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This was a request by Watt tier patron YoungTrevor, who wanted a homophobic father to switch bodies with his gay son.

About time I ended this shitshow before it went too far! Lewis really wasn’t pleased to discover that his son, Joshua, was dating another boy and he one-hundred percent blamed his son’s “boyfriend” for corrupting him. Joshua had been a perfectly normal kid until Mark had come along and filled his head with wicked intentions and turned Joshua against his own family! As if it hadn’t already been bad enough that Lewis was a single father (Joshua’s mother had left him several years ago, the bitch) and was struggling to keep a roof over their head and dinner on the table with his job as a cop, but then his son had to go and get it in his head that he was a homo?! Oh, the Lord really was testing Lewis, that was for sure…

Mercifully Lewis had concocted a genius plan to fix all of the issues that had been occurring under his roof for the past several months. It was obvious that Mark was the root of the problem and he needed to be ejected from their lives, but no matter how many times Lewis tried to convince his son that he was being led down a satanic path, Joshua refused to stop seeing the other high school senior. If Joshua didn’t have the strength to free himself from the corruptive force he had unwittingly allowed into his life then it was up to Lewis to take action. It pained him, but he had eventually turned to the local witch for assistance and after he had explained the issue between Joshua and Mark, she had seemed eager to help him.

Lewis was actually rather surprised that Beatrice agreed to assist him considering he had dated (and cheated on) her younger sister back in his high school days, but then again Beatrice was probably so far gone from the realm of sanity that she didn’t even remember who he was. Under any other circumstance, Lewis absolutely wouldn’t have believed in witchcraft or magic, but desperate times called for desperate measures and he was willing to give anything a go if it meant getting his real son back, rather than being forced to live with the perversion that had been created through his affiliation with Mark! Lewis was sure that whoever greeted him at the pearly gates when his life was at its end would understand that everything he had done was with the best intentions. He was a good father just looking out for his naive son, after all…

The plan that Beatrice put forward was absurd, but Lewis reluctantly admitted that if it was actually possible then it would let him correct the course of his son’s life. Her plan was to cast a body swapping spell between Lewis and his teenage offspring, which would give the disgruntled father the opportunity to put a firm end to Joshua’s tryst with Mark and get that bad influence out of his son’s life for good. He could get the whole thing fixed and then be back in his body within twenty-four hours and even if his son got pissy with him at first, Joshua would one day thank his father for saving him from eternal damnation in the fires of Hell!

Lewis had thought that he might have to lure Joshua into visiting Beatrice’s cottage with him, but she instead announced that she could perform the swap right then and there for a small fee. After a brief moment of hesitance, the middle-aged man agreed. “Better to get this over and done with as quickly as possible,” he grunted, pulling his wallet out of his back pocket and opening it up. “How much will I owe you?” After receiving the response, Lewis fished out the appropriate amount of notes and slammed them down on the table between them.

Beatrice’s thin lips spread into a wide smile as she instructed him to close his eyes and focus his thoughts solely upon his son. Lewis wasn’t the type of guy who enjoyed being ordered around but he stomached his pride and did as he was told, picturing Joshua in the forefront of his mind. As he did so, the eccentric witch began to chant in a language that Lewis had never heard before, and the temperature in the room began to steadily escalate until there were beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. Just when he thought that the heat was going to become too much to bear though, a sudden coolness washed over him and Lewis felt completely weightless for a few brief seconds.

“Let me see those gorgeous eyes of yours,” a masculine voice requested, jolting Lewis out of his brief moment of peace. Who the hell was that? Had Beatrice secretly allowed somebody else to enter the room when his eyes were closed? Strangely, he couldn’t hear the witch’s chanting anymore. Wanting answers, Lewis carefully pried open his eyes and was immediately met by one of the biggest shocks of his life: Mark’s face was only inches away from his own! Lewis could feel the young man’s hot breath against his face and the high school jock’s aroma was thick with the unmistakable scent of AXE body spray, a scent that usually would have awoken feelings of disgust within the middle-aged man, but strangely didn’t at that moment in time…

“You’re so beautiful,” Mark declared in a surprisingly gentle voice before moving down as if to press their lips together. When Lewis flinched though, Mark paused and a look of concern quickly washed over his chiselled good looks. “What’s the matter?”

“I’m not--” Just hearing Joshua’s voice coming forth from his lips caused Lewis to squirm. When Beatrice had made the suggestion to him that they should do the switch there and then, he hadn’t stopped to think about where his son would be at that exact moment. The Joshua he’d known would have stopped at the library to do some studying after high school had finished for the day. Given Lewis now found himself spread out on a bed in a room that was decorated in sports trophies, it seemed clear that his son had actually gone home with Mark instead, and Lewis had arrived just as the two young men had started to get intimate. Could there possibly have been a worse time for the swap?!

“Not what?” Mark asked, surprising Lewis with the sincerity of his tone. In his mind, he had painted a picture of the high school senior as an arrogant manipulator, but what he was face-to-face with was currently challenging that expectation. “Is this about your Dad?”

The question prompted Lewis’ already racing heart to pick up to an even more extreme level. What has Joshua told him about me? Although he had his doubts on what the best way to respond would be, the body-swapped father forced out a response that he hoped was in character for his son: “He… he wouldn’t approve.” Embarrassingly for Lewis though, he was actually struggling to keep hold of a steady train of thought due to the proximity of their bodies. Never in his life had he considered the male form to be attractive - a spectacle to aspire towards, perhaps, but that was all - and yet having Mark’s powerful muscles practically pressed against his smaller frame awoke unfamiliar sensations within Lewis.

“Babe, I’ve told you before… The world is so much bigger than your Dad’s narrow viewpoint,” Mark replied, finishing with a gentle sigh. He then brought his hand up and tenderly stroke Lewis’ cheek before moving forward to offer a soft kiss to the lips. This time Lewis didn’t even try to resist, although he still internally told himself it was because he was just trying to play the part of his son correctly. “Once senior year’s over we’ll both be at USC together and he’ll be states away. You won’t have to live in fear of him anymore.”

Live in fear of me? The concept that he had made Joshua afraid of living under the same roof as him struck Lewis right down to his very core. It had never been his intention to make his son live under such miserable conditions, he had just wanted to steer his son back onto the righteous path! Now that he was the one in the driver’s seat though, the man no longer felt quite so strongly in his convictions. Perhaps there was some truth to what Mark was saying about him being narrow-minded in his views towards love and sexuality. The body he was currently residing in certainly felt natural in the way it responded towards Mark, for one thing.

“You’re right,” he confessed meekly, admitting far more than the young man would ever actually realise. Just the way Mark smiled caused a stirring deep within Lewis and before he even knew what he was doing, he had reached up to press their lips together once more. It was mere seconds before that innocent kiss transitioned into something more sensual and Lewis got his first experience of just how good it could feel to make love to another man…

When Lewis finally arrived back at his own home several hours later, he felt both giddy and full of trepidation. His experience with Mark had been like nothing he had ever imagined and even though walking was something of a challenge after having the jock’s sizable manhood buried deep inside of him, Lewis was pleased to have had his perspective towards homosexuality and his son’s way of life changed. He could see now how flawed his viewpoint had been and had no intention of going any further with his plan. He’d confess what he’d done to Joshua, apologise for making his life so miserable, then they could go to Beatrice together and get her to reverse the swap.

Unfortunately for Lewis, that new plan hit quite the severe roadblock only moments after he had closed the front door behind him. He had immediately been confronted by Joshua in his body and, from his shorter and weaker perspective, Lewis was immediately struck by just how intimidating his own body could be. Joshua stood up at his full height of six-foot-five and had his arms folded across his chest to really highlight the power contained within those muscles. He was even decked out in Lewis’ police uniform, complete with dark shades hiding his eyes and leather gloves on his hands, and there was a sneer upon Joshua’s face as he looked down at his father.

Before Lewis could even open his mouth to offer his explanation and apologies, he was struck across the face by the other’s hand. The harsh contact made the man flinch and tears immediately sprung up into his eyes. Despite all of his flaws, he had never laid a hand on Joshua before! Then again, he supposed he could understand why his son would be so furious with him, and perhaps he deserved it. Just as Lewis thought he was understanding the situation though, Joshua’s words provided a brand new twist to the scenario: “There’s going to be a change around here, Joshua. I can finally see clearly again and I’m not prepared to have a faggot for a son, do you understand?”

Oh no, no, no… Somehow his son had been corrupted by Lewis’ own conservative viewpoints and become aggressively heterosexual, just as the reverse had happened to him! He knew that his only hope would be to get to Beatrice and convince her to cast another spell that would fix their terrible family relationship, but escaping from the oppressive gaze of his new father seemed to be an impossibility. The new Lewis was quick to ground his son and confiscate his phone so that he couldn’t possibly get in contact with Mark, and announced that he had taken the initiative to reject the USC offer because there was no way he was letting his son out of his sight when he so clearly couldn’t be trusted. “Now, since you want to act like a sissy, why don’t you go prepare dinner for us both? I’ve got to leave for my shift soon and it won’t do to work on an empty stomach! Hey, maybe I’ll go visit that Mark boy you’re so fond of and put him in cuffs for endangering my darling son, hmm?”

The former police officer was absolutely appalled at what his actions had led his son to become. He really had created a monster and there was no longer anything he could do to stop things from getting so much worse! What he didn’t know was that this had actually been Beatrice’s plan all along. After all, a witch never forgets when her sister is wronged and she had been waiting so long to get her revenge…


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