed hard on him, but he felt nothing but revulsion at the tame thought of a brief kiss on the other’s lips.

Thankfully he didn’t have to think about such things for too long as Nick was quick to lay out the exercises they were going to complete. Just a few weeks ago Robin would have been completely lost at some of the suggestions being made, but his time training with Coach Addison meant that he now had a comprehensive rolodex of exercises occupying a space in his mind. He was able to keep pace with his younger brother and pushed through his body’s protests until they finally reached the three-hour mark and decided to call it a day on the intense physical activity. 

The two NFL players exchanged small talk as they made their way towards the showers to clean up, where the conversation quickly turned to Nick’s plans for the rest of his mini-vacation in the city. Apparently his girlfriend had wanted to get out of San Francisco for a bit and Nick saw it as a perfect opportunity to spend some time with his big bro as well. “I’ve got a reservation at that restaurant you took me to last time I visited,” he explained as they stepped into the communal showers, “I think she’ll like it. Hotel is pretty close too, so if she really likes it, we won’t have to go all that far.”

Robin chuckled and rolled his eyes. It wasn’t all that long ago that he would have found comments like the one Nick had just made to be crude and even borderline misogynistic. After two weeks being surrounded by jocks who lacked a certain sensitivity though, it was what Robin had actually come to anticipate from the majority of his conversations. While he himself hadn’t begun to talk in such a manner quite yet, he had definitely adopted something of a “bro” vocabulary and tone of voice that was more suitable for the body he was currently occupying. It had been strange when Robin had first noticed his speaking patterns shifting, but over time it became second nature. He talked like a jock because he was a jock. It was really that simple.

After they finished up their showers and were back in the locker room to dry themselves off and get dressed, Nick decided it was time to spring a surprise on his brother: “So, the girlfriend has been talking about wanting to do a double date while we’re here…” When Robin glanced up and met the other man’s eyes he was quick to notice the smirk spreading across the other’s face. “She’s got this local friend - cute face, great rack. Smart too! I think Becs said she’s an English teacher or something. Exactly your type!” Nick began tapping and swiping at his cell phone as he spoke before finally showing Robin a picture of a girl that perfectly matched the description of “cute face, great rack”. There was a clear eagerness to Nick’s tone of voice and despite knowing that they weren’t actually brothers, Robin found himself reluctant to let the younger Bosa down.

You’re supposed to be gay, the college student reminded himself, although the thought didn’t sit quite so peacefully in his head anymore. It had been days since he’d had so much as a romantic thought about another man, let alone a sexual one. Could he really describe himself as gay anymore? He’d contemplated bisexual, but even that felt like a poor fit for him. In all of the uncertainty there was only one thing that Robin could be certain of: his cock had started to spring to life in response to the picture Nick had shown him. Whether he wanted to or not, he was attracted to her. Robin was actually a little embarrassed by the fact that his eyes had spent several seconds admiring how her breasts were barely contained by her skimpy top before even considering her face.

As if sensing his older brother’s doubt, Nick briefly pulled the cell phone back, swiped on the screen a few times and then turned it back around. There was another picture of the girl on the screen, once again wearing a top that barely contained her perky tits, but it was the way that she was biting down on her lower lip that really prompted the rising in Robin’s pants. It was sexy and sultry - and instantly awakening a dozen thoughts within the young man’s mind, each more aggressively heterosexual than the last.

“Come on, bro, we both know you want a piece of that,” Nick prompted from behind his cocky smirk. “You’ve never been able to resist a smart girl with goodies like that. Becca says she’s really into big muscle dudes with giant noses too, so I think you’ve actually got a shot with her! We can both get lucky tonight. Pops would be so proud of his boys!”

The teasing remark about the size of Joey’s nose earned Nick a not-so-gentle punch on the shoulder, but his words left a lasting impression on Robin. He knew that he was supposed to be turned off by the idea of taking a chick home and fucking her senseless, but at that moment in time, it sounded like the hottest thing in the world and absolutely the only thing he wanted to do with his night! He could already imagine her writhing underneath him as he thrust his thick cock deep inside her tight pussy…

“Fine, tell your girl I’m up for the double date,” Robin huffed, although he was already beginning to sport a smile of his own. “Don’t get pissy if I end up taking both of them home with me though, will you?”

It was Nick’s turn to punch his brother’s shoulder in response to the jibe, but Robin quickly laughed it off. He was enjoying how easily the brotherly banter was coming to him. “You’re an ass, Joey,” Nick growled, although the corners of his lips were still turned up in a fond smile.

“Yeah, yeah. Anyway, has this chick got a name, or are you gonna make me go in blind?” the taller of the Bosa brothers asked, trying to hide his disappointment when Nick returned his cell phone to his pocket.

“It’s Kelly,” the younger brother answered, “And I’m only telling you because I’m the nice brother and we both know it!”

A laugh escaped Robin’s lips before he could think twice. “Yeah, whatever you say, bro,” he retorted, throwing his arm around Nick’s head and then pulling him down into a headlock so he could ruffle the younger man’s recently dried hair. It didn’t take Nick long to muscle his way out of the headlock, but when he did they were both emitting deep dumb chuckles. Robin felt completely content in that moment, as if he’d actually spent his whole childhood playfully tormenting the younger brother he’d never actually had. It just felt right.

After a brief parting exchange, the two men separated to enter their respective vehicles. Robin relaxed into the soft leather of the driver’s seat, caught sight of his reflection in the rear-view mirror and smiled. It wasn’t too long ago that seeing Joey’s face being reflected back at him would have been a startling sight, but Robin had quickly gotten used to seeing that handsome visage. In fact, he was starting to grow concerned that a reunion with his true reflection would mess with his head. This was who he was now, not some skinny college kid!

Thinking back to his brother’s comment about Kelly liking “big muscle dudes with giant noses”, Robin kept his gaze fixed on the mirror as he turned his head from side to side. He wasn’t at all concerned after inspecting the facial feature in question; sure, his nose was prominent, but it also suited his face perfectly. “He’s just jealous that he’s got such a girly nose,” Robin muttered to himself, a smile creeping onto his lips. T was the kind of statement that he would have never made just a few weeks prior - describing anything as “girly” was the kind of thing that only meathead straight dudes did, after all - but he no longer saw any issue in such an innocent remark.

If he was comfortably settling into Joey’s sibling rivalry with Nick and even his heterosexuality, then it seemed clear that sooner or later he’d be inheriting some of Joey’s football skills too. That moment couldn’t come soon enough but until then, Robin was going to keep enjoying himself. He was rather excited to have evening plans for a change (most previous evenings had been spent fighting off the urge to binge the episodes of various animes he’d been watching prior to the switch) and to his surprise, he wanted to make a good first impression for this Kelly chick.

Life just gets weirder and wilder, doesn’t it? If somebody had told him a year ago that he would be a professional NFL player and about to go on his first date with a woman, Robin would have laughed so hard he’d end up crying. Now though, it seemed that there was nothing too impossible to become a reality! His life wasn’t just getting weirder and wilder - it was getting better.


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