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This was a request story for Watt tier patron Mr. Hobo who wanted Batman to undergo a hyper muscle transformation!

The news that there had been another major breakout from Arkham Asylum prompted a growl of frustration to escape Bruce Wayne’s lips. It didn’t matter how much money the city (or he personally) invested in that place, it seemed incapable of actually keeping its highly dangerous patients in their cells. To make matters worse, among the mass of escaped patients were two of Batman’s most dangerous foes: the brutish Bane, who had broken the Dark Knight’s back several years prior, and the insane Joker, who had pushed Bruce to his very limits more times than he could possibly count.

Given the level of threat that they both posed, it was no shock that getting the pair of them back behind bars was of the utmost importance to Bruce. Although he himself was currently parading around in a well-fitted tux for a charity event in his mansion, keeping up appearances as Gotham’s resident playboy paled in comparison. So, upon excusing himself from the party, Bruce made his way down to the Batcave to suit up in his state of the art uniform. Bruce didn’t view that Batsuit as a “costume” but rather as a piece of armor that he donned in order to protect Gotham City and it was effective in both making the innocent population of the doomed city feel safe and creating fear within the vast majority of the city’s criminal underworld.

Given the gravity of the situation, Batman usually would have called upon the aid of Robin, but Tim Drake was off visiting Bruce’s former protege Nightwing in Bludhaven, so this was a task that he was going to have to tackle alone. It wasn’t an impossible task, but Batman had learned long ago not to underestimate the Joker and as such knew that it would at least be a difficult one. Unfortunately it was nigh on impossible to predict what the Clown Prince of Crime was planning to do at any given moment, so it forced Gotham’s Protector to stay on his toes and think innovatively to deal with whatever situation he was faced with.

After apprehending some of the Joker’s favorite henchmen and interrogating them for detail on their boss’ latest plan, Batman learned a rather troubling piece of information: it seemed like the Joker and Bane were actually working together this time. While he was confident that their partnership wouldn’t last for long given the fact that the villains of Gotham City typically didn’t cooperate well with each other, the concept of even a temporary partnership was enough to be a troublesome development in Batman’s eyes. Mercifully, it didn’t take Batman all that long to track them down to a warehouse on the edge of Gotham’s industrial district where they had taken several workers and a number of Commissioner Gordon’s best officers hostage. A quick scan of the area revealed a number of the Joker’s henchmen scattered throughout the warehouse, which Batman quickly and stealthily took care of, and Bane himself was carefully guarding the hostages. Concerningly, the Joker was nowhere to be seen.

Once he had dispatched all of the henchmen and performed another inspection of the premises to show that the Joker wasn’t around, Batman decided that there was nothing else for him to do but finally confront Bane. Dropping down from the railings, the Dark Knight landed between the monstrously muscular villain and the innocent citizens he had taken hostage. “Time for you to go back to Arkham, Bane,” he announced, carefully monitoring the metahuman’s behavior in anticipation of his attack.

“Oh Batman, you are quite mistaken,” the villain retorted, the excellent elocution of his tone a sharp contrast to the almost grotesque physique that Bane possessed thanks to the Venom drug that was continually pumped into his body through a pair of tubes connecting him to a tank he wore on his back. Batman had previously cut those tubes to drain Bane of much of his strength, but that tactic had become less reliable over the years as the villain continually modified the tank and the tubes so that they were much more difficult to destroy. It would take much more than a simple Batarang to slice the tubes open and cut off Bane’s supply of Venom, that was for sure!

The fight that followed was a typically physical affair and more than once Batman found himself being thrown against the wall and left gasping for breath. If it wasn’t for the kevlar built into his Batsuit then Bane’s punches would most certainly break Batman’s bones, but he already knew that he was going to end up bruised and sore the next day no matter how the fight ended up. He’d have to stay covered up so that Alfred didn’t see the damage, because the longtime Wayne family butler always fussed over Bruce when he showed visible damage on his body from his shifts as Batman.

While the fight was taking place, Batman was pleased to see that the hostages had been able to free themselves from their bonds and escape. There was nothing more troubling to him than the thought of collateral damage in his brawls with Gotham’s rogues, so he was glad that nobody else would end up hurt during Bane’s rampage. Of course, that was presuming that the Joker wasn’t nearby… Even as he began to fear that the hostages were stumbling into a trap set up by his nemesis, Batman made the cruel discovery of just how wrong he was. One wrong move had ended up with him crushed between Bane’s bulging arm muscles in a tight headlock and it was at that time when a maniacal cackle announced the arrival of the Joker.

“Oh Bats, look at you!” the villain exclaimed, clearly filled with glee at seeing the Dark Knight momentarily bested as he skipped towards the pair. “Next to Bane here you look positively tiny! Let’s fix that, shall we?” The Joker disappeared out of Batman’s view then, dancing around them, and a second later Bane let out a grunt of pain. His grip on the Caped Crusader weakened but before Batman could do anything about it, the Joker was in front of him again and suddenly there was a tube being forced into his mouth! “A little bit of Venom should do the job, don’t you think?” the Joker suggested gleefully, just as Batman started to feel the liquid surging through the tube and forcing its way down his throat! No, no, no… gotta escape…

Despite his best attempts to struggle free, Batman remained trapped in the headlock with the tube being held in his mouth by the Joker. The terrifying cackle of the villain filled the air and sent shivers of fear down Bruce’s spine. He hated feeling vulnerable when he was in the vicinity of such volatile individuals as Joker and Bane, and there was no denying that he was absolutely vulnerable at that moment in time!

As the Venom drug started to spread throughout his bloodstream, all of his muscles started to slowly inflate. Batman had always had a muscular physique and his Batsuit was stretched tight around his strong muscles, but the armor suddenly felt incredibly restrictive due to him blowing up like a balloon. Severe strain was particularly placed upon the material around his upper arms, as his biceps and triceps bulged in tandem, reaching the size of footballs and then expanding even further past that. His chest was similarly a point of focus, with his beefy pecs swelling up to obscene proportions. Indeed, they were becoming so big and heavy that his body naturally leaned forward just in response to their weight.

Lower down on his body, Batman’s solid quads had inflated to rival the size of watermelons and then seconds later they had doubled that size too. His sculpted calves exploded out in similar fashion, looking comically large when paired with his feet that hadn’t experienced any changes as a result of the Venom formula. His toned glutes had also begun to expand and it was in this region that the Batsuit finally started to tear, with the rapidly enlarging globes of Bruce’s ass forcing the seams to begin splitting. The thought of having his bare ass exposed to two of his most dangerous villains was an incredibly humiliating experience for Batman and his cheeks burned with embarrassment as he continued to struggle against Bane’s weakening grip. Just a little bit more… Gotta get back to the Batcave and get the anti-serum. Damn it, I could really do with Robin being here!

“Oh, what a delightful show you two are putting on!” the Joker exclaimed, clapping his hands together like a kid at a carnival. “I’ve gotta say, Bats, seeing you bust outta your Batsuit is exciting me in ways I never expected!” Batman’s stomach turned in disgust at the lewd remark, but it just so happened that Bane’s strength had weakened and his own had grown just enough by that point that he was able to pull himself free of the headlock. He pulled back his first, preparing to deliver a solid blow to the side of Bane’s face, when a sharp pain in his thigh caused him to scream out in pain around the tube, prompting even more Venom to flood into his open mouth. Glancing down, Batman quickly identified the source of the pain - the Joker had plugged the second of Bane’s tubes directly into one of the places where the Batsuit had split to reveal the flesh underneath!

The speed of Batman’s unwanted muscle growth doubled after the introduction of the second tube and within moments he had not only completely shed the Batsuit (leaving him in only the iconic cowl, although even that was struggling against the thickness of his neck) but also exceeded the muscularity of even the largest bodybuilder to ever walk the planet! He had become so bloated that it would be impossible for him to fit through a regular door frame even if he tried going through sideways!

Had he not been so wrapped up in his own changes, Batman would have seen that the transfer of two batches of the Venom drug to him had actually caused Bane to undergo his own transformation. Now robbed of both tubes that gave him his incredible strength, the supervillain’s massive frame was starting to dwindle and wilt away. Each of his glorious muscles shrank in tandem, bringing him from his seven foot height all the way down below six feet! His mammoth arms and legs became as thin as twigs while his powerful chest was robbed of his mighty pecs and abs. Bane had been so thoroughly robbed of his strength that even the most pathetic criminal in Gotham could dominate him in a fight. If the bloated behemoth that had once been Batman ever managed to get his hands on Bane then he would absolutely end up snapped in half.

“You betrayed me!” the once imposing villain whimpered, forced to look up at the ever unpredictable Joker, who didn’t seem in the least bit remorseful.

“Change of plans, Shrimpy! Thanks for your donation though, Bats is looking so much better for it!” the villain retorted wickedly, before turning his attention back to his sworn nemesis. “How are you doing up there, big Batsy?”

While Bane had been shrinking, Batman had been growing faster than ever and had ended up at a titanic nine feet tall, with his shoulders almost as wide too! His height growth had at least caused the tube in his mouth to fall out, but that unfortunately didn’t stop the one buried into his thigh from continuing to pump the muscle-growing drug directly into his bloodstream. His cowl had finally broken from the pressure of his thick neck, but the man underneath the mask was almost completely unrecognizable as Gotham’s most eligible bachelor. The Venom drug had caused Bruce’s irises to turn yellow and there was a persistent piece of drool hanging from his open mouth at any given moment. Bruce remained completely aware of what had happened to him, but his mind had been just as compromised as his body by the drug, and he was filled with the most intense rage he had ever experienced. Unfortunately there was absolutely nothing he could do about it, as he had grown so large that his legs could no longer support him and he was completely incapable of moving his limbs! His gigantic chest hid the pair of villains from view, although he could still hear the Joker’s constant mocking laughter - a sound that would haunt him for the rest of his days!

Finally the tank ran dry as all of the Venom drug had been deposited within Batman’s massively overblown body, and the Joker tugged the tube free from his nemesis’ leg. He let out a noise of disgust at the grizzly sight that was left behind, but it didn’t take much to get him laughing again. He only had to look between the victims of his latest master plan to find himself right back in his usual state of elation. He’d created an absolute pair of masterpieces - now nobody would dare challenge his right to call himself an artist!

Maybe once he had taken over Gotham City for good he’d get the giant collection of muscles that had once been Batman transferred to the city’s zoo. The Joker was sure that people would enjoy marveling at what had become of the Dark Knight and it would also serve as a warning to them all. If Gotham’s self-proclaimed protector couldn’t outsmart the Joker, then the rest of them didn’t stand a chance! Of course, that was thinking a little bit ahead, and there was still plenty for the Joker to do in the meantime.

His first task was going to be finding some more Venom to make use of. He had no doubt that the pesky Robin would soon return to Gotham, probably with Nightwing in tow, and it only seemed right that they should endure the same fate as their mentor…


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